Пример #1
    def get(self, request, cid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        if not (client and (request.user == client or request.user.is_staff)):
            return HttpResponse(
                "دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page

        form = TicketCreateForm()

        return render(request, 'ticket/create.html', {'form': form})
Пример #2
    def get(self, request, cid, nid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        notification = get_notification(nid)

        if not (client and request.user == client and notification and notification.client == request.user):
            return HttpResponse("دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page


        return HttpResponse('done!')
Пример #3
    def get(self, request, cid, tid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        if request.user.is_staff:
            ticket = get_ticket(tid, True)
            ticket = get_ticket(tid)

        if not (ticket and client and (request.user == client == ticket.sender
                                       or request.user.is_staff)):
            return HttpResponse(
                "دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page

        return render(request, 'ticket/detail.html', {'ticket': ticket})
Пример #4
    def get(self, request, cid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        if not (client and request.user == client):
            return HttpResponse("دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page

        notifications = Notification.objects.filter(client=client, type=0)
        output = serializers.serialize('json', notifications)
        output = json.loads(output)

        i = 0
        for notification in notifications:
            dtime = notification.time
            ts_then = dtime.strftime('%s')
            output[i]['timestamp'] = get_times_ago(int(ts_then))
            i = i + 1

        return JsonResponse(output, safe=False)
Пример #5
    def get(self, request, cid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        if not (client and request.user == client):
            return HttpResponse(
                "دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page

        if request.user.is_staff:
            tickets = Ticket.objects.all()
            tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(sender=client)

        # delete ticket notifications of this client
        # notifications = Notification.objects.filter(client=client, type=5)
        # for notification in notifications:
        #     notification.delete()

        return render(request, 'ticket/list.html', {'tickets': tickets})
Пример #6
    def post(self, request, cid):
        client = get_client(cid)
        if not (client and (request.user == client or request.user.is_staff)):
            return HttpResponse(
                "دسترسی مجاز نیست")  # TODO: redirect to error page

        form = TicketCreateForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            admins = Client.objects.filter(is_staff=True)
            for admin in admins:
                notification = Notification(client=admin,
                                            text='شما یک تیکت جدید دارید.',
            return redirect('/ticket/{}/list'.format(cid))
        return render(request, 'ticket/create.html', {'form': form})