Пример #1
class ClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # setup
    def setUp(self):
        self.patcher = patch('client.Connection.get_data', fake_get_data)
        self.client = Connection('test_token')

    # teardown
    def tearDown(self):

    # tests

    # successful response test
    def test_request_success(self):
        api_name = 'test_api_name'
        url = 'test_url'
        response = self.client.get_data(api_name, url, 'success')
        self.assertIn('code', response)
        self.assertEqual(response['code'], 200)
        print('client.py request success test')

    # Unsuccessful response test
    def test_request_fail(self):
        api_name = 'test_api_name'
        url = 'test_url'
        response = self.client.get_data(api_name, url, 'failure')
        self.assertIn('code', response)
        self.assertEqual(response['code'], 404)
        print('client.py request failure test')
Пример #2
def main(token, country_id=None):
    # instantiate Connection class
    api_connection = Connection(token)
    user = api_connection.get_data('user', user_url)

    # check if there is an issue with user call and return response
    if user['code'] != 200: return user

    # get default user group from user api call and generate group url
    user_default_group = user['response']['default_group_guid']
    group = api_connection.get_data('group',

    # get default user group from user api call and generate group url
    user_default_group = user['response']['default_group_guid']

    # user proper pagination parameters to get all the links for the default group
    pagination_parm = {'page': '1'}
    link_pages = []
    while True:
        group_data = api_connection.get_data(
        if group_data['code'] != 200: return group_data

        current_page = int(group_data['response']['pagination']['page'])
        if not group_data['response']['pagination']['next']:
            current_page += 1
            pagination_parm = {'page': str(current_page)}

    # each page result is stored in in a list - "link_pages". code below unpacks and stores individual link ids to new list
    default_group_links = [link['id'] for page in link_pages for link in page]

    # list object stores clicks for each link and country
    country_clicks = []

    # as per requirements, only clicks for the last 30 days should be considered
    timeframe = {'unit': 'day', 'units': '30'}

    # each iteration of loop returns clicks for every country
    for link in default_group_links:
        # generate url for each link
        country_metrics = api_connection.get_data('country',

        # check if there is an error with group call and return response
        if country_metrics['code'] != 200: return country_metrics

        # append values for all countries to country_cicks list
        for country in country_metrics['response']['metrics']:
                'country': country['value'],
                'clicks': int(country['clicks']),
                'link_count': 1

    # setup return object structure
    country_data = {
        'default_group_id': user_default_group,
        'country_metrics': []

    #sort country_clicks list for faster performance
    country_clicks.sort(key=lambda x: x['country'])

    # filter results if country id(s) provided as parameter
    if country_id:
        # split and conver to set for faster performance
        country_id_set = set(country_id.split(','))
        country_clicks = [
            item for item in country_clicks
            if item['country'] in country_id_set

    # use itertools library to aggregate click statistics for each country
    for key, group in itertools.groupby(country_clicks,
                                        key=lambda x: x['country']):
        # itertools.groupby returns generator object 'group' which can only be accessed once.
        # converting it to list to sum up multiple fields
        group = list(group)

        total_clicks = sum(d['clicks'] for d in group)
        total_links = sum(d['link_count'] for d in group)
        avg_clicks = total_clicks / total_links

            'country': key,
            'total_clicks': total_clicks,
            'total_links': total_links,
            'avg_clicks': avg_clicks

    return {'api': 'country_clicks', 'code': 200, 'response': country_data}