def establish_connection( self, ip, port): # attempting to establish connection with other client try: self.cnct = Client_Connection( self.user, self.priv_key, self.pub_key) # creating connection object self.cnct.connect(ip, port) # attempting connection with ip and port self.connected = True # knowing connection is established # confirming connection in textbox Client.update_text_other( self, "Connection established with {} on port {}\n".format(ip, port)) self.menubar.entryconfig(1, state="disabled") # make connect unviable self.menubar.entryconfig( 2, state="normal" ) # make disconnect viable if connection established self.menubar.entryconfig(3, state="disabled") # make options unviable self.enter_field.configure(state='normal') # make entry box usable except socket_error as e: # if connection fails print("Connection failed.") print(e)
def establish_connection( self, ip, port): # attempting to establish connection with other client # validating connection inputs if int(port) < 1024: Client.update_message_other(self, "Cannot use port below 1024") elif not '.' in ip: Client.update_message_other(self, "Invalid IP given") else: try: # attempt the connection self.cnct = Client_Connection( self.user, self.priv_key, self.pub_key) # creating connection object self.cnct.connect( ip, port) # attempting connection with ip and port except socket_error as e: # if connection fails print("Connection failed.") print(e) Client.update_message_other( self, "Connection failed.") # telling user connection failed else: # updating program after successful connection self.connected = True # knowing connection is established # confirming connection in textbox Client.update_message_other( self, "Connection established with {} on port {}\n".format( ip, port)) self.menubar.entryconfig( 1, state="disabled") # make connect unviable self.menubar.entryconfig( 2, state="normal" ) # make disconnect viable if connection established self.menubar.entryconfig( 3, state="disabled") # make options unviable self.enter_field.configure( state='normal') # make entry box usable
class Client(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, width=400, height=500): # init app # creating parent tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent parent.title("Client-side") Client.get_config(self) self.connected = False # connection identifier self.w = width self.h = height Client.toplevel_menu(self) # creating chat window Client.bind_events(self) # event binding, such as <enter_pressed> update_incoming_msg_thread = Thread( target=Client.handle_incoming_msg, args=( self, )).start() # thread to handle received message updating def bind_events(self): self.enter_field.bind('<Return>', lambda event, a=self: Client.enter_pressed(a)) def combine_funcs(*funcs): # function for combining functions def combined_func(*args, **kwargs): for f in funcs: f(*args, **kwargs) return combined_func def toplevel_menu(self): # creation of the main window and its widgets self.parent.resizable(False, False) # stop the window being resized self.menubar = tk.Menu(self.parent) # create menubar object # adding menubar options "Connect", "Disconnect, "Options", and "Quit" self.menubar.add_command( label="Connect", command=lambda: Client.connection_window(self)) self.menubar.add_command(label="Disconnect", command=lambda: Client.break_connection(self)) self.menubar.add_command(label="Options", command=lambda: Client.options(self)) self.menubar.add_command(label="Quit", command=Client.combine_funcs( self.parent.destroy, Client.quit_prog)) # default disconnect bar as disabled self.menubar.entryconfig(2, state="disabled") # main chat window that can't be edited self.messages = tk.Text(self.parent) self.messages.config(state='disabled') self.messages.grid(row=0, column=0) # actual scrollbar scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.parent, command=self.messages.yview) scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="nsew", padx=2, pady=2) self.messages['yscrollcommand'] = scrollbar.set """ #stupid joke scroll window and scrollbar scrollW = tk.Toplevel(self.parent) scrollW.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', False) scrollb = tk.Scrollbar(scrollW, command=self.messages.yview) scrollb.grid(sticky="nsew", padx=2, pady=2) self.messages['yscrollcommand'] = scrollb.set """ # user input field for chat window self.input_user = tk.StringVar() # make variable for text entry box self.enter_field = tk.Entry(self.parent, text=self.input_user) self.enter_field.grid(row=20, column=0, sticky='W,E,S,N') # create entry field #self.enter_field.configure(state='readonly') # start the entry box as disabled until connection self.parent.config(menu=self.menubar) # place menubar on window def enter_pressed(self): # called if enter is pressed input_get = self.enter_field.get() # getting input from enter box self.input_user.set('') # make entry text box blank # checking if the box contained text, and then acting on that if len(input_get) > 0: Client.update_text(self, self.user, input_get) # adding the text to the chat window if self.connected: self.cnct.send_message( input_get) # sending the message to the other client def update_text(self, name, text): # updating chat window self.messages.config(state='normal') # make text box configurable self.messages.insert('end', '{}: {}\n'.format(name, text)) # insert message self.messages.see(tk.END) # put message box at the end self.messages.config(state='disabled') # make text box unconfigurable def update_text_other(self, text): self.messages.config(state='normal') # make text box configurable self.messages.insert('end', "\n{}\n".format(text)) # insert message self.messages.see(tk.END) # put message box at the end self.messages.config(state='disabled') # make text box unconfigurable def handle_incoming_msg( self ): # checking to update text inside gui as opposed to in connection class while True: try: if self.cnct: if self.cnct.incoming_msg: if self.cnct.incoming_msg != None: Client.update_text(self, self.cnct.other_name, self.cnct.incoming_msg) self.cnct.incoming_msg = None except AttributeError: continue def connection_window(self): # window to connect to individual top = tk.Toplevel(self.parent) tk.Label(top, text="IP:").pack() # place to enter IP address e = tk.Entry(top) # entry box for IP e.pack(padx=5) tk.Label(top, text="Port:").pack() # place to enter port e2 = tk.Entry(top) # entry box for port e2.insert(0, 4030) # defaulted at 4030 to make it easy e2.pack(padx=5) b = tk.Button(top, text="Enter", command=lambda: Client.combine_funcs( Client.establish_connection(self, e.get(), e2.get()), top.destroy())) b.pack(pady=5) # create and pack confirmation button def establish_connection( self, ip, port): # attempting to establish connection with other client try: self.cnct = Client_Connection( self.user, self.priv_key, self.pub_key) # creating connection object self.cnct.connect(ip, port) # attempting connection with ip and port self.connected = True # knowing connection is established # confirming connection in textbox Client.update_text_other( self, "Connection established with {} on port {}\n".format(ip, port)) self.menubar.entryconfig(1, state="disabled") # make connect unviable self.menubar.entryconfig( 2, state="normal" ) # make disconnect viable if connection established self.menubar.entryconfig(3, state="disabled") # make options unviable self.enter_field.configure(state='normal') # make entry box usable except socket_error as e: # if connection fails print("Connection failed.") print(e) def break_connection(self): # function to break connection self.cnct.disconnect() # call object's disconnect function self.connected = False # show connection has been dropped self.menubar.entryconfig(1, state="normal") # make connect unviable self.menubar.entryconfig( 2, state="disabled" ) # make disconnect unviable if connection established self.menubar.entryconfig(3, state="normal") # make options viable self.enter_field.configure(state='readonly') # make entry box unusable #print("Passed") def get_config( self ): # retrieving config from local files, creating one if it doesn't exist config = ConfigParser() if os.path.isfile('config.ini'): # checking file exists'config.ini') # reading file # getting username, private key, and public key from config self.user = config['CONFIG']['user'] self.priv_key = literal_eval( config['CONFIG'] ['private_key']) # getting private key as tuple self.pub_key = literal_eval( config['CONFIG']['public_key']) # getting public key as tuple else: # if no config file exists, create one self.priv_key, self.pub_key = gen_keys() # generating keys config['CONFIG'] = { 'user': '******', 'private_key': str(self.priv_key), 'public_key': str(self.pub_key) } self.user = "******" with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: # writing to config config.write(configfile) configfile.close() def generate_new_keys(self): self.priv_key, self.pub_key = gen_keys() # generating new keys Client.update_cfg(self) # updating config to apply new keys Client.update_text_other(self, "Generated new keys") def update_cfg(self): # updating the config after changes have been made config = ConfigParser()'config.ini') config['CONFIG']['user'] = self.user # username config['CONFIG']['private_key'] = str(self.priv_key) # private key config['CONFIG']['public_key'] = str(self.pub_key) # public key with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: # writing to file config.write(configfile) configfile.close() def options(self): # allow user to set options, such as name window = tk.Toplevel(self.parent) tk.Label(window, text="User").grid(row=0) e1 = tk.Entry(window) e1.grid(row=0, column=1) def get_entries(self, *args): # get the entries the user has input ent1 = e1.get() if len(ent1) > 0: # making sure something has been input self.user = ent1 Client.update_cfg(self) e1.delete(0, 'end') # deleting options window window.destroy() tk.Button(window, text="Confirm", command=lambda: get_entries(self, window, e1)).grid( row=3, column=0) # button to get username update tk.Button(window, text="Generate New Keys", command=lambda: Client.generate_new_keys(self)).grid( row=4, column=0) # button to generate new keys def quit_prog(): # QUITTING sys.exit(0)