def get_cc_index_records(url_query, archive_bucket, page=0, pageSize=1): payload = { 'url': url_query, 'output' : 'json', 'page' : page, 'filter' : '!~filename:crawldiagnostics&mime:text/html&status:200' , 'pageSize': pageSize, 'from': '2016', 'to': '2017'} resp = requests.get('' + archive_bucket, params=payload, stream=True) content = StringIO() for chunk in progress.dots(resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024)): if chunk: content.write(chunk.decode('utf8')) content.flush() return [json.loads(x) for x in content.getvalue().strip().splitlines()]
def load_qld_data(qld_filename, dumpdir=None): from qld import parse_ahpi_xml qld_places = parse_ahpi_xml(qld_filename) for place in progress.dots(qld_places): if dumpdir: extra = qld_ehp_site_parser.load_extra(place['url'], dumpdir) place.update(extra) add_heritage_place(place)
def update_progress3(): from time import sleep from random import random from clint.textui import progress for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2)
def run(self, bucket, prefix='', show_progress=True): self.pre_run() bucket = self.get_bucket(bucket) keys = bucket.list(prefix) chunk_size = self.threads if self.threads is not None else cpu_count() it = self.pool.imap(self.analyse_key, keys, chunksize=chunk_size) if show_progress: list(progress.dots(it, label='Analysing bucket "%s"' % else: list(it) self.post_run()
def load_sites(): """ Load the site information. """ global offset global zoom if offset is None: calc_globals() fname = filefinder.legends_xml() logging.debug("Reading legends xml ({} Mb)".format( os.path.getsize(fname) // 1024 // 1024)) sites = [] sites_started = False with open(fname, "r", encoding="iso-8859-1") as xmlfile: for line in progress.dots(xmlfile, every=1000): if not sites_started: if line.startswith("<sites>"): sites_started = True continue try: if not add_to_sites(sites, line.strip()): break except Exception as e: print(e) print("Line: '{}'".format(line)) break print() # A very nice linebreak after all the dots generated by the loop # iterate over the sites and do some filtering show_vaults = conf.getboolean("Map", "show_spoilers", fallback=True) result = [] for site in sites: if site["type"] == "vault" and not show_vaults: continue result.append(site) with open(os.path.join(build_dir, "sites.json"), "w") as sitesjson: sitesjson.write(json.dumps(result))
def load_sites(): """ Load the site information. """ global offset global zoom if offset is None: calc_globals() fname = filefinder.legends_xml() logging.debug("Reading legends xml ({} Mb)".format(os.path.getsize(fname) // 1024 // 1024)) sites = [] sites_started = False with open(fname, "r", encoding="iso-8859-1") as xmlfile: for line in progress.dots(xmlfile, every=1000): if not sites_started: if line.startswith("<sites>"): sites_started = True continue try: if not add_to_sites(sites, line.strip()): break except Exception as e: print(e) print("Line: '{}'".format(line)) break print() # A very nice linebreak after all the dots generated by the loop # iterate over the sites and do some filtering show_vaults = conf.getboolean("Map", "show_spoilers", fallback=True) result = [] for site in sites: if site["type"] == "vault" and not show_vaults: continue result.append(site) with open(os.path.join(build_dir, "sites.json"), "w") as sitesjson: sitesjson.write(json.dumps(result))
def login(self): print("Logging in...") self.browser_visit('login') for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(60)): sleep(random() * 0.2) self.browser.find_by_name('username').type(self._username) self.browser.find_by_name('password').type("{0}\t".format(self._password)) button = self.browser.find_by_id('login') link_elem = wait_visible(self.browser.driver, "//a[@title='Close']", timeout=30) if link_elem:"close button ={0}".format(link_elem)) else:"No close button.") self.login()
except e: pass if __name__ == '__main__': assertRaises(, TypeError) assertRaises(progress.mill, TypeError) with as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update(i+1) sleep(0.05) for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2) with progress.dots() as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update() sleep(0.05) for i in progress.mill(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2) with progress.mill(expected_size=200) as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update(i+1) sleep(0.05)
pass if __name__ == '__main__': assertRaises(, TypeError) assertRaises(progress.mill, TypeError) with as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update(i + 1) sleep(0.05) for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2) with progress.dots() as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update() sleep(0.05) for i in progress.mill(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2) with progress.mill(expected_size=200) as bar: for i in range(200): bar.update(i + 1) sleep(0.05)
def main(): # welcome to the danger zone parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( # random comment here for no reason ;) formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, prog='spry', description='++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++ SPRY +++++++++++++++++++\n+++ s0c1@l m3d1a sc@nn3r +++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++', epilog = '''EXAMPLE: \n check instagram \n spry jamesanthonycampbell \n ''') parser.add_argument('username', help='specific username, like realdonaldtrump') parser.add_argument('-p', '--proxy', help='proxy in the form of', nargs=1, dest='setproxy', required=False) parser.add_argument('-w', '--wait', help='max random wait time in seconds, \n5 second default (randomly wait 1-5 seconds)', dest='setwait', nargs='?',const=3,type=int,default=3) parser.add_argument('-u', '--user-agent', help='override random user-agent\n(by default randomly selects between \n+8500 different user agent strings', dest='useragent', nargs='?',const='u',default='u') parser.add_argument('--report', dest='reporting', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose-useragent',dest='vu',action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {version}'.format(version='Version: '+__version__)) parser.set_defaults(reporting=False,vu=False) args = parser.parse_args() cprint(welcomer,'red') # args strings username = args.username setproxy = args.setproxy # note, the correct way to check if variable is NoneType if setproxy != '' and setproxy is not None: proxyoverride = True if '9050' in setproxy[0] or '9150' or 'tor' in setproxy[0]: usingtor = True else: usingtor = False else: proxyoverride = False setwait = args.setwait reporting = args.reporting useragent = args.useragent vu = if useragent == 'u': overrideuseragent = False useragent = random.choice(useragents) # if user agent override not set, select random from list if vu: cprint('\nUseragent set as %s\n' % (useragent,),'blue') headers = {'User-Agent': useragent} i = 0 # counter for how many are 200's social_networks_list=['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] totalnetworks = len(social_networks_list) # get the total networks to check print('\n\n[*] Starting to process list of {} social networks now [*]\n\n'.format(totalnetworks)) for soc in social_networks_list: # get domain name domainname = urlparse(soc).netloc domainnamelist = domainname.split('.') for domainer in domainnamelist: if len(domainer) > 3 and domainer != 'vk' and domainer != 'ok' and domainer != 'last' and domainer != 'mail': realdomain = domainer elif domainer == 'vk': realdomain = domainer elif domainer == 'ok': realdomain = domainer+'.ru' elif domainer == 'last': realdomain = domainer+'.fm' elif domainer == 'mail': realdomain = domainer+'.ru' # get proxy settings if any if proxyoverride == True: if usingtor: socks_proxy = "socks5://"+setproxy[0] proxyDict = { "http" : socks_proxy } else: #print(setproxy) http_proxy = "http://"+setproxy[0] https_proxy = "https://"+setproxy[0] proxyDict = { "http" : http_proxy, "https" : https_proxy } sleep(randint(1,setwait)) sys.stdout.flush() # try to load the social network for the respective user name # make sure to load proxy if proxy set otherwise don't pass a proxy arg # DONT FORGET TO HANDLE LOAD TIMEOUT ERRORS! - ADDED exception handlers finally 2-5-2017 JC if proxyoverride == True: try: r=requests.get(soc+username,stream=True, headers=headers, proxies=proxyDict) except requests.Timeout as err: print(err) continue except requests.RequestException as err: print(err) continue else: try: r=requests.get(soc+username,stream=True, headers=headers) except requests.Timeout as err: print(err) continue except requests.RequestException as err: print(err) continue # switch user agents again my friend if overrideuseragent == False: useragent = random.choice(useragents) # if user agent override not set, select random from list if vu: # if verbose output then print the user agent string cprint('\nUseragent set as %s\n' % (useragent,),'blue') if soc == '' and r.status_code == 200: #print(r.text) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,'html.parser') aa = soup.find("meta", {"property":"og:image"}) # test instagram profile image print #print (aa['content']) # this is the instagram profile image instagram_profile_img = requests.get(aa['content']) # get instagram profile pic open('./'+username+'.jpg' , 'wb').write(instagram_profile_img.content) #exit() try: total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length')) except: total_length = 102399 for chunk in progress.dots(r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024),label='Loading '+realdomain): sleep(random.random() * 0.2) if chunk: #sys.stdout.write(str(chunk)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush() #print(r.text) if r.status_code == 200: cprint("user found @ {}".format(soc+username),'green') i = i+1 else: cprint("Status code: {} no user found".format(r.status_code),'red') print('\n\n[*] Total networks with username found: {} [*]\n'.format(i)) if reporting: # if pdf reporting is turned on (default on) create_pdf(username, i) cprint('Report saved as {}-report.pdf. \nTo turn off this feature dont pass in the --report flag.\n'.format(username),'yellow')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) from time import sleep from random import random from clint.textui import progress if __name__ == '__main__': for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2)
def load(): STRUCTS = { (128, 128, 128): "castle", (255, 255, 255): "village", (255, 128, 0): "crops", (255, 160, 0): "crops", (255, 192, 0): "crops", (0, 255, 0): "pasture", (64, 255, 0): "meadow", (0, 160, 0): "orchard", (20, 20, 20): "tunnel", (224, 224, 224): "stone_bridge", (180, 167, 20): "other_bridge", (192, 192, 192): "stone_road", (150, 127, 20): "other_road", (96, 96, 96): "stone_wall", (160, 127, 20): "other_wall", (0, 96, 255): "lake", # The following are not really 'structures' # (255,255,192): "mountain", # (128,64,32) : "land",# remove this? # (0,64,255) : "ocean",# remove this? # } RIVERS = { (0, 224, 255): "river", (0, 255, 255): "river", (0, 112, 255): "river", } structs = {} struct_image = struct_pixels = struct_image.load() world_size = struct_image.size[0] del (struct_image) hydro_image = hydro_pixels = hydro_image.load() del (hydro_image) for (x, y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): try: structs[(x, y)] = STRUCTS[struct_pixels[(x, y)]] except KeyError: # We are not interested in this structure structs[(x, y)] = "" # Check if there is a river try: river = RIVERS[hydro_pixels[(x, y)]] if structs[(x, y)] != "" and structs[(x, y)] != "river": #print("Overwriting {} with river.".format(structs[(x,y)])) pass structs[(x, y)] = "river" except KeyError: pass final_tiles = {} # Now pass over all structures and see where tiles of the same type # neighbour each other for (x, y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): suffixes = "" if same_type(structs, (x, y), (0, -1)): suffixes += "n" if same_type(structs, (x, y), (-1, 0)): suffixes += "w" if same_type(structs, (x, y), (0, 1)): suffixes += "s" if same_type(structs, (x, y), (1, 0)): suffixes += "e" if suffixes: tile_type = "{}_{}".format(structs[(x, y)], suffixes) try: final_tiles[x][y] = tile_type except KeyError: final_tiles[x] = {y: tile_type} result = {"worldsize": world_size, "map": final_tiles} build_dir = conf["Paths"]["build"] if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) with open("{}/structs.json".format(build_dir), "w") as heightjson: heightjson.write(json.dumps(result)) logging.debug( "Dumped structs into {}/biomes.structs".format(build_dir))
def make_groups(): # load structures json into a map with open(os.path.join(conf["Paths"]["build"], "structs.json")) as structjs: structures = json.loads( # Maps { x -> y -> group_index } # Better would be {(x,y) -> group_index} but json cannot use tuples as keys! groups = {} # Maps { group_index -> struct type} group_defs = {} next_grp_index = 0 world_size = structures["worldsize"] # These structures should not be grouped (usually because there is no marker for them) blacklist = ["river", "meadow", "crops", "orchard", "pasture"] # first step is to grow groups on the map for (x,y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): this_type = get_type(structures["map"], x, y) # Skip this tile when there's no structure if this_type == "" or this_type in blacklist: continue current_grp = get_grp(groups, x, y) if current_grp == "": current_grp = next_grp_index group_defs[current_grp] = this_type next_grp_index += 1 groups[x][y] = current_grp allow_x = False if x < world_size: allow_x = True right = get_type(structures["map"], x+1, y) if right == this_type: set_grp(groups, x+1, y, current_grp) allow_y = False if y < world_size: allow_y = True below = get_type(structures["map"], x, y+1) if below == this_type: set_grp(groups, x, y+1, current_grp) if allow_x and allow_y: right_below = get_type(structures["map"], x+1, y+1) if right_below == this_type: set_grp(groups, x+1, y+1, current_grp) # for each tile, get the type of the one above and to the right # to check if we have a new group here. write the grp index # on these cells # second step is to go over them and merge neighbouring groups # of the same type for (x,y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): this_grp = get_grp(groups, x, y) # skip non-groups if this_grp == "": continue allow_x = False if x < world_size: allow_x = True right = get_grp(groups, x+1, y) if right != "" and right != this_grp and \ group_defs[this_grp] == group_defs[right]: replace_grp(groups, right, this_grp) del(group_defs[right]) allow_y = False if y < world_size: allow_y = True below = get_grp(groups, x, y+1) if below != "" and below != this_grp and \ group_defs[this_grp] == group_defs[below]: replace_grp(groups, below, this_grp) del(group_defs[below]) if allow_x and allow_y: right_below = get_grp(groups, x+1, y+1) if right_below != "" and right_below != this_grp and \ group_defs[this_grp] == group_defs[right_below]: replace_grp(groups, right_below, this_grp) del(group_defs[right_below]) # Remove empty x-coordinates from the map groups_final ={k:v for k,v in groups.items() if v} result = {"groups": groups_final, "defs": group_defs} with open(os.path.join(build_dir, "groups.json"), "w") as groupjs: groupjs.write(json.dumps(result))
def main(): # welcome to the danger zone parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( # random comment here for no reason ;) formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, prog='spry', description= '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++ SPRY +++++++++++++++++++\n+++ s0c1@l m3d1a sc@nn3r +++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++', epilog= '''EXAMPLE: \n check instagram \n spry jamesanthonycampbell \n ''') parser.add_argument('username', help='specific username, like realdonaldtrump') parser.add_argument('-p', '--proxy', help='proxy in the form of', nargs=1, dest='setproxy', required=False) parser.add_argument( '-w', '--wait', help= 'max random wait time in seconds, \n5 second default (randomly wait 1-5 seconds)', dest='setwait', nargs='?', const=3, type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument( '-u', '--user-agent', help= 'override random user-agent\n(by default randomly selects between \n+8500 different user agent strings', dest='useragent', nargs='?', const='u', default='u') parser.add_argument('--no-report', dest='reporting', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose-useragent', dest='vu', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {version}'.format(version='Version: ' + __version__)) parser.set_defaults(reporting=True, vu=False) args = parser.parse_args() cprint(welcomer, 'red') # args strings username = args.username setproxy = args.setproxy # note, the correct way to check if variable is NoneType if setproxy != '' and setproxy is not None: proxyoverride = True if '9050' in setproxy[0] or '9150' in setproxy[0]: usingtor = True else: usingtor = False else: proxyoverride = False setwait = args.setwait reporting = args.reporting useragent = args.useragent vu = if useragent == 'u': overrideuseragent = False useragent = random.choice( useragents ) # if user agent override not set, select random from list if vu: cprint('\nUseragent set as %s\n' % (useragent, ), 'blue') headers = {'User-Agent': useragent} i = 0 # counter for how many are 200's social_networks_list = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] totalnetworks = len( social_networks_list) # get the total networks to check print('\n\n[*] Starting to process list of {} social networks now [*]\n\n'. format(totalnetworks)) for soc in social_networks_list: # get domain name domainname = urlparse(soc).netloc domainnamelist = domainname.split('.') for domainer in domainnamelist: if len( domainer ) > 3 and domainer != 'vk' and domainer != 'ok' and domainer != 'last' and domainer != 'mail': realdomain = domainer elif domainer == 'vk': realdomain = domainer elif domainer == 'ok': realdomain = domainer + '.ru' elif domainer == 'last': realdomain = domainer + '.fm' elif domainer == 'mail': realdomain = domainer + '.ru' # get proxy settings if any if proxyoverride == True: if usingtor: socks_proxy = "socks5://" + setproxy[0] proxyDict = {"http": socks_proxy} else: #print(setproxy) http_proxy = "http://" + setproxy[0] https_proxy = "https://" + setproxy[0] proxyDict = {"http": http_proxy, "https": https_proxy} sleep(randint(1, setwait)) sys.stdout.flush() # try to load the social network for the respective user name # make sure to load proxy if proxy set otherwise don't pass a proxy arg if proxyoverride == True: r = requests.get(soc + username, stream=True, headers=headers, proxies=proxyDict) else: r = requests.get(soc + username, stream=True, headers=headers) # switch user agents again my friend if overrideuseragent == False: useragent = random.choice(useragents) # if user agent override not set, select random from list if vu: # if verbose output then print the user agent string cprint('\nUseragent set as %s\n' % (useragent, ), 'blue') if soc == '' and r.status_code == 200: #print(r.text) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') aa = soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:image"}) # test instagram profile image print #print (aa['content']) # this is the instagram profile image instagram_profile_img = requests.get( aa['content']) # get instagram profile pic open('./' + username + '.jpg', 'wb').write(instagram_profile_img.content) #exit() try: total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length')) except: total_length = 102399 for chunk in progress.dots(r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024), label='Loading ' + realdomain): sleep(random.random() * 0.2) if chunk: #sys.stdout.write(str(chunk)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush() #print(r.text) if r.status_code == 200: cprint("user found", 'green') i = i + 1 else: cprint("Status code: {} no user found".format(r.status_code), 'red') print('\n\n[*] Total networks with username found: {} [*]\n'.format(i)) if reporting: # if pdf reporting is turned on (default on) create_pdf(username) cprint( 'Report saved as {}-report.pdf. \nTo turn off this feature use the --no-report flag.\n' .format(username), 'yellow')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) from time import sleep from random import random from clint.textui import progress if __name__ == '__main__': for i in sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.dots(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2) for i in progress.mill(range(100)): sleep(random() * 0.2)
def complete_upload(data_config): data_endpoint = data_config.data_endpoint data_id = data_config.data_id tarball_path = data_config.tarball_path if not data_id: floyd_logger.error("Corrupted upload state, please start a new one.") sys.exit(1) # check for tarball upload, upload to server if not done if not data_config.resource_id and (tarball_path and data_endpoint): floyd_logger.debug("Getting fresh upload credentials") creds = DataClient().new_tus_credentials(data_id) if not creds: sys.exit(1) file_size = os.path.getsize(tarball_path) # check for upload limit dimension if file_size > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE: try:"Removing compressed data...") rmtree(os.path.dirname(tarball_path)) except (OSError, TypeError): pass sys.exit(("Data size too large to upload, please keep it under %s.\n") % (sizeof_fmt(MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)))"Uploading compressed data. Total upload size: %s", sizeof_fmt(file_size)) tus_client = TusDataClient() if not tus_client.resume_upload(tarball_path, data_endpoint, auth=creds): floyd_logger.error("Failed to finish upload!") return try:"Removing compressed data...") rmtree(os.path.dirname(tarball_path)) except (OSError, TypeError): pass floyd_logger.debug("Created data with id : %s", data_id)"Upload finished.") # Update data config data_config.set_tarball_path(None) data_config.set_data_endpoint(None) data_source = DataClient().get(data_id) data_config.set_resource_id(data_source.resource_id) DataConfigManager.set_config(data_config) # data tarball uploaded, check for server untar if data_config.resource_id: "Waiting for server to unpack data.\n" "You can exit at any time and come back to check the status with:\n" "\tfloyd data upload -r") try: for i in dots(ResourceWaitIter(data_config.resource_id), label='Waiting for unpack...'): pass except WaitTimeoutException: clint_STREAM.write('\n') clint_STREAM.flush() "Looks like it is going to take longer for Floydhub to unpack " "your data. Please check back later.") sys.exit(1) else: data_config.set_resource_id(None) data_config.set_tarball_path(None) data_config.set_data_endpoint(None) data_config.set_resource_id(None) data_config.set_data_id(None) DataConfigManager.set_config(data_config) # Print output table_output = [["NAME"], [normalize_data_name(data_config.data_name)]]''), headers="firstrow"))
def load(): STRUCTS = { (128,128,128): "castle", (255,255,255): "village", (255,128,0) : "crops", (255,160,0) : "crops", (255,192,0) : "crops", (0,255,0) : "pasture", (64,255,0) : "meadow", (0,160,0) : "orchard", (20,20,20) : "tunnel", (224,224,224): "stone_bridge", (180,167,20) : "other_bridge", (192,192,192): "stone_road", (150,127,20) : "other_road", (96,96,96) : "stone_wall", (160,127,20) : "other_wall", (0,96,255) : "lake", # The following are not really 'structures' # (255,255,192): "mountain", # (128,64,32) : "land",# remove this? # (0,64,255) : "ocean",# remove this? # } RIVERS = { (0,224,255) : "river", (0,255,255) : "river", (0,112,255) : "river", } structs = {} struct_image = struct_pixels = struct_image.load() world_size = struct_image.size[0] del(struct_image) hydro_image = hydro_pixels = hydro_image.load() del(hydro_image) for (x,y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): try: structs[(x,y)] = STRUCTS[struct_pixels[(x,y)]] except KeyError: # We are not interested in this structure structs[(x,y)] = "" # Check if there is a river try: river = RIVERS[hydro_pixels[(x,y)]] if structs[(x,y)] != "" and structs[(x,y)] != "river": #print("Overwriting {} with river.".format(structs[(x,y)])) pass structs[(x,y)] = "river" except KeyError: pass final_tiles = {} # Now pass over all structures and see where tiles of the same type # neighbour each other for (x,y) in progress.dots(itertools.product(range(world_size), repeat=2), every=20000): suffixes = "" if same_type(structs, (x,y), (0,-1)): suffixes += "n" if same_type(structs, (x,y), (-1,0)): suffixes += "w" if same_type(structs, (x,y), (0,1)): suffixes += "s" if same_type(structs, (x,y), (1,0)): suffixes += "e" if suffixes: tile_type = "{}_{}".format(structs[(x,y)], suffixes) try: final_tiles[x][y] = tile_type except KeyError: final_tiles[x] = {y : tile_type} result = {"worldsize": world_size, "map": final_tiles} build_dir = conf["Paths"]["build"] if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) with open("{}/structs.json".format(build_dir), "w") as heightjson: heightjson.write(json.dumps(result)) logging.debug("Dumped structs into {}/biomes.structs".format(build_dir))