def form_valid(self, form): campground = g = if g.json is None: messages.error( self.request, 'The location address you enter is invalid. Please enter a valid address.' ) return redirect(reverse('campgrounds:add_campground')) campground.location = g.json.get('raw').get('formatted_address') = g.json.get('raw').get('geometry').get('location').get( 'lat') campground.lng = g.json.get('raw').get('geometry').get('location').get( 'lng') if self.request.FILES.get('image'): destroy(campground.image_id) upload_result = upload(self.request.FILES['image'], width=900, height=500, use_filename=True) campground.image_url = upload_result.get('secure_url') campground.image_id = upload_result.get('public_id') messages.success(self.request, '{} was edited successfully'.format( return redirect('campgrounds:campground_details',, slug=campground.slug)
def delete_image(sender, instance, **kwargs): # We want to keep our review app placeholders if settings.HEROKU_APP_NAME: pass else: if instance.cloudinary_image: uploader.destroy(instance.cloudinary_image.public_id, invalidate=True)
def delete_campground(request, campground_id, slug): campground = get_object_or_404(Campground, id=campground_id, slug=slug) name = destroy(campground.image_id) campground.delete() messages.success(request, '{} was deleted successfully'.format(name)) return redirect(reverse('campgrounds:list_campgrounds'))
def delete(self): if self.uploaded: cloudinary_uploader.destroy(self.public_id, invalidate=True, resource_type=self.resource_type) self.instance = None self.uploaded = False
def add_image(recipe_id): #Validated @login covers non signed in users / validate_owner() prevents non owner from uploading new image if validate_owner(recipe_id) == True: ufile = request.files.get('file') # validate there is a file to upload if ufile: recipe ={'_id': recipe_id}) try: #if there is existing image delete from cloudinary destroy(recipe['image_public_id'], invalidate=True) except: pass #upload new image to cloudinary and add the associated information to the recipe in DB uploaded = upload(ufile) image_url = uploaded['secure_url'] public_id = uploaded['public_id']{'_id': recipe_id}, {"$set": { 'img_url': image_url, 'image_public_id': public_id, }}, upsert=True) else: pass return redirect(url_for('show_recipe', recipe_id=recipe_id)) else: return redirect(url_for('show_recipe', recipe_id=recipe_id))
def deleteSite(websiteid): """ Delete site route * Deletes the website from the database Args: 1. websiteid (str): The website id Returns: * Removes the website document as well as reference to website in user's array of websites. Also removes the website's image from cloudinary. """ if session.get("user"): user_data = mongo.db.users.find_one({"username": session["user"]}) if "websites" in user_data: if ObjectId(websiteid) in user_data["websites"]: mongo.db.users.find_one_and_update( {'username': session["user"]}, {"$pull": {"websites": ObjectId(websiteid)}}, upsert=True) website = mongo.db.websites.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(websiteid)}) destroy(website["image_id"]) mongo.db.websites.delete_one({"_id": ObjectId(websiteid)}) flash('Website was successfully removed', 'success') return redirect(url_for('user', username=session['user'])) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def post(request, *args, **kwargs): photo_src = request.POST.get("photo_src") user_id = uploader.destroy(request.user, invalidate=True) user = Account.objects.get(id=user_id) = uploader.upload(photo_src, public_id=user_id, invalidate=True)['url'] return JsonResponse({"done": "true"})
def edit_post(id): post = Post.query.get_or_404(id) form = EditPostForm() if post.author_id != and not current_user.is_admin(): flash("You can only edit your own posts.") return redirect(url_for('main.index')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if 'image' in request.files: file = request.files['image'] if file.filename != '': if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) == False: if post.image_name and post.image_name != 'placeholder.jpg': if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], post.image_name)): os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], post.image_name))['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) post.image_name = filename else: flash('Invalid filename.') return render_template(url_for('user.edit_post'), form=form) """ if post.image_id: destroy(public_id=post.image_id) # delete old image upload_result = upload( file, folder="images", unique_filename=True) # upload new image if upload_result: secure_url = upload_result[ 'secure_url'] # url that points to the image public_id = upload_result['public_id'] # image id post.image_url = secure_url post.image_id = public_id else: flash("Couldn't upload the given file.") return render_template(url_for('user.edit_post'), form=form) else: flash('Invalid filename.') return render_template(url_for('user.edit_post'), form=form) post.title = post.short = post.body = db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() flash('The post has been updated.') return redirect(url_for('', = post.title = post.short = post.body return render_template('user/edit_post.html', form=form)
def before_delete_page(request, page): """ If ANY page is deleted that has the `cloudinary_image` field in it, check if the app is a review app (don't delete from review apps). Delete cloudinary_images from pages that have this field. """ if hasattr(page, 'cloudinary_image'): if settings.REVIEW_APP: pass else: uploader.destroy(page.cloudinary_image.public_id, invalidate=True)
def test_uploading_landing_page(self): """ Test case to check is method uploads landing page image to CLoudinary """ url = '' details = self.new_project.upload_landing_page(url) self.assertEqual(self.new_project.landing_page_image, details.get('url')) destroy(details.get('public_id'))
def edit_profile(): form = EditProfileForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if 'image' in request.files: file = request.files['image'] if file.filename != '': if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['USER_PICTURES'], filename)) == False: if current_user.image_name and current_user.image_name != 'user_placeholder.jpg': if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['USER_PICTURES'], current_user.image_name)): os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config['USER_PICTURES'], current_user.image_name))['USER_PICTURES'], filename)) current_user.image_name = filename else: flash('Filename does already exist') return render_template(url_for('user.edit_profile'), form=form) """ if current_user.image_id: destroy(public_id=current_user.image_id ) # delete old image upload_result = upload( file, folder="images", unique_filename=True) # upload new image if upload_result: secure_url = upload_result[ 'secure_url'] # url that points to the image public_id = upload_result['public_id'] # image id current_user.image_url = secure_url current_user.image_id = public_id else: flash("Couldn't upload the given file.") return render_template(url_for('user.edit_profile'), form=form) else: flash('Invalid filename.') return render_template(url_for('user.edit_profile'), form=form) current_user.username = current_user.self_description = db.session.add(current_user._get_current_object()) db.session.commit() flash('Your profile has been updated.') return redirect( url_for('user.user_info', username=current_user.username)) = current_user.username = current_user.self_description return render_template('user/edit_profile.html', form=form)
def deletexp(experience_id): # find public_id of experience and delete the image on cloudinary experience = mongo.db.experiences.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(experience_id)}) destroy(experience['public_id'], invalidate=True) # then delete the experience from DB experiences = mongo.db.experiences.find() mongo.db.experiences.remove({"_id": ObjectId(experience_id)}) flash("You have succesfully removed your experience") return render_template("profile.html", username=session["user"], experiences=experiences)
def auto_delete_imagem_of_Destaque_on_change(sender, instance, **kwargs): if not return False try: old_file = Destaque.objects.get( except Destaque.DoesNotExist: return False new = True try: new_file = instance.imagem.public_id except: new = False if new == False: uploader.destroy(old_file, invalidate=True)
def test_upload_profile_pic(self): """ Test case for checking is method uploads picture """ url = '' details = self.new_user.upload_profile_pic(url) self.assertEqual(self.new_user.profile_pic, details.get('url')) destroy(details.get('public_id')) # Test if invalid image path is inserted with self.assertRaises(Exception): details = self.new_user.upload_profile_pic('Random path') self.assertEqual(self.new_user.profile_pic, details.get('url'))
def before_delete_page(request, page): """ If ANY page is deleted that has the `cloudinary_image` field in it, check if the app is a review app (don't delete from review apps). Delete cloudinary_images from pages that have this field. """ if hasattr(page, 'cloudinary_image'): if settings.REVIEW_APP or settings.DEBUG: pass else: uploader.destroy(page.cloudinary_image.public_id, invalidate=True) if isinstance(page, ProductPage) and page.votes: # Delete the vote from ProductPages page.votes.delete()
def _delete_file(self, **options): cloudinary_options = self.get_cloudinary_options() cloudinary_options.update(options.get('cloudinary', {})) file = self.get_file() if not file: return file_field = self.get_file_field() try: result = uploader.destroy(, type=file_field.type, resource_type=file_field.resource_type, **cloudinary_options) except cloudinary.exceptions.Error: logger.exception("Couldn't delete Cloudinary file: {}".format( return status = result.get('result') if status == 'ok': self.set_file(None) else: logger.warning("Unable to delete Cloudinary file `{}`: {}".format(, status)) return result
def delete(self): """ @api {DELETE} /image/ Delete an image @apiName DeleteImage @apiGroup Delete @apiDescription Delete an image of a student. @apiParam {String} image_id The image identifier. @apiParamExample {json} Request Example {"image_id": "x3f32gs33fewesf"} @apiSuccess {String} success ok @apiUse RequestParsingErrors @apiVersion 1.0.0 """ try: image_id, data = self.read_request('image_id') _config() img = uploader.destroy(image_id) self.db.image.remove({'_id': image_id}) self.response['success'] = 'ok' self.write_response() except base.ErrorSentException: pass
def delete_image(self, public_id): """Delete image from cloudinary returns: {'result': 'ok'} """ return uploader.destroy(public_id)
def init_class(cls, storage): with open(cls.upload_file, 'rb') as fp: storage.resource = uploader.upload_resource( fp, type=cls.type, resource_type=cls.resource_type, folder='data/now', use_filename=True, unique_filename=True, overwrite=True) storage.file = CloudinaryFieldFile(storage.resource, checksum=cls.resource_checksum) yield uploader.destroy(storage.resource.public_id, type=cls.type, resource_type=cls.resource_type, invalidate=True)
def delete_post(id): post = Post.query.get_or_404(id) if post.author_id != and not current_user.is_admin(): flash("You can only delete your own posts.") return redirect(url_for('', else: """ if post.image_name and post.image_name != 'placeholder.jpg': if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], post.image_name)): os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], post.image_name)) """ if post.image_id: destroy(public_id=post.image_id) # delete old image db.session.delete(post) db.session.commit() flash("Post successfully deleted.") return redirect(url_for('main.index'))
def update_profile(user_id): """ Updates the users db record with the POST form data, also updates the cloadinary image data :return Redirect to profile.html """ # REFERENCE CREDITS: # Cloudinary api -> # file_to_upload = request.files.get('file') if file_to_upload: # Current user record current_user = DB_USERS.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) if current_user['profile_image_id'] != 'xmt2q3ttok9cwjlux8j2': # Remove current profile image destroy(current_user['profile_image_id'], invalidate=True) # Upload new image to cloudinary upload_result = upload(file_to_upload) # Update users profile image in DB DB_USERS.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}, { "$set": { 'profile_image': upload_result['secure_url'], 'profile_image_id': upload_result['public_id'] } }, upsert=True) # Update users profile data DB_USERS.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}, { "$set": { 'bio': request.form.get('bio'), 'email': request.form.get('email') } }, upsert=True) return redirect(url_for('profile'))
def delete_user(id): user = User.query.get_or_404(id) if != id and not current_user.is_admin(): flash("You can only delete your own account") return redirect( url_for('user.user_info', username=current_user.username)) else: """ if user.image_name and user.image_name != 'user_placeholder.jpg': if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_app.config['USER_PICTURES'], user.image_name)): os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config['USER_PICTURES'], user.image_name)) """ if user.image_id: destroy(public_id=user.image_id) # delete old image db.session.delete(user) db.session.commit() flash("Account successfully deleted") return redirect(url_for('main.index'))
def delete(self): """ Delete passport image """ user_id = get_jwt_identity() image = Image.query.filter_by(user=user_id).first() if not image: response = { 'status': 'failed', 'message': 'You do not have a passport image saved. ' } return make_response(jsonify(response)) else: destroy(str(user_id)) image.delete() response = { 'status': 'success', 'message': 'Passport image has been successfully deleted' } return make_response(jsonify(response)), 200
def delete_user(user_id): """ Deletes the users db record , also Delete the cloadinary image data and all users recipe data :return Redirect to sign in view """ # REFERENCE CREDITS: # Cloudinary api -> # # User exists in the database and Signed in if session.get('USERNAME', None): username = session['USERNAME'] # user exists in the database current_user = DB_USERS.find_one({'username': username}) requested_user = DB_USERS.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) # if the current logged in user is the user requested if requested_user['_id'] == current_user['_id']: # Delete related user records DB_RECIPES.delete_many({'author_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) DB_INGREDIENTS.delete_many({'author_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) DB_METHODS.delete_many({'author_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) # Delete the current user image form cloudinary current_user = DB_USERS.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) if current_user['profile_image_id'] != 'wbzphoxefkdid3kheuqd': destroy(current_user['profile_image_id'], invalidate=True) # Delete main user record DB_USERS.remove({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}) return redirect(url_for('sign_out')) else: # raises a 404 error if any of these fail return abort(403, description="Forbidden") else: # raises a 404 error if any of these fail return abort(403, description="Forbidden")
def update_recipe_image(user_id, recipe_id): """ Updates the recipe image in cloudinary :return returns the edit-recipe.html form image tab with updated image """ # User not Signed in if not session.get('USERNAME', None): return redirect(url_for('sign_in')) # get the file from the form file_to_upload = request.files.get('file') if file_to_upload: # get the current recipe record current_recipe = DB_RECIPES.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(recipe_id)}) # delete the current recipe image on cloudinary if current_recipe['image_url_id'] != 'gi5h7ejymbig1yybptcy': destroy(current_recipe['image_url_id'], invalidate=True) # upload the new image upload_result = upload(file_to_upload) # update record DB_RECIPES.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(recipe_id)}, { "$set": { 'image_url': upload_result['secure_url'], 'image_url_id': upload_result['public_id'], 'date_updated': TODAY_STR } }, upsert=True) return redirect( url_for('edit_recipe', _anchor='image', user_id=user_id, recipe_id=recipe_id))
def imgedit(experience_id): upload_result = None experience_id = experience_id experience = mongo.db.experiences.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(experience_id)}) if request.method == "POST": # Gets the image for upload file_to_upload = request.files.get("image") # If there's a new image if file_to_upload: # Delete the previous one destroy(experience['public_id'], invalidate=True) # And continue with the new one upload_result = upload(file_to_upload) imagelink = upload_result['secure_url'] public_id = upload_result['public_id'] flash("Image updated succesfully") return render_template('editxp.html', experience=experience, imagelink=imagelink, experience_id=experience_id, public_id=public_id) # If user didn't change the image else: imagelink = experience['imagelink'] public_id = experience['public_id'] return render_template('editxp.html', experience=experience, imagelink=imagelink, experience_id=experience_id, public_id=public_id) return render_template("imgedit.html", experience_id=experience_id, experience=experience)
def delete_file(key, resource_type, cld_type, cld_public_id): """ A wrapper for the SDK destroy method """ status_code, status_msg = 500, "delete_file failed" destroy_result = destroy(public_id=cld_public_id, resource_type=resource_type, type=cld_type, invalidate=True) if destroy_result['result'] == "not found": # We should not arrive here usually, as there is a prelimnary search status_code, status_msg = 404, "File not found on Cloudinary while trying to delete" elif destroy_result['result'] == "ok": status_code, status_msg = 200, "OK" return status_code, status_msg
def delFile(): data = request.get_json(force=True) subform = mongo.db.subform res = subform.update( {}, {'$pull': { 'files': data['file'] }}, ) result = uploader.destroy(data['file']['public_id']) if (result['result'] == 'ok'): updateData = subform.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(data['_id'])}) updateData['_id'] = str(updateData['_id']) return jsonify({'success': True, 'data': updateData}) return jsonify({'success': False})
def parent_profile_upload(parent_username): form = json.loads(request.headers['Json']) token1 = request.headers['Token1'] token2 = request.headers['Token2'] if hashing.Decrypted([token1, token2]) != True: response = {'error_message': 'HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, cannot access'} return jsonify(response), status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN org_profile_pic = None Edit = False #True if this is an Edit request; otherwise it is the first time upload if handle.parent.find({'username': parent_username}).count() != 0: Edit = True cursor = handle.parent.find_one({'username': parent_username}) org_profile_pic = cursor['profile_pic'] handle.parent.delete_many({'username': parent_username}) #delete existing profile/cover pictures if org_profile_pic != None: match ='.*\/(\S+)\.\S+', org_profile_pic) if match: public_id = delete_res = destroy(public_id) #upload pictures and get pic urls upload_result = None profile_pic_url = None profile_pic = request.files['profile_pic'] if profile_pic: upload_result = upload(profile_pic) profile_pic_url = upload_result['url'] if profile_pic_url != None: form['profile_pic'] = profile_pic_url else: form['profile_pic'] = "" #upload the profile body parent = {'username': parent_username, 'profile_pic': form['profile_pic']} handle.parent.insert(parent) if Edit == True: response = {"message": "successfully updated parent profile"} else: response = {"message": "successfully inserted parent profile"} return jsonify(response), status.HTTP_200_OK
def delete_image(self, id): #get dictionary from db with id image = db.session.query(picture).filter_by(id = id).first() public_id = image.public_id #delete picture on cloudinary with the public_id result = uploader.destroy(public_id) #based on the respose delete from db or return error message if result['result'] == 'ok': db.session.delete(image) db.session.commit() return { "message":"Image deleted", "deleted":True } else: return { "message":"Image failed to delete, try again later", "deleted":False }
def purge_cloudinary(sender, instance, **kwargs): """Deletes file from cloudinary when corresponding `Image` object is deleted. """ destroy(instance.picture.public_id)
def remove(path, public_id): res = uploader.destroy(public_id) return res
def _delete_file(self, filename): uploader.destroy(f'reports/{filename}')
def get(request, publication_id, *args, **kwargs): if Publication.objects.get(id=publication_id).author == request.user or request.user.is_superuser: p_id = 'p' + str(publication_id) uploader.destroy(p_id, invalidate=True) Publication.objects.get(id=publication_id).delete() return redirect(reverse('home'))