Пример #1
from cloudmesh.shell.clusters import Clusters

clusterobj = Clusters()

# list clusters

# show a group of cluster
group = clusterobj.group("deef")
Пример #2
from cloudmesh.shell.clusters import Clusters

clusterobj = Clusters()

# list clusters

# show a group of cluster
group = clusterobj.group("deef")
Пример #3
    def do_cluster(self, args, arguments):
              cluster list [--format=FORMAT]
              cluster create <name>
              cluster show <name> 
              cluster remove <name> 

              Cluster Management
              cluster list
                  list the clusters

              cluster create <name> --count=<count> --ln=<LoginName> [options...]
                  Start a cluster of VMs, and each of them can log into all others.
                  CAUTION: you sould do some default setting before using this command:
                  1. select cloud to work on, e.g. cloud select india
                  2. activate the cloud, e.g. cloud on india
                  3. set the default key to start VMs, e.g. key default [NAME]
                  4. set the start name of VMs, which is prefix and index, e.g. label --prefix=test --id=1
                  5. set image of VMs, e.g. default image
                  6. set flavor of VMs, e.g. default flavor
                  Also, it is better to choose a unused group name
              cluster show <name>
                  show the detailed information about the cluster VMs

              cluster remove <name> [--grouponly]
                  remove the cluster and its VMs, if you want to remove the cluster(group name)
                  without removing the VMs, use --grouponly flag
              <name>        cluster name or group name

              --count=<count>            give the number of VMs to add into the cluster
              --ln=<LoginName>           give a login name for the VMs, e.g. ubuntu
              --cloud=<CloudName>        give a cloud to work on
              --flavor=<flavorName>      give the name of the flavor
              --flavorid=<flavorId>      give the id of the flavor
              --image=<imgName>          give the name of the image
              --imageid=<imgId>          give the id of the image
              --force                    if a group exists and there are VMs in it, the program will
                                         ask user to proceed or not, use this flag to respond yes as 
                                         default(if there are VMs in the group before creating this 
                                         cluster, the program will include the exist VMs into the cluster)
              --grouponly                remove the group only without removing the VMs, otherwise 
                                         cluster remove command will remove all the VMs of this cluster
              FORMAT                     output format: table, json, csv
              COLUMN                     customize what information to display, for example:
                                         --column=status,addresses prints the columns status
                                         and addresses
              --detail                   for table print format, a brief version 
                                         is used as default, use this flag to print
                                         detailed table
        # defer the import of Clusters, as this further imports classes from cloudmesh.experiment.group,
        # which connects to mongo automatically due to the using of mongoengine.
        from cloudmesh.shell.clusters import Clusters
        # cannot move up at the beginning.
        clusterobj = Clusters()
        userobj = cm_user()
        config = cm_config()
        username = config.username()
        if arguments['list']:
                clusters_list = clusterobj.list_clusters()
            except Exception, err:
            if arguments['--format']:
                if arguments['--format'] not in ALLOWED_PRINT_FORMAT:
                    Console.error("wrong print format: {0}. (allowed print format: {1})".format(format_type, 
                        ", ".join(ALLOWED_PRINT_FORMAT)))
                    p_format = arguments['--format']
                p_format = None
                                       header=[["num of nodes", "num_of_nodes"],
                                               ["num of active nodes", "num_of_active_nodes"]])
Пример #4
    def do_cluster(self, args, arguments):
              cluster list [--format=FORMAT]
              cluster create <name>
              cluster show <name> 
              cluster remove <name> 

              Cluster Management
              cluster list
                  list the clusters

              cluster create <name> --count=<count> --ln=<LoginName> [options...]
                  Start a cluster of VMs, and each of them can log into all others.
                  CAUTION: you sould do some default setting before using this command:
                  1. select cloud to work on, e.g. cloud select india
                  2. activate the cloud, e.g. cloud on india
                  3. set the default key to start VMs, e.g. key default [NAME]
                  4. set the start name of VMs, which is prefix and index, e.g. label --prefix=test --id=1
                  5. set image of VMs, e.g. default image
                  6. set flavor of VMs, e.g. default flavor
                  Also, it is better to choose a unused group name
              cluster show <name>
                  show the detailed information about the cluster VMs

              cluster remove <name> [--grouponly]
                  remove the cluster and its VMs, if you want to remove the cluster(group name)
                  without removing the VMs, use --grouponly flag
              <name>        cluster name or group name

              --count=<count>            give the number of VMs to add into the cluster
              --ln=<LoginName>           give a login name for the VMs, e.g. ubuntu
              --cloud=<CloudName>        give a cloud to work on
              --flavor=<flavorName>      give the name of the flavor
              --flavorid=<flavorId>      give the id of the flavor
              --image=<imgName>          give the name of the image
              --imageid=<imgId>          give the id of the image
              --force                    if a group exists and there are VMs in it, the program will
                                         ask user to proceed or not, use this flag to respond yes as 
                                         default(if there are VMs in the group before creating this 
                                         cluster, the program will include the exist VMs into the cluster)
              --grouponly                remove the group only without removing the VMs, otherwise 
                                         cluster remove command will remove all the VMs of this cluster
              FORMAT                     output format: table, json, csv
              COLUMN                     customize what information to display, for example:
                                         --column=status,addresses prints the columns status
                                         and addresses
              --detail                   for table print format, a brief version 
                                         is used as default, use this flag to print
                                         detailed table
        # defer the import of Clusters, as this further imports classes from cloudmesh.experiment.group,
        # which connects to mongo automatically due to the using of mongoengine.
        from cloudmesh.shell.clusters import Clusters
        # cannot move up at the beginning.

        clusterobj = Clusters()
        userobj = cm_user()
        config = cm_config()
        username = config.username()

        if arguments['list']:
                clusters_list = clusterobj.list_clusters()
            except Exception, err:
            if arguments['--format']:
                if arguments['--format'] not in ALLOWED_PRINT_FORMAT:
                        "wrong print format: {0}. (allowed print format: {1})".
                        format(format_type, ", ".join(ALLOWED_PRINT_FORMAT)))
                    p_format = arguments['--format']
                p_format = None
                header=[["num of nodes", "num_of_nodes"],
                        ["num of active nodes", "num_of_active_nodes"]])