Пример #1
 def test_001(self):
     HEADING("assign key=value")
     v = Variables()
     n = len(v)
     v["gregor"] = "gregor"
     assert (len(v) == n + 1)
     assert "gregor" in v
Пример #2
    def test_004(self):
        HEADING("directory and key subtract ")
        d = {"a": "1", "b": "2"}
        v = Variables()
        v + d
        assert "a" in v and "b" in v
        v - d.keys()
        assert "a" not in v and "b" not in v

Пример #3
    def postcmd(self, stop, line):

            variable = Variables()
            if "timer" not in variable:
                variable["timer"] = "off"
            if variable["timer"].lower() in ['on', 'true']:
                print("Timer: {:.4f}s ({})".format(StopWatch.get("command"),
        except Exception as e:

        return stop
Пример #4
    def get(self, name=None):
        connection = None

        if name is None:
            variables = Variables()
            cloudname = variables['cloud']

        kind = self.config.get(
        credentials = self.config.get(


        if kind == 'azure':
            AZURE_MANAGEMENT_CERT_PATH = credentials[
            AZDriver = get_driver(Provider.AZURE)
            connection = AZDriver(subscription_id=AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID,
        elif kind == 'aws':
            EC2_ACCESS_ID = credentials['EC2_ACCESS_ID']
            EC2_SECRET_KEY = credentials['EC2_SECRET_KEY']
            EC2Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2)
            connection = EC2Driver(EC2_ACCESS_ID, EC2_SECRET_KEY)

        return connection
    def setup(self):
        banner("setup", c="-")
        self.user = Config()["cloudmesh"]["profile"]["user"]
        self.clouduser = '******'
        self.name_generator = Name(experiment="exp",

        self.name = str(self.name_generator)

        self.new_name = str(self.name_generator)

        variables = Variables()
        # this gives the current default cloud
        cloud = variables['cloud']

        # specify the cloud name to make sure this test
        # is done for the openstack cloud
        self.p = Provider(name="chameleon")

        self.secgroupname = "CM4TestSecGroup"
        self.secgrouprule = {
            "ip_protocol": "tcp",
            "from_port": 8080,
            "to_port": 8088,
            "ip_range": ""
        self.testnode = None
Пример #6
    def setup(self):
        banner("setup", c="-")
        self.user = Config()["cloudmesh"]["profile"]["user"]
        self.clouduser = '******'
        self.name_generator = Name(experiment="exp",

        self.name = str(self.name_generator)

        self.new_name = str(self.name_generator)

        variables = Variables()
        cloud = variables['cloud']

        self.p = Provider(name=cloud)

        self.secgroupname = "CM4TestSecGroup"
        self.secgrouprule = {
            "ip_protocol": "tcp",
            "from_port": 8080,
            "to_port": 8088,
            "ip_range": ""
        self.testnode = None
Пример #7
    def test_003(self):
        HEADING("directory add ")
        d = {"a": "1", "b": "2"}
        v = Variables()
        v + d
        assert "a" in v and "b" in v
        del v["a"]
        del v["b"]

        v + d
        assert "a" in v and "b" in v
        v - d
        assert "a" not in v and "b" not in v

Пример #8
    def __init__(self, config_path='~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh4.yaml',
        Initialize the Config class.

        :param config_path: A local file path to cloudmesh yaml config
            with a root element `cloudmesh`. Default: `~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh4.yaml`

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
        if "data" not in self.__dict__:

            VERBOSE.print("Load config", verbose=9)

            self.config_path = Path(path_expand(config_path)).resolve()
            self.config_folder = dirname(self.config_path)

            if not exists(self.config_folder):

            if not isfile(self.config_path):
                source = Path(join(dirname(realpath(__file__)),

                copyfile(source.resolve(), self.config_path)

            #with open(self.config_path, "r") as stream:
            #    # self.data = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
            #    self.data = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)

            with open(self.config_path, "r") as stream:
                content = stream.read()
                content = path_expand(content)
                content = self.spec_replace(content)
                self.data = yaml.load(content, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)

            # self.data is loaded as nested OrderedDict, can not use set or get methods directly
            if self.data is None:
                raise EnvironmentError(
                    "Failed to load configuration file cloudmesh4.yaml, please check the path and file locally")

            # populate default variables

            self.variable_database = Variables(filename="~/.cloudmesh/var-data")

            default = self.default()

            for name in self.default():
                if name not in self.variable_database:
                    self.variable_database[name] = default[name]
            if "cloud" in default:
                self.cloud = default["cloud"]
                self.cloud = None
 def test_setup(self):
     self.variables = Variables()
     self.storages = Parameter.expand(self.variables['storage'])
     pytest.storage = self.storages[0]
     command = ['python', 'server.py']
     pytest.openapi = run(command)
Пример #10
    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

                storage [--storage=SERVICE] put FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] get FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] delete FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] size FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] info FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] create FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] sync SOURCEDIR DESTDIR

          This command does some useful things.

              FILE   a file name

              -f      specify the file

            set storage=box
            starage  put FILENAME

            is the same as 

            starage  --storage=box put FILENAME



        m = Manager()

        service = None

        filename = arguments.FILENAME[0]
            service = arguments["--storage"][0]
        except Exception as e:
                v = Variables()
                service = v['storage']
            except Exception as e:
                service = None

        if service is None:
            Console.error("storge service not defined")

        if arguments.get:
            m.get(service, filename)
Пример #11
    def replace_vars(self, line):

        # self.update_time()

        variable = Variables()
        newline = line

        if len(variable) is not None:
            for name in variable.data:
                value = str(variable[name])
                newline = newline.replace("$" + name, value)
                newline = newline.replace("var." + name, value)
            for v in os.environ:
                name = v.replace('os.', '')
                if name in newline:
                    value = os.environ[name]
                    newline = newline.replace("os." + v, value)

            default = Default()
            if default is not None:
                for v in default.data:
                    name = "default." + v.replace(",", ".")
                    value = default.data[v]
                    if name in newline:
                        newline = newline.replace(name, value)

                # replace if global is missing

                global_default = default["global"]
                if global_default is not None:
                    for v in global_default:
                        name = "default." + v
                        value = global_default[v]
                        if name in newline:
                            newline = newline.replace(name, value)


        newline = path_expand(newline)
        return line, newline
Пример #12
    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

                storage [--storage=SERVICE] create dir DIRECTORY
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] list SOURCE [--recursive]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] delete SOURCE
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] search  DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive]

          This command does some useful things.

              SOURCE        SOURCE can be a directory or file
              DESTINATION   DESTINATION can be a directory or file
              DIRECTORY     DIRECTORY refers to a folder on the cloud service

              --storage=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws or azure or box or google
                commands used to upload, download, list files on different cloud storage services.

                storage put [options..]
                    Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

                storage get [options..]
                    Downloads the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

                storage delete [options..]
                    Deletes the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud.

                storage list [options..]
                    lists all the files from the container name specified on the specified cloud.

                storage create dir [options..]
                    creates a folder with the directory name specified on the specified cloud.

                storage search [options..]
                    searches for the source in all the folders on the specified cloud.

            set storage=azureblob
            storage put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

            is the same as
            storage --storage=azureblob put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

        # arguments.CONTAINER = arguments["--container"]

        arguments.storage = arguments["--storage"]

        m = Manager()

        service = None

        # BUG
        # services = Parameter.expand(arguments.storage)
        # service = services[0]
        # if services is None:
        #  ... do second try

        ##### BUG
            service = arguments["--storage"][0]
        except Exception as e:
                v = Variables()
                service = v['storage']
            except Exception as e:
                service = None

        if service is None:
            Console.error("storage service not defined")

        # bug this is now done twice ....
        if arguments.storage is None:
            variables = Variables()
            arguments.storage = variables['storage']

        ##### Prvious code needs to be modified

        if arguments.get:
            m.get(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,

        elif arguments.put:
            m.put(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,

        elif arguments.list:
            print('in List')
            m.list(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE, arguments.recursive)

        elif arguments.create and arguments.dir.:
            m.createdir(arguments.storage, arguments.DIRECTORY)

        elif arguments.delete.:
            m.delete(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE)

        elif arguments['search']:
            m.search(arguments.storage, arguments.DIRECTORY, arguments.FILENAME,
Пример #13
    def do_batch(self, args, arguments):

            batch job create
            batch job run [--name=NAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
            batch job fetch [--name=NAMES]
            batch job remove [--name=NAMES]
            batch job clean [--name=NAMES]
            batch job set [--name=NAMES] PARAMETER=VALUE
            batch job list [--name=NAMES] [--depth=DEPTH]
            batch cluster test [--cluster=CLUSTERS]
            batch cluster list [--cluster=CLUSTERS] [--depth=DEPTH]
            batch cluster remove [--cluster=CLUSTERS]
            batch cluster set [--cluster=CLUSTERS] PARAMETER=VALUE

              FILE   a file name
              INPUT_TYPE  tbd

              -f      specify the file
              --depth=DEPTH   [default: 1]
              --format=FORMAT    [default: table]


            This command allows to submit batch jobs to queuing systems hosted
            in an HBC center as a service directly form your commandline.

            We assume that a number of experiments are conducted with possibly
            running the script multiple times. Each experiment will save the
            batch script in its own folder.

            The output of the script can be saved in a destination folder. A virtual
            directory is used to coordinate all saved files.

            The files can be located due to the use of the virtual directory on
            multiple different data or file services

            Authentication to the Batch systems is done viw the underlaying HPC
            center authentication. We assume that the user has an account to
            submit on these systems.

            (SSH, 2 factor, XSEDE-account) TBD.


            experiments are jobs that can be run multiple times and create input
            and output file sin them

                 name: {cloudmesh.profile.user.name}-01
                 directory: ~/experiment/{experiment.job.name}
                 output:  {cloudmesh.experiment.job.name}/output
                 input:  ~/experiment/{experiment.job.name}/input
                 script: script.sh
                 source ,,,
                 destination: {cloudmesh.experiment.job.directory}

            I do not know what companion file is


             batch job run [--name=NAMES] [--format=FORMAT]

                runs jobs with the given names


                [--suffix=SUFFIX] [--overwrite]


        # create slurm manager so it can be used in all commands
        slurm_manager = SlurmCluster()  # debug=arguments["--debug"])

        arguments["--cloud"] = "test"
        arguments["NAME"] = "fix"


        # if not arguments.create

        #    find cluster name from Variables()
        #    if no cluster is defined look it up in yaml in batch default:
        #    if not defined there fail

        #    clusters = Parameter.expand(arguments.cluster)
        #    name = Parameters.expand[argumnets.name)
        #    this will return an array of clusters and names of jobs and all cluster
        #    job or clusterc commands will be executed on them
        #    see the vm
        #    if active: False in the yaml file for the cluster this cluster is not used and scipped.

        VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)

        variables = Variables()
        # do not use print but use ,Console.msg(), Console.error(), Console.ok()
        if arguments.tester:
            print("running ... ")
        elif arguments.run and arguments.job:

            # config = Config()["cloudmesh.batch"]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.name)

            # clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names("refresh", arguments,
            #                                    variables)

            data = []
            for name in names:
                entry = SlurmCluster.job_specification()

             data = {
            "cm": {
                "cloud": "karst_debug",
                "kind": "batch-job",
                "name": "job012",
            "batch": {
                "source": "~/.cloudmesh/batch/dir",
                "destination": "~/.cloudmesh/dir/",
                "status": "running"

                raise NotImplementedError
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Haha", traceflag=True)

                order=["cm.name", "cm.kind", "batch.status"],
                header=["Name", "Kind", "Status"],

            return ""
        elif arguments.job and arguments.create:
            # if not arguments.name:
                # raise ValueError
            # assert input_type in ['params', 'params+file'], "Input type can be either params or params+file"
            # if input_type == 'params+file':
            #     assert arguments.get("--argfile-path") is not None, "Input type is params+file but the input \
            #         filename is not specified"
            job_name = arguments.name
            cluster_name = arguments.cluster
            script_path = Path(arguments.script)
            if not script_path.exists():
                raise FileNotFoundError
            executable_path = Path(arguments['--executable'])
            if not executable_path.exists():
                raise FileNotFoundError
            destination = Path(arguments.destination)
            if not destination.is_absolute():
                Console.error("destination path must be absolute",
                raise FileNotFoundError
            source = Path(arguments.source)
            if not source.exists():
                raise FileNotFoundError
            if arguments.experiment is None:
                experiment_name = 'job' + self.suffix_generator()
                experiment_name = arguments.experiment + self.suffix_generator()
            # overwrite = False if type(arguments.get("--overwrite")) is None else arguments.get("--overwrite")
            if arguments.get("--companion-file") is None:
                companion_file = Path()
                companion_file = Path(arguments.get("--companion-file"))

        elif arguments.remove:
            if arguments.cluster:
                slurm_manager.remove("cluster", arguments.get("CLUSTER_NAME"))
            if arguments.job:
                slurm_manager.remove("job", arguments.get("JOB_NAME"))

        elif arguments.list:
            max_depth = 1 if arguments.get("DEPTH") is None else int(arguments.get("DEPTH"))
            if arguments.get("clusters"):
                slurm_manager.list("clusters", max_depth)
            elif arguments.get("jobs"):
                slurm_manager.list("jobs", max_depth)

        elif arguments.set:
            if arguments.get("cluster"):
                cluster_name = arguments.get("CLUSTER_NAME")
                parameter = arguments.get("PARAMETER")
                value = arguments.get("VALUE")
                slurm_manager.set_param("cluster", cluster_name, parameter, value)

            if arguments.job:
                config_name = arguments.get("JOB_NAME")
                parameter = arguments.get("PARAMETER")
                value = arguments.get("VALUE")
                slurm_manager.set_param("job-metadata", config_name, parameter, value)
        elif arguments.start and arguments.job:
            job_name = arguments.get("JOB_NAME")
        elif arguments.get("fetch"):
            job_name = arguments.get("JOB_NAME")
        elif arguments.test:
            cluster_name = arguments.get("CLUSTER_NAME")
        elif arguments.clean:
            job_name = arguments.get("JOB_NAME")
Пример #14
 def test_002(self):
     v = Variables()
     del v["gregor"]
     assert "gregor" not in v
Пример #15
    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

                storage [--storage=SERVICE] put FILENAME SOURCEDIR
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] get FILENAME DESTDIR
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] delete file FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] list file DIRNAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] info FILENAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] create dir DIRNAME
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] list dir
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] delete dir DIRNAME

          This command does some useful things.

              FILENAME   a BLOB name
              SOURCEDIR  local path for the FILENAME to be uploaded
              DESTDIR    local path for the FILENAME to be downloaded

              --storage=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws or azure or box or google

                commands used to upload, download, list files on different cloud storage services.

                storage put [options..]
                    Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

                storage get [options..]
                    Downloads the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

                storage delete file [options..]
                    Deletes the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud.

                storage list file [options..]
                    lists all the files from the container name specified on the specified cloud.

                storage info [options..]
                    returns the properties of the filename specified on the specified cloud.

                storage create dir [options..]
                    creates a folder with the directory name specified on the specified cloud.

                storage list dir [options..]
                    lists all the folders on the specified cloud.

                storage delete dir [options..]
                    deletes all the files in the directory specified on the specified cloud.

            set storage=azureblob
            storage put FILENAME SOURCEDIR

            is the same as 

            storage --storage=azureblob put FILENAME SOURCEDIR

        # arguments.CONTAINER = arguments["--container"]
        arguments.SERVICE = arguments["--storage"]

        m = Manager()

        service = None

            service = arguments["--storage"][0]
        except Exception as e:
                v = Variables()
                service = v['storage']
            except Exception as e:
                service = None

        if service is None:
            Console.error("storage service not defined")

        if arguments['get']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.get(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.FILENAME, arguments.DESTDIR)

        elif arguments['put']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.put(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.FILENAME, arguments.SOURCEDIR)

        elif arguments['delete'] and  arguments['file']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.delete(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.FILENAME)

        elif arguments['list'] and arguments['file']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.listfiles(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.DIRNAME)

        elif arguments['info']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.info(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.FILENAME)

        elif arguments['create'] and arguments['dir']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.createdir(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.DIRNAME)

        elif arguments['list'] and arguments['dir']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']

        elif arguments['delete'] and arguments['dir']:
            if arguments.SERVICE is None:
                variables = Variables()
                arguments.SERVICE = variables['storage']
            m.deletedir(arguments.SERVICE, arguments.DIRNAME)
Пример #16
    def do_image(self, args, arguments):

                image list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--output=OUTPUT]

               --output=OUTPUT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the cloud name
               --refresh        live data taken from the cloud

                cm image list
                cm image list --output=csv
                cm image list 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh

        map_parameters(arguments, "refresh", "cloud", "output")

        VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            print("AAA", clouds, names)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                images = provider.images()

                order = provider.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                header = provider.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            print(clouds, names)

                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"List {cloud}")
                    p = Provider(cloud)
                    kind = p.kind

                    collection = "{cloud}-image".format(cloud=cloud,
                    db = CmDatabase()
                    vms = db.find(collection=collection)

                    order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                    header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


            except Exception as e:

                VERBOSE.print(e, verbose=9)

            return ""
Пример #17
    def do_vm(self, args, arguments):

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm console [NAME] [--force]
                vm start [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm stop [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm list [NAMES]
                vm boot [--name=NAME]
                vm boot [--n=COUNT]
                vm run [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND
                vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT
                vm ip assign [NAMES]
                vm ip show [NAMES]
                vm ip inventory [NAMES]
                vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
                vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun]
                vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]
                vm info [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

                OUTPUT         the output format
                COMMAND        positional arguments, the commands you want to
                               execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';',
                               you will get a return of executing result instead of login to
                               the server, note that type in -- is suggested before
                               you input the commands
                NAME           server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                NAMES          server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is
                               not a path to key.
                NEWNAMES       New names of the VM while renaming.
                OLDNAMES       Old names of the VM while renaming.

                --output=OUTPUT   the output format [default: table]
                -H --modify-knownhosts  Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file
                                      when ssh'ing into a machine
                --username=USERNAME   the username to login into the vm. If not
                                      specified it will be guessed
                                      from the image name and the cloud
                --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
                --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                                 or default cloud will be used
                --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
                --detail         for table, a brief version
                                 is used as default, use this flag to print
                                 detailed table
                --flavor=FLAVOR  give the name or id of the flavor
                --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
                --secgroup=SECGROUP    security group name for the server
                --image=IMAGE    give the name or id of the image
                --key=KEY        specify a key to use, input a string which
                                 is the full path to the private key file
                --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to
                                              be used to create VM.
                                              Note this is not a path to key.
                --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                                 to use to login
                --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
                --force          rename/ delete vms without user's confirmation
                                 specify the commands to be executed

                commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

                vm default [options...]
                    Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either
                    on the default cloud or the specified cloud.

                vm boot [options...]
                    Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image
                    .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set
                    default values of a cloud: cloud help

                vm start [options...]
                    Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.

                vm stop [options...]
                    Stops a vm instance .

                vm delete [options...]

                    Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its
                    name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud,
                    give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names.
                    Or user may specify more options to narrow the search

                vm floating_ip_assign [options...]
                    assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud

                vm ip show [options...]
                    show the ips of VMs

                vm ssh [options...]
                    login to a server or execute commands on it

                vm list [options...]
                    same as command "list vm", please refer to it

                vm status [options...]
                    Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                    this command refreshes the data for virtual machines,
                    images and flavors for the specified clouds.

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                     pings the specified virtual machines, while using at most N pings.
                     The ping is executed in parallel.
                     If names are specifies the ping is restricted to the given names in
                     parameter format. If clouds are specified, names that are not in
                     these clouds are ignored. If the name is set in the variables
                     this name is used.

                give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very
                convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
                => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
                sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']

            Quoting commands:
                cm vm login gvonlasz-004 --command=\"uname -a\"


                Azure: rename is not supported

        map_parameters(arguments, 'active', 'cloud', 'command', 'dryrun',
                       'flavor', 'force', 'output', 'group', 'image',
                       'interval', 'ip', 'key', 'modify-knownhosts', 'n',
                       'name', 'public', 'quiet', 'secgroup', 'size',

        VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "refresh", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.ping:

            # TODO: IMPLEMENT
            names = []
            pings = int(arguments.N or 3)

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ping", arguments, variables)

            for name in names:

                ping = Shell.live("ping -c {N} {name}".format(name=name,
                return True

            return ""

        elif arguments.check:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "check", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.status:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "status", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.start:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "start", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.stop:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.terminate:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "terminate", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete:

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "delete", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.boot:

            print("boot the vm")

        elif arguments.list:
            # vm list [NAMES]
            #   [--cloud=CLOUDS]
            #   [--output=OUPTUT]
            #   [--refresh]

            # if no clouds find the clouds of all specified vms by name
            # find all vms of the clouds,
            # print only those vms specified by name, if no name is given print all for the cloud
            # print("list the vms")

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            # print("Clouds:", clouds)

            if arguments.NAMES is not None:
                names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
                Console.error("NAMES, not yet implemented" + str(names))

                    if arguments["--refresh"]:
                        # find all clouds in db
                        # iterate over the clouds
                        # for each name in name queue, find it and add it to the cloud vm list
                        # for each cloud print the vms
                        # find all clouds in db
                        # iterate over all clouds
                        # find the vm with the name
                        # add it to the cloud list
                        # for each cloud print the vms
                except Exception as e:

                    VERBOSE.print(e, verbose=9)

                return ""
                    if arguments["--refresh"]:
                        for cloud in clouds:
                            Console.ok("refresh " + cloud)

                            p = Provider(cloud)
                            vms = p.list()

                            order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                            header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


                        for cloud in clouds:
                            p = Provider(cloud)
                            kind = p.kind

                            # pprint(p.__dict__)
                            # pprint(p.p.__dict__) # not pretty

                            collection = "{cloud}-node".format(cloud=cloud,
                            db = CmDatabase()
                            vms = db.find(collection=collection)

                            # pprint(vms)
                            # print(arguments.output)
                            # print(p.p.output['vm'])

                            order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                            header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


                except Exception as e:

                    VERBOSE.print(e, verbose=9)

            return ""

        elif arguments.info:
            vm info [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT]
            print("info for the vm")

            cloud, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "info", arguments, variables)

        elif arguments.rename:

            print("rename the vm")

            v = Variables()
            cloud = v["cloud"]

            p = Provider(cloud)

                oldnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["OLDNAMES"])
                newnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["NEWNAMES"])
                force = arguments["--force"]

                if oldnames is None or newnames is None:
                    Console.error("Wrong VMs specified for rename",
                elif len(oldnames) != len(newnames):
                    Console.error("The number of VMs to be renamed is wrong",
                    for i in range(0, len(oldnames)):
                        oldname = oldnames[i]
                        newname = newnames[i]
                        if arguments["--dryrun"]:
                            Console.ok("Rename {} to {}".format(
                                oldname, newname))
                            print(f"rename {oldname} -> {newname}")

                            p.rename(source=oldname, destination=newname)

                    msg = "info. OK."
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Problem renameing instances", traceflag=True)

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["show"]:

            print("show the ips")
            vm ip show [NAMES]


        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["assign"]:
            vm ip assign [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("assign the public ip")

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["inventory"]:
            vm ip inventory [NAMES]

            print("list ips that could be assigned")

        elif arguments.username:
            vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("sets the username for the vm")

        elif arguments.default:

            print("sets defaults for the vm")

        elif arguments.run:
            vm run [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND

        elif arguments.script:
            vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT

        elif arguments.resize:
            vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

        elif arguments.ssh:
            vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
            print("ssh  the vm")

        elif arguments.console:
            # vm console [NAME] [--force]

            names = Arguments.get_names(arguments, variables)

            for name in names:
                # r = vm.console(name,force=argument.force)
                Console.msg("{label} {name}".format(label="console",

        elif arguments.wait:
            vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]
            print("waits for the vm till its ready and one can login")
Пример #18
    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

                storage [--storage=SERVICE] create dir DIRECTORY
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] list SOURCE [--recursive] [--output=OUTPUT]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] delete SOURCE
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] search  DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive] [--output=OUTPUT]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] sync SOURCE DESTINATION [--name=NAME] [--async]
                storage [--storage=SERVICE] sync status [--name=NAME]
                storage config list [--output=OUTPUT]

          This command does some useful things.

              SOURCE        SOURCE can be a directory or file
              DESTINATION   DESTINATION can be a directory or file
              DIRECTORY     DIRECTORY refers to a folder on the cloud service

              --storage=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws or
                                 azure or box or google

                commands used to upload, download, list files on different
                cloud storage services.

                storage put [options..]
                    Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified
                    cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

                storage get [options..]
                    Downloads the file specified in the filename from the
                    specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

                storage delete [options..]
                    Deletes the file specified in the filename from the
                    specified cloud.

                storage list [options..]
                    lists all the files from the container name specified on
                    the specified cloud.

                storage create dir [options..]
                    creates a folder with the directory name specified on the
                    specified cloud.

                storage search [options..]
                    searches for the source in all the folders on the specified

                sync SOURCE DESTINATION
                    puts the content of source to the destination.
                    If --recursive is specified this is done recursively from
                       the source
                    If --async is specified, this is done asyncronously
                    If a name is specified, the process can also be monitored
                       with the status command by name.
                    If the anme is not specified all date is monitored.

                sync status
                    The status for the asynchronous sync can be seen with this

                config list
                    Lists the configures storage services in the yaml file

            set storage=azureblob
            storage put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

            is the same as
            storage --storage=azureblob put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

        # arguments.CONTAINER = arguments["--container"]

        map_parameters(arguments, "recursive", "storage")

        if arguments.storage is None:
                v = Variables()
                arguments.storage = v['storage']
            except Exception as e:
                arguments.storage = None
                raise ValueError("Storage provider is not defined")

        arguments.storage = Parameter.expand(arguments.storage)

        # BUG: some commands could be run on more than the first provider,
        # such as list
        # thus the if condition needs to be reorganized

        if arguments["get"]:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.get(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE,
                                  arguments.DESTINATION, arguments.recursive)

        elif arguments.put:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.put(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE,
                                  arguments.DESTINATION, arguments.recursive)

        elif arguments.create and arguments.dir:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.createdir(arguments.storage, arguments.DIRECTORY)

        elif arguments.list:

            # BUG: this command is much more complicated

            for storage in arguments.storage:
                provider = Provider(storage)

                result = provider.list(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE,

        elif arguments.delete:

            # BUG:: this command could be much more complicated
            for storage in arguments.storage:
                provider = Provider(storage)

                provider.delete(arguments.storage, arguments.SOURCE)

        elif arguments.search:
            # BUG: this command is much more complicated

            for storage in arguments.storage:
                provider = Provider(storage)

                provider.search(arguments.storage, arguments.DIRECTORY,
                                arguments.FILENAME, arguments.recursive)

        elif arguments.rsync:
            # TODO: implement
            raise NotImplementedError
Пример #19
    def onecmd(self, line):
        """Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response
        to the prompt.

        This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be;
        see the precmd() and postcmd() methods for useful execution hooks.
        The return value is a flag indicating whether interpretation of
        commands by the interpreter should stop.

        oldline, line = self.replace_vars(line)

        # -----------------------------
        # print comment lines, but do not execute them
        # -----------------------------
        if line.startswith('#') \
                or line.startswith('//') \
                or line.startswith('/*'):
            return ""

        if line.startswith('!'):

            return ""
        # if line is None:
        #    return ""

        # if line.startswith("!"):
        #    line.replace("!", "! ")
        # line = self.var_replacer(line)
        # if line != "hist" and line:
        #    self._hist += [line.strip()]
        # if line.startswith("!") or line.startswith("shell"):
        #    self.do_shell_exec(line[1:])
        #    return ""
        cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line)

        if line.startswith("$") or line.startswith('var.'):
            line = line.replace("$", "", 1)
            line = line.replace("var.", "", 1)
            print("FIND>", line, "<", sep='')
            variable = Variables()
            return ""

        # -----------------------------
        # handle empty line
        # -----------------------------
        if not line:
            return self.emptyline()

        # -----------------------------
        # handle file execution
        # -----------------------------
        # this does not yet work
        # if os.path.isfile(line):
        #    print ("... execute", line)
        #    self.do_exec(line)
        #    return ""

        if cmd != '':
                func = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd)
                return func(arg)
            except AttributeError as e:
                print("ERROR: command error while executing '",
                cmd = None
                line = oldline
                # Error.traceback(error=e, debug=True, trace=True)
        return ""
Пример #20
 def print(msg, verbose=0, label=None, color="BLUE"):
     _verbose = int(Variables()["verbose"] or 0)
     if _verbose >= verbose:
         banner(pformat(msg), label=label, color=color)
Пример #21
    def do_key(self, args, arguments):

             key  -h | --help
             key list --cloud=CLOUDS [--format=FORMAT]
             key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]
             key list --source=git [--format=FORMAT] [--username=USERNAME]
             key list [NAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
             key load --filename=FILENAME [--format=FORMAT]
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             key get NAME [--format=FORMAT]
             key default --select
             key delete (NAMES | --select | --all) [--dryrun]
             key delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             key group upload [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add --file=FILENAME
             key group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             key group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
             key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME

             VMS            Para,eterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS         The clouds
             NAME           The name of the key.
             SOURCE         db, ssh, all
             KEYNAME        The name of a key. For key upload it defaults to the default key name.
             FORMAT         The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME       The filename with full path in which the key
                            is located

              --dir=DIR                     the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --format=FORMAT               the format of the output [default: table]
              --source=SOURCE               the source for the keys [default: cm]
              --username=USERNAME           the source for the keys [default: none]
              --name=KEYNAME                The name of a key


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh4.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Manages public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machine sin the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes teh ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github. To list these keys the
               following list functions are provided.

                key list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh4.yaml
                key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh
                key list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

               The keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh with the add command
               under the given name. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                key add --ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                key add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specifid by the filename with the given name
                key add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

                Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed

                key list [NAME] [--format=FORMAT]
                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the giiven format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME cabn be
                    specified and if ommitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                key get NAME
                    Retrieves the key indicated by the NAME parameter from
                    cloudmesh and prints its details.
                key default --select
                    Select the default key interactively
                key delete NAMES
                    deletes the keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                key rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines.
               The keys must be uploaded to cloudmesh with a name so they can
               be used in a group. The --dryrun option executes the command
               without uploading the information to the clouds. If no groupname
               is specified the groupname default is assumed. If no cloudnames
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds can be
               set in the cloudmesh4.yaml file.

                key group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                key group list [GROUPNAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                key group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                key group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key

        arguments.cloud = arguments['--cloud']
        arguments.format = arguments['--format']
        arguments.source = arguments['--source']
        arguments.dir = arguments['--dir']


        invalid_names = ['tbd', 'none', "", 'id_rsa']
        m = Manager()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":
            # this is much simpler
            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
                    order=["id", "name", "fingerprint", "source"],
                    header=["Id", "Name", "Fingerprint", "Source"]))

            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()
                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"]))
            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            cloudkey = []
            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(clouds)

                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"]))

            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "db":

            if arguments.NAMES:
                names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

                print("find the keys of the following vms", names)
                print("the keys will be read from mongo")

            return ""

        return ""
Пример #22
    def do_var(self, args, arguments):
            var list
            var clear 
            var delete NAME
            var NAME=VALUE
            var NAME
            NAME      the name of the variable
            VALUE     the value of the variable
            FILENAME  the filename of the variable
            Manage persistent variables
            var NAME=VALUE
               sets the variable with the name to the value
               if the value is one of data, time, now it will be 
               replaced with the value at this time, the format will be
                date    2017-04-14
                time    11:30:33
                now     2017-04-14 11:30:41
            It will wbe replaced accordingly    
            The value can also refer to another variable name. 
            In this case the current value will be copied in the named
            variable. As we use the $ sign it is important to distinguish 
            shell variables from cms variables while using proper quoting.
            Examples include:
               cms var a=\$b
               cms var 'a=$b'
               cms var a=val.b
            The previous command copy the value from b to a. The val command
            was added to avoid quoting.
        # print (arguments)
        database = Variables(filename="~/.cloudmesh/var-data")

        if arguments["clear"]:
        elif arguments["list"]:
            for name in database:
                value = database[name]
                print(name, "=", "'", value, "'", sep="")
        elif arguments.delete:
            del database[arguments.NAME]
        elif arguments.NAME is not None:
        elif arguments["NAME=VALUE"] is not None:
            name, value = arguments["NAME=VALUE"].split("=", 1)
            if value == "time":
                value = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            elif value == "date":
                value = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            elif value == "now":
                value = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            elif value.startswith("value."):
                var = value.replace("value.", "")
                value = database[var]
            elif value.startswith("$"):
                var = value.replace("$", "")
                value = database[var]

            print(name, "=", "'", value, "'", sep="")
            database[name] = value
Пример #23
    def do_queue(self, args, arguments):

            queue create --name=NAME --policy=POLICY --cluster=CLUSTER
            queue activate [--name=NAME]
            queue deactivate [--name=NAME]
            queue set unit
            queue connection_test --job=JOB
            queue cluster list [--cluster=CLUSTERS] [--depth=DEPTH]
            queue cluster remove [--cluster=CLUSTERS]
            queue cluster set [--cluster=CLUSTERS] PARAMETER=VALUE

              FILE   a file name
              INPUT_TYPE  tbd

              -f      specify the file
              --depth=DEPTH   [default: 1]
              --format=FORMAT    [default: table]


            This command creates a queue that is associated with a cloud.

            We assume that a number of experiments are conducted with possibly
            running the script multiple times. Each experiment will save the
            batch script in its own folder.

            The output of the script can be saved in a destination folder. A virtual
            directory is used to coordinate all saved files.

            The files can be located due to the use of the virtual directory on
            multiple different data or file services

            Authentication to the Batch systems is done viw the underlaying HPC
            center authentication. We assume that the user has an account to
            submit on these systems.

            (SSH, 2 factor, XSEDE-account) TBD.



                [--suffix=SUFFIX] [--overwrite]


        # create slurm manager so it can be used in all commands
        queue = Queue()  # debug=arguments["--debug"])

        # arguments["--cloud"] = "test"
        # arguments["NAME"] = "fix"

        # map_parameters(arguments,
        #                "cloud",
        #                "name",
        #                "cluster",
        #                "script",
        #                "type",
        #                "destination",
        #                "source",
        #                "format")

        # if not arguments.create

        #    find cluster name from Variables()
        #    if no cluster is defined look it up in yaml in batch default:
        #    if not defined there fail

        #    clusters = Parameter.expand(arguments.cluster)
        #    name = Parameters.expand[argumnets.name)
        #    this will return an array of clusters and names of jobs and all cluster
        #    job or clusterc commands will be executed on them
        #    see the vm
        #    if active: False in the yaml file for the cluster this cluster is not used and scipped.

        VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)
        implemented_policies = ['FIFO', 'FILO']
        variables = Variables()

        # docopt for some reason does not show all of the arguments in dot
        # format that's the reason I used -- format.
        if   arguments.create and \
             arguments['--name'] and \
             arguments['--cluster'] and \

            queue_name = arguments['--name']
            cluster_name = arguments['--cluster']
            policy = arguments['--policy']
            if policy.upper() not in ['FIFO', 'FILO']:
                Console.error("Policy {policy} not defined, currently "
                              "implemented policies are {policies} ".format(
            charge = arguments['--charge']
            unit = arguments['--unit']
            queue.create(queue_name, cluster_name, policy, charge, unit)