Пример #1
 def launch(self):
     Worker method for creating a new ACL object definition.
     # Make sure the type definition is not already used
     if DBGatewayACLObjects.objects.filter(type=self.attr['type']).count():
         return invalid('Failed to create ACL object type [%s], already defined' % self.attr['type'])
     # Check the ACL and object module/class definitions
     for key,status in {
         'acl': mod_has_class(self.attr['acl_mod'], self.attr['acl_cls'], no_launch=True),
         'obj': mod_has_class(self.attr['obj_mod'], self.attr['obj_cls'], no_launch=True)
         if not status['valid']:
             return status
     # Set a unique ID for the ACL object
     self.attr['uuid'] = str(uuid4())
     # If a default ACL UUID is supplied
     if ('def_acl' in self.api.data):
         if not DBGatewayACLKeys.objects.filter(uuid=self.attr['def_acl']).count():
             return invalid('Failed to create ACL object type [%s], default ACL [%s] not found' % (self.attr['type'], self.attr['def_acl']))
         # Get the default ACL object
         self.attr['def_acl'] = DBGatewayACLKeys.objects.get(uuid=self.api.data['def_acl'])
         # Make sure the ACL has object type authentication enabled
         if not self.attr['def_acl'].type_object:
             return invalid('Failed to create ACL object type [%s], default ACL [%s] must have object authentication enabled' % (self.attr['type'], self.attr['def_acl']['uuid']))
     # Create the ACL object definition
     # Critical error when saving ACL object definition
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid(self.api.log.exception('Failed to create ACL object type [%s]: %s' % (self.attr['type'], str(e))))
     # Return the response
     return valid('Successfully created ACL object definition', {
         'type': self.attr['type'],
         'uuid': self.attr['uuid'],
         'name': self.attr['name']
Пример #2
 def launch(self):
     Worker method for creating a new utility.
     # Creation parameters
     params = {
         'uuid':       str(uuid4()),
         'path':       self.api.data['path'],
         'desc':       self.api.data['desc'],
         'method':     self.api.data['method'],
         'mod':        self.api.data['mod'],
         'cls':        self.api.data['cls'],
         'utils':      json.dumps(self.api.data.get('utils', [])),
         'protected':  self.api.data['protected'],
         'enabled':    self.api.data['enabled'],
         'object':     self.api.data.get('object'),
         'object_key': self.api.data.get('object_key'),
         'locked':     False,
         'locked_by':  None,
         'rmap': json.dumps({
             '_type': 'dict',
             '_required': [],
             '_optional': []
     # Try to import the module and make sure it contains the class definition
     mod_status = mod_has_class(params['mod'], params['cls'])
     if not mod_status['valid']:
         return mod_status
     # Save the utility
         # Return the response
         return valid('Successfully created utility', {
             'uuid': params['uuid'],
             'path': params['path'],
             'method': params['method'],
             'desc': params['desc'],
             'enabled': params['enabled'],
             'protected': params['protected']
     # Failed to save utility
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid('Failed to create utility: %s' % str(e))
Пример #3
 def launch(self):
     Worker method for creating a new endpoint.
     # Concatenate the path and action to the name
     ep_name      = '%s/%s' % (self.api.data['path'], self.api.data['action'])
     ep_desc      = self.api.data['desc']
     ep_path      = self.api.data['path']
     ep_action    = self.api.data['action']
     ep_method    = self.api.data['method']
     ep_class     = self.api.data['cls']
     ep_mod       = self.api.data['mod']
     ep_utils     = '[]' if not ('utils' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['utils']
     ep_uuid      = str(uuid4())
     ep_protected = self.api.data['protected']
     ep_enabled   = self.api.data['enabled']
     ep_object    = None if not ('object' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['object']
     ep_obj_key   = None if not ('object_key' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['object_key']
     ep_rmap      = json.dumps({
         '_type': 'dict',
         '_required': [],
         '_optional': ['_data']                 
     # Make sure the name isn't taken already
     if DBAuthEndpoints.objects.filter(name=ep_name).count():
         return invalid('The endpoint <%s> already exists, please use a different <path>/<action> combination' % ep_name)
     # Try to import the module and make sure it contains the class definition
     mod_status = mod_has_class(ep_mod, ep_class)
     if not mod_status['valid']:
         return mod_status
     # Save the endpoint
         endpoint = DBAuthEndpoints(
             uuid       = ep_uuid,
             name       = ep_name,
             desc       = ep_desc,
             path       = ep_path,
             action     = ep_action,
             method     = ep_method,
             mod        = ep_mod,
             cls        = ep_class,
             utils      = ep_utils,
             rmap       = ep_rmap,
             protected  = ep_protected,
             enabled    = ep_enabled,
             object     = ep_object,
             object_key = ep_obj_key,
             locked     = False,
             locked_by  = None
         # Construct and return web data
         web_data = {
             'uuid': ep_uuid,
             'name': ep_name,
             'path': ep_path,
             'action': ep_action,
             'method': ep_method,
             'desc': ep_desc,
             'enabled': ep_enabled,
             'protected': ep_protected
         return valid('Successfully created endpoint', web_data)
     # Failed to save endpoint
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid('Failed to create endpoint: %s' % str(e))
Пример #4
 def launch(self):
     Worker method for updating an ACL object.
     # Make sure the object definition exists
     if not DBAuthACLObjects.objects.filter(type=self.type).count():
         return invalid('Failed to update ACL object, type definition <%s> not found' % self.type)
     # Get the existing ACL object definition
     acl_obj = DBAuthACLObjects.objects.filter(type=self.type).values()[0]
     # ACL module / class
     acl_mod = acl_obj['acl_mod'] if not ('acl_mod' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['acl_mod']
     acl_cls = acl_obj['acl_cls'] if not ('acl_cls' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['acl_cls']
     # Make sure the module/class combination is valid
     acl_mod_status = mod_has_class(acl_mod, acl_cls, no_launch=True)
     if not acl_mod_status['valid']:
         return acl_mod_status
     # Object module / class
     obj_mod = acl_obj['obj_mod'] if not ('obj_mod' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['obj_mod']
     obj_cls = acl_obj['obj_cls'] if not ('obj_cls' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['obj_cls']
     # Make sure the module/class combination is valid
     obj_mod_status = mod_has_class(obj_mod, obj_cls, no_launch=True)
     if not obj_mod_status['valid']:
         return obj_mod_status
     # If updating the default ACL definition
     def_acl = None
     if 'def_acl' in self.api.data:
         # Make sure the default ACL exists
         if not DBAuthACLKeys.objects.filter(uuid=self.api.data['def_acl']).count():
             return invalid('Failed to update ACL object type <%s>, default ACL <%s> not found' % (self.type, self.api.data['def_acl']))
         # Get the default ACL object
         def_acl = DBAuthACLKeys.objects.get(uuid=self.api.data['def_acl'])
         # Make sure the ACL has object type authentication enabled
         if not def_acl.type_object:
             return invalid('Failed to update ACL object type <%s>, default ACL <%s> must have object authentication enabled' % (self.type, def_acl.uuid))
         # Clear the UUID string from the API data
         del self.api.data['def_acl']
     # Update the object definition
         # Update string values
         # If changing the default ACL
         if def_acl:
             acl_obj = DBAuthACLObjects.objects.get(type=self.type)
             acl_obj.def_acl = def_acl
     # Critical error when updating ACL object definition
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid('Failed to update ACL object: %s' % str(e))
     # Successfully updated object
     return valid('Successfully updated ACL object')
Пример #5
 def _validate(self):
     Validate the endpoint attributes.
     # Get all endpoints
     endpoint_all = DBAuthEndpoints.objects.all().values()
     # ACL objects
     acl_objects  = list(DBAuthACLObjects.objects.all().values())
     # Construct available endpoint utilities
     endpoint_utils = []
     for ep in endpoint_all:
         endpoint_utils.append('%s.%s' % (ep['mod'], ep['cls']))
     # Get the endpoint details
     endpoint_row = DBAuthEndpoints.objects.filter(uuid=self.endpoint).values()[0]
     # Default values
     path       = endpoint_row['path'] if not ('path' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['path']
     action     = endpoint_row['action'] if not ('action' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['action']
     method     = endpoint_row['method'] if not ('method' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['method']
     enabled    = endpoint_row['enabled'] if not ('enabled' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['enabled']
     protected  = endpoint_row['protected'] if not ('protected' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['protected']
     mod        = endpoint_row['mod'] if not ('mod' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['mod']
     cls        = endpoint_row['cls'] if not ('cls' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['cls']
     utils      = endpoint_row['utils'] if not ('utils' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['utils']
     rmap       = endpoint_row['rmap'] if not ('rmap' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['rmap']
     object     = endpoint_row['object'] if not ('object' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['object']
     object_key = endpoint_row['object_key'] if not ('object_key' in self.api.data) else self.api.data['object_key']
     # Make sure the path and action strings are valid
     if not re.match(r'^[a-z][a-z\/]*[a-z]$', path):
         return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint <%s>, invalid <path> value: %s' % (self.endpoint, path))
     if not re.match(r'^[a-z]*$', action):
         return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint <%s>, invalid <action> value: %s' % (self.endpoint, action))
     # Make sure the method is valid
     if not method in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']:
         return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint <%s>, invalid <method> value: %s' % (self.endpoint, method))
     # Make sure the object type is supported
     obj_supported = False if object else True
     for acl_obj in acl_objects:
         if acl_obj['type'] == object:
             obj_supported = True
     if not obj_supported:
         return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint, using unsupported endpoint object type <%s>' % object)
     # Make sure the request map is valid JSON
         tmp = json.loads(rmap)
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid('Failed to validate request map JSON: %s' % str(e))
     # Validate the module
     mod_path = mod.replace('.', '/')
     if not os.path.isfile('%s/python/%s.py' % (C_BASE, mod_path)):
         return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint <%s>, module <%s> not found' % (self.endpoint, mod))
     # Validate the class
     mod_status = mod_has_class(mod, cls)
     if not mod_status['valid']:
         return mod_status
     # Validate external utilities
     for util in utils:
         if not util in endpoint_utils:
             return invalid('Failed to validate endpoint <%s>, could not locate external utility class <%s>' % (self.endpoint, util))
     # Map object
     self.epattr = {
         'name':      '%s/%s' % (path, action),
         'path':      path,
         'action':    action,
         'method':    method,
         'enabled':   enabled,
         'protected': protected,
         'mod':       mod,
         'cls':       cls,
         'utils':     utils
     # Attributes constructed
     return valid()
Пример #6
 def _validate(self):
     Validate the utility attributes.
     # Get all utilities
     util_all = DBGatewayUtilities.objects.all().values()
     # ACL objects
     acl_objects  = list(DBGatewayACLObjects.objects.all().values())
     # Construct available external utilities
     util_ext = []
     for util in util_all:
         util_ext.append('%s.%s' % (util['mod'], util['cls']))
     # Get the utility details
     util_row = DBGatewayUtilities.objects.filter(uuid=self.utility).values()[0]
     # Default values
     default = {
         'path': self.api.data.get('path', util_row['path']),
         'method': self.api.data.get('method', util_row['method']),
         'mod': self.api.data.get('mod', util_row['mod']),
         'cls': self.api.data.get('cls', util_row['cls']),
         'utils': self.api.data.get('utils', util_row['utils']),
         'rmap': self.api.data.get('rmap', util_row['rmap']),
         'enabled': self.api.data.get('enabled', util_row['enabled']),
         'protected': self.api.data.get('protected', util_row['protected']),
         'object': self.api.data.get('object', util_row['object']),
         'object_key': self.api.data.get('object_key', util_row['object_key'])
     # Make sure the path string is valid
     if not re.match(r'^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\/]*[a-z0-9]$', default['path']):
         return invalid('Failed to validate utility [%s], invalid [path] value: %s' % (self.utility, default['path']))
     # Make sure the method is valid
     if not default['method'] in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']:
         return invalid('Failed to validate utility [%s], invalid [method] value: %s' % (self.utility, default['method']))
     # Make sure the object type is supported
     obj_supported = False if default['object'] else True
     for acl_obj in acl_objects:
         if acl_obj['type'] == object:
             obj_supported = True
     if not obj_supported:
         return invalid('Failed to validate utility, using unsupported utility object type [%s]' % object)
     # Make sure the request map is valid JSON
         tmp = json.loads(rmap)
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid('Failed to validate request map JSON: %s' % str(e))
     # Validate the module
     mod_path = mod.replace('.', '/')
     if not os.path.isfile('%s/python/%s.py' % (L_BASE, mod_path)):
         return invalid('Failed to validate utility [%s], module [%s] not found' % (self.utility, mod))
     # Validate the class
     mod_status = mod_has_class(mod, cls)
     if not mod_status['valid']:
         return mod_status
     # Validate external utilities
     for util in utils:
         if not util in util_ext:
             return invalid('Failed to validate utility [%s], could not locate external utility class [%s]' % (self.utility, util))
     # Utility validated
     return valid()