Пример #1
 def get_config(self):
     Load the updated server configuration
     # Generate a new Django secret for the engine and portal
     engine_secret = "'%s'" % rstring(64)
     portal_secret = "'%s'" % rstring(64)
     # Return the updated server configuration
     return {
         'server': {
             'host': self.input.response.get('api_host'),
             'port': self.input.response.get('api_port'),
             'secret': engine_secret      
         'db': {
             'host': self.input.response.get('db_host'),
             'port': self.input.response.get('db_port'),
             'user': self.input.response.get('db_user'),
             'password': self.input.response.get('db_user_password')
         'portal': {
             'host': self.input.response.get('portal_host'),
             'port': self.input.response.get('portal_port'),
             'secret': portal_secret
         'socket': {
             'host': self.input.response.get('socket_host'),
             'port': self.input.response.get('socket_port'),
             'bind_ip': self.input.response.get('socket_bind_ipaddr')
Пример #2
 def create(self, id=None):
     Generate a new API authentication token.
     token_str = rstring(255)
     expires   = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=settings.API_TOKEN_LIFE)
     # Create a new API token
     self.log.info('Generating API token for client [%s]' % id)
     db_token  = DBUserAPITokens(id = None, user=DBUser.objects.get(username=id), token=token_str, expires=expires)
     # Return the token
     return token_str
Пример #3
    def launch(self):
        Worker method to handle resetting a user's password.
        # Construct a list of authorized users
        auth_users = self.api.acl.authorized_objects('user', path='user', method=HTTP_GET)
        # If the user does not exist or access is denied
        if not self.user in auth_users.ids:
            return invalid('Cannot reset password for user [%s], not found or access denied' % self.user)
        self.api.log.info('Resetting password for user [%s]' % self.user)
        # Generate a new random password
        new_pw = rstring()

        # Get the user object and set the new password
            user_obj = DBUser.objects.get(username=self.user)
            self.api.log.info('Successfully reset password for user [%s]' % self.user)
        # Critical error when resetting user password
        except Exception as e:
            return invalid('Failed to reset password for user [%s]: %s' % (self.user, str(e)))
        # Send the email
            # Email properties
            email_sub  = 'CloudScape Password Reset: %s' % self.user
            email_txt  = 'Your password has been reset. You may login with your new password "%s".' % new_pw
            email_from = '*****@*****.**'
            email_to   = [user_obj.email]
            # Send the email
            if self.api.email.send(email_sub, email_txt, email_from, email_to):
                self.api.log.info('Sent email confirmation for password reset to user [%s]' % self.user)
            # Return the response
            return valid('Successfully reset user password')
        # Critical error when sending password reset notification
        except Exception as e:
            return invalid(self.api.log.error('Failed to send password reset confirmation: %s' % str(e)))
Пример #4
 def create(self):
     Generate a 64 character API key.
     return rstring(64)
Пример #5
 def launch(self):
     Worker method used to handle creation of a new user account.
     # Validate the user creation request
     req_status = self._validate()
     if not req_status['valid']:
         return req_status
     # Try to create the new user account
         # Generate a random password
         password = rstring()
         # If manually setting the password
         if ('password' in self.api.data):
             # Must confirm the password
             if not ('password_confirm' in self.api.data):
                 return invalid('Missing [password_confirm] request parameter')
             # Passwords don't match
             if not (self.api.data['password'] == self.api.data['password_confirm']):
                 return invalid('Request parameters [password] and [password_confirm] do not match')
             # Set the password
             password = self.api.data['password']
         # Check if specifying a manual user UUID
         if self.api.data.get('uuid', False):
             if DBUser.objects.filter(uuid=self.api.data['uuid']).count():
                 return invalid(self.api.log.error('Cannot create user with duplicate UUID <%s>' % self.api.data['uuid']))
         # Create the user account
         new_user = DBUser.objects.create_user(
             uuid         = self.api.data.get('uuid', None),
             group        = self.api.data['group'],
             username     = self.api.data['username'],
             email        = self.api.data['email'],
             password     = self.api.data['password'],
         # Save the user account details
         self.api.log.info('Created user account [%s]' % (self.api.data['username']))
         # Send the account creation email
             # Email properties
             email_sub  = 'CloudScape New Account: %s' % new_user.username
             email_txt  = 'Your account has been created. You may login with your password "%s".' % password
             email_from = '*****@*****.**'
             email_to   = [new_user.email]
             # Send the email
             if self.api.email.send(email_sub, email_txt, email_from, email_to):
                 self.api.log.info('Sent email confirmation for new account [%s] to [%s]' % (new_user.username, new_user.email))
                 # Return valid
                 return valid('Successfully sent account creation confirmation')
         # Critical error when sending email confirmation, continue but log exception
         except Exception as e:
             self.api.log.exception('Failed to send account creation confirmation: %s' % str(e))
     # Something failed during creation
     except Exception as e:
         return invalid(self.api.log.exception('Failed to create user account [%s]: %s' % (self.api.data['username'], str(e))))
     # Get the new user's API key
     api_key = DBUserAPIKeys.objects.filter(user=new_user.uuid).values()[0]['api_key']
     # Return the response
     return valid('Successfully created user account', {
         'uuid':       new_user.uuid,
         'username':   new_user.username,
         'first_name': new_user.first_name,
         'last_name':  new_user.last_name,
         'email':      new_user.email,
         'api_key':    api_key