Пример #1
 def test_unit_sequence(self):
     Ensure an "infinite" sequence works as expected
     sequence = Sequence()
     for idx in xrange(1, 100000):
         self.assertEqual(sequence.next(), idx)
Пример #2
 def test_step_sequence(self):
     Ensure that a stepped sequence works as expected
     sequence = Sequence(step=10)
     for idx in xrange(10, 100000, 10):
         self.assertEqual(sequence.next(), idx)
Пример #3
 def new(klass, name):
     Returns a new subclass of the version for a specific object and
     resets the global counter on the object, for multi-version systems.
     name = name or "foo"  # Handle passing None into the new method.
     return type(name, (klass, ), {"counter": Sequence()})
Пример #4
class SimulationLogger(WrappedLogger):
    This will correctly log messages from the simulation.

    counter = Sequence()
    logger  = logging.getLogger('cloudscope.simulation')

    def __init__(self, env, **kwargs):
        self.env   = env
        self._user = kwargs.pop('user', None)
        super(SimulationLogger, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def user(self):
        if not self._user:
            self._user = getpass.getuser()
        return self._user

    def log(self, level, message, *args, **kwargs):
        Provide current user as extra context to the logger
        extra = kwargs.pop('extra', {})
            'user':  self.user,
            'msgid': self.counter.next(),
            'time':  self.env.now,

        kwargs['extra'] = extra
        super(SimulationLogger, self).log(level, message, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #5
 def test_limit_sequence(self):
     Ensure that a sequence can be limited
     with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
         sequence = Sequence(limit=1000)
         for idx in xrange(1, 100000):
             self.assertEqual(sequence.next(), idx)
Пример #6
 def test_reset_sequence(self):
     Ensure that a sequence can be reset
     sequence = Sequence()
     for idx in xrange(1, 100):
     self.assertGreater(sequence.value, 1)
     self.assertEqual(sequence.next(), 1)
Пример #7
class NamedProcess(Process):
    A process with a sequence counter and self identification.

    counter = Sequence()

    def __init__(self, env):
        self._id = self.counter.next()
        super(NamedProcess, self).__init__(env)

    def name(self):
        return "{} #{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._id)
Пример #8
 def new(klass):
     return klass(Sequence(), Sequence())
Пример #9
class Version(object):
    A representation of a write to an object in the replica; the Version
    tracks all information associated with that write (e.g. the version that
    it was written from, when and how long it took to replicate the write).
    def new(klass, name):
        Returns a new subclass of the version for a specific object and
        resets the global counter on the object, for multi-version systems.
        name = name or "foo"  # Handle passing None into the new method.
        return type(name, (klass, ), {"counter": Sequence()})

    # Autoincrementing ID
    counter = Sequence()

    def increment_version(klass, replica):
        Returns the next unique version number in the global sequence.
        This method takes as input the replica writing the version number so
        that subclasses can implement replica-specific versioning.
        return klass.counter.next()

    def latest_version(klass):
        Returns the latest global version of this object.
        return klass.counter.value

    def __init__(self, replica, parent=None, **kwargs):
        Creation of an initial version for the version tree.
        self.writer = replica
        self.version = self.increment_version(replica)
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = []
        self.committed = False
        self.tag = kwargs.get('tag', None)

        # This seems very tightly coupled, should we do something different?
        self.replicas = set([replica.id])

        # Level is depcrecated and no longer used.
        # TODO: Remove the level cleanly
        self.level = kwargs.get('level', replica.consistency)

        self.created = kwargs.get('created', replica.env.now)
        self.updated = kwargs.get('updated', replica.env.now)

    def name(self):
        Returns the name if it was created via the new function.
        (e.g. is not `Version`)
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        if name != "Version": return name

    def access(self):
        Can reconstruct an access given the information in the version, or
        the API allows the use of the setter to assign the Write access that
        created the version for storage and future use.
        if not hasattr(self, '_access'):
            self._access = Write(self.name,
        return self._access

    def access(self, access):
        Assign a Write event that created this particular version for use in
        passing the event along in the distributed system.
        self._access = access

    def update(self, replica, commit=False, **kwargs):
        Replicas call this to update on remote writes.
        This method also tracks visibility latency for right now.
        self.updated = replica.env.now

        if replica.id not in self.replicas:

            # Track replication over time
            visibility = float(len(self.replicas)) / float(
                'visibility', (self.writer.id, str(self), visibility,
                               self.created, self.updated))

            # Is this version completely replicated?
            if len(self.replicas) == len(replica.sim.replicas):
                # Track the visibility latency
                    'visibility latency',
                    (self.writer.id, str(self), self.created, self.updated))

        if commit and not self.committed:
            self.committed = True
                'commit latency',
                (self.writer.id, str(self), self.created, self.updated))

    def is_committed(self):
        Alias for committed.
        return self.committed

    def is_visible(self):
        Compares the set of replicas with the global replica set to determine
        if the version is fully visible on the cluster. (Based on who updates)
        return len(self.replicas) == len(self.writer.sim.replicas)

    def is_stale(self):
        Compares the version of this object to the global counter to determine
        if this vesion is the latest or not.
        return self.version < self.latest_version()

    def is_forked(self):
        Detect if we have multiple children or not. This is a "magic" method
        of determining if the fork exists or not ... for now. We need to make
        this "non-magic" soon.
        # TODO: Non-magic version of this
        # Right now we are computing how many un-dropped children exist
        dropped = lambda child: not child.access.is_dropped()
        return len(filter(dropped, self.children)) > 1

    def nextv(self, replica, **kwargs):
        Returns a clone of this version, incremented to the next version.
        # The problem is that this is global knowledge and cannot be checked.
        # Do not allow dropped writes to be incremented
        # if self.access.is_dropped():
        #     msg = (
        #         "Cannot write to a dropped version! "
        #         "{} {} attempting to write {}"
        #     ).format(self.writer.__class__.__name__, self.writer, self)
        #     raise WorkloadException(msg)

        # Detect if we're a stale write (e.g. the parent version is stale).
        # NOTE: You have to do this before you create the next version
        # otherwise by definition the parent is stale!
        if self.is_stale():
            # Count the number of stale writes as well as provide a mechanism
            # for computing time and version staleness for the write.
            self.writer.sim.results.update('stale writes', (

        # Create the next version at this point.
        nv = self.__class__(replica, parent=self, level=self.level)

        # Append the next version to your children

        # Detect if we've forked the write
        if self.is_forked():
            # Count the number of forked writes
                'forked writes', (self.writer.id, self.writer.env.now))

        return nv

    def __str__(self):
        def mkvers(item):
            if item.name:
                return "{}.{}".format(item.name, item.version)
            return item.version

        if self.parent:
            return "{}->{}".format(mkvers(self.parent), mkvers(self))
        return "root->{}".format(mkvers(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(str(self))

    ## Version comparison methods
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.version < other.version

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.version <= other.version

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if other is None: return False
        if self.version == other.version:
            if self.parent is None:
                return other.parent is None
            return self.parent.version == other.parent.version
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.version > other.version

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.version >= other.version
Пример #10
class Replica(Node):
    A replica is a network node that implements version handling.

    # Autoincrementing ID
    counter = Sequence()

    def __init__(self, sim, **kwargs):
        # Initialze Node
        super(Replica, self).__init__(sim.env)

        # Simulation Environment
        self.sim = sim

        # Replica Properties
        self.id = kwargs.get('id', 'r{}'.format(self.counter.next()))
        self.type = kwargs.get('type', settings.simulation.default_replica)
        self.label = kwargs.get('label', "{}-{}".format(self.type, self.id))
        self.state = kwargs.get('state', State.READY)
        self.location = kwargs.get('location', 'unknown')
        self.consistency = Consistency.get(
            kwargs.get('consistency', settings.simulation.default_consistency))

    ## Properties

    def state(self):
        Manages the state of the replica when set.
        if not hasattr(self, '_state'):
            self._state = State.ERRORED
        return self._state

    def state(self, state):
        When setting the state, calls `on_state_change` so that replicas
        can modify their state machines accordingly. Note that the state is
        changed before this call, so replicas should inspect the new state.
        state = State.get(state)
        self._state = state

    ## Core Methods (Replica API)

    def send(self, target, value):
        Intermediate step towards Node.send (which handles simulation network)
        - this method logs information about the message, records metrics for
        results analysis, and does final preperatory work for sent messages.
        Simply logs that the message has been sent.

            # Call the super method to queue the message on the network
            event = super(Replica, self).send(target, value)
        except NetworkError:
            # Drop the message if the network connection is down
            return self.on_dropped_message(target, value)

        # Track total number of sent messages and get message type for logging.
        message = event.value
        mtype = self.sim.results.messages.update(message, SENT)

        # Debug logging of the message sent
        self.sim.logger.debug("message {} sent at {} from {} to {}".format(
            mtype, self.env.now, message.source, message.target))

        # Track time series of sent messages
        if settings.simulation.trace_messages:
                (message.source.id, message.target.id, self.env.now, mtype))

        return event

    def recv(self, event):
        Intermediate step towards Node.recv (which handles simulation network)
        - this method logs information about the message, records metrics for
        results analysis, and detects and passes the message to the correct
        event handler for that RPC type.

        Subclasses should create methods of the form `on_[type]_rpc` where the
        type is the lowercase class name of the RPC named tuple. The recv method will
        route incomming messages to their correct RPC handler or raise an
        exception if it cannot find the access method.
            # Get the unpacked message from the event.
            message = super(Replica, self).recv(event)
        except NetworkError:
            # Drop the message if the network connection is down
            return self.on_dropped_message(event.value.target,

        # Track total number of sent messages and get message type for logging.
        mtype = self.sim.results.messages.update(message, RECV)

        # Track the message delay statistics of all received messages

        # Debug logging of the message recv
            "protocol {!r} received by {} from {} ({}ms delayed)".format(
                mtype, message.target, message.source, message.delay))

        # Track time series of recv messages
        if settings.simulation.trace_messages:
                                    (message.target.id, message.source.id,
                                     self.env.now, mtype, message.delay))

        # Dispatch the RPC to the correct handler
        return self.dispatch(message)

    def read(self, name, **kwargs):
        Exposes the read API for every replica server and is one of the two
        primary methods of replica interaction.

        The read method expects the name of the object to read from and
        creates a Read event with meta information about the read. It is the
        responsibility of the subclasses to determine if the read is complete
        or not.

        Note that name can also be a Read event (in the case of remote reads
        that want to access identical read functionality on the replica). The
        read method will not create a new event, but will pass through the
        passed in Read event.

        This is in direct contrast to the old read method, where the replica
        did the work of logging and metrics - now this is all in the read
        event (when complete is triggered).
        if not name:
            raise AccessError(
                "Must supply a name to read from the replica server")

        return Read.create(name, self, **kwargs)

    def write(self, name, **kwargs):
        Exposes the write API for every replica server and is the second of
        the two  primary methods of replica interaction.

        the write method exepcts the name of the object to write to and
        creates a Write event with meta informationa bout the write. It is
        the responsibility of sublcasses to perform the actual write on their
        local stores with replication.

        Note that name can also be a Write event and this method is in very
        different than the old write method (see details in read).

        This method will be adapted in the future to deal with write sizes,
        blocks, and other write meta information.
        if not name:
            raise AccessError(
                "Must supply a name to write to the replica server")

        return Write.create(name, self, **kwargs)

    def serialize(self):
        Outputs a simple object representation of the state of the replica.
        return dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr))
                     for attr in ('id', 'type', 'label', 'location',

    ## Helper Methods

    def dispatch(self, message):
        Dispatches an RPC message to the correct handler. Because RPC message
        values are expected to be typed namedtuples, the dispatcher looks for
        a handler method on the replica named similar to:

            def on_[type]_rpc(self, message):

        Where [type] is the snake_case of the RPC class, for example, the
        AppendEntries handler would be named on_append_entries_rpc.

        The dispatch returns the result of the handler.
        name = message.value.__class__.__name__
        handler = "on_{}_rpc".format(decamelize(name))

        # Check to see if the replica has the handler.
        if not hasattr(self, handler):
                "Handler for '{}' not implemented, add '{}' to {}".format(
                    name, handler, self.__class__))

        # Get the handler, call on message and return.
        handler = getattr(self, handler)
        return handler(message)

    def neighbors(self, consistency=None, location=None, exclude=False):
        Returns all nodes that are connected to the local node, filtering on
        either consistency of location. If neither consistency nor location
        are supplied, then this simply returns all of the neighboring nodes.

        If exclude is False, this returns any node that has the specified
        consistency or location. If exclude is True it returns any node that
        doesn't have the specified consistency or location.
        neighbors = self.connections.keys()

        # Filter based on consistency level
        if consistency is not None:
            # Convert a single consistenty level or a string into a collection
            if isinstance(consistency, (Consistency, basestring)):
                consistency = [Consistency.get(consistency)]
                consistency = map(Consistency.get, consistency)

            # Convert the consistencies into a set for lookup
            consistency = frozenset(consistency)

            # Filter connections in that consistency level
            if exclude:
                is_neighbor = lambda r: r.consistency not in consistency
                is_neighbor = lambda r: r.consistency in consistency

            neighbors = filter(is_neighbor, neighbors)

        # Filter based on location
        if location is not None:
            # Convert a single location into a collection
            if isinstance(location, (Location, basestring)):
                location = [location]

            # Convert the locations into a set for lookup.
            location = frozenset(location)

            # Filter connections in that consistency level
            if exclude:
                is_neighbor = lambda r: r.location not in location
                is_neighbor = lambda r: r.location in location

            neighbors = filter(is_neighbor, neighbors)

        return neighbors

    ## Event Handlers

    def on_state_change(self):
        Subclasses can call this to handle instance state. See the `state`
        property for more detail (this is called on set).

    def on_dropped_message(self, target, value):
        Called when there is a network error and a message that is being sent
        is dropped - subclasses can choose to retry the message or send to
        someone else. For now, we'll just record and log the drop.
        # Create a dummy message
        dummy = Message(self, target, value, None)
        mtype = self.sim.results.messages.update(message, DROP)

        # Debug logging of the message dropped
        self.sim.logger.debug("message {} dropped from {} to {} at {}".format(
            mtype, self, target, self.env.now))

        # Track time series of dropped messages
        if settings.simulation.trace_messages:
                                    (self.id, target.id, self.env.now, mtype))

    ## Object data model

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} ({})".format(self.label, self.id)
Пример #11
    from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
    import mock

from cloudscope.replica import Replica, Location, Consistency, Device
from cloudscope.dynamo import Sequence
from cloudscope.simulation.base import Simulation
from cloudscope.results import Results

MockEnvironment = mock.create_autospec(simpy.Environment, autospec=True)
MockSimulation = mock.create_autospec(Simulation, autospec=True)
MockResults = mock.create_autospec(Results, autospec=True)
MockReplica = mock.create_autospec(Replica, autospec=True)
sequence = Sequence()

def get_mock_simulation(**kwargs):
    simulation = MockSimulation()
    simulation.env = MockEnvironment()
    simulation.results = MockResults()

    simulation.__name__ = "MockSimulation"
    # Set specific properties and attributes
    simulation.env.process = mock.MagicMock()
    simulation.env.now = kwargs.get('now', 42)
    simulation.replicas = [
        get_mock_replica(simulation) for x in xrange(kwargs.get('replicas', 5))