Пример #1
  def run(self, readsetId, sequenceName, sequenceStart, sequenceEnd, output):
    file = output[0]

    # If you have a setting to copy it over, do so
    dir = os.environ['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY']
    if dir is not None:
      bucket = get_bucket_name()
      src = file
      dst = str.format("/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s-%s.txt" % (
        bucket, dir, str(readsetId), str(sequenceName), sequenceStart,
      gcs._copy2(src, dst)
      logging.info("Copied output file to: %s" % dst)
      file = dst

    if os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development'):
      url = "http://localhost:8080/_ah/gcs" + file
      url = "https://storage.cloud.google.com" + file
    logging.info("Genomics pipeline completed. Results: %s", url)
Пример #2
  def run(self, readsetId, sequenceName, sequenceStart, sequenceEnd, files):
    # If you have a setting to copy it over, do so
    local = os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development')
    bucket = get_bucket_name()
    dir = os.getenv('OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', 'genomics_mr_results')
    path = str.format("/%s/%s/%s/%s" %
                      (bucket, dir, str(readsetId), str(sequenceName)))
    shard = 0
    for file in files:
      dst = str.format("%s/%s-%s_shard-%03d.txt" %
                       (path, sequenceStart, sequenceEnd, shard))
      gcs._copy2(file, dst)
      if local:
        url = "http://localhost:8080/_ah/gcs" + dst
        logging.info("Output file available here: %s", url)
      shard += 1

    if local:
      logging.info("Genomics pipeline completed. Output files listed above.")
      url = "https://storage.cloud.google.com" + path
      logging.info("Genomics pipeline completed. Results: %s", url)