def test_set_crs_epsg(tmpdir): """ Tests for EPSG codes specifically """ ds = Dataset(str(tmpdir.join('')), 'w') data_var = ds.createVariable('data', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data', Proj(init='EPSG:4326'), set_proj4_att=True) data_atts = get_ncattrs(data_var) crs_var = ds.variables[data_atts['grid_mapping']] ncatts = get_ncattrs(crs_var) assert data_atts['proj4'] == '+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' assert ncatts['grid_mapping_name'] == 'latitude_longitude' assert ncatts['semi_major_axis'] == 6378137.0 assert ncatts['inverse_flattening'] == 298.257223563 data_var = ds.createVariable('data2', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data2', Proj(init='EPSG:4269'), set_proj4_att=True) data_atts = get_ncattrs(data_var) crs_var = ds.variables[data_atts['grid_mapping']] ncatts = get_ncattrs(crs_var) assert data_atts['proj4'] == '+proj=latlong +datum=NAD83 +no_defs' assert ncatts['grid_mapping_name'] == 'latitude_longitude' assert ncatts['semi_major_axis'] == 6378137.0 assert ncatts['inverse_flattening'] == 298.257223563
def test_symmetric_proj4(tmpdir): """ Test writing and reading proj4 string as attribute of variable """ ds = Dataset(str(tmpdir.join('')), 'w') proj4 = '+proj=stere +units=m +datum=WGS84 +lat_ts=60 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=263 +lat_1=60 +x_0=3475000 +y_0=7475000' ds.createVariable('data', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data', Proj(proj4), set_proj4_att=True) out_proj4 = get_crs(ds, 'data') out_data = CRS.from_string(out_proj4).to_dict() assert len(out_data) == 9 # There should be 9 parameters assert CRS.from_string(proj4).to_dict() == out_data
def test_utm(tmpdir): ds = Dataset(str(tmpdir.join('')), 'w') proj4 = '+init=epsg:3157' # UTM Zone 10 ds.createVariable('data', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data', Proj(proj4), set_proj4_att=True) out_proj4 = get_crs(ds, 'data') out_data = CRS.from_string(out_proj4).to_dict() # ESPG will have been converted to long form assert len(out_data) == 6 expected = { u'zone': 10, u'ellps': u'GRS80', u'no_defs': True, u'proj': u'utm', u'units': u'm', u'towgs84': u'0,0,0,0,0,0,0' } assert expected == out_data
def test_set_crs(tmpdir): """ Test proper encoding of projection into CF Convention parameters """ ds = Dataset(str(tmpdir.join('')), 'w') # Test polar stereographic proj4 = '+proj=stere +datum=WGS84 +lat_ts=60 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=263 +lat_1=60 +x_0=3475000 +y_0=7475000' data_var = ds.createVariable('data', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data', Proj(proj4)) crs_var = ds.variables[get_ncattrs(data_var)['grid_mapping']] ncatts = get_ncattrs(crs_var) assert ncatts['grid_mapping_name'] == 'polar_stereographic' assert ncatts['inverse_flattening'] == 298.257223563 assert ncatts['latitude_of_projection_origin'] == 90 assert ncatts['straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole'] == 263 assert ncatts['standard_parallel'] == 60 assert ncatts['false_northing'] == 7475000 assert ncatts['false_easting'] == 3475000 # Test Lambert conformal conic proj4 = '+proj=lcc +lat_1=30 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=-97 +x_0=3825000 +y_0=3200000' data_var = ds.createVariable('data2', 'S1') set_crs(ds, 'data2', Proj(proj4)) crs_var = ds.variables[get_ncattrs(data_var)['grid_mapping']] ncatts = get_ncattrs(crs_var) assert ncatts['grid_mapping_name'] == 'lambert_conformal_conic' assert ncatts['latitude_of_projection_origin'] == 47.5 assert ncatts['longitude_of_central_meridian'] == -97 assert ncatts['standard_parallel'] == [30, 60] assert ncatts['false_northing'] == 3200000 assert ncatts['false_easting'] == 3825000 # Unsupported projection should fail proj4 = '+proj=merc +lat_1=30 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=-97 +x_0=3825000 +y_0=3200000' ds.createVariable('data3', 'S1') with pytest.raises(ValueError): set_crs(ds, 'data3', Proj(proj4))
def process_web_outputs(results, job, publish_raster_results=False, renderer_or_fn=None): outputs = results.format_args() for k, v in six.iteritems(outputs): if is_raster(v) and publish_raster_results: service_name = '{0}/{1}'.format(job.uuid, k) rel_path = '{}.nc'.format(service_name) abs_path = os.path.join(SERVICE_DATA_ROOT, rel_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) with Dataset(abs_path, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as ds: if v.extent.projection.is_latlong(): x_var = 'longitude' y_var = 'latitude' else: x_var = 'x' y_var = 'y' coord_vars = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(v.extent, *reversed(v.shape)) coord_vars.add_to_dataset(ds, x_var, y_var) fill_value = v.fill_value if is_masked(v) else None data_var = ds.createVariable('data', v.dtype, dimensions=(y_var, x_var), fill_value=fill_value) data_var[:] = v set_crs(ds, 'data', v.extent.projection) if callable(renderer_or_fn): renderer = renderer_or_fn(v) elif renderer_or_fn is None: renderer = StretchedRenderer( [(numpy.min(v).item(), Color(0, 0, 0)), (numpy.max(v).item(), Color(255, 255, 255))] ) else: renderer = renderer_or_fn with transaction.atomic(): service = Service.objects.create( name=service_name, description='This service has been automatically generated from the result of a geoprocessing job.', data_path=rel_path, projection=v.extent.projection.srs, full_extent=v.extent, initial_extent=v.extent, ) Variable.objects.create( service=service, index=0, variable='data', projection=v.extent.projection.srs, x_dimension=x_var, y_dimension=y_var, name='data', renderer=renderer, full_extent=v.extent ) ProcessingResultService.objects.create(job=job, service=service) outputs[k] = service_name elif is_ndarray(v): if v.size < numpy.get_printoptions()['threshold']: outputs[k] = v.tolist() else: outputs[k] = str(v) return outputs
def handle(self, *args, **options): message = ( "WARNING: This will update all service data, casting each to it's smallest possible data type. Do you want " "to continue? [y/n]" ) if input(message).lower() not in {'y', 'yes'}: return for service in Service.objects.all(): if service.variable_set.all().count() > 1: print("Skipping service '{}' with more than one variable...".format( continue variable = service.variable_set.all().get() path = os.path.join(SERVICE_DATA_ROOT, service.data_path) tmp_dir = mkdtemp() tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(service.data_path)) try: with Dataset(path, 'r') as ds: data = ds.variables[variable.variable][:] coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(service.full_extent, *reversed(data.shape)) if data.dtype.kind != 'i': print("Ignoring service '{}' with non-int type".format( continue # The fill value will be the minimum value of the chosen type, so we want to make sure it's not # included in the actual data range min_value = data.min() - 1 max_value = data.max() # Determine the most suitable data type by finding the minimum type for the min/max values and then # using the type that will accurately represent both min_type = str(numpy.min_scalar_type(min_value)) max_type = str(numpy.min_scalar_type(max_value)) min_unsigned, min_size = min_type.split('int') max_unsigned, max_size = max_type.split('int') dtype = '{}int{}'.format(min_unsigned and max_unsigned, max(int(min_size), int(max_size))) if data.dtype == dtype: print("Service '{}' already has the smallest possible type: {}".format(, dtype)) continue print("Converting service '{}' to type: {}".format(, dtype)) with Dataset(tmp_path, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as ds: coords.add_to_dataset(ds, variable.x_dimension, variable.y_dimension) data = data.astype(dtype) fill_value =, fill_value) data_var = ds.createVariable( variable.variable, dtype, dimensions=(variable.y_dimension, variable.x_dimension), fill_value=fill_value ) data_var[:] = data set_crs(ds, variable.variable, service.full_extent.projection) os.unlink(path) shutil.copy2(tmp_path, path) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) except OSError: pass
def raster_to_netcdf(filename_or_raster, outfilename=None, variable_name='data', format='NETCDF4', **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- filename_or_raster: name of file to open with rasterio, or opened rasterio raster dataset outfilename: name of output file. If blank, will be same name as input with *.nc extension added variable_name: output format for netCDF file: NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT, NETCDF4_CLASSIC, NETCDF4 format kwargs: arguments passed to variable creation: zlib Note: only rasters with descending y coordinates are currently supported """ start = time.time() if isinstance(filename_or_raster, string_types): if not os.path.exists(filename_or_raster): raise ValueError( 'File does not exist: {0}'.format(filename_or_raster)) src = managed_raster = True else: src = filename_or_raster managed_raster = False if not src.count == 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'ERROR: multi-band rasters not yet supported for this operation') prj = pyproj.Proj(** outfilename = outfilename or + '.nc' with Dataset(outfilename, 'w', format=format) as target: if prj.is_latlong(): x_varname = 'longitude' y_varname = 'latitude' else: x_varname = 'x' y_varname = 'y' # TODO: may need to do this in blocks if source is big data =, masked=True) coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(BBox(src.bounds, prj), src.width, src.height) coords.add_to_dataset(target, x_varname, y_varname, **kwargs) out_var = target.createVariable(variable_name, data.dtype, dimensions=(y_varname, x_varname), **kwargs) out_var[:] = data set_crs(target, variable_name, prj, set_proj4_att=False) if managed_raster: src.close() print('Elapsed {0:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))