def findSuperClusters(self, basic_clusters, raw_data, raw_data_fullreso, raw_data_fullreso_zs, iteration): superClusters = [] superClusterContours = np.array([]) if len(basic_clusters): # use the clustered points to get "seeds" for superclustering # i.e. open a window to get back unclustered points with low light seedsAndNeighbors = self.clusters_neighborood( basic_clusters, raw_data) # run the superclustering algorithm (GAC with 300 iterations) superClusterContours = self.supercluster(seedsAndNeighbors) # get the superclusters with the list of points of each one superClusterWithPixels = self.supercluster_points( superClusterContours) # get a cluster object rebin = int(2048 / self.shape) for i, scpixels in enumerate(superClusterWithPixels): sclu = Cluster(scpixels, rebin, raw_data_fullreso, raw_data_fullreso_zs, debug=False) sclu.iteration = iteration sclu.nclu = i x = scpixels[:, 0] y = scpixels[:, 1] corr, p_value = pearsonr(x, y) sclu.pearson = p_value superClusters.append(sclu) # return the supercluster collection return superClusters, superClusterContours
def findSuperClusters(self,basic_clusters,raw_data,raw_data_fullreso,raw_data_fullreso_zs,iteration): superClusters = []; superClusterContours = np.array([]) if len(basic_clusters): # use the clustered points to get "seeds" for superclustering # i.e. open a window to get back unclustered points with low light seedsAndNeighbors = self.clusters_neighborood(basic_clusters,raw_data) # run the superclustering algorithm (GAC with 300 iterations) superClusterContours = self.supercluster(seedsAndNeighbors) # get the superclusters with the list of points of each one superClusterWithPixels = self.supercluster_points(superClusterContours) # get a cluster object rebin = int(2048/self.shape) for i,scpixels in enumerate(superClusterWithPixels): sclu = Cluster(scpixels,rebin,raw_data_fullreso,raw_data_fullreso_zs,debug=False) sclu.iteration=iteration sclu.nclu = i x = scpixels[:, 0]; y = scpixels[:, 1] corr, p_value = pearsonr(x, y) sclu.pearson = p_value if self.debug: print ( "SUPERCLUSTER BARE INTEGRAL = {integral:.1f}".format(integral=sclu.integral()) ) sclu.calibratedEnergy = self.calibrator.calibratedEnergy(sclu.hits_fr) sclu.pathlength = self.calibrator.clusterLength() superClusters.append(sclu) # if i==3: # print(" === hits list ") # print(scpixels) # sclu.dumpToFile('supercluster3') # return the supercluster collection return superClusters,superClusterContours
def getClusters(self, plot=False): from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from iDBSCAN import iDBSCAN from sklearn import metrics from scipy.spatial import distance from scipy.stats import pearsonr from random import random outname = self.options.plotDir if outname and not os.path.exists(outname): os.system("mkdir -p " + outname) os.system("cp utils/index.php " + outname) # Plot parameters # vmin = 99 vmax = 125 # IDBSCAN parameters # tip = self.options.tip scale = 1 iterative = self.options.iterative # number of iterations for the IDBSC vector_eps = self.options.vector_eps vector_min_samples = self.options.vector_min_samples vector_eps = list(np.array(vector_eps, dtype=float) * scale) vector_min_samples = list( np.array(vector_min_samples, dtype=float) * scale) cuts = self.options.cuts nb_it = 3 #-----Pre-Processing----------------# rescale = int(2048 / self.rebin) rebin_image = tl.rebin(self.img_ori, (rescale, rescale)) edges = median_filter(self.image, size=4) edcopy = edges.copy() edcopyTight = tl.noisereductor(edcopy, rescale, self.options.min_neighbors_average) # make the clustering with DBSCAN algo # this kills all macrobins with N photons < 1 points = np.array(np.nonzero(np.round(edcopyTight))).astype(int).T lp = points.shape[0] if tip == '3D': Xl = [(ix, iy) for ix, iy in points ] # Aux variable to simulate the Z-dimension X1 = np.array(Xl).copy() # variable to keep the 2D coordinates for ix, iy in points: # Looping over the non-empty coordinates nreplicas = int(self.image[ix, iy]) - 1 for count in range( nreplicas ): # Looping over the number of 'photons' in that coordinate Xl.append((ix, iy)) # add a coordinate repeatedly X = np.array(Xl) # Convert the list to an array else: X = points.copy() X1 = X if self.options.debug_mode == 0: self.options.flag_plot_noise = 0 # returned collections clusters = [] superclusters = [] # clustering will crash if the vector of pixels is empty (it may happen after the zero-suppression + noise filtering) if len(X) == 0: return clusters, superclusters # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - db = iDBSCAN(iterative=iterative, vector_eps=vector_eps, vector_min_samples=vector_min_samples, cuts=cuts, flag_plot_noise=self.options.flag_plot_noise).fit(X) if self.options.debug_mode == 1 and self.options.flag_plot_noise == 1: for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,, esp='0th', ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') # Returning to '2' dimensions if tip == '3D': db.labels_ = db.labels_[range( 0, lp)] # Returning theses variables to the length db.tag_ = db.tag_[range( 0, lp)] # of the 'real' edges, to exclude the fake repetitions. # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - labels = db.labels_ # Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present. n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0) ##################### plot # the following is to preserve the square aspect ratio with all the camera pixels # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal','box') # plt.ylim(0,2040) # plt.xlim(0,2040) # Black removed and is used for noise instead. unique_labels = set(labels) colors = [(random(), random(), random(), 1.0) for each in range(len(unique_labels))] # colors = [ # for each in np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels))] #canv = ROOT.TCanvas('c1','',600,600) if plot: #fig_edges = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #plt.imshow(self.image.T, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower' ) #plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_edges.png'.format(pdir=outname, fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(self.image, cmap='viridis', vmin=1, vmax=25, interpolation=None, origin='lower') #plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_edges.png'.format(pdir=outname, for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors): if k == -1: col = [0, 0, 0, 1] break # noise: the unclustered class_member_mask = (labels == k) #xy = X[class_member_mask & core_samples_mask] xy = X1[class_member_mask] x = xy[:, 0] y = xy[:, 1] # only add the cores to the clusters saved in the event if k > -1 and len(x) > 1: cl = Cluster(xy, self.rebin, self.image_fr, self.image_fr_zs, debug=False) cl.iteration = db.tag_[labels == k][0] cl.nclu = k #corr, p_value = pearsonr(x, y) cl.pearson = 999 #p_value clusters.append(cl) if plot: xri, yri = tl.getContours(y, x) cline = {1: 'r', 2: 'b', 3: 'y'} plt.plot(xri, yri, '-{lcol}'.format(lcol=cline[cl.iteration]), linewidth=0.5) # if plot: cl.plotAxes(plot=plt,num_steps=100) # cl.calcProfiles(plot=None) # for dir in ['long','lat']: # prof = cl.getProfile(dir) # if prof and cl.widths[dir]>10: # plot the profiles only of sufficiently long snakes # prof.Draw() # for ext in ['png','pdf']: # canv.SaveAs('{pdir}/{name}_snake{iclu}_{dir}profile.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,,iclu=k,dir=dir,ext=ext)) ## SUPERCLUSTERING from supercluster import SuperClusterAlgorithm superclusterContours = [] scAlgo = SuperClusterAlgorithm(shape=rescale, debugmode=self.options.debug_mode) u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) allclusters_it1 = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist() ] allclusters_it2 = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where(db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist() ] allclusters_it12 = allclusters_it1 + allclusters_it2 # note: passing the edges, not the filtered ones for deeper information superclusters, superclusterContours = scAlgo.findSuperClusters( allclusters_it12, edges, self.image_fr, self.image_fr_zs, 0) if plot: for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,, ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') ## DEBUG MODE if self.options.debug_mode == 1: print('[DEBUG-MODE ON]') print('[%s Method]' % (self.options.tip)) if self.options.flag_full_image or self.options.flag_rebin_image or self.options.flag_edges_image or self.options.flag_first_it or self.options.flag_second_it or self.options.flag_third_it or self.options.flag_all_it or self.options.flag_supercluster: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if self.options.flag_full_image == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(self.image_fr.T, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=1, vmax=25, origin='upper') plt.title("Original Image") for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='oriIma', ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) with open( '{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.pkl'.format(pdir=outname,, esp='oriIma', ext=ext), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_rebin_image == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Rebin Image") for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='rebinIma', ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_edges_image == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(edcopyTight, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower') plt.title('Edges after Filtering') for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='edgesIma', ext=ext), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_stats == 1: print('[Statistics]') n_clusters_ = len(set( db.labels_)) - (1 if -1 in db.labels_ else 0) print("Total number of Clusters: %d" % (n_clusters_)) u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) print("Clusters found in iteration 1: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 1))) print("Clusters found in iteration 2: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 2))) print("Clusters found in iteration 3: %d" % (sum(db.tag_[indices] == 3))) print("SuperClusters found: %d" % len(superclusters)) if self.options.flag_first_it == 1: print('[Plotting 1st iteration]') u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist() ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 1") for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-r', linewidth=2.5) for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='1st', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) with open( '{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='1st', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_second_it == 1: print('[Plotting 2nd iteration]') u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist() ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 2") for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-b', linewidth=2.5) for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='2nd', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) with open( '{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='2nd', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_third_it == 1: print('[Plotting 3rd iteration]') u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 3)[0])].tolist() ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Clusters found in iteration 3") for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-y', linewidth=2.5) for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='3rd', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') if self.options.flag_all_it == 1: print('[Plotting ALL iteration]') u, indices = np.unique(db.labels_, return_index=True) clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 1)[0])].tolist() ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Final Image") for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-r', linewidth=2.5) if j == 0: line.set_label('1st Iteration') clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 2)[0])].tolist() ] for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-b', linewidth=2.5) if j == 0: line.set_label('2nd Iteration') clu = [ X1[db.labels_ == i] for i in u[list(np.where( db.tag_[indices] == 3)[0])].tolist() ] for j in range(0, np.shape(clu)[0]): ybox = clu[j][:, 0] xbox = clu[j][:, 1] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-y', linewidth=2.5) if j == 0: line.set_label('3rd Iteration') plt.legend(loc='upper left') if len(superclusters): supercluster_contour = plt.contour(superclusterContours, [0.5], colors='limegreen', linewidths=2) supercluster_contour.collections[0].set_label( 'supercluster') for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='all', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) with open( '{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='all', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') #################### PLOT SUPERCLUSTER ONLY ############################### if self.options.flag_supercluster == 1: if len(superclusters): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) supercluster_contour = plt.contour(superclusterContours, [0.5], colors='limegreen', linewidths=2, alhpa=0.5) #supercluster_contour.collections[0].set_label('supercluster it 1+2') plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title("Superclusters found") for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='sc', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) with open( '{pdir}/{name}_{esp}_{tip}.pkl'.format( pdir=outname,, esp='sc', ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp, protocol=4) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') #################### PLOT SUPERCLUSTER ONLY ############################### if self.options.nclu >= 0: print('[Plotting just the cluster %d]' % (self.options.nclu)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.options.figsizeX, self.options.figsizeY)) plt.imshow(rebin_image, cmap=self.options.cmapcolor, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.title('Plotting just the cluster %d' % (self.options.nclu)) cl_mask = (db.labels_ == self.options.nclu) xy = X1[cl_mask] xbox = xy[:, 1] ybox = xy[:, 0] if (len(ybox) > 0) and (len(xbox) > 0): contours = tl.findedges(ybox, xbox, self.rebin) for n, contour in enumerate(contours): line, = plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], '-r', linewidth=2.5) for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}_{tip}_{nclu}.{ext}'.format( pdir=outname,, ext=ext, tip=self.options.tip, nclu=self.options.nclu), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.gcf().clear() plt.close('all') return clusters, superclusters
def getTracks(self, plot=True): from skimage.transform import (hough_line, hough_line_peaks) # Classic straight-line Hough transform image = self.imagelog h, theta, d = hough_line(image) print("tracks found") tracks = [] thr = 0.8 * np.amax(h) ####################### IMPLEMENT HERE THE SAVING OF THE TRACKS ############ # loop over prominent tracks itrk = 0 for _, angle, dist in zip( *hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d, threshold=thr)): print("Track # ", itrk) #points_along_trk = np.zeros((self.image.shape[1],self.image.shape[0])) points_along_trk = [] for x in range(self.image.shape[1]): y = min( self.image.shape[0], max(0, int((dist - x * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)))) #points_along_trk[x,y] = self.image[y,x] #print "adding point: %d,%d,%f" % (x,y,self.image[y,x]) # add a halo fo +/- 20 pixels to calculate the lateral profile for iy in range(int(y) - 5, int(y) + 5): if iy < 0 or iy >= self.image.shape[0]: continue points_along_trk.append((x, iy, self.image[iy, x])) xy = np.array(points_along_trk) trk = Cluster(xy, self.rebin) tracks.append(trk) itrk += 1 ################################### if plot: # Generating figure from matplotlib import cm fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(18, 6)) #ax = axes.ravel() ax[0].imshow(image, cmap=cm.gray) ax[0].set_title('Camera image') #ax[0].set_axis_off() ax[1].imshow(image, cmap=cm.gray) for _, angle, dist in zip( *hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d, threshold=thr)): y0 = (dist - 0 * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle) y1 = (dist - image.shape[1] * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle) ax[1].plot((0, image.shape[1]), (y0, y1), '-r') ax[1].set_xlim((0, image.shape[1])) ax[1].set_ylim((image.shape[0], 0)) #ax[1].set_axis_off() ax[1].set_title('Fitted tracks') plt.tight_layout() outname = self.options.plotDir if outname and not os.path.exists(outname): os.system("mkdir -p " + outname) os.system("cp ~/cernbox/www/Cygnus/index.php " + outname) for ext in ['pdf']: plt.savefig('{pdir}/{name}.{ext}'.format(pdir=outname,, ext=ext)) plt.gcf().clear() return tracks
def findSuperClusters(self, basic_clusters, raw_data, raw_data_fullreso, raw_data_fullreso_zs, iteration): superClusters = [] superClusterContours = np.array([]) if len(basic_clusters): # use the clustered points to get "seeds" for superclustering # i.e. open a window to get back unclustered points with low light seedsAndNeighbors = self.clusters_neighborood( basic_clusters, raw_data) # run the superclustering algorithm (GAC with 300 iterations) superClusterContours = self.supercluster(seedsAndNeighbors) # get the superclusters with the list of points of each one superClusterWithPixels = self.supercluster_points( superClusterContours) print("A questo punto") # get a cluster object rebin = int( / self.shape) for i, scpixels in enumerate(superClusterWithPixels): #print ("===> SC ",i) sclu = Cluster(scpixels, rebin, raw_data_fullreso, raw_data_fullreso_zs, self.options.geometry, debug=False) #T2 = time.perf_counter() sclu.iteration = iteration sclu.nclu = i sclu.ID = [] sclu.IDall = [] if sclu.integral() > 0 and sclu.hits_fr_zs != []: sclu.nintpixels = sclu.sizeActive() sclu.nallintpixels = sclu.size() for k in range(sclu.nintpixels): sclu.ID.append(i) for k in range(sclu.nallintpixels): sclu.IDall.append(i) sclu.xpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr_zs[:, 0] sclu.ypixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr_zs[:, 1] sclu.zpixel = sclu.hits_fr_zs[:, 2] sclu.xallpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[:, 0] sclu.yallpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[:, 1] sclu.zallpixel = sclu.hits_fr[:, 2] else: sclu.ID.append(-1) sclu.nintpixels = 1 sclu.IDall.append(-1) sclu.nallintpixels = 1 if sclu.hits_fr_zs != []: sclu.xpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr_zs[ int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2):int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2) + 1, 0] sclu.ypixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr_zs[ int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2):int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2) + 1, 1] sclu.zpixel = sclu.hits_fr_zs[ int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2):int(sclu.sizeActive() / 2) + 1, 2] else: sclu.xpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[ int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 0] sclu.ypixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[ int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 1] sclu.zpixel = sclu.hits_fr[int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 2] sclu.xallpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 0] sclu.yallpixelcoord = sclu.hits_fr[int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 1] sclu.zallpixel = sclu.hits_fr[int(sclu.size() / 2):int(sclu.size() / 2) + 1, 2] x = scpixels[:, 0] y = scpixels[:, 1] corr, p_value = pearsonr(x, y) sclu.pearson = p_value # slicesCalEnergy is useful for the profile along the path # this is time-consuming, though if self.calibrate: calEnergy, slicesCalEnergy, centers = self.calibrator.calibratedEnergy( sclu.hits_fr) #T3 = time.perf_counter() #print(f"\t calibrated in {T3 - T2:0.4f} seconds") else: calEnergy, slicesCalEnergy, centers = -1, [], [] if self.debug: print("SUPERCLUSTER BARE INTEGRAL = {integral:.1f}".format( integral=sclu.integral())) sclu.calibratedEnergy = calEnergy sclu.nslices = len(slicesCalEnergy) sclu.energyprofile = slicesCalEnergy sclu.centers = centers sclu.pathlength = -1 if self.calibrate == False else self.calibrator.clusterLength( ) superClusters.append(sclu) # test of the supercluster matcher # sclu.dumpToFile('sclu_{i}'.format(i=i),zero_suppressed=True) # test of the skeletonization # if i==3: # print(" === hits list ") # print(scpixels) # sclu.dumpToFile('supercluster3') # return the supercluster collection return superClusters, superClusterContours
hits = np.load('debug_code/sclu_{cand}.npy'.format(cand=cosm_cand)) fileParModule = open('modules_config/clusterMatcher.txt', 'r') params = eval( fileParGeometry = open('modules_config/geometry_lime.txt', 'r') geo_params = eval( params.update(geo_params) print("full parameter set: ", params) fitter = ClusterMatcher(params) fitter.fitCluster(hits) # test the cluster matcher killer = Cluster(hits, 1, None, None, 'lime') killer.shapes[ 'long_width'] = 300 # cluster shapes are not calculated when running standalone. Just set to a value to pass the threshold # this is to set the collection used in the reco killer.hits_fr_zs = hits targets = [] for icl in range(7): if icl == cosm_cand: continue cluhits = np.load('debug_code/sclu_{i}.npy'.format(i=icl)) cl = Cluster(cluhits, 1, None, None, 'lime') cl.hits_fr_zs = cluhits targets.append(cl) fitter.matchClusters(killer, targets) # check if a cluster has been killed