Пример #1
    def test_fatal(self):
        log.logger.log = MagicMock()
        sys.exit = MagicMock()

        log.logger.log.assert_called_with(logging.FATAL, "fatal")
    def select_cluster(self, clusters):
        Select a cluster either by trying to match self.user_cluster_name to the cluster name or display name or by
        prompting the user to select a cluster.
        :return: selected cluster
        if self.user_cluster_name:
            print("Trying to find cluster: '{0}'.".format(

            for c in clusters:
                if c.displayName == self.user_cluster_name or c.name == self.user_cluster_name:
                    return c

            print("Please choose a cluster.")

            count = 0
            for c in clusters:
                print("Id {0}: Cluster Name: {1:20} Version: {2}".format(
                    (count + 1), c.name, c.version))
                count += 1

            cluster_index = input("Enter the clusters Id : ")
            if cluster_index <= 0 or cluster_index > count:
                    "Invalid cluster id selected: {0}.".format(cluster_index))
                cluster_index -= 1
                    "You picked cluster {0}: Cluster Name: {1:20} Version: {2}"
                    .format(cluster_index, clusters[cluster_index].name,
                return clusters[cluster_index]
 def cdh_get_clusters(self):
     retrieve all the clusters managed by cdh
     :return: list of cluster objects
     clusters = None
         clusters = self.cmapi_resource_root.get_all_clusters()
     except URLError:
         log.fatal("couldn't connect to cluster management node.")
     return clusters
def exec_formula(cluster, args):
    log.info("using formula: {0}".format(args.formula))
    user_formula_args = None
    if args.formula_args:
        user_formula_args_path = file.file_path(cc.FORMULA_ARGS, args.path)
        log.info("Reading formula args config file: {0}".format(
        user_formula_args = file.open_yaml_conf(user_formula_args_path)

    #execute formula global variables
    vars = {
        "log": log,
        "kb_to_bytes": convert.kb_to_bytes,
        "bytes_to_kb": convert.bytes_to_kb,
        "mb_to_bytes": convert.mb_to_bytes,
        "bytes_to_mb": convert.bytes_to_mb,
        "gb_to_bytes": convert.gb_to_bytes,
        "bytes_to_gb": convert.bytes_to_gb,
        "tr_to_bytes": convert.tr_to_bytes,
        "bytes_to_tr": convert.bytes_to_tr
    local = {}
    config = {}
        execfile(args.formula, vars, local)
        constants = local["constants"](cluster, log)
        for member in constants:
            if hasattr(constants[member], '__call__'):
                if user_formula_args and member in user_formula_args:
                    if constants[member](user_formula_args[member]
                                         ) != user_formula_args[member]:
                            "Formula arg value '{0}' was ignored using default '{1}'. Formula arg value must adhere to these rules {2}  "

                    constants[member] = constants[member](
                    constants[member] = constants[member](None)

        config = local["formula"](cluster, log, constants)

    except IOError:
        log.fatal("formula file: {0} doesn't exist".format(args.formula))

    return config
    def get_cluster(self):
        Try to select a cluster if we have more than one cluster we need to ask the user. If we have 0 through fatal.
        if we have exactly one make it the default selection

        clusters = self.cdh_get_clusters()

        #if we have more than one cluster we need to pick witch one to configure against
        if len(clusters) > 1:
            log.info("More than one Cluster Detected.")
            return self.select_cluster(clusters)
        #else pick the only cluster
        elif len(clusters) == 1:
            log.info("cluster selected: {0}".format(clusters[0].name))
            return clusters[0]
        elif len(clusters) <= 0:
            log.fatal("No clusters to configure")
Пример #6
def run(args, cluster=None, dt=None):
    if cluster is None:
        cluster = Cluster(args.host, args.port, args.username, args.password, args.cluster)

    if cluster:
        cluster_before = save_to_json(cluster, args.path, "before")
        #Read the generated configs
        cdh_config_path = file.file_path(cc.CDH_CONFIG, args.path)
        log.info("Reading CDH config file: {0}".format(cdh_config_path))
        cdh_configs = file.open_json_conf(cdh_config_path)

        user_cdh_config_path = file.file_path(cc.USER_CDH_CONFIG, args.path)
        log.info("Reading user CDH config file: {0}".format(user_cdh_config_path))
        user_configs = file.open_json_conf(user_cdh_config_path)

        merged_config_path = None
        if user_configs:
            #merge config dictionaries and resolve conflicts
            log.info("conflict resolution: {0}".format(args.conflict_merge))
            configs = cc.utils.dict.merge_dicts(user_configs, cdh_configs, convert_conflict_merge(args.conflict_merge))
            merged_config_path = file.file_path(cc.MERGED_CDH_CONFIG, args.path)
            log.info("Writting merged CDH config file: {0}".format(merged_config_path))
            file.write_json_conf(configs, merged_config_path)
            configs = cdh_configs

        #if update cdh is "yes" then we iterate and update all the specified keys
        if args.update_cdh == "yes":
            #iterate through services, set cdh configs and possibly restart services
            cluster.update_configs(configs, False if args.restart_cdh == "no" else True)

        cluster_after = save_to_json(cluster, args.path, "after")
        file.snapshots(args.host, "push", args.path, dt, cluster_before, cluster_after, cdh_config_path,
                       user_cdh_config_path, merged_config_path)

        log.fatal("Couldn't connect to the CDH cluster")
    def get_api_resource(self, host, port, username, password):
        Instantiate the cm_api resource, verify the host, port, username, and password is not empty or None
        :param host:
        :param port:
        :param username:
        :param password:
        if not host:
            log.fatal("host init parameter can't be None or empty")
        if not port:
            log.fatal("port init parameter can't be None or empty")
        if not username:
            log.fatal("username init parameter can't be None or empty")
        if not password:
            log.fatal("password init parameter can't be None or empty")

        #initialize cloudera manager connection
        log.debug("Connection to cluster {0}:{1} with user {2}:{3}".format(
            host, port, username, password))
        self.cdh_resource_root = ApiResource(host,