Пример #1
def common_create(appname, modelname, temp_dict):
    Model_Name = classing_model(modelname)
        temp_dict = CommonBase.clean_data(modelname, temp_dict)
    except ParamError as e:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=e.msg)
    # when save data, filter some useless data
    pop_list = [
        'id', 'last_release_ec2', 'last_release_local', 'release',
        'is_upload_local', 'is_upload_ec2']
    for key in pop_list:
        temp_dict.pop(key, None)
    if hasattr(Model_Name, "fields_check"):
            temp_dict = get_valid_params(temp_dict, Model_Name.fields_check)
        except ParamError as e:
            return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=e.msg)
    temp_dict['first_created'] = temp_dict['last_modified'] = now_timestamp()

    #this is a factory function, to check some save data before insert if need
    (check_success, msg) = check_save_dict(appname, modelname, temp_dict)
    if not check_success:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=msg)
    insert_id = Model_Name.insert(appname, temp_dict)

    temp_dict['id'] = insert_id
    # if the model has ref icon and rule, increase the reference
    inc_icon(appname, modelname, temp_dict)
    inc_rule(appname, modelname, temp_dict)
    return json_response_ok(temp_dict)
Пример #2
def common_check_unique(appname, modelname, temp_dict):
    Model_Name = classing_model(modelname)
    method = temp_dict.pop('method', None)
    temp_dict.pop('original_value', None)
    item_id = temp_dict.pop('id', 0)
    # when pop method and id, only "unique_key": "value" left
    name = temp_dict.keys()[0]
    value = temp_dict.get(name)
    unique_pass = False
    if hasattr(Model_Name, "unique"):
        unique_list = Model_Name.unique
        if name not in unique_list:
            return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="%s not exist" % name)
        if method == 'add':
            if not Model_Name.find_one(appname, temp_dict):
                unique_pass = True
        elif method == 'update':
            old_item = Model_Name.find_one(appname, {'id': int(item_id)})
            if not Model_Name.find_one(appname, temp_dict):
                unique_pass = True
                old_val = old_item.get(name)
                # when update if old title not change
                unique_pass = True if old_val == value else False
            return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="method is not apply")
        unique_pass = True
    return json_response_ok({"unique": unique_pass})
Пример #3
 def clean_data(cls, modelname, req_dict):
     notice:the temp_dict pass in, check order field and id field and put it
     into a new children_list;
     now the list req only {'id': 1, 'order':2} for default
     Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
     if hasattr(Model_Class, "one2one"):
         one_refs = Model_Class.one2one
         for key in one_refs:
             ori_ref = req_dict.get(key)
             if ori_ref:
                 req_dict[key] = {'id': ori_ref.get('id')}
     children = Model_Class.relation.get("children")
     if not children:
         return req_dict
     for child in children:
         reqlist = req_dict.get(child)
         if reqlist:
             saved_list = []
             for child_info in reqlist:
                 child_dict = {}
                 child_dict['id'] = child_info.get('id')
                     child_dict['order'] = int(child_info.get('order', 0))
                     raise ParamError('order format error')
             req_dict[child] = saved_list
     return req_dict
Пример #4
def offline(appname, modelname, item_ids, server):
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    items = Model_Class.find(
        appname, {'id': {'$in': item_ids}}, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
    if not items:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="no item find")
    results = offline_data(appname, modelname, server, items)
    status = results[0]
    data = {}
    data["success"] = results[1]
    data["failed"] = results[2]
    data['userlog'] = [common_filter(i) for i in data.get('success')]
    data['memo'] = 'offline from %s' % server
    if status == -1:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="UNKNOWN UPLOAD SERVER")
    elif status == 0:
        if server == _ADMIN:
            data['success_list'] = data.get('success')
            data['failed_list'] = data.get('failed')
            suc_ids = fail_ids = []
            if data["failed"]:
                fail_ids = [i.get('id') for i in data.get('failed')]
            if data["success"]:
                suc_ids = [i.get('id') for i in data.get('success')]
            data["success"] = suc_ids
            data["failed"] = fail_ids
            data['memo'] = 'delete it from admin'
        return json_response_ok(data, msg="delete successfully")
        return json_response_error(status, data, msg="del error")
Пример #5
 def get_theme(
         self, theme_ids, server=_LOCAL, isfree=True, size=Image.Iph4_5s):
     get theme by theme ids and paid
     theme_list = []
     Theme = classing_model('theme')
     theme_infos = Theme.find(
         cond={'id': {'$in': theme_ids}, 'isfree': isfree, 'size': size},
         fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
     if not theme_infos:
         return theme_list
     for theme_id in theme_ids:
         for theme_info in theme_infos:
             if theme_id == theme_info.get('id'):
                 icon_url = fetch_icon_url(
                     self.appname, theme_info.get('icon'), server)
                 banner_url = fetch_icon_url(
                     self.appname, theme_info.get('logo'), server)
                 locale_titles = theme_info.get('themelocale')
                 theme_dict = {
                     'type': 'theme',
                     'themeId': theme_id,
                     'name': theme_info.get('name'),
                     'titles': self.localize_titles(locale_titles),
                     'downloadUrl': banner_url,
                     'thumbnailUrl': icon_url,
                     'price': theme_info.get('prize', ''),
                     'productId': theme_info.get('paidID', '')}
     return theme_list
Пример #6
def ref_topmodel(appname, model_id, model_name, object_link=[]):
     notice: pass in object links, give back the preset ids
     if len(object) is 1, get it easy
     patch: in push admin, some model has modify pattern,
     such as push speeddial, speeddial_modify
    topmodel = object_link[-1]
    TopModel = classing_model(topmodel)
    topmodel_list = []
    length = len(object_link)
    cond = {}
    topmodel_ids = []
    if length == 1:
        cond = NameFactory.combine_cond(model_name, model_id)
        topmodel_list = TopModel.find(
            appname, cond, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
        if topmodel_list:
            topmodel_ids = [t.get('id') for t in topmodel_list]
        index = 0
        start_model = model_name
        next_ids = []
        while index < length:
            next_ids = _get_ids(
                appname, next_ids, start_model, object_link[index])
            start_model = object_link[index]
            index = index + 1
        topmodel_ids = next_ids
    return topmodel_ids
Пример #7
 def get_themefolder(self, folder_ids, server, isfree, size=Image.Iph4_5s):
     folder_list = []
     if not folder_ids:
         return folder_list
     ThemeFolder = classing_model('themefolder')
     folders = ThemeFolder.find(
         cond={'id': {'$in': folder_ids}, 'isfree': isfree, 'size': size},
         fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
     if not folders:
         return folder_list
     for folder_id in folder_ids:
         for folder in folders:
             if folder_id == folder.get('id'):
                 themes = sorted(
                     folder.get('theme'), key=lambda x: x['order'])
                 theme_ids = [t.get('id') for t in themes]
                 theme_infos = self.get_theme(
                     theme_ids, server=server, isfree=isfree, size=size)
                 icon_url = fetch_icon_url(
                     self.appname, folder.get('icon'), server)
                 locale_titles = folder.get('themelocale')
                 folder_dict = {
                     'type': 'folder',
                     'folderId': folder.get('id'),
                     'name': folder.get('name'),
                     'titles': self.localize_titles(locale_titles),
                     'thumbnailUrl': icon_url,
                     'themes': theme_infos}
     return folder_list
Пример #8
 def list_base(cls, appname, model_name, query_dict):
     notice: get the list data of one model
     return_data = {}
     Model_Name = classing_model(model_name)
     cond = {}
     list_api = Model_Name.list_api
     if list_api.get("search_fields"):
         search_fields = list_api["search_fields"]
         cond = _search_cond(appname, query_dict, search_fields)
     fields = list_api["fields"]
     fields["_id"] = 0
     sort_field = query_dict['sort_field']
     sort_way = query_dict['sort_way']
     pageindex = query_dict['pageindex']
     pagesize = query_dict['pagesize']
     results = Model_Name.find(
         appname, cond, fields=fields).sort(
         sort_field, sort_way).skip(
         pageindex * pagesize).limit(pagesize)
     total = Model_Name.find(appname, cond).count()
     return_data["results"] = results
     return_data["total"] = total
     return return_data
Пример #9
def _unrefered_parents(appname, parent_model, child_model, model_id, confirm):
    return_data = {}
    Parent_Model = classing_model(parent_model)
    pattern = child_model + ".id"   # id field in parent model
    parent_items = Parent_Model.find(
        appname, {pattern: model_id}, fields={"_id": 0}, toarray=True)
    if parent_items:
        for pitem in parent_items:
            upt_val = None
            # 父model存在多个子model引用:[{"id":1},{"id":2}]
            child_info = pitem.get(child_model)
            if isinstance(child_info, types.ListType):
                for id_dict in child_info:
                    if id_dict.get("id") == model_id:
                        if confirm:
                            upt_val = child_info
                            return_data.update({'status': DATA_DELETE_COMFIRM})
                            return return_data
            if isinstance(child_info, types.DictType) and child_info:
                # 父model对只引用单条model:{"id":1}
                return_data.update({'status': DATA_RELETED_BY_OTHER})
                return return_data
                appname, {"id": pitem["id"]}, {child_model: upt_val})
        _LOGGER.info("parent %s has no %s id", parent_model, child_model)
Пример #10
def _del_data_ec2(appname, modelname, items):
    status = 0
    delete_success = []
    delete_failed = []
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    up_table = get_upload_table(modelname)
    Ec2_db = ArmoryMongo[_EC2]
    for item in items:
        rawid = item.get('id')
        if Ec2_db[up_table].find_one({"id": rawid}):
            upt_status = {
                'is_upload_ec2': False,
                'last_release_ec2': 0,
                'release': UploadStatus.UNUPLOAD_EC2}
                appname, {"id": rawid}, upt_status)
            item_suc = refresh_status(appname, modelname, rawid)
            Ec2_db[up_table].remove({"id": rawid})
            _LOGGER.info("id:%d delete from ec2 success", rawid)
            status = DUPLICATE_DELETE
            item_fail = refresh_status(appname, modelname, rawid)
    return status, delete_success, delete_failed
Пример #11
def _del_data_admin(appname, modelname, items):
    status = 0
    delete_success = []
    delete_failed = []
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    upload_table = get_upload_table(modelname)
    Local_db = ArmoryMongo[_LOCAL]
    for item in items:
        rawid = item.get('id')
        item_local = Local_db[upload_table].find_one(
            {"id": rawid}, fields={"_id": 0})
        if item_local:
            status = ONLINE_DATA_UNDELETE
            _LOGGER.error("id:%d should delete from local first" % rawid)
            release_rule(appname, modelname, rawid)
            model_dict = Model_Class.find_one(appname, {'id': rawid})
            CommonBase.dec_icon(appname, modelname, model_dict, rawid)
            # de referenced icon and rule
            Model_Class.remove(appname, {"id": rawid})
            _LOGGER.info("id:%d delete from admin success", rawid)
    return status, delete_success, delete_failed
Пример #12
def build_unqiue_cond(modelname, save_dict):
    ModelClass = classing_model(modelname)
    cond = {}
    unique = ModelClass.unique

    if len(unique) > 1:
        # unique should be list type
        # like ['a', ('b','c')] ---->
        # {"$or": [{"a":"xx"}, "$and":[{"b":"yy"}, {"c": "zz"}]]}
        or_cond = []
        for u in unique:
            if not isinstance(u, str) and not isinstance(u, unicode):
                and_cond = []
                for ui in u:
                    if save_dict.get(ui):
                        and_cond.append({ui: save_dict[ui]})
                if save_dict.get(u):
                    or_cond.append({u: save_dict[u]})
        cond['$or'] = or_cond
        one = unique[0]
        if not isinstance(one, str) and not isinstance(one, unicode):
            and_cond = []
            for ui in one:
                if save_dict.get(ui):
                    and_cond.append({ui: save_dict[ui]})
            cond['$and'] = and_cond
            cond[one] = save_dict[one]
    return cond
Пример #13
def _del_data_local(appname, modelname, items):
    status = 0
    delete_success = []
    delete_failed = []
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    up_table = get_upload_table(modelname)
    Local_db = ArmoryMongo[_LOCAL]
    Ec2_db = ArmoryMongo[_EC2]
    for item in items:
        rawid = item.get('id')
        if not Ec2_db[up_table].find_one({"id": rawid}):
            if Local_db[up_table].find_one({"id": rawid}, fields={"_id": 0}):
                upt_status = {}
                upt_status = {
                    'is_upload_local': False,
                    'release': UploadStatus.UNUPLOAD_LOCAL,
                    'last_release_local': 0}
                Model_Class.update(appname, {"id": rawid}, upt_status)
                Local_db[up_table].remove({"id": rawid})

                item_suc = refresh_status(appname, modelname, rawid)

                _LOGGER.info("id:%d delete from local success", rawid)
                status = DUPLICATE_DELETE
            status = ONLINE_DATA_UNDELETE,
            item_fail = refresh_status(appname, modelname, rawid)
            _LOGGER.error("id:%d should delete from ec2 first" % rawid)
    return status, delete_success, delete_failed
Пример #14
def common_update(appname, modelname, temp_dict, item_id):
    Model_Name = classing_model(modelname)
    temp_dict.pop("id", 0)
        temp_dict = CommonBase.clean_data(modelname, temp_dict)
    except ParamError as e:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=e.msg)
    if hasattr(Model_Name, "fields_check"):
            temp_dict = get_valid_params(temp_dict, Model_Name.fields_check)
        except ParamError as e:
            return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=e.msg)
    cond = {"id": int(item_id)}
    temp_dict['last_modified'] = now_timestamp()
    # if the model has release field
    if check_release(modelname):
        temp_dict['release'] = UploadStatus.UNUPLOAD_LOCAL
    # find the old item before update, aim to track icon and rule
    old_item = Model_Name.find_one(appname, {'id': item_id}, {'_id': 0})

    #this is a factory function, to check some save data before save if need
    (check_success, msg) = check_save_dict(
        appname, modelname, temp_dict, item_id)
    if not check_success:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg=msg)

    Model_Name.update(appname, cond, temp_dict)
    temp_dict['id'] = item_id
    # if model has refered icon and rule
    mod_icon(appname, modelname, temp_dict, old_item)
    mod_rule(appname, modelname, temp_dict, old_item)
    return json_response_ok(temp_dict)
Пример #15
def upload2server(appname, modelname, item, server):
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    upload_table = get_upload_table(modelname)
    Remote_db = ArmoryMongo[server]
    # update status upload to local
    results = package_data(appname, modelname, item, server)
    # param1: success/failed true/false param2:msg  param3:return dict
    if not results[0]:
        return False, results[1]
        item_id = item.get('id')
        cond = {"id": item_id}
        res_dict = results[2]

        is_upload_server = "is_upload_%s" % server
        last_release_server = "last_release_%s" % server

        upt_status = {}
        upt_status[is_upload_server] = True
        upt_status[last_release_server] = now_timestamp()
        if server == _LOCAL:
            upt_status['release'] = UploadStatus.UNUPLOAD_EC2
        if server == _EC2:
            upt_status['release'] = UploadStatus.NOMORAL
        Model_Class.update(appname, cond, upt_status)

        save_data = pack_save_data(res_dict)
        Remote_db[upload_table].update(cond, save_data, True)
        return True, results[1]
Пример #16
def release_rule(appname, modelname, rawid):
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    item = Model_Class.find_one(appname, {'id': rawid})
    rule_dict = item.get('aosruledata')
    rule_id = rule_dict.get('id')
    unrefered_data = {
        'modelName': modelname, 'id': rawid, 'modelField': 'aosruledata'}
    unrefered_rule(appname, rule_id, 'rule', unrefered_data)
Пример #17
 def viewdetail(cls, appname, model_name, model_dict):
     输入model name,如果该model包含子model,将按照order字段
     children = {}
     Model_Class = classing_model(str(model_name))
     if Model_Class.relation:
         children = Model_Class.relation.get("children")
         # if model has several children, eg: predata has searcherfolder,
         # bookmark bookmarkfolder
     if children:
         for key in children:
             Child_Model = classing_model(str(key))
             shortinfo_list = model_dict.get(key)
             if not shortinfo_list:
             new_children_list = []
             for shortinfo in shortinfo_list:
                 child_id = shortinfo["id"]
                 child_detail = Child_Model.find_one(
                     appname, {"id": child_id}, fields={"_id": 0})
                 if child_detail:
                     for short in shortinfo:
                         child_detail[short] = shortinfo[short]
             new_children_list = sorted(
                 new_children_list, key=itemgetter("order"))
             model_dict[key] = new_children_list
     if hasattr(Model_Class, "one2one"):
         # if model refere to other model,eg:speeddial with icon
         single_refs = Model_Class.one2one
         for single in single_refs:
             if model_dict.get(single):
                 single_dict = model_dict.get(single)
                 id_val = single_dict.get('id')
                 cond = {}
                 cond['$or'] = [{'id': id_val}, {'_id': id_val}]
                 modelname = NameFactory.fetch_name(single)
                 Single = classing_model(modelname)
                 item = Single.find_one(appname, cond)
                 if item:
                     single_dict['title'] = item.get('title')
                     model_dict[single] = single_dict
     return model_dict
Пример #18
 def delete_base(cls, appname, model_name, item_id, confirm=False):
     return_data format below:
         'status': 0,
         'model': {'id':1, 'a':'a', 'b':'b',...}
         'status': 10,  # parameter error
         'model': {'id':1, 'a':'a', 'b':'b',...}
         'status': 1004, # can not be deleted,
         'model': {'id':1, 'a':'a', 'b':'b',...}
         'status': 1005, # can be deleted, but need confirm
         'model': {'id':1, 'a':'a', 'b':'b',...}
     return_data = {}  # track the data deleted for user log
     Model_Name = classing_model(model_name)  # get model class
     relation = Model_Name.relation
     parent_list = relation.get("parent")
     # get the passed in model content and check it legally
     model = Model_Name.find_one(appname, cond={"id": item_id})
     return_data['model'] = model
     if not model:
         _LOGGER.error("model %s id %s is not exist", model_name, item_id)
         return_data.update({'status': PARAM_ERROR})
         return return_data
     # before enter into delete flow, shoud check weather it is refered by
     # the top model not can not been unrefered, used configuration 'links'
     if _check_refinfo(appname, item_id, model_name):
         return_data.update({'status': DATA_RELETED_BY_OTHER})
         return return_data
     # deal with model's parent model, unrefered with the parent model
     if parent_list:
         for parent in parent_list:
             # delete reference from parent tables
             ret_dict = _unrefered_parents(
                 appname, parent, model_name, item_id, confirm)
             if ret_dict:
                 return return_data
         _LOGGER.info("%s has no parent model", model_name)
     # unrefered the icon to the model
     cls.dec_icon(appname, model_name, model, item_id)
     Model_Name.remove(appname, {"id": item_id})
     return_data.update({'status': OK})
     return return_data
Пример #19
 def localize_titles(self, locale_titles):
     ThemeLocale = classing_model('themelocale')
     locale_dict = {}
     if locale_titles:
         lt_ids = [lt.get('id') for lt in locale_titles]
         title_infos = ThemeLocale.find(
             self.appname, cond={'id': {'$in': lt_ids}},
             fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
         for title in title_infos:
             locale_dict[title.get('locale')] = title.get('name')
     return locale_dict
Пример #20
def get_upload_table(modelname):
    every model has one map upload collection
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    upload_table = ''
    if hasattr(Model_Class, "upload_table"):
        upload_table = Model_Class.upload_table
        upload_table = modelname
    return upload_table
Пример #21
def refresh_status(appname, modelname, model_id):
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    result_dict = {}
    new_item = Model_Class.find_one(
        appname, {'id': model_id}, fields={'_id': 0})
    new_item = upload_status(new_item)
    fields = [
        'id', 'title', 'name', 'last_release_ec2', 'last_release_local',
        'release', 'is_upload_local', 'is_upload_ec2']
    for field in fields:
        result_dict[field] = new_item.get(field)
    return result_dict
Пример #22
def _get_ruleids(appname, search_word, field='lcpn'):
    rule_ids = []
    Rule = classing_model("aosruledata")
    cond = {}
    if field == 'lcpn':
        cond_list = []
        Locale = classing_model("aoslocale")
        Package = classing_model("aospackage")
        cond_locale = {
            'title': {'$regex': re.escape(search_word), '$options': '$i'}}
        locale_list = Locale.find(
            appname, cond_locale, fields={'_id': 1}, toarray=True)

        cond_package = {
            'package_name': {
                '$regex': re.escape(search_word), '$options': '$i'}}
        package_list = Package.find(
            appname, cond_package, fields={'_id': 1}, toarray=True)

        if locale_list:
            locale_ids = [p.get('_id') for p in locale_list]
            cond_list.append({"locale": {'$in': locale_ids}})
        if package_list:
            package_ids = [p.get('_id') for p in package_list]
            cond_list.append({"package": {'$in': package_ids}})
        if cond_list:
            cond['$or'] = cond_list
            return rule_ids
    elif field == 'rule':
        cond = {
            'title': {'$regex': re.escape(search_word), '$options': '$i'}}
        return rule_ids
    rule_list = Rule.find(
        appname, cond, fields={'_id': 1}, toarray=True)
    if rule_list:
        rule_ids = [r.get('_id') for r in rule_list]
    return rule_ids
Пример #23
 def fetch_lcpn(cls, appname, rule_dict):
     ref locale and package when item loads
     res_dict = {}
     Ruledata = classing_model("aosruledata")
     Locale = classing_model("aoslocale")
     Package = classing_model("aospackage")
     ruledata = Ruledata.find_one(appname, {"_id": rule_dict.get('id')})
     cond_locale = {'_id': {'$in': ruledata.get('locale')}}
     locale_list = Locale.find(
         appname, cond_locale, fields={'_id': 0, 'title': 1}, toarray=True)
     if locale_list:
         locales = [p.get('title') for p in locale_list]
         res_dict['locale'] = ','.join(locales)
     cond_package = {'_id': {'$in': ruledata.get('package')}}
     package_list = Package.find(
         appname, cond_package,
         fields={'_id': 0, 'package_name': 1}, toarray=True)
     if package_list:
         packages = [p.get('package_name') for p in package_list]
         res_dict['package'] = ','.join(packages)
     return res_dict
Пример #24
def _get_ids(appname, child_ids, child_model, parent_model):
    parent_ids = []
    cond = {}
    Parent_Model = classing_model(parent_model)
    for child_id in child_ids:
        cond = NameFactory.combine_cond(child_model, child_id)
        parents = Parent_Model.find(
            appname, cond, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
        if parents:
            parent_ids = [p.get('id') for p in parents]
    return list(set(parent_ids))
Пример #25
def get_topmodel_ids(appname, model_id, modelname):
    passed in the model id, and will return a dict of refered infos,
    it is passed through attr object_link.
    Model_Name = classing_model(modelname)
    res_dict = {}
    if hasattr(Model_Name, "object_links"):
        ref_dict = Model_Name.object_links
        for ref in ref_dict:
            object_link = ref_dict[ref]
            topmodel = object_link[-1]
            top_ids = ref_topmodel(appname, model_id, modelname, object_link)
            res_dict.setdefault(topmodel, []).extend(top_ids)
    return res_dict
Пример #26
def check_need_params(modelname, save_dict):
    ModelClass = classing_model(modelname)
    fields = ModelClass.fields_check
    check_success = True
    msg = 'check need param value'
    for fld in fields:
        paras = fld.split('&')
        (param_key, param_option, param_type, default_value) = tuple(
            paras) + (None, ) * (4 - len(paras))
        if param_option == 'need' and not param_type == 'bool':
            # need key must has a value, but except bool type
            if not save_dict.get(param_key):
                check_success = False
                msg = '%s should not be empty' % param_key
    return check_success, msg
Пример #27
 def themefolder_check(self, save_dict):
     size = save_dict.get('size')
     isfree = save_dict.get('isfree')
     themes = save_dict.get('theme')
     theme_ids = [t.get('id') for t in themes]
     Theme = classing_model('theme')
     theme_infos = Theme.find(
         self.appname, cond={'id': {'$in': theme_ids}},
         fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
     for theme_info in theme_infos:
         theme_size = theme_info.get('size')
         theme_free = theme_info.get('isfree')
         if not size == theme_size or not isfree == theme_free:
             self.check_success = False
             self.msg = 'theme %s in folder is not matched size or paid\
                 type' % theme_info.get('title')
     return self.check_success, self.msg
Пример #28
def common_delete(appname, modelname, comfirm, item_ids):
    success_list = []
    data = {}
    Model_Name = classing_model(modelname)
    items = Model_Name.find(
        appname, {'id': {'$in': item_ids}}, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
    for item in items:
        item_id = item.get('id')
        ret = CommonBase.delete_base(appname, modelname, item_id, comfirm)
        if ret:
            status = ret.get('status')
            model_dict = ret.get('model')
            if status:  # none or not zero, return directly
                data['userlog'] = success_list
                return json_response_error(
                    status, msg="item has been refered", data=data)
    data['userlog'] = success_list
    return json_response_ok(data=data, msg='delete success items')
Пример #29
def online(appname, modelname, item_ids, server):
    Model_Class = classing_model(modelname)
    items = Model_Class.find(
        appname, {'id': {'$in': item_ids}}, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
    if not items:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="no item find")
    results = online_data(appname, modelname, server, items)
    status = results[0]
    out_msg = results[1]
    data = {}
    data["success"] = results[2]
    data["failed"] = results[3]
    data['userlog'] = [common_filter(i) for i in data.get('success')]
    data['memo'] = 'online to %s' % server
    if status == -1:
        return json_response_error(PARAM_ERROR, msg="UNKNOWN UPLOAD SERVER")
    elif status == 0:
        return json_response_ok(data, msg="upload successfully")
        return json_response_error(status, data, msg=out_msg)
Пример #30
def check_data_unique(appname, modelname, save_dict, item_id=None):
    check_success = True
    msg = 'check unique param value'
    ModelClass = classing_model(modelname)

    if not getattr(ModelClass, 'unique', None):
        return check_success, msg

    cond = build_unqiue_cond(modelname, save_dict)
    if not item_id:
    # insert before check unique
        item = ModelClass.find_one(appname, cond)
        if item:
            check_success = False
            msg = "insert before, check unique fail"
        item_old = ModelClass.find_one(appname, {'id': item_id})
        item_find = ModelClass.find_one(appname, cond)
        if item_find and not item_find == item_old:
            check_success = False
            msg = "update before, check unique fail"
    return check_success, msg