Пример #1
    if (chnno == 0 or chnno == 4 or chnno == 8 or chnno == 12):
        ax.set_ylabel("Normalized counts", size=14)
    if (chnno == 12 or chnno == 13 or chnno == 14 or chnno == 15):
        ax.set_xlabel("ADC output / LSB", size=14)
    ax.legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small')

fig.suptitle("RMS Noise: Histogram with " + "%d samples" % N, size=18)
plt.savefig(rawdir + "Hist_NoiseTest_%d_%s" % (baseline, env) + ".png")

bad_rms = [x for x in rms if (x > 0.8 or x < 0.3)]
if not (bad_rms == []):
    for i in range(len(bad_rms)):
        cq.err_log("Channel %d RMS Noise (%f) is out of expected range \n" %
                   (i, bad_rms[i]))
        cq.status = "FAIL"

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
fig.suptitle("RMS Noise: All Channels", size=18)
plt.plot(rms, marker='o')
plt.ylim(0.2, 1.2)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 16, 1))
plt.xlabel('Channel', size=16)
plt.ylabel('RMS Noise', size=16)
plt.savefig(rawdir + "RMS_NoiseTest_%d_%s" % (baseline, env) + ".png")
Пример #2
#Normalized transition voltages
Vj = -np.cos(np.pi * sum_Hk / Ntot)
end = len(Vj)
#Linearized histogram
hlin = Vj[1:] - Vj[:-1]
#Arbitrary bit truncation
trunc = trunc
hlin_trunc = hlin[trunc:-trunc]
#LSB calculation as average code width
lsb = np.sum(hlin_trunc) / len(hlin_trunc)
#DNL: concatenate a 0 at the beginning
dnl = np.insert(hlin_trunc / lsb - 1, 0, 0.)
#Misscodes detection
misscodes = np.where((dnl > 1) | (dnl < -1))
if (np.array(misscodes).size > 0):
    cq.err_log('Number of misscodes found = %d' % np.array(misscodes).size)
    cq.status = "FAIL"
#INL: cumulative sum of DNL
inl = np.cumsum(dnl)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=1)
ax1.x = np.arange(first_bin + trunc, last_bin - trunc + 1)
ax1.plot(ax1.x, dnl)
ax1.set_xlim([0, 4095])
ax1.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])
ax1.set_title('%s1 Environment. %s2 References' % (env, refs))
ax1.set_ylabel('DNL [LSB]')
    ' max DNL = %0.2f \n min DNL = %0.2f ' %
    (np.around(max(dnl), decimals=2), np.around(min(dnl), decimals=2)),