Пример #1
def test_request_processing(request_context: RequestContextFixture) -> None:
    global_request.set_var("varname", "1a")
    global_request.set_var("varname2", "1")

    global_request.get_str_input("varname", deflt="lol")
Пример #2
 def breadcrumb(self) -> Breadcrumb:
     # To be able to calculate the breadcrumb with ModeCheckPluginTopic as parent, we need to
     # ensure that the topic is available.
     with request.stashed_vars():
         # suppression: arg is Sequence[str]. Expected is str.
         # AFAICT it's been like this for a while; it's just we now know it.
         # The breadcrumbs look fine to me.
                         self._manpage.catalog)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
         return super().breadcrumb()
Пример #3
 def breadcrumb(self) -> Breadcrumb:
     # The ModeEditRuleset.breadcrumb_item does not know anything about the fact that this mode
     # is a child of the logwatch_rules ruleset. It can not construct the correct link to the
     # logwatch_rules ruleset in the breadcrumb. We hand over the ruleset variable name that we
     # are interested in to the mode. It's a bit hacky to do it this way, but it's currently the
     # only way to get these information to the modes breadcrumb method.
     with request.stashed_vars():
         request.set_var("varname", "logwatch_rules")
         return super().breadcrumb()
Пример #4
    def _show_view_as_dashlet(self, view_spec: ViewSpec):

        is_reload = request.has_var("_reload")

        view_display_options = "SIXLW"
        if not is_reload:
            view_display_options += "HR"

        request.set_var("display_options", view_display_options)
        request.set_var("_display_options", view_display_options)

        # Need to be loaded before processing the painter_options below.
        # TODO: Make this dependency explicit
        display_options.load_from_html(request, html)

        painter_options = PainterOptions.get_instance()

        # Here the linked view default context has the highest priority
        # linkedview default>dashlet>url active filter> dashboard. However views
        # have the "show_filters" default to prefill the filtermenu with empty
        # valued filters(UX). Those need to be cleared out. Otherwise those
        # empty filters are the highest priority filters and the user can never
        # filter the view.

        view_context = {
            filtername: filtervalues
            for filtername, filtervalues in view_spec["context"].items() if {
                var: value
                for var, value in filtervalues.items()
                # These are the filters request variables. Keep set values
                # For the TriStateFilters unset == ignore == "-1"
                # all other cases unset is an empty string
                if (var.startswith("is_") and value != "-1"
                    )  # TriState filters except ignore
                or (not var.startswith("is_") and value
                    )  # Rest of filters with some value
        context = visuals.get_merged_context(self.context, view_context)

        view = views.View(self._dashlet_spec["name"], view_spec, context)
        view.row_limit = views.get_limit()
        view.only_sites = visuals.get_only_sites_from_context(context)
        view.user_sorters = views.get_user_sorters()

        views.process_view(views.GUIViewRenderer(view, show_buttons=False))

Пример #5
def selection_id() -> str:
    """Generates a selection id or uses the given one"""
    if not request.has_var("selection"):
        sel_id = utils.gen_id()
        request.set_var("selection", sel_id)
        return sel_id

    sel_id = request.get_str_input_mandatory("selection")

    # Avoid illegal file access by introducing .. or /
    if not re.match("^[-0-9a-zA-Z]+$", sel_id):
        new_id = utils.gen_id()
        request.set_var("selection", new_id)
        return new_id
    return sel_id
Пример #6
    def _evaluate_user_opts(self) -> Tuple[TableRows, bool, Optional[str]]:
        assert self.id is not None
        table_id = self.id
        rows = self.rows

        search_term = None
        actions_enabled = self.options["searchable"] or self.options["sortable"]

        if not actions_enabled:
            return rows, False, None

        table_opts = user.tableoptions.setdefault(table_id, {})

        # Handle the initial visibility of the actions
        actions_visible = table_opts.get("actions_visible", False)
        if request.get_ascii_input("_%s_actions" % table_id):
            actions_visible = request.get_ascii_input("_%s_actions" %
                                                      table_id) == "1"
            table_opts["actions_visible"] = actions_visible

        if self.options["searchable"]:
            search_term = request.get_str_input_mandatory("search", "")
            # Search is always lower case -> case insensitive
            search_term = search_term.lower()
            if search_term:
                request.set_var("search", search_term)
                rows = _filter_rows(rows, search_term)

        if request.get_ascii_input("_%s_reset_sorting" % table_id):
            request.del_var("_%s_sort" % table_id)
            if "sort" in table_opts:
                del table_opts["sort"]  # persist

        if self.options["sortable"]:
            # Now apply eventual sorting settings
            sort = self._get_sort_column(table_opts)
            if sort is not None:
                request.set_var("_%s_sort" % table_id, sort)
                table_opts["sort"] = sort  # persist
                sort_col, sort_reverse = map(int, sort.split(",", 1))
                rows = _sort_rows(rows, sort_col, sort_reverse)

        if actions_enabled:

        return rows, actions_visible, search_term
Пример #7
    def _upload_csv_file(self) -> None:


        upload_info = self._vs_upload().from_html_vars("_upload")
        self._vs_upload().validate_value(upload_info, "_upload")

        file_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        store.save_text_to_file(self._file_path(file_id=file_id), upload_info["file"])

        # make selections available to next page
        request.set_var("file_id", file_id)

        if upload_info["do_service_detection"]:
            request.set_var("do_service_detection", "1")
Пример #8
def test_get_url_input(request_context: RequestContextFixture) -> None:
    global_request.set_var("url", "view.py?bla=blub")
    global_request.set_var("no_url", "2")
    global_request.set_var("invalid_url", "http://bla/")

    with pytest.raises(MKUserError) as e:
    assert "is missing" in "%s" % e

    assert global_request.get_url_input("get_default", "my_url.py") == "my_url.py"
    assert global_request.get_url_input("get_default", "http://bla/") == "http://bla/"
    assert global_request.get_url_input("url") == "view.py?bla=blub"
    assert global_request.get_url_input("no_url") == "2"

    with pytest.raises(MKUserError) as e:
    assert "not a valid" in "%s" % e

    assert global_request.get_url_input("no_url") == "2"
Пример #9
 def setup_request_fixture(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
     monkeypatch.setattr(automation, "_get_login_secret",
                         lambda **_kwargs: "secret")
     request.set_var("secret", "secret")
     request.set_var("command", "checkmk-automation")
     request.set_var("automation", "test")
     request.set_var("arguments", mk_repr(None).decode())
     request.set_var("indata", mk_repr(None).decode())
     request.set_var("stdin_data", mk_repr(None).decode())
     request.set_var("timeout", mk_repr(None).decode())
Пример #10
 def _set_query_vars(query_vars: QueryVars) -> None:
     for name, vals in query_vars.items():
         request.set_var(name, vals[0])