Пример #1
def create_downtime(params):
    body = params['body']
    host_name = body['host_name']
    start_dt = _time_dt(body['start_time'])
    end_dt = _time_dt(body['end_time'])
    delayed_duration = body.get("delayed_duration", 0)
    if "recurring_option" not in body:
        recurring_number = 0
        recurring_number = RECURRING_OPTIONS[body["recurring_option"]]
    mode = determine_downtime_mode(recurring_number, delayed_duration)

    if "service_description" in body:
        service_description = body["service_description"]
        spec = _service_spec(service_description, host_name)
        comment = body.get("comment",
                           "Downtime for service: %s" % service_description)
        downtime_tag = "SVC"
        spec = host_name
        downtime_tag = "HOST"
        comment = body.get("comment", "Downtime for host: %s" % host_name)
    downtime = DowntimeSchedule(start_dt.timestamp(), end_dt.timestamp(), mode,
                                delayed_duration, comment)
    command = downtime.livestatus_command(spec, downtime_tag)
    execute_livestatus_command(command, host_name)
    return Response(status=204)
Пример #2
    def action(self, cmdtag: Any, spec: Any, row: Any, row_index: Any,
               num_rows: Any) -> Any:
        """Prepares the livestatus command for any received downtime information through WATO"""
        if html.request.var("_down_remove"):
            return self._remove_downtime_details(cmdtag, row)

        recurring_number = self._recurring_number()
        title_prefix = self._title_prefix(recurring_number)

        if html.request.var("_down_from_now"):
            start_time = self._current_local_time()
            duration_minutes = self._from_now_minutes()
            end_time = self._time_after_minutes(start_time, duration_minutes)
            title = self._title_for_next_minutes(duration_minutes,
        elif html.request.var("_down_adhoc"):
            start_time = self._current_local_time()
            duration_minutes = config.adhoc_downtime.get("duration", 0)
            end_time = self._time_after_minutes(start_time, duration_minutes)
            title = self._title_for_next_minutes(duration_minutes,
        elif html.request.var("_down_custom"):
            start_time = self._custom_start_time()
            end_time = self._custom_end_time(start_time)
            title = self._title_range(start_time, end_time)
        else:  # one of the default time buttons
            button_value = self.button_interval_value()
            if button_value is None:
                # the remove button in the Show Downtimes WATO view returns None here
                # TODO: separate the remove mechanism from the create downtime procedure in the views call
            next_time_interval = button_value
            start_time = self._current_local_time()
            end_time = time_interval_end(next_time_interval, start_time)
            if end_time is None:
                end_time = start_time + int(next_time_interval)
            title = time_interval_to_human_readable(next_time_interval,

        comment = self._comment()
        delayed_duration = self._flexible_option()
        mode = determine_downtime_mode(recurring_number, delayed_duration)
        downtime = DowntimeSchedule(start_time, end_time, mode,
                                    delayed_duration, comment)
        cmdtag, specs, title = self._downtime_specs(cmdtag, row, spec, title)
        if "aggr_tree" in row:  # BI mode
            node = row["aggr_tree"]
            return bi_commands(downtime, node), title
        return [downtime.livestatus_command(spec_, cmdtag)
                for spec_ in specs], title
Пример #3
def bi_commands(downtime: DowntimeSchedule, node: Any) -> List[Tuple[Any, Any]]:
    """Generate the list of downtime command strings for the BI module"""
    commands_aggr = []
    for site, host, service in bi.find_all_leaves(node):
        if service:
            spec = "%s;%s" % (host, service)
            cmdtag = "SVC"
            spec = host
            cmdtag = "HOST"
        commands_aggr.append((site, downtime.livestatus_command(spec, cmdtag)))
    return commands_aggr