Пример #1
def package_pack(args):
    # type: (List[str]) -> None
    if len(args) != 1:
        raise PackageException("Usage: check_mk -P pack NAME")

    # Make sure, user is not in data directories of Check_MK
    abs_curdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
    for directory in [cmk.utils.paths.var_dir] + [
            p.path for p in get_package_parts() + get_config_parts()
        if abs_curdir == directory or abs_curdir.startswith(directory + "/"):
            raise PackageException(
                "You are in %s!\n"
                "Please leave the directories of Check_MK before creating\n"
                "a packet file. Foreign files lying around here will mix up things."
                % abs_curdir)

    pacname = args[0]
    package = read_package_info(pacname)
    if not package:
        raise PackageException("Package %s not existing or corrupt." % pacname)
    tarfilename = "%s-%s%s" % (pacname, package["version"], _pac_ext)

    logger.log(VERBOSE, "Packing %s into %s...", pacname, tarfilename)
    with Path(tarfilename).open("wb") as f:
        create_mkp_file(package, cast(BinaryIO, f))
    logger.log(VERBOSE, "Successfully created %s", tarfilename)
Пример #2
def test_get_optional_package_infos(monkeypatch, tmp_path):
    mkp_dir = tmp_path.joinpath("optional_packages")
    mkp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    monkeypatch.setattr(cmk.utils.paths, "optional_packages_dir", mkp_dir)

    # Create package
    package_info = _read_package_info("optional")

    # Write MKP file
    mkp_path = mkp_dir.joinpath("optional.mkp")
    with mkp_path.open("wb") as mkp:
        packaging.create_mkp_file(package_info, mkp)

    assert packaging.get_optional_package_infos() == {"optional.mkp": package_info}
Пример #3
def test_create_mkp_file():
    package_info = _create_simple_test_package("aaa")

    mkp = BytesIO()
    packaging.create_mkp_file(package_info, mkp)

    tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=mkp, mode="r:gz")
    assert sorted(tar.getnames()) == sorted(
        ["info", "info.json", "checks.tar"])

    info = ast.literal_eval(six.ensure_str(tar.extractfile("info").read()))
    assert info["name"] == "aaa"

    info2 = json.loads(tar.extractfile("info.json").read())
    assert info2["name"] == "aaa"
Пример #4
def test_install_package_by_path(tmp_path):
    # Create
    package_info = packaging.read_package_info("aaa")

    # Write MKP file
    mkp_path = tmp_path.joinpath("aaa.mkp")
    with mkp_path.open("wb") as mkp:
        packaging.create_mkp_file(package_info, mkp)

    # Remove files from local hierarchy
    assert packaging._package_exists("aaa") is False

    # And now install the package from memory

    # Check result
    assert packaging._package_exists("aaa") is True
    package_info = packaging.read_package_info("aaa")
    assert package_info["version"] == "1.0"
    assert package_info["files"]["checks"] == ["aaa"]
    assert cmk.utils.paths.local_checks_dir.joinpath("aaa").exists()
Пример #5
def test_install_package():
    # Create
    package_info = packaging.read_package_info("aaa")

    # Build MKP in memory
    mkp = BytesIO()
    packaging.create_mkp_file(package_info, mkp)

    # Remove files from local hierarchy
    assert packaging._package_exists("aaa") is False

    # And now install the package from memory

    # Check result
    assert packaging._package_exists("aaa") is True
    package_info = packaging.read_package_info("aaa")
    assert package_info["version"] == "1.0"
    assert package_info["files"]["checks"] == ["aaa"]
    assert cmk.utils.paths.local_checks_dir.joinpath("aaa").exists()