def updateGroupResourceCategoryId(self, category): cmd = Command(""" UPDATE GroupResource SET groupCateId = NULL WHERE groupId = :groupId AND groupCateId = :groupCateId """) cmd.setInteger("groupId", cmd.setInteger("groupCateId", category.categoryId) count = cmd.update()
def get_childs(self, group): hql = """ FROM Group WHERE parentId = :parentId ORDER BY id DESC """ cmd = Command(hql) cmd.setInteger("parentId", group.groupId) group_list = request.setAttribute("group_list", group_list) return
def getUserById(self, userId): cmd = Command(""" FROM User u WHERE u.userId = :userId """) cmd.setInteger("userId", userId) user_list = if user_list == None or user_list.size() == 0: return None return user_list[0]
def getGroupById(self, groupId): cmd = Command(""" FROM Group g WHERE g.groupId = :groupId """) cmd.setInteger("groupId", groupId) group_list = if group_list == None or group_list.size() == 0: return None return group_list[0]
def get_comment_star(self): # 注意:如果没有记录,返回的结果是 StarCount 为 Null,StarNumber 为 0,所以 commentStar 永远不会为 None sql = """ SELECT SUM(star) AS StarCount, COUNT(star) AS StarNumber FROM Comment WHERE objId = :articleId """ cmd = Command(sql) cmd.setInteger("articleId", self.article.articleId) commentStar = cmd.first() if commentStar == None: return else: if commentStar[0] == None: return else: StarCount = int(commentStar[0]) if commentStar[1] == None: return else: StarNumber = int(commentStar[1]) if StarNumber < 1: return AveStar = StarCount / StarNumber request.setAttribute("StarCount", StarCount) request.setAttribute("StarNumber", StarNumber) request.setAttribute("AveStar", AveStar)
def getArticleAndAuthor(self, articleId): cmd = Command("SELECT a, u FROM Article a, User u WHERE a.userId = u.userId AND a.articleId = :articleId") cmd.setInteger("articleId", articleId) list = if list == None or list.size() == 0: return None au = list[0] return ArticleAndUser(au[0], au[1])
def deleteChannelCategory(self, resType, category): if category == None: return cmd = Command( " UPDATE " + resType + " SET channelCate = NULL,channelCateId = NULL WHERE channelId = :channelId AND channelCateId = :channelCateId " ) cmd.setInteger("channelId", cmd.setInteger("channelCateId", category.categoryId) count = cmd.update()
def execute(self): params = ParamUtil(request) cmt_svc = __jitar__.getCommentService() writer = response.getWriter() if self.loginUser == None: writer.write(u"请先登录。") return userName = self.loginUser.trueName if userName == None: userName = self.loginUser.loginName title = params.getStringParam("title") objtype = params.getIntParam("objtype") aboutUserId = params.getIntParam("aboutUserId") objId = params.getIntParam("photoId") star = params.getIntParam("star") content = params.getStringParam("content") userIP = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for") if userIP == None or userIP == "": userIP = request.getRemoteAddr() if title == "": writer.write(u"请输入标题。") return if content == "" or content == "<span></span>": writer.write(u"请输入评论内容。") return cmt = Comment() cmt.setTitle(title) cmt.setAboutUserId(aboutUserId) cmt.setIp(userIP) cmt.setUserName(userName) cmt.setUserId(self.loginUser.userId) cmt.setCreateDate(Date()) cmt.setStar(star) cmt.setAudit(True) cmt.setContent(content) cmt.setObjId(objId) cmt.setObjType(objtype) cmt_svc.saveComment(cmt) # 评论计数器 cmd = Command( """ UPDATE Photo SET commentCount = commentCount + 1 WHERE photoId = :photoId """ ) cmd.setInteger("photoId", objId) cmd.update() photoUser = params.getStringParam("photoUser") if request.getHeader("Referer") != None: response.sendRedirect(request.getHeader("Referer")) return request.setAttribute( "redUrl", photoUser + "/py/" + str(objId)) return "/WEB-INF/ftl/photo/PhotoComment_Success.ftl"
def get_links(self, group): hql = """ FROM Link WHERE objectType = :objectType AND objectId = :objectId ORDER BY linkId DESC """ cmd = Command(hql) cmd.setInteger("objectType", OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP) cmd.setInteger("objectId", group.groupId) # 取出最新 5 个友情链接. link_list = request.setAttribute("link_list", link_list) return
def getPhotoAndAuthor(self, photoId): cmd = Command( "SELECT p, u FROM Photo p, User u WHERE p.userId = u.userId AND p.photoId = :photoId" ) cmd.setInteger("photoId", photoId) list = if list == None or list.size() == 0: return None pu = list[0] return PhotoAndUser(pu[0], pu[1])
def getResourceAndAuthor(self, resourceId): cmd = Command( "SELECT r, u FROM Resource r, User u WHERE r.userId = u.userId AND r.resourceId = :resourceId" ) cmd.setInteger("resourceId", resourceId) list = if list == None or list.size() == 0: return None ru = list[0] return ResourceAndUser(ru[0], ru[1])
def list(self): pager = self.params.createPager() pager.itemName = u"机构链接" pager.itemUnit = u"个" # 计算总数. hql = """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Link WHERE objectType = :objectType AND objectId = :objectId """ cmd = Command(hql) cmd.setInteger("objectType", self.ObjectType_System) cmd.setInteger("objectId", self.ObjectId_School) pager.totalRows = cmd.int_scalar() # 获取当前页. hql = """ FROM Link WHERE objectType = :objectType AND objectId = :objectId ORDER BY linkId DESC """ cmd = Command(hql) cmd.setInteger("objectType", self.ObjectType_System) cmd.setInteger("objectId", self.ObjectId_School) link_list = request.setAttribute("link_list", link_list) request.setAttribute("pager", pager) #DEBUG: print "link_list = ", link_list return "/WEB-INF/ftl/admin/school_link_list.ftl"
def updateChannelCateId(self, resType, category): # 得到该分类及其下级所有分类 cmd = Command( "SELECT categoryId FROM Category WHERE itemType = :itemType") cmd.setString("itemType", self.itemType) cateIdList = for id in cateIdList: cate = self.categoryService.getCategory(id) if cate != None: catePath = CommonUtil.convertIntFrom36To10( cate.parentPath) + str(id) + "/" cmd = Command( " UPDATE " + resType + " SET channelCate = :channelCate WHERE channelCateId = :channelCateId " ) cmd.setString("channelCate", catePath) cmd.setInteger("channelCateId", id) count = cmd.update()
def list(self): if self.login_user == None: self.writer.write("logon") return favUser = self.login_user.userId fav_list = self.favo_svc.getUFavoritesList(favUser) pager = self.createPager() if fav_list == None: pager.totalRows = 0 else: pager.totalRows = fav_list.size() hql = """ from UFavorites Where favUser=:favUser ORDER BY favId DESC""" cmd = Command(hql) cmd.setInteger("favUser", favUser) fav_list = request.setAttribute("pager", pager) request.setAttribute("fav_list", fav_list) return "/WEB-INF/ftl/user/fav_list.ftl"
def execute(self): site_config = SiteConfig() site_config.get_config() param = ParamUtil(request) newsId = param.getIntParam("newsId") if newsId == None or newsId == "": return self.sub_svc = __jitar__.getSubjectService() news = self.sub_svc.getSiteNews(newsId) if news == None: return sql = """ Update SiteNews Set viewCount = viewCount + 1 Where newsId = :newsId """ cmd = Command(sql) cmd.setInteger("newsId", newsId) cmd.update() request.setAttribute("news", news) response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8") return "/WEB-INF/ftl/show_news.ftl"
def actionPost(self): ErrMsg = "" cmd = self.params.getStringParam("cmd") guids = self.params.safeGetIntValues("guid") if guids.size() < 1: self.addActionError(u"请先选择一个活动") self.addActionLink(u"返回", "") return self.ERROR for actId in guids: action = self.act_svc.getActionByActionUserId(actId) if action.status != 0: ErrMsg = ErrMsg + u"<li>名为 " + action.title + u" 的活动不是一个正常状态。无法进行操作." continue if cmd == "attend": qry = """ UPDATE ActionUser Set status = 1 WHERE actionUserId = :actionUserId """ command = Command(qry) command.setInteger("actionUserId", actId) command.update() if cmd == "quit": qry = """ UPDATE ActionUser Set status = 2 WHERE actionUserId = :actionUserId""" command = Command(qry) command.setInteger("actionUserId", actId) command.update() if cmd == "leave": qry = """ UPDATE ActionUser Set status = 3 WHERE actionUserId = :actionUserId """ command = Command(qry) command.setInteger("actionUserId", actId) command.update() if ErrMsg == "": ErrMsg = u"操作已完成" self.addActionMessage(ErrMsg) self.addActionLink(u"返回", "") return self.SUCCESS
def execute(self): site_config = SiteConfig() site_config.get_config() photoId = self.params.getIntParam("photoId") photo = self.photo_svc.findById(photoId) request.setAttribute("photo", photo) #DEBUG print "photoId = ", photoId, ", photo = ", #print "===photo.sysCateId===:",photo.sysCateId if photo != None: if photo.sysCateId != None: category = self.cate_svc.getCategory(photo.sysCateId) request.setAttribute("category", category) # 更新访问计数 cmd = Command( """ UPDATE Photo SET viewCount = viewCount + 1 WHERE photoId = :photoId """ ) cmd.setInteger("photoId", photo.photoId) cmd.update() return "/WEB-INF/ftl/showPhoto.ftl"
def execute(self): photoService = __jitar__.getPhotoService() photoStapleService = __jitar__.getPhotoStapleService() self.params = ParamUtil(request) writer = response.getWriter() loginName = request.getAttribute("loginName") photoId = self.params.safeGetIntParam("photoId") user = __jitar__.userService.getUserByLoginName(loginName) request.setAttribute("user", user) if self.canVisitUser(user) == False: return self.ACCESS_ERROR # loginUser 对象来自基类 BaseAdminAction . request.setAttribute("loginUser", self.loginUser) # 得到照片对象 photo = photoService.findById(photoId) if photo == None: self.addActionError(u"无法加载该照片。") return self.ERROR request.setAttribute("photo", photo) if photo.userStaple != None: photoStaple = photoStapleService.findById(photo.userStaple) request.setAttribute("photoStaple", photoStaple) cmd = Command( """ UPDATE Photo SET viewCount = viewCount + 1 WHERE photoId = :photoId """ ) cmd.setInteger("photoId", photo.photoId) cmd.update() hql = """SELECT new Map( as skin) FROM Page p WHERE = 'index' and p.objId = :userId and p.objType = 1 """ pageSkin = Command(hql).setInteger("userId", user.userId).first() # 构造页面数据,由于页面不是在数据库存在的,这里的数据是虚拟数据. #pages : [{id: ${page.pageId}, title: '${user.blogName!?js_string}', layoutId: ${page.layoutId!0} }], page = { "pageId": 0, "layoutId": 2, # 固定是布局2 "isSystemPage": "true", "owner": "user", "title": "", "skin": pageSkin["skin"] } request.setAttribute("page", page) = self.getUserProfilePage(user) if != None: customSkin = JSONValue.parse( request.setAttribute("customSkin", customSkin) # 构造widgets . widgets = [{ "id": "1", "pageId": 0, "columnIndex": 1, "title": u"个人档案", "module": "profile", "ico": "", "data": "" }, { "id": "2", "pageId": 0, "columnIndex": 1, "title": u"相册分类", "module": "photo_cate", "ico": "", "data": "" }, { "id": "placerholder1", "pageId": 0, "columnIndex": 2, "title": "", "module": "placeholder", "ico": "", "data": "" }] request.setAttribute("widgets", widgets) request.setAttribute("widget_list", widgets) qry = CommentQuery( """ cmt.content,cmt.createDate,,cmt.title,u.loginName,u.userId,u.userIcon """) qry.objType = 11 qry.orderType = 3 qry.objId = photo.photoId pager = self.params.createPager() pager.setPageSize(10) pager.totalRows = qry.count() pager.itemName = u"评论" pager.itemUnit = u"条" result = qry.query_map(pager) request.setAttribute("photo_comment_list", result) request.setAttribute("pager", pager) response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8") return "/WEB-INF/user/default/user_photo_show.ftl"