def reductionA(name, x): with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: layer_ = max_pool('max_pool_0', x, k=3, s=2, padding='VALID') layer__ = convolution2d('cnn__0', x, 192, k=3, s=2, padding='VALID') layer___ = convolution2d('cnn___0', x, 224, k=1, s=1, padding='SAME') layer___ = convolution2d('cnn___1', layer___, 256, k=3, s=1, padding='SAME') layer___ = convolution2d('cnn___2', layer___, 385, k=3, s=2, padding='VALID') layer_join = tf.concat([layer_, layer__, layer___], axis=3, name='join') print 'layer_name :', 'join' print 'layer_shape :', layer_join.get_shape() return layer_join
def stem_2(name ,x ): with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: layer= convolution2d('cnn_0' , x, 192,k=3,s=2,padding='VALID') layer_=max_pool('max__0' , x, k=3 , s=2 , padding = 'VALID') layer_join = tf.concat([layer , layer_] , axis = 3 ,name='join') print 'layer_name :','join' print 'layer_shape :',layer_join.get_shape() return layer_join
def stem(name , x): with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: layer=convolution2d('cnn_0',x,32,k=3,s=2 , padding='VALID') layer = convolution2d('cnn_1',layer, 32, k = 3, s = 1, padding = 'VALID') layer = convolution2d('cnn_2', layer, 64, k=3, s=1, padding='SAME') layer_1 = max_pool('max_3', layer, k=3, s=2, padding='VALID') layer_2 = convolution2d('cnn_3_1', layer, 96, k=3, s=2, padding='VALID') layer_join=tf.concat([layer_1,layer_2] , axis=3 , name='join') print 'layer_name :','join' print 'layer_shape :',layer_join.get_shape() return layer_join
def reductionC(name ,x ): with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: layer=max_pool('max_pool0' , x ,3,2 , padding='VALID') layer_=convolution2d('cnn_0',x , 256,1,1) layer_=convolution2d('cnn_1',layer_, 384 , 3,1 , padding='VALID') layer__ = convolution2d('cnn_0', x, 256, 1, 1) layer__ = convolution2d('cnn_1', layer__, 256, 3, 1 , padding='VALID') layer___= convolution2d('cnn__0',x, 256 , 1,1) layer___= convolution2d('cnn__1',layer___,256 , 3,1) layer___= convolution2d('cnn__2',layer___,256 , 3,1 , padding='VALID') layer_join= tf.concat([layer , layer_ , layer__ , layer___], axis=3 , name='join' ) return layer_join
##########################setting############################ image_height, image_width, image_color_ch, n_classes, train_imgs, train_labs, test_imgs, test_labs = data.mnist_28x28( ) x_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, image_height, image_width, image_color_ch], name='x_') y_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, n_classes], name='y_') phase_train = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, name='phase_train') batch_size = 60 ##########################structure########################## layer, conv1_summary_tensor = convolution2d('conv1', x_, 64) #layer = batch_norm_1(layer, phase_train, 'bn0') layer = batch_norm_2(layer, phase_train, 'bn0') # best learning rate ==> 0.1 layer = max_pool('max_pool1', layer) layer, topconv_summary_tensor = convolution2d('top_conv', layer, 128) layer = batch_norm_2(layer, phase_train, 'bn1') # best learning rate ==> 0.01 batch norm이 많아지면 layer, fc_summary_tensor = affine('fully_connect', layer, 1024, keep_prob=0.5, phase_train=phase_train) layer = batch_norm_1(layer, phase_train, 'bn2') y_conv = logits('end_layer', layer, n_classes) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() ############################################################# #cam = get_class_map('gap', top_conv, 0, im_width=image_width)
#for Mnist version pool_indices = [1, 4, 7, 10] out_chs = [32, 32, 64, 64, 64] filters = [5, 3, 5, 3, 3] strides = [2, 1, 2, 1, 1] #,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] #Building Network layer = x_ assert len(out_chs) == len(filters) n_layers = len(out_chs) for i in range(n_layers): layer = convolution2d('conv_{}'.format(i), layer, out_chs[i], s=1) if i in pool_indices: 'max pool' layer = max_pool('maxPool_{}'.format(i), layer) top_conv = tf.identity(layer, 'top_conv') logits = ram('ram', top_conv) #logits=ram('ram' , top_conv) # Build Optimizer pred,pred_cls , cost , train_op,correct_pred ,accuracy = \ algorithm(y_conv=logits , y_=y_ ,learning_rate=lr , optimizer='sgd' , use_l2_loss=True ,activation='sigmoid' , cost_func='mse') sess = tf.Session() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) max_step = 10000 ckpt_point = 100