Пример #1
def run_batch(datasetName, strategies, neurons, neuronLayersCount, maxpoolings,
              fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay, epoches,
              following_strategy, trees, learning_sample_ratios,
    #for time_counts in range(experiment_times):
    mix_model_svm_ratio = 0
    #print strategies
    print learning_sample_ratios

    file_name, neighbors, raws_size, lines_size = data_util.prepare(
        learning_sample_ratios, datasetName, int(strategies), 2)
    neighbors = neighbors + 1
    print "the neighbors strategy is: " + str(neighbors)
    print "starting ..."
    HSICNN.run_network(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                       maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning,
                       train_decay, epoches)
    print "the training of the network have done."
    if following_strategy == 1:
        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                   maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
    elif following_strategy == 2:
        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
        cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                  maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
    elif following_strategy == 3:
        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                   maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
        cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                  maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size, -1)
    file = open(file_name + "_experiment_description.txt", 'w')
    file.write("-------------Experiment Description-------------\n")
    file.write("Data set:" + file_name + "#\n")
    file.write("neighbor strategy:" + str(neighbors) + "#\n")
    file.write("Convolutional Neurons:" + str(neurons) + "#\n")
    file.write("Each Convolutional Neuron operate " + str(neuronLayersCount) +
    file.write("Max Polling Kernel Size:" + str(maxpoolings) + "#\n")
    file.write("Full Layer Neuron number:" + str(fullLayers) + "#\n")
    file.write("Batch size of SGD training:" + str(batch_size) + "#\n")
    file.write("Training epoches of deep CNN:" + str(epoches) + "#\n")
    file.write("Learning ratio:" + str(learning) + "#\n")
    file.write("Train decay:" + str(train_decay) + "#\n")
    if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
        file.write("Number of trees in random forest: " + str(trees) + "#\n")
    return file_name
Пример #2
def run_batch(datasetName,strategies, neurons, neuronLayersCount, maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay, epoches, following_strategy, trees, learning_sample_ratios, dataset_format):
    #for time_counts in range(experiment_times):
        mix_model_svm_ratio = 0
        #print strategies
        print learning_sample_ratios

        file_name, neighbors, raws_size, lines_size = data_util.prepare(learning_sample_ratios, datasetName, int(strategies), 2)
        neighbors = neighbors + 1
        print "the neighbors strategy is: " + str(neighbors)
        print "starting ..."
        HSICNN.run_network(file_name, neurons,neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers,batch_size, learning, train_decay, epoches)
        print "the training of the network have done."
        if following_strategy == 1:
            print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
            cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
        elif following_strategy == 2:
            print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
            cnnrf.run(file_name,trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
        elif following_strategy == 3:
            print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
            cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
            print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
            cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size,lines_size,-1)
        file = open(file_name + "_experiment_description.txt", 'w')
        file.write("-------------Experiment Description-------------\n")
        file.write("Data set:" + file_name + "#\n")
        file.write("neighbor strategy:" + str(neighbors) + "#\n")
        file.write("Convolutional Neurons:" + str(neurons) + "#\n")
        file.write("Each Convolutional Neuron operate " + str(neuronLayersCount) + '#\n')
        file.write("Max Polling Kernel Size:" + str(maxpoolings) + "#\n")
        file.write("Full Layer Neuron number:" + str(fullLayers) + "#\n")
        file.write("Batch size of SGD training:" + str(batch_size) + "#\n")
        file.write("Training epoches of deep CNN:" + str(epoches) + "#\n")
        file.write("Learning ratio:" + str(learning) + "#\n")
        file.write("Train decay:" + str(train_decay) +"#\n")
        if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
            file.write("Number of trees in random forest: " + str(trees) + "#\n")
        return file_name
Пример #3
def complete_operate(operate_type, folder_path, trees, neurons,
                     neuronLayersCount, maxpoolings, fullLayers):
    #TODO 添加增强健壮性的代码
    if os.path.isdir(folder_path):

        if (operate_type != '5'):
            print "Processing " + folder_path
        file_name_split = folder_path.split('/')
        file_or_folder_name = file_name_split[len(file_name_split) - 1]
        dataset_name_sub = file_or_folder_name.split('_')
        #        print dataset_name_sub
        dataset_name = dataset_name_sub[0] + '_' + dataset_name_sub[
            1] + '_' + dataset_name_sub[2]

        #neurons = 0
        #neuronLayersCount = 0
        neighbors = int(dataset_name_sub[1]) + 1
        #maxpoolings = 0
        #fullLayers = 0
        raws = 0
        lines = 0
        batch_size = 100
        ratio = 0.001
        decay = 0.00001

        LabelsMat = sio.loadmat(data_prefix + dataset_name_sub[0] + '/' +
                                dataset_name_sub[0] + 'Gt.mat')
        key_label_name = LabelsMat.keys()
        label_key = ''
        for temp_key in key_label_name:
            if temp_key != '__version__' and temp_key != '__header__' and temp_key != '__globals__':
                label_key = temp_key
        Labels = LabelsMat[label_key]
        raws = int(len(Labels))
        lines = int(len(Labels[0]))

        if operate_type == '1':
            print 'CNN+RF base on trained CNN model.'
            if len(trees.split('-')) > 0:
                small_tree_number = trees.split('-')[0]
                big_tree_number = trees.split('-')[1]
                exp_trees = range(int(small_tree_number),
                                  int(big_tree_number) + 1)
                cnnrf_acc_list = []
                rf_acc_list = []
                for trees_number in exp_trees:
                    print "Tree Number:" + str(trees_number)
                    cnnrf_acc, rf_acc = cnnrf.run(folder_path + "/" +
                    # cnnrf.run(file_name,trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, /neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
                sio.savemat(folder_path + "/ALL_CNN_RF_EXP_RESULT.mat", {
                    'cnnrf': cnnrf_acc_list,
                    'rf': rf_acc_list
                cnnrf.run(dataset_name, trees_number, neurons,
                          neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings,
                          fullLayers, 0, 0, 0, raws, lines)

        elif operate_type == '2':
            print 'Rebuild CNN_+ SVM model experiments...'
            cnnsvm.run(folder_path + "/" + dataset_name, neurons,
                       neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers,
                       1, 1, 1)

        elif operate_type == '3':
            print 'TODO'

        elif operate_type == '4':
            print 'TODO'

        # logic to compute the OA, AA and kappa index.
        elif operate_type == '5':
            #print 'Computing OA, AA and Kappa for ' + folder_path
            train_ratio = 0
            neighbor_strategy = 0
            folder_name_current = folder_path.split('_')
            dataset_name = folder_name_current[0].split('/')[3]
            strategy_current = folder_name_current[1]
            training_ratio_current = folder_name_current[2]
            current_dataset = dataset_name + "_" + strategy_current + "_" + training_ratio_current
            cnn_result = current_dataset + "CNNOnlyResult.mat"
            ccr_result = current_dataset + "CNNRFResult.mat"
            ccr_result_backup = current_dataset + "_trees_200_CNNRFResult.mat"
            ccs_result = current_dataset + "CNNSVMResult.mat"
            rf_result = current_dataset + "RFonlyResult.mat"
            svm_result = current_dataset + "SVMonlyResult.mat"
            results_index = [
                cnn_result, ccr_result, ccr_result_backup, ccs_result,
                rf_result, svm_result
            sum_up_result_folder = "../experiments/" + dataset_name + "/SumResults"
            if not os.path.exists(sum_up_result_folder):

            for temp_index in results_index:
                if os.path.exists(folder_path + "/" + temp_index):
                    data = sio.loadmat(folder_path + "/" + temp_index)
                    actual = data['actual'][0]
                    predict = data['predict'][0]
                    file_name = sum_up_result_folder + "/" + temp_index
                    if os.path.exists(file_name):
                        data_old = sio.loadmat(file_name)
                        actual_old = data_old['actual'][0]
                        predict_old = data_old['predict'][0]
                        actual_new = np.append(actual_old, actual)
                        predict_new = np.append(predict_old, predict)
                        sio.savemat(file_name, {
                            'actual': actual_new,
                            'predict': predict_new

                        sio.savemat(file_name, {
                            'actual': actual,
                            'predict': predict

            print 'Not under selection list, skip it.'
        print "not a folder, skipt it."
Пример #4
def run_single(learning_ratio, network_type):

    prompt = '>'
    mix_model_svm_ratio = 0
    file_name, neighbors, raws_size, lines_size = data_util.prepare(
        learning_ratio, "NONE", 0, 2)

    print "now constructing the network..."
    #print "enter the layers each convolutional kernel covers: "
    #neighbors = int(raw_input(prompt))
    neighbors = neighbors + 1

    print "the neighbors strategy is: " + str(neighbors)
    print "enter the number of convolutional neurons:"
    neurons = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the number of layers you want the CNN to operate convolutional operation:"
    neuronLayersCount = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the kernel size of the maxpooling layer:"
    maxpoolings = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the number of full layers\' neurons, default is 100:"
    fullLayers = int(raw_input(prompt))
    #if tempfullLayers > 1:
    #    fullLayers = tempfullLayers
    print "enter the batch size for bsgd:"
    batch_size = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the learning ratio:"
    learning = float(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the train decay:"
    train_decay = float(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the epoches you want the network to be trained:"
    epoches = int(raw_input(prompt))

    print "now choose the following strategy after the cnn network been trained:"
    print "#1:train a cnn-svm joint framework;"
    print "#2:train a cnn-rf joint framework;"
    print "#3:train both cnn-svm and cnn-rf joint frameworks;"
    print "#4:TODO: train a mix assemble cnn-classifier model."
    print "#5: train a CNN model only."
    following_strategy = int(raw_input(prompt))
    if following_strategy == 4:
        print "enter the ratio of svm classifier:"
        mix_model_svm_ratio = int(row_input(prompt))

    tress = 0
    if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
        print "enter the count of trees you want to set in Random Forest:"
        trees = int(raw_input(prompt))

    print "starting ..."
    if network_type == '1':
        HSICNN.run_network(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                           maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning,
                           train_decay, epoches)
    elif network_type == '2':
        hic.run_network(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                        maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning,
                        train_decay, epoches)
    print "the training of the network have done."

    if following_strategy == 1 and following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN + SVM
        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                   maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
    elif following_strategy == 2 and following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN + rfind
        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
        #    print "enter the count of trees you want to set in Random Forest:"
        #    trees = int(raw_input(prompt))
        cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                  maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
    elif following_strategy == 3 != following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN+svm and CNN+RF

        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                   maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)

        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
        cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors,
                  maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)

    file = open(file_name + "_experiment_description.txt", 'w')
    file.write("-------------Experiment Description-------------\n")
    file.write("Data set:" + file_name + "#\n")
    file.write("neighbor strategy:" + str(neighbors) + "#\n")
    file.write("Convolutional Neurons:" + str(neurons) + "#\n")
    file.write("Each convolutional neuron operates " + str(neuronLayersCount))
    file.write("Max Polling Kernel Size:" + str(maxpoolings) + "#\n")
    file.write("Full Layer Neuron number:" + str(fullLayers) + "#\n")
    file.write("Batch size of SGD training:" + str(batch_size) + "#\n")
    file.write("Training epoches of deep CNN:" + str(epoches) + "#\n")
    file.write("Learning ratio:" + str(learning) + "#\n")
    file.write("Train decay:" + str(train_decay) + "#\n")
    if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
        file.write("Number of trees in random forest: " + str(trees) + "#\n")
    return file_name
Пример #5
def complete_operate(operate_type, folder_path, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount,maxpoolings, fullLayers):
    #TODO 添加增强健壮性的代码
    if os.path.isdir(folder_path):
        if(operate_type != '5'):
            print "Processing " + folder_path
        file_name_split = folder_path.split('/')
        file_or_folder_name = file_name_split[len(file_name_split) - 1]
        dataset_name_sub = file_or_folder_name.split('_')
#        print dataset_name_sub
        dataset_name = dataset_name_sub[0] + '_' + dataset_name_sub[1] + '_' + dataset_name_sub[2]
        #neurons = 0
        #neuronLayersCount = 0
        neighbors = int(dataset_name_sub[1]) + 1
        #maxpoolings = 0
        #fullLayers = 0
        raws = 0
        lines = 0
        batch_size = 100
        ratio = 0.001
        decay = 0.00001

        LabelsMat = sio.loadmat(data_prefix + dataset_name_sub[0] + '/' + dataset_name_sub[0] + 'Gt.mat')
        key_label_name = LabelsMat.keys()
        label_key = ''
        for temp_key in key_label_name:
            if temp_key != '__version__' and temp_key != '__header__' and temp_key != '__globals__':
                label_key = temp_key
        Labels = LabelsMat[label_key]
        raws = int(len(Labels))
        lines = int(len(Labels[0]))

        if operate_type == '1':
            print 'CNN+RF base on trained CNN model.'
            if len(trees.split('-')) > 0:
                small_tree_number = trees.split('-')[0]
                big_tree_number = trees.split('-')[1]
                exp_trees = range(int(small_tree_number),int(big_tree_number) + 1)
                cnnrf_acc_list = []
                rf_acc_list = []
                for trees_number in exp_trees:
                    print "Tree Number:" + str(trees_number)
                    cnnrf_acc, rf_acc = cnnrf.run(folder_path + "/" + dataset_name,trees_number, int(neurons), int(neuronLayersCount), int(neighbors), int(maxpoolings), int(fullLayers), raws, lines,test_cnn = -1)
                                       # cnnrf.run(file_name,trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, /neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
                sio.savemat(folder_path + "/ALL_CNN_RF_EXP_RESULT.mat",{'cnnrf':cnnrf_acc_list, 'rf':rf_acc_list})
                    cnnrf.run(dataset_name,trees_number, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, 0, 0, 0, raws, lines)

        elif operate_type == '2':
            print 'Rebuild CNN_+ SVM model experiments...'
            cnnsvm.run(folder_path + "/" + dataset_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, 1, 1, 1)

        elif operate_type == '3':
            print 'TODO'

        elif operate_type == '4':
            print 'TODO'

        # logic to compute the OA, AA and kappa index.
        elif operate_type == '5':
            #print 'Computing OA, AA and Kappa for ' + folder_path
            train_ratio = 0
            neighbor_strategy = 0
            folder_name_current = folder_path.split('_')
            dataset_name = folder_name_current[0].split('/')[3]
            strategy_current = folder_name_current[1]
            training_ratio_current = folder_name_current[2]
            current_dataset = dataset_name + "_" + strategy_current + "_" + training_ratio_current
            cnn_result = current_dataset + "CNNOnlyResult.mat"
            ccr_result = current_dataset + "CNNRFResult.mat"
            ccr_result_backup = current_dataset + "_trees_200_CNNRFResult.mat"
            ccs_result = current_dataset + "CNNSVMResult.mat"
            rf_result = current_dataset + "RFonlyResult.mat"
            svm_result = current_dataset + "SVMonlyResult.mat"
            results_index = [cnn_result, ccr_result, ccr_result_backup, ccs_result, rf_result, svm_result] 
            sum_up_result_folder = "../experiments/" + dataset_name + "/SumResults"
            if not os.path.exists(sum_up_result_folder):
            for temp_index in results_index:
                if os.path.exists(folder_path + "/" + temp_index): 
                    data = sio.loadmat(folder_path + "/" + temp_index)
                    actual = data['actual'][0]
                    predict = data['predict'][0]
                    file_name = sum_up_result_folder +  "/" + temp_index
                    if os.path.exists(file_name):
                        data_old = sio.loadmat(file_name)
                        actual_old = data_old['actual'][0]
                        predict_old = data_old['predict'][0]
                        actual_new = np.append(actual_old, actual)
                        predict_new = np.append(predict_old, predict)
                        sio.savemat(file_name,{'actual':actual, 'predict':predict})

            print 'Not under selection list, skip it.'
        print "not a folder, skipt it."
Пример #6
def run_single(learning_ratio, network_type):

    prompt = '>'
    mix_model_svm_ratio = 0
    file_name, neighbors, raws_size, lines_size = data_util.prepare(learning_ratio,"NONE", 0, 2)

    print "now constructing the network..."
    #print "enter the layers each convolutional kernel covers: "
    #neighbors = int(raw_input(prompt))
    neighbors = neighbors + 1

    print "the neighbors strategy is: " + str(neighbors)
    print "enter the number of convolutional neurons:"
    neurons = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the number of layers you want the CNN to operate convolutional operation:"
    neuronLayersCount = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the kernel size of the maxpooling layer:"
    maxpoolings = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the number of full layers\' neurons, default is 100:"
    fullLayers = int(raw_input(prompt))
    #if tempfullLayers > 1:
    #    fullLayers = tempfullLayers
    print "enter the batch size for bsgd:"
    batch_size = int(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the learning ratio:"
    learning = float(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the train decay:"
    train_decay = float(raw_input(prompt))
    print "enter the epoches you want the network to be trained:"
    epoches = int(raw_input(prompt))

    print "now choose the following strategy after the cnn network been trained:"
    print "#1:train a cnn-svm joint framework;"
    print "#2:train a cnn-rf joint framework;"
    print "#3:train both cnn-svm and cnn-rf joint frameworks;"
    print "#4:TODO: train a mix assemble cnn-classifier model."
    print "#5: train a CNN model only."
    following_strategy = int(raw_input(prompt))
    if following_strategy == 4:
        print "enter the ratio of svm classifier:"
        mix_model_svm_ratio = int(row_input(prompt))

    tress = 0
    if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
        print "enter the count of trees you want to set in Random Forest:"
        trees = int(raw_input(prompt))

    print "starting ..."
    if network_type == '1':
        HSICNN.run_network(file_name, neurons,neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers,batch_size, learning, train_decay, epoches)
    elif network_type == '2':
        hic.run_network(file_name, neurons,neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers,batch_size, learning, train_decay, epoches)
    print "the training of the network have done."

    if following_strategy == 1 and following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN + SVM
        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)
    elif following_strategy == 2 and following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN + rfind
        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
    #    print "enter the count of trees you want to set in Random Forest:"
    #    trees = int(raw_input(prompt))
        cnnrf.run(file_name,trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)
    elif following_strategy == 3 != following_strategy != 5:
        #CNN+svm and CNN+RF
        print "now processing the cnn + svm joint framework..."
        cnnsvm.run(file_name, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, batch_size, learning, train_decay)

        print "now processing the cnn + rf joint framework..."
        cnnrf.run(file_name, trees, neurons, neuronLayersCount, neighbors, maxpoolings, fullLayers, raws_size, lines_size)

    file = open(file_name + "_experiment_description.txt", 'w')
    file.write("-------------Experiment Description-------------\n")
    file.write("Data set:" + file_name + "#\n")
    file.write("neighbor strategy:" + str(neighbors) + "#\n")
    file.write("Convolutional Neurons:" + str(neurons) + "#\n")
    file.write("Each convolutional neuron operates " + str(neuronLayersCount))
    file.write("Max Polling Kernel Size:" + str(maxpoolings) + "#\n")
    file.write("Full Layer Neuron number:" + str(fullLayers) + "#\n")
    file.write("Batch size of SGD training:" + str(batch_size) + "#\n")
    file.write("Training epoches of deep CNN:" + str(epoches) + "#\n")
    file.write("Learning ratio:" + str(learning) + "#\n")
    file.write("Train decay:" + str(train_decay) +"#\n")
    if following_strategy == 2 or following_strategy == 3:
        file.write("Number of trees in random forest: " + str(trees) + "#\n")
    return file_name