Пример #1
def test_Div(tmpdir):
    data0 = np.asarray([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    data1 = np.asarray([0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.element_divide(data0, data1)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Div_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data0.shape)
    model = C.element_divide(x, data1)
    verify_one_input(model, data0, tmpdir, 'Div_1')
Пример #2
def test_Div(tmpdir):
    data0 = np.asarray([1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    data1 = np.asarray([0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.element_divide(data0, data1)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Div_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data0.shape)
    model = C.element_divide(x, data1)
    verify_one_input(model, data0, tmpdir, 'Div_1')
Пример #3
    def squash(input):

        # ||Sj||^2
        Sj_squared_norm = ct.reduce_sum(ct.square(input), axis=axis)

        # ||Sj||^2 / (1 + ||Sj||^2) * (Sj / ||Sj||)
        factor = ct.element_divide(
            ct.element_divide(Sj_squared_norm, ct.plus(1, Sj_squared_norm)),
            ct.sqrt(ct.plus(Sj_squared_norm, epsilon)))
        return factor * input
Пример #4
def element_divide(left, right, name=''):
    The output of this operation is the element-wise division of the two input 
    tensors. It supports broadcasting. In case of scalars its backward pass to 
    left propagates :math:`1/right` times the received gradient, and the backward 
    pass to right propagates. 
    The operator (/) has been overloaded and can equally be used instead of element_divide().
    :math:`(-left/right^2)` times the received gradient. 

        >>> C.eval(C.element_divide([1., 1., 1., 1.], [0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.]))
        [array([[ 2.,  4.,  8.,  0.]])]
        >>> C.eval(C.element_divide([5., 10., 15., 30.], [2.]))
        [array([[  2.5,   5. ,   7.5,  15. ]])]

        left: left side tensor
        right: right side tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network            
    from cntk import element_divide
    left = sanitize_input(left, get_data_type(right))
    right = sanitize_input(right, get_data_type(left))
    return element_divide(left, right, name).output()        
Пример #5
 def multiFunc(self, arg1):
     # load or create the inputs we need
     multiIn = C.input(shape=arg1.shape, dynamic_axes = arg1.dynamic_axes)
     bit_map = C.constant(self.bit_map)
     max_bits = self.bit_map.max()
     shape = multiIn.shape
     reformed = C.reshape(multiIn, (-1,))
     # lets compute the means we need
     # carry over represents the remaining value that needs to binarized. For a single bit, this is just the input. For more bits,
     # it is the difference between the previous bits approximation and the true value.
     carry_over = multiIn
     approx = C.element_times(multiIn, 0)
     # iterate through the maximum number of bits specified by the bit maps, basically compute each level of binarization
     for i in range(max_bits):
         # determine which values of the input should be binarized to i bits or more
         hot_vals = C.greater(bit_map, i)
         # select only the values which we need to binarize
         valid_vals = C.element_select(hot_vals, carry_over, 0)
         # compute mean on a per kernel basis, reshaping is done to allow for sum reduction along only axis 0 (the kernels)
         mean = C.element_divide(C.reduce_sum(C.reshape(C.abs(valid_vals), (valid_vals.shape[0], -1)), axis=1), C.reduce_sum(C.reshape(hot_vals, (hot_vals.shape[0], -1)), axis=1))
         # reshape the mean to match the dimensionality of the input
         mean = C.reshape(mean, (mean.shape[0], mean.shape[1], 1, 1))
         # binarize the carry over
         bits = C.greater(carry_over, 0)
         bits = C.element_select(bits, bits, -1)
         bits = C.element_select(hot_vals, bits, 0)
         # add in the equivalent binary representation to the approximation
         approx = C.plus(approx, C.element_times(mean, bits))
         # compute the new carry over
         carry_over = C.plus(C.element_times(C.element_times(-1, bits), mean), carry_over)
     return approx, multiIn
Пример #6
def element_divide(left, right, name=''):
    The output of this operation is the element-wise division of the two input 
    tensors. It supports broadcasting. In case of scalars its backward pass to 
    left propagates :math:`1/right` times the received gradient, and the backward 
    pass to right propagates. 
    The operator (/) has been overloaded and can equally be used instead of element_divide().
    :math:`(-left/right^2)` times the received gradient. 

        >>> C.eval(C.element_divide([1., 1., 1., 1.], [0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.]))
        [array([[ 2.,  4.,  8.,  0.]])]
        >>> C.eval(C.element_divide([5., 10., 15., 30.], [2.]))
        [array([[  2.5,   5. ,   7.5,  15. ]])]

        left: left side tensor
        right: right side tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network            
    from cntk import element_divide
    left = sanitize_input(left, get_data_type(right))
    right = sanitize_input(right, get_data_type(left))
    return element_divide(left, right, name).output()        
Пример #7
 def __local_response_normalization(self, k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x = cntk.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
     x2 = cntk.square(x)
     x2s = cntk.reshape(x2, (1, cntk.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = cntk.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
     y = cntk.convolution(W, x2s)
     b = cntk.reshape(y, cntk.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = cntk.exp(beta * cntk.log(k + b))
     apply_x = cntk.element_divide(x, den)
     return apply_x
Пример #8
 def lrn(x, depth_radius, bias, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x2 = C.square(x)
     # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
     x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = C.constant(alpha/(2*depth_radius+1), shape=(1,2*depth_radius+1,1,1), dtype=dtype, name='W')
     # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
     y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
     # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
     b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = C.exp(beta * C.log(bias + b))
     return C.element_divide(x, den)
Пример #9
 def lrn(x, depth_radius, bias, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x2 = C.square(x)
     # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
     x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = C.constant(alpha/(2*depth_radius+1), shape=(1,2*depth_radius+1,1,1), dtype=dtype, name='W')
     # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
     y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
     # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
     b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = C.exp(beta * C.log(bias + b))
     return C.element_divide(x, den)
Пример #10
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
    y = C.convolution(W, x2s)
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)

    return apply_x
Пример #11
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
    # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
    y = C.convolution(W, x2s)
    # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)
    return apply_x
Пример #12
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha/(2*n+1), (1,2*n+1,1,1), name='W')
    # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
    y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
    # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)
    return apply_x
Пример #13
    def run_div_test(shape1, shape2, tmpdir):
        broadcast = 'no_broadcast'
        if (shape1 != shape2):
            broadcast = 'with_broadcast'

        data1 = np.random.rand(*shape1).astype(np.float32)
        data2 = np.random.rand(*shape2).astype(np.float32)

        x = C.input_variable(shape1)
        y = C.input_variable(shape2)

        model = C.element_divide(data1, data2)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_d1d2')

        model = C.element_divide(x, data2)
        verify_one_input(model, data1, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_xd2')

        model = C.element_divide(data1, y)
        verify_one_input(model, data2, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_d1y')

        model = C.element_divide(x, y)
        verify_two_input(model, data1, data2, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_xy')
Пример #14
    def run_div_test(shape1, shape2, tmpdir):
        broadcast = 'no_broadcast'
        if (shape1 != shape2):
            broadcast = 'with_broadcast'

        data1 = np.random.rand(*shape1).astype(np.float32)
        data2 = np.random.rand(*shape2).astype(np.float32)

        x = C.input_variable(shape1)
        y = C.input_variable(shape2)

        model = C.element_divide(data1, data2)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_d1d2')

        model = C.element_divide(x, data2)
        verify_one_input(model, data1, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_xd2')

        model = C.element_divide(data1, y)
        verify_one_input(model, data2, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_d1y')

        model = C.element_divide(x, y)
        verify_two_input(model, data1, data2, tmpdir, 'Div_' + broadcast + '_xy')
Пример #15
    def multiFunc(self, arg1):
        multiIn = C.input(shape=arg1.shape, dynamic_axes=arg1.dynamic_axes)
        bit_map = C.constant(self.bit_map)
        max_bits = self.bit_map.max()
        carry_over = multiIn
        approx = C.element_times(multiIn, 0)
        for i in range(max_bits):
            hot_vals = C.greater(bit_map, i)
            valid_vals = C.element_select(hot_vals, carry_over, 0)
            mean = C.element_divide(C.reduce_sum(C.abs(valid_vals)),
            bits = C.greater(carry_over, 0)
            bits = C.element_select(bits, bits, -1)
            bits = C.element_select(hot_vals, bits, 0)
            approx = C.plus(approx, C.element_times(mean, bits))
            carry_over = C.plus(
                C.element_times(C.element_times(-1, bits), mean), carry_over)

        return approx, multiIn
Пример #16
 def multiFunc(self, arg1):
     multiIn = C.input(shape=arg1.shape, dynamic_axes = arg1.dynamic_axes)
     bit_map = C.constant(self.bit_map)
     max_bits = self.bit_map.max()
     shape = multiIn.shape
     reformed = C.reshape(multiIn, (-1,))
     carry_over = multiIn
     approx = C.element_times(multiIn, 0)
     for i in range(max_bits):
         hot_vals = C.greater(bit_map, i)
         valid_vals = C.element_select(hot_vals, carry_over, 0)
         mean = C.element_divide(C.reduce_sum(C.abs(valid_vals)), C.reduce_sum(hot_vals))
         bits = C.greater(carry_over, 0)
         bits = C.element_select(bits, bits, -1)
         bits = C.element_select(hot_vals, bits, 0)
         approx = C.plus(approx, C.element_times(mean, bits))
         carry_over = C.plus(C.element_times(C.element_times(-1, bits), mean), carry_over)
     return approx, multiIn
    def multiFunc(self, arg1):
        # load or create the inputs we need
        multiIn = C.input(shape=arg1.shape, dynamic_axes=arg1.dynamic_axes)
        bit_map = C.constant(self.bit_map)
        max_bits = self.bit_map.max()
        shape = multiIn.shape
        reformed = C.reshape(multiIn, (-1, ))
        # lets compute the means we need
        # carry over represents the remaining value that needs to binarized. For a single bit, this is just the input. For more bits,
        # it is the difference between the previous bits approximation and the true value.
        carry_over = multiIn
        approx = C.element_times(multiIn, 0)
        # iterate through the maximum number of bits specified by the bit maps, basically compute each level of binarization
        for i in range(max_bits):
            # determine which values of the input should be binarized to i bits or more
            hot_vals = C.greater(bit_map, i)
            # select only the values which we need to binarize
            valid_vals = C.element_select(hot_vals, carry_over, 0)
            # compute mean on a per kernel basis, reshaping is done to allow for sum reduction along only axis 0 (the kernels)
            mean = C.element_divide(
                                       (valid_vals.shape[0], -1)),
                C.reduce_sum(C.reshape(hot_vals, (hot_vals.shape[0], -1)),
            # reshape the mean to match the dimensionality of the input
            mean = C.reshape(mean, (mean.shape[0], mean.shape[1], 1, 1))
            # binarize the carry over
            bits = C.greater(carry_over, 0)
            bits = C.element_select(bits, bits, -1)
            bits = C.element_select(hot_vals, bits, 0)
            # add in the equivalent binary representation to the approximation
            approx = C.plus(approx, C.element_times(mean, bits))
            # compute the new carry over
            carry_over = C.plus(
                C.element_times(C.element_times(-1, bits), mean), carry_over)

        return approx, multiIn
Пример #18
# Import CNTK library
import cntk
import numpy as np

#### Mathematical operations ####

# Initial definition
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [3, 2, 1]

# Get the type of the variable

# Subtraction
print(cntk.minus(a, b).eval())

# Additive
print(cntk.plus(a, b).eval())

# Element-wise division
print(cntk.element_divide(a, b).eval())

# Defining variable
variable = cntk.input_variable((2), np.float32)
Пример #19
 def inner(x, y):
     quotient = C.element_divide(x, y)
     integers = C.floor(quotient)
     decimals = quotient - integers
     remaining_value = decimals * y
     return remaining_value
Пример #20
def get_model(f_dim, c_dim, l_dim, m_dim, num_stack_layers,
              super_res_class_weight, super_res_loss_weight,
    # Define the variables into which the minibatch data will be loaded.
    num_nlcd_classes, num_landcover_classes = c_dim
    _, block_size, _ = f_dim
    input_im = cntk.input_variable(f_dim, np.float32)
    lc = cntk.input_variable(l_dim, np.float32)
    lc_weight_map = cntk.input_variable((1, l_dim[1], l_dim[2]), np.float32)
    interval_center = cntk.input_variable(c_dim, np.float32)
    interval_radius = cntk.input_variable(c_dim, np.float32)
    mask = cntk.input_variable(m_dim, np.float32)

    # Create the model definition. c_map defines the number of filters trained
    # at layers of different depths in the model. num_stack_layers defines the
    # number of (modified) residual units per layer.
    # model = dense_fc_model(
    #     input_tensor=input_im,
    #     num_stack_layers=num_stack_layers,
    #     c_map=[32, 32, 16, 16, 16],
    #     num_classes=num_landcover_classes,
    #     bs=block_size
    # )

    model = cnn_model(input_tensor=input_im,
                      c_map=[64, 32, 32, 32, 32],

    # At this stage the model produces output for the whole region in the input
    # image, but we will focus only on the center of that region during
    # training. Here we drop the predictions at the edges.
    output = cntk.reshape(model,
                          (num_landcover_classes, block_size, block_size))
    probs = cntk.reshape(cntk.softmax(output, axis=0),
                         (num_landcover_classes, block_size, block_size))

    # Now we calculate the supre-res loss. Note that this loss function has the
    # potential to become negative since the variance is fractional.
    # Additionally, we need to make sure that when the nlcd mask[0, ...]
    # is always 1, which means that there's no nlcd label everywhere,
    # the supre_res_loss comes out as a constant.
    super_res_crit = 0
    mask_size = cntk.reshape(
        cntk.reduce_sum(cntk.slice(mask, 0, 1, num_nlcd_classes)),
        (1, )) + 10.0
    # Not considering nlcd class 0
    for nlcd_id in range(1, num_nlcd_classes):
        c_mask = cntk.reshape(cntk.slice(mask, 0, nlcd_id, nlcd_id + 1),
                              (1, block_size, block_size))
        c_mask_size = cntk.reshape(cntk.reduce_sum(c_mask), (1, )) + 0.000001
        c_interval_center = cntk.reshape(
            cntk.slice(interval_center, 0, nlcd_id, nlcd_id + 1),
            (num_landcover_classes, ))
        c_interval_radius = cntk.reshape(
            cntk.slice(interval_radius, 0, nlcd_id, nlcd_id + 1),
            (num_landcover_classes, ))

        # For each nlcd class, we have a landcover distribution:
        masked_probs = probs * c_mask
        # Mean mean of predicted distribution
        mean = cntk.reshape(cntk.reduce_sum(masked_probs, axis=(1, 2)),
                            (num_landcover_classes, )) / c_mask_size
        # Mean var of predicted distribution
        var = cntk.reshape(
            cntk.reduce_sum(masked_probs * (1. - masked_probs), axis=(1, 2)),
            (num_landcover_classes, )) / c_mask_size
        c_super_res_crit = cntk.square(ddist(mean, c_interval_center, c_interval_radius)) / (
                            var / c_mask_size + c_interval_radius * c_interval_radius + 0.000001) \
                        + cntk.log(var + 0.03)
        super_res_crit += c_super_res_crit * c_mask_size / mask_size * super_res_class_weight[

    # Weight super_res loss according to the ratio of unlabeled LC pixels
    super_res_loss = cntk.reduce_sum(super_res_crit) * cntk.reduce_mean(
        cntk.slice(lc, 0, 0, 1))

    log_probs = cntk.log(probs)
    high_res_crit = cntk.times([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                   -cntk.element_times(log_probs, lc),
    # Average across spatial dimensions
    # Sum over all landcover classes, only one of the landcover classes is non-zero

    #high_res_loss = cntk.reduce_mean(high_res_crit)

    print("probs", probs)
    print("lc", lc)
    print("lc_weight_map", lc_weight_map)
    print("cntk.element_times(probs, lc)", cntk.element_times(probs, lc))

    iou_loss_i = cntk.element_times([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                        cntk.element_times(probs, lc),
                                                    axis=(1, 2)))
    print("iou_loss_i", iou_loss_i)
    iou_loss_u = cntk.element_times([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                        cntk.plus(probs, lc),
                                        cntk.element_times(probs, lc)),
                                                    axis=(1, 2)))
    print("iou_loss_u", iou_loss_u)

    high_res_loss = 1.0 - (
        (1 / 4.0) *
        cntk.reduce_mean(cntk.element_divide(iou_loss_i, iou_loss_u)))

    print("high_res_loss", high_res_loss)

    loss = super_res_loss_weight * super_res_loss + high_res_loss_weight * high_res_loss

    return input_im, lc, lc_weight_map, mask, interval_center, interval_radius, \
           output, high_res_loss_weight * high_res_loss, loss
Пример #21
 def inner(x, y):
     quotient = C.element_divide(x, y)
     integers = C.floor(quotient)
     return integers
Пример #22
import cntk
print("Tensor A = [1,2,3]")
print("Tensor B = [4,5,6]\n")

sum = cntk.plus([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).eval()

minus = cntk.minus([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).eval()

times = cntk.times([1, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6]).eval()

divide = cntk.element_divide([4, 32, 15], [2, 4, 5]).eval()

pow = cntk.pow([1, 3, 4], [4, 2, 3]).eval()

min = cntk.element_min([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [2, 1, 0]).eval()

max = cntk.element_max([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [2, 9, 0]).eval()