Пример #1
def test_seq_batchmatmul6():
    """ No sequence axis, left operand is matrix, right operand is tensor """
    dynamic_batch = 2
    matmul_batch = 3

    batch_shape = (dynamic_batch, matmul_batch)

    inner_dim = 2
    left_operand_shape = (5, inner_dim)
    right_operand_shape = (inner_dim, 6, 3)
    final_shape = (5, 6, 3)

    n = np.random.random(batch_shape + left_operand_shape).astype(np.float32)
    m = np.random.random(batch_shape + right_operand_shape).astype(np.float32)

    a = C.input_variable((matmul_batch,) + left_operand_shape)
    b = C.input_variable((matmul_batch,) + right_operand_shape)

    c = batchmatmul(a, b, output_rank=2)
    assert c.shape == (matmul_batch, ) + final_shape

    desired_packed = n @ m.reshape(batch_shape + (inner_dim, -1))
    desired = desired_packed.reshape(batch_shape + final_shape)
    result = c.eval({a: n, b: m})
    result = np.array(result)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, desired, decimal=7)
Пример #2
def test_seq_batchmatmul7():
    sequence axis present with samples of uneven sequence length
    left operand is matrix, right operand is matrix

    # uneven sequence length between batches
    n = [np.random.random((4,   3,   5, 2)).astype(np.float32),
         np.random.random((2,   3,   5, 2)).astype(np.float32),
         np.random.random((7,   3,   5, 2)).astype(np.float32)]

    m = [np.random.random((4,   3,   2, 7)).astype(np.float32),
         np.random.random((2,   3,   2, 7)).astype(np.float32),
         np.random.random((7,   3,   2, 7)).astype(np.float32)]

    a = C.sequence.input_variable((3, 5, 2))
    b = C.sequence.input_variable((3, 2, 7))

    c = batchmatmul(a, b)
    assert c.shape == (3, 5, 7)

    desired_packed = [nn @ mm for nn, mm in zip(n, m)]
    desired_results = desired_packed
    results = c.eval({a: n, b: m})

    assert len(results) == len(desired_results)

    for result, desired in zip(results, desired_results):
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, desired, decimal=7)
Пример #3
def test_seq_batchmatmul3():
    """ sequence axis present, left operand is matrix and right operand is tensor """
    dynamic_batch = 2
    seq_len = 4
    matmul_batch = 3

    batch_shape = (dynamic_batch, seq_len, matmul_batch)

    left_operand_shape = (5, 2)
    right_operand_shape = (2, 6, 3)
    final_shape = (5, 6, 3)

    n = np.random.random(batch_shape + left_operand_shape).astype(np.float32)
    m = np.random.random(batch_shape + right_operand_shape).astype(np.float32)

    a = C.sequence.input_variable((matmul_batch, ) + left_operand_shape)
    b = C.sequence.input_variable((matmul_batch, ) + right_operand_shape)

    c = batchmatmul(a, b, output_rank=2)
    assert c.shape == (matmul_batch, ) + final_shape

    desired_packed = n @ m.reshape(batch_shape + (2, -1))
    desired = desired_packed.reshape(batch_shape + final_shape)
    result = c.eval({a: n, b: m})
    result = np.array(result)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, desired, decimal=7)