Пример #1
def parse_dsp_solution(solution):
    Parses the co2mpas model results.

    :param solution:
        Co2mpas model after dispatching.
    :type solution: co2mpas.dispatcher.Solution

        Mapped outputs.
    :rtype: dict[dict]

    res = {}
    for k, v in solution.items():
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k.split('.'), default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    for k, v in list(dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(res, depth=3)):
        n, k = k[:-1], k[-1]
        if n == ('output', 'calibration') and k in ('wltp_l', 'wltp_h'):
            v = dsp_utl.selector(('co2_emission_value', ), v, allow_miss=True)
            if v:
                d = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, 'target', 'prediction')
                d[k] = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(v, d.get(k, {}))

    res['pipe'] = solution.pipe

    return res
Пример #2
def compare_outputs_vs_targets(data):
    Compares model outputs vs targets.

    :param data:
        Model data.
    :type data: dict

        Comparison results.
    :rtype: dict

    res = {}
    metrics = _get_metrics()

    for k, t in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data.get('target', {}), depth=3):
        if not dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, 'output', *k):

        o = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, 'output', *k)
        v = _compare(t, o, metrics=metrics)
        if v:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    return res
Пример #3
def get_chart_reference(report):
    r, _map = {}, _map_cycle_report_graphs()
    out = report.get('output', {})
    it = dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(out, key=('output',), depth=3)
    for k, v in sorted(it):
        if k[-1] == 'ts' and 'times' in v:
            label = '{}/%s'.format(co2_exl._sheet_name(k))
            for i, j in sorted(v.items()):
                param_id = co2_exl._re_params_name.match(i)['param']
                m = _map.get(param_id, None)
                if m:
                    d = {
                        'x': k + ('times',),
                        'y': k + (i,),
                        'label': label % i
                    n = k[2], param_id, 'series'
                    dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(r, *n, default=list).append(d)

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(r, depth=2):
        m = _map[k[1]]
        m.pop('label', None)

    return r
Пример #4
def _format_selection(score_by_model, depth=-1, index='model_id'):
    res = {}
    for k, v in sorted(dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(score_by_model, depth=depth)):
        v = v.copy()
        v[index] = k[0]
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k[1:], default=list).append(v)
    return res
Пример #5
def _add_special_data2report(data, report, to_keys, *from_keys):
    if from_keys[-1] != 'times' and \
            dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *from_keys):
        v = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *from_keys)
        n = to_keys + ('{}.{}'.format(from_keys[0], from_keys[-1]),)
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(report, *n[:-1],
                                 default=collections.OrderedDict)[n[-1]] = v
        return True, v
    return False, None
Пример #6
def _extract_summary_from_summary(report, extracted):
    n = ('summary', 'results')
    if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(report, *n):
        for j, w in dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(report, *n).items():
            if j in ('declared_co2_emission', 'co2_emission',
                for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(w, depth=3):
                    if v:
                        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(extracted, *k).update(v)
Пример #7
def filter_summary(changes, new_outputs, summary):
    l, variations = {tuple(k.split('.')[:0:-1]) for k in new_outputs}, {}
    for k, v in changes.items():
        n = k[-2:1:-1]
        k = n + ('plan.%s' % '.'.join(i for i in k[:-1] if k not in n), k[-1])
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(variations, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(summary, depth=3):
        if k[:-1] in l:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(variations, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))
    return variations
Пример #8
def overwrite_declaration_config_data(data):
    config = constants.con_vals.DECLARATION_SELECTOR_CONFIG
    res = dsp_utl.combine_nested_dicts(data, depth=3)
    key = ('config', 'selector', 'all')

    d = copy.deepcopy(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *key))

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(config):
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(d, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *key[:-1])[key[-1]] = d

    return res
Пример #9
def select_declaration_data(data, diff=None):
    res = {}
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(constants.con_vals.DECLARATION_DATA):
        if v and dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *k):
            v = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *k)
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    if diff is not None:
        diff.update(v[0] for v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data, depth=4))
        it = (v[0] for v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(res, depth=4))
    return res
Пример #10
def _format_scores(scores):
    res = {}
    for k, j in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(scores, depth=3):
        if k[-1] in ('limits', 'errors'):
            model_id = k[0]
            extra_field = ('score',) if k[-1] == 'errors' else ()
            for i, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(j):
                i = (model_id, i[-1], k[1],) + i[:-1] + extra_field
                dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *i, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))
    sco = {}
    for k, v in sorted(dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(res, depth=4)):
        v.update(dsp_utl.map_list(['model_id', 'param_id'], *k[:2]))
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(sco, *k[2:], default=list).append(v)
    return sco
Пример #11
def _summary2df(data):
    res = []
    summary = data.get('summary', {})

    if 'results' in summary:
        r = {}
        index = ['cycle', 'stage', 'usage']

        for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(summary['results'], depth=4):
            l = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(r, k[0], default=list)
            l.append(dsp_utl.combine_dicts(dsp_utl.map_list(index, *k[1:]), v))

        if r:
            df = _dd2df(r,
                                                  p_keys=('param', ) * 2),
                        row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=index))
            df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(_add_units(df.columns))
            setattr(df, 'name', 'results')

    if 'selection' in summary:
        df = _dd2df(summary['selection'], ['model_id'],
                                              p_keys=('stage', 'cycle')),
                    row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=()))
        setattr(df, 'name', 'selection')

    if 'comparison' in summary:
        r = {}
        for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(summary['comparison'], depth=3):
            v = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(v, base={'param_id': k[-1]})
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(r, *k[:-1], default=list).append(v)
        if r:
            df = _dd2df(r, ['param_id'],
                                                  p_keys=('stage', 'cycle')),
                        row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=()))
            setattr(df, 'name', 'comparison')

    if res:
        return {'summary': res}
    return {}
Пример #12
def get_values(data, keys, tag=(), update=lambda k, v: v, base=None):
    k = ('input', 'target', 'output')
    data = dsp_utl.selector(k, data, allow_miss=True)

    base = {} if base is None else base
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data, depth=3):
        k = k[::-1]
        v = dsp_utl.selector(keys, v, allow_miss=True)
        v = update(k, v)

        if v:
            k = tag + k
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(base, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    return base
Пример #13
def _extract_summary_from_model_scores(report, extracted):
    n = ('data', 'calibration', 'model_scores', 'model_selections')
    if not dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(report, *n):
        return False

    sel = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(report, *n)
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(extracted, depth=3):
        n = k[1::-1]
        if k[-1] == 'output' and dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(sel, *n):
            gen = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(sel, *n)
            gen = ((d['model_id'], d['status']) for d in gen if 'status' in d)
            o = _format_dict(gen, 'status %s')

    return True
Пример #14
def _process_folder_files(*args, result_listener=None, **kwargs):
    Process all xls-files in a folder with CO2MPAS-model.

    :param list input_files:
        A list of input xl-files.

    :param output_folder:
        Output folder.
    :type output_folder: str

    :param plot_workflow:
        If to show the CO2MPAS model workflow.
    :type plot_workflow: bool, optional

    :param output_template:
        The xlsx-file to use as template and import existing sheets from.

        - If file already exists, a clone gets updated with new sheets.
        - If it is None, it copies and uses the input-file as template.
        - if it is `False`, it does not use any template and a fresh output
          xlsx-file is created.
    :type output_folder: None,False,str

    start_time = datetime.datetime.today()

    summary, n = {}, ('solution', 'summary')
    for res in _yield_folder_files_results(start_time, *args, **kwargs):
        if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(res, *n):
            _add2summary(summary, dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n))
            notify_result_listener(result_listener, res)

    return summary, start_time
Пример #15
def validate_plan(plan, engineering_mode, soft_validation, use_selector):
    read_schema = define_data_schema(read=True)
    flag_read_schema = define_flags_schema(read=True)
    validated_plan, errors, v_data = [], {}, read_schema.validate
    v_flag = flag_read_schema.validate
    for i, data in plan.iterrows():
        inputs, inp = {}, {}
        data.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
        plan_id = 'plan id:{}'.format(i[0])
        for k, v in excel._parse_values(data, where='in plan'):
            if k[0] == 'base':
                d = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(inp, *k[1:-1])
                v = _add_validated_input(d, v_data, (plan_id, ) + k, v, errors)
            elif k[0] == 'flag':
                v = _add_validated_input({}, v_flag, (plan_id, ) + k, v,

            if v is not dsp_utl.NONE:
                inputs[k] = v

        errors = _eng_mode_parser(engineering_mode, soft_validation,
                                  use_selector, inp, errors)[1]

        validated_plan.append((i, inputs))

    if _log_errors_msg(errors):
        return dsp_utl.NONE

    return validated_plan
Пример #16
def _scores2df(data):
    n = ('data', 'calibration', 'model_scores')
    if not dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
        return {}

    scores = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n)

    it = (('model_selections', ['model_id'], 2, ('stage', 'cycle'),
           ()), ('score_by_model', ['model_id'], 1, ('cycle', ), ()),
          ('scores', ['model_id', 'param_id'], 2, ('cycle', 'cycle'),
           ()), ('param_selections', ['param_id'], 2, ('stage', 'cycle'),
                 ()), ('models_uuid', ['cycle'], 0, (), ('cycle', )))
    dfs = []
    for k, idx, depth, col_keys, row_keys in it:
        if k not in scores:
        df = _dd2df(scores[k],
                    col_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=col_keys),
                    row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=row_keys))
        setattr(df, 'name', k)
    if dfs:
        return {'.'.join(n): dfs}
        return {}
Пример #17
def _validate_base_with_schema(data):
    read_schema = define_data_schema(read=True)
    inputs, errors, validate = {}, {}, read_schema.validate
    for k, v in sorted(dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data, depth=4)):
        d = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(inputs, *k[:-1])
        _add_validated_input(d, validate, k, v, errors)

    return inputs, errors
Пример #18
def format_report_output(data):
    res = {}
    func = functools.partial(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts,
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data.get('output', {}), depth=3):
        _add_special_data2report(data, res, k[:-1], 'target', *k)

        s, iv = _add_special_data2report(data, res, k[:-1], 'input', *k)
        if not s or (s and not _is_equal(iv, v)):
            func(res, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v

    output = {}
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(res, depth=2):
        v = _split_by_data_format(v)
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(output, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    return output
Пример #19
def _add_validated_input(data, validate, keys, value, errors):
        k, v = next(iter(validate({keys[-1]: value}).items()))
        if v is not dsp_utl.NONE:
            data[k] = v
            return v
    except SchemaError as ex:
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(errors, *keys[:-1])[keys[-1]] = ex
    return dsp_utl.NONE
Пример #20
def _add2summary(total_summary, summary, base_keys=None):
    base_keys = base_keys or {}
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(summary, depth=3):
        d = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(total_summary, *k, default=list)
        if isinstance(v, list):
            for j in v:
                d.append(dsp_utl.combine_dicts(j, base_keys))
            d.append(dsp_utl.combine_dicts(v, base_keys))
Пример #21
def _add_times_base(data, scope='base', usage='input', **match):
    if scope != 'base':
    sh_type = _get_sheet_type(scope=scope, usage=usage, **match)
    n = (scope, 'target')
    if sh_type == 'ts' and dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
        t = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n)
        for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(t, key=n, depth=2):
            if 'times' not in v:
                n = list(k + ('times', ))
                n[1] = usage
                if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
                    v['times'] = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n)
                    for i, j in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data, depth=4):
                        if 'times' in j:
                            v['times'] = j['times']
Пример #22
def re_sample_targets(data):
    res = {}
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(data.get('target', {}), depth=2):
        if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, 'output', *k):
            o = dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, 'output', *k)
            o = _split_by_data_format(o)
            t = dsp_utl.selector(o, _split_by_data_format(v), allow_miss=True)

            if 'times' not in t.get('ts', {}) or 'times' not in o['ts']:
                t.pop('ts', None)
                time_series = t['ts']
                x, xp = o['ts']['times'], time_series.pop('times')
                if not _is_equal(x, xp):
                    for i, fp in time_series.items():
                        time_series[i] = np.interp(x, xp, fp)
            v = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(*t.values())
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    return res
Пример #23
def _extract_summary_from_output(report, extracted):
    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(report.get('output', {}), depth=2):
        k = k[::-1]
        for u, i, j in _param_names_values(v.get('pa', {})):
            o = {}
            if i == 'co2_params_calibrated':
                o = _format_dict(j.valuesdict().items(), 'co2_params %s')
            elif i == 'calibration_status':
                o = _format_dict(enumerate(j), 'status co2_params step %d',
                                 lambda x: x[0])
            elif i == 'willans_factors':
                o = j
            elif i == 'phases_willans_factors':
                for n, m in enumerate(j):
                    o.update(_format_dict(m.items(), '%s phase {}'.format(n)))
            elif i == 'has_sufficient_power':
                o = {i: j}

            if o:
                dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(extracted, *(k + (u,))).update(o)
Пример #24
def define_new_inputs(data, base):
    remove, new_base, new_flag, new_data = [], {}, set(), set()

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(base.get('data', {}), ('base', ), 4):
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(new_base, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(base.get('flag', {}), ('flag', ), 1):
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(new_base, *k, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    for k, v in data.items():
        if v is dsp_utl.EMPTY:

        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(new_base, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v

        if k[0] == 'base':
        elif k[0] == 'flag':

    if 'dsp_solution' in _get_inputs(base, new_flag)[0]:
        sol = base['dsp_solution']
        n, out_id = _get_inputs(sol, new_data)
        for k in n.intersection(sol):
        d = base.get_node('CO2MPAS model', node_attr='function')[0].dsp
        out_id = set(d.data_nodes)

    for n, k in remove:
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(new_base, n).pop(k)

    return new_base, out_id
Пример #25
def _parse_sheet(match, sheet, sheet_name, res=None):

    if res is None:
        res = {}

    sh_type = _get_sheet_type(**match)

    # noinspection PyBroadException
        data = xleash.lasso(_xl_ref[sh_type] % sheet_name, sheet=sheet)
        return res

    if sh_type == 'pl':
            data = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
        except IndexError:
            return None
        if 'id' not in data:
            data['id'] = data.index + 1

        data.set_index(['id'], inplace=True)
        data.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
        data.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
    elif sh_type == 'ts':
        data.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
        data.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
        mask = data.count(0) == len(data._get_axis(0))
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        drop = [k for k, v in mask.items() if not v]
        if drop:
            msg = 'Columns {} in {} sheet contains nan.\n ' \
                  'Please correct the inputs!'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(drop, sheet_name))
        data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k}

    for k, v in _parse_values(data, match, "in sheet '%s'" % sheet_name):
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v
    return res
Пример #26
def _eng_mode_parser(engineering_mode, soft_validation, use_selector, inputs,
    if not engineering_mode:
        inputs, errors, diff = _extract_declaration_data(inputs, errors)
        if diff:
            diff = ['.'.join(k) for k in sorted(diff)]
                'Since CO2MPAS is launched in declaration mode the '
                'following data are not used:\n %s\n'
                'If you want to include these data add to the batch cmd '
                '-D flag.engineering_mode=True', ',\n'.join(diff))

    if not use_selector:
        inputs = validations.overwrite_declaration_config_data(inputs)

    if not soft_validation:
        for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(inputs, depth=3):
            for c, msg in validations.hard_validation(v, *k):
                dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(errors, *k)[c] = SchemaError([],

    return inputs, errors
Пример #27
def split_prediction_models(
        scores, calibrated_models, input_models, cycle_ids=()):
    sbm, model_sel, par = {}, {}, {}
    for (k, c), v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(scores, depth=2):
        r = dsp_utl.selector(['models'], v, allow_miss=True)

        for m in r.get('models', ()):
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(par, m, 'calibration')[c] = c

        r.update(v.get('score', {}))
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(sbm, k, c, default=co2_utl.ret_v(r))
        r = dsp_utl.selector(['success'], r, allow_miss=True)
        r = dsp_utl.map_dict({'success': 'status'}, r, {'from': c})
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(model_sel, k, 'calibration')[c] = r

    p = {i: dict.fromkeys(input_models, 'input') for i in cycle_ids}

    models = {i: input_models.copy() for i in cycle_ids}

    for k, n in sorted(calibrated_models.items()):
        d = n.get(dsp_utl.NONE, (None, True, {}))

        for i in cycle_ids:
            c, s, m = n.get(i, d)
            if m:
                s = {'from': c, 'status': s}
                dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(model_sel, k, 'prediction')[i] = s
                p[i].update(dict.fromkeys(m, c))

    for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(p, ('prediction',), depth=2):
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(par, k[-1], *k[:-1], default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    s = {
        'param_selections': par,
        'model_selections': model_sel,
        'score_by_model': sbm,
        'scores': scores
    return (s,) + tuple(models.get(k, {}) for k in cycle_ids)
Пример #28
def prepare_data(raw_data, variation, input_file_name, overwrite_cache,
                 output_folder, timestamp, type_approval_mode, modelconf):
    Prepare the data to be processed.

    :param raw_data:
        Raw data from the input file.
    :type raw_data: dict

    :param variation:
        Variations to be applied.
    :type variation: dict

    :param input_file_name:
        Input file name.
    :type input_file_name: str

    :param overwrite_cache:
        Overwrite saved cache?
    :type overwrite_cache: bool

    :param output_folder:
        Output folder.
    :type output_folder: str

    :param timestamp:
        Run timestamp.
    :type timestamp: str

    :param type_approval_mode:
        Is launched for TA?
    :type type_approval_mode: bool

    :param modelconf:
        Path of modelconf that has modified the defaults.
    :type modelconf: str

        Prepared data.
    :rtype: dict
    has_plan = 'plan' in raw_data and (not raw_data['plan'].empty)
    match = {
        'scope': 'plan' if has_plan else 'base',
    r = {}
    sheets_factory = xleash.SheetsFactory()
    from co2mpas.io import check_xlasso
    for k, v in excel._parse_values(variation, match, "in variations"):
        if isinstance(v, str) and check_xlasso(v):
            v = xleash.lasso(v, sheets_factory, url_file=input_file_name)
        dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(r, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v

    if 'plan' in r:
        if has_plan:
            plan = raw_data['plan'].copy()
            for k, v in dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(r['plan'], 4):
                plan['.'.join(k)] = v
            gen = dsp_utl.stack_nested_keys(r['plan'], 4)
            plan = pd.DataFrame([{'.'.join(k): v for k, v in gen}])
            excel._add_index_plan(plan, input_file_name)

        r['plan'] = plan
        has_plan = True

    if 'base' in r:
        r['base'] = dsp_utl.combine_nested_dicts(raw_data.get('base', {}),

    if 'flag' in r:
        r['flag'] = dsp_utl.combine_nested_dicts(raw_data.get('flag', {}),

    data = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(raw_data, r)

    if type_approval_mode:
        variation, has_plan = {}, False
        if not schema._ta_mode(data):
            return {}, pd.DataFrame([])

    flag = data.get('flag', {}).copy()

    if 'run_base' not in flag:
        flag['run_base'] = not has_plan

    if 'run_plan' not in flag:
        flag['run_plan'] = has_plan

    flag['type_approval_mode'] = type_approval_mode
    flag['output_folder'] = output_folder
    flag['overwrite_cache'] = overwrite_cache
    if modelconf:
        flag['modelconf'] = modelconf

    if timestamp is not None:
        flag['timestamp'] = timestamp

    flag = schema.validate_flags(flag)

    if flag is dsp_utl.NONE:
        return {}, pd.DataFrame([])


    res = {
        'flag': flag,
        'variation': variation,
        'input_file_name': input_file_name,
    res = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(flag, res)
    base = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(res, {'data': data.get('base', {})})
    plan = dsp_utl.combine_dicts(res,
                                 {'data': data.get('plan', pd.DataFrame([]))})

    return base, plan
Пример #29
def format_report_scores(data):
    res = {}
    scores = 'data', 'calibration', 'model_scores'
    if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *scores):
        n = scores + ('param_selections',)
        v = _format_selection(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n), 2, 'param_id')
        if v:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

        n = scores + ('model_selections',)
        v = _format_selection(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n), 3)
        if v:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

        n = scores + ('score_by_model',)
        v = _format_selection(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n), 2)
        if v:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

        n = scores + ('scores',)
        v = _format_scores(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n))
        if v:
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

        v = []
        for k in ('nedc_h', 'nedc_l', 'wltp_h', 'wltp_l'):
            n = 'data', 'prediction', 'models_%s' % k
            if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
                    'cycle': k,
                    'uuid': base64.encodebytes(
                        dill.dumps(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n))

        if v:
            n = scores + ('models_uuid',)
            dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(res, *n, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v))

    return res
Пример #30
def get_selection(data):
    n = ('data', 'calibration', 'model_scores', 'model_selections')
    if dsp_utl.are_in_nested_dicts(data, *n):
        return _format_selection(dsp_utl.get_nested_dicts(data, *n), 3)
    return {}