class PartDomainSurfaceVis(PartModuleVis, PartColoredVis): """ VisItem to compute iso cropped polygons from polygons """ def __init__(self): PartModuleVis.__init__(self, DomainSurface, VIS_DOMAINSURFACE, self.__class__.__name__, ['GridIn0'], [], [], [], ['DataIn0'], [], [], 1, False, False) PartColoredVis.__init__(self) self.params = PartDomainSurfaceVisParams() self.__initBase() def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules here self.__myCollect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) self.__myColors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__myColors) def __init(self, negMsgHandler): """ __init is called from __update + start _module module if it does not already exist and connect output to COVER + set default parameters of module + set default boundingBox which is also used in the GUI to set borders of the float sliders + set color inport and corresponding module + send params to the gui """ if self.__firstTime == True: self.__firstTime = False PartModuleVis._init(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._init(self, negMsgHandler, self.__myColors, 'ColormapIn0') # make my custom connections between further self created modules here theNet().connect(self._module, 'GridOut0', self.__myCollect, 'GridIn0') if not self.params.variable == 'unset': theNet().connect(self.__myColors, 'DataOut0', self.__myCollect, 'DataIn0') theNet().connect(self._module, 'DataOut0', self.__myColors, 'DataIn0') else: theNet().disconnect(self.__myColors, 'DataOut0', self.__myCollect, 'DataIn0') theNet().disconnect(self._module, 'DataOut0', self.__myColors, 'DataIn0') # send params to gui self.sendParams() def __getstate__(self): mycontent = PartModuleVis.__getstate__(self) del mycontent['_PartDomainSurfaceVis__myCollect'] del mycontent['_PartDomainSurfaceVis__myColors'] return mycontent def recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset): """ recreate is called after all classes of the session have been unpickled """ PartDomainSurfaceVisParams.mergeDefaultParams( self.params) # explicitly call mergeDefaultParams of this class self.__initBase() if self.params.variable == None or self.params.variable == 'unset': PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, DomainSurface, ['GridIn0'], [], [], [], [], [], [], 1, False, False) else: PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, DomainSurface, ['GridIn0'], [], [], [], ['DataIn0'], [], [], 1, False, False) PartColoredVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) PartColoredVis.setColorMap(self, True) def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: if hasattr( self, '_PartDomainSurfaceVis__myCollect') and self.__myCollect: theNet().remove(self.__myCollect) if hasattr(self, '_PartDomainSurfaceVis__myColors') and self.__myColors: theNet().remove(self.__myColors) PartModuleVis.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler) def __update(self, negMsgHandler): """ __update is called from the run method to update the module parameter before execution + do init of the IsoCutter module if necessary + update module parameters """ self.__init(negMsgHandler) PartModuleVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) if not self.params.variable == 'unset': PartColoredVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) else: self._dataInputNames = [] theNet().disconnect(self.__myColors, 'DataOut0', self.__myCollect, 'DataIn0') theNet().disconnect(self._module, 'DataOut0', self.__myColors, 'DataIn0') def run(self, runmode, negMsgHandler): """ create a new visulisation + register for events from Covise if not done yet + runmode RUN_GEO and RUN_OCT are ignored + update module parameter + exec the module """ assert negMsgHandler if runmode == RUN_ALL: _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") if not hasattr(self, 'importModule'): return self.__update(negMsgHandler) if not self.params.variable == 'unset':, runmode, negMsgHandler, self._module, self.fromRecreation), runmode, negMsgHandler) def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): """ set parameters from outside + init module if necessary + mainly receive parameter changes from Gui + send status messages to COVER if state has changed """ realChange = ParamsDiff(self.params, params) PartModuleVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartColoredVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) def connectionPoint(self): """ return the connection (module/outport) to be connected to COVER called by the class VisItem """ return ConnectionPoint(self.__myCollect, 'GeometryOut0') # return PartModuleVis.connectionPoint(self, 'linesOut') def getCoObjName(self): """ return the generated covise object name called by the class VisItem to check if an object name registered by the COVER was created by the iso cutter """ # the returned string is independent of the given portname, but portname must match the name of an out port return self.__myCollect.getCoObjName('GeometryOut0')
class PartMagmaTraceVis(PartModuleVis, PartColoredVis): """ VisItem to compute iso cropped polygons from polygons """ def __init__(self): PartModuleVis.__init__(self, MagmaTrace, VIS_MAGMATRACE, self.__class__.__name__,['geo_in'],[],[],[],['data_in']) PartColoredVis.__init__(self) self.params = PartMagmaTraceVisParams() self.__initBase() def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules here self.__myCollect = Collect() self.__myColors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) theNet().add(self.__myColors) def __init(self, negMsgHandler): """ __init is called from __update + start _module module if it does not already exist and connect output to COVER + set default parameters of module + set default boundingBox which is also used in the GUI to set borders of the float sliders + set color inport and corresponding module + send params to the gui """ if self.__firstTime == True: self.__firstTime = False PartModuleVis._init(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._init(self, negMsgHandler, self.__myColors, 'cmapIn') self.__register(negMsgHandler) # make my custom connections between further self created modules here theNet().connect(self._module, 'geo_out', self.__myCollect, 'grid') theNet().connect(self.__myColors, 'colors', self.__myCollect, 'colors') theNet().connect(self._module, 'data_out', self.__myColors, 'Data') # send params to gui self.sendParams() def __getstate__(self): mycontent = PartModuleVis.__getstate__(self) del mycontent['_PartMagmaTraceVis__myCollect'] del mycontent['_PartMagmaTraceVis__myColors'] return mycontent def recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset): """ recreate is called after all classes of the session have been unpickled """ PartMagmaTraceVisParams.mergeDefaultParams(self.params) # explicitly call mergeDefaultParams of this class self.__initBase() PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, MagmaTrace, ['geo_in'],[],[],[],['data_in'] ) PartColoredVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) PartColoredVis.setColorMap(self,True) def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: if hasattr(self, '_PartMagmaTraceVis__myCollect') and self.__myCollect: theNet().remove(self.__myCollect) if hasattr(self, '_PartMagmaTraceVis__myColors') and self.__myColors: theNet().remove(self.__myColors) PartModuleVis.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler) def __update(self, negMsgHandler): """ __update is called from the run method to update the module parameter before execution + do init of the IsoCutter module if necessary + update module parameters """ self.__init(negMsgHandler) PartModuleVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) # other parameters self._module.set_len(self.params.length) self._module.set_skip(self.params.skip) self._module.setTitle( ) def run(self, runmode, negMsgHandler): """ create a new visulisation + register for events from Covise if not done yet + runmode RUN_GEO and RUN_OCT are ignored + update module parameter + exec the module """ assert negMsgHandler if runmode==RUN_ALL: _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") if not hasattr(self, 'importModule'): return self.__update(negMsgHandler), runmode, negMsgHandler), runmode, negMsgHandler, self._module, self.fromRecreation ) # self._module is not used! def __register(self, negMsgHandler): """ register to receive events from covise """ PartModuleVis.register( self, negMsgHandler, ['len', 'skip'] ) def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'len': try: newparams.length= int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.length= int(float(mvalue[0])) if mparam == 'skip': try: newparams.skip= int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.skip= int(float(mvalue[0])) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList def setParams( self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): """ set parameters from outside + init module if necessary + mainly receive parameter changes from Gui + send status messages to COVER if state has changed """ realChange = ParamsDiff( self.params, params ) PartModuleVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartColoredVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) def connectionPoint(self): """ return the connection (module/outport) to be connected to COVER called by the class VisItem """ return ConnectionPoint(self.__myCollect, 'geometry') def getCoObjName(self): """ return the generated covise object name called by the class VisItem to check if an object name registered by the COVER was created by the iso cutter """ # the returned string is independent of the given portname, but portname must match the name of an out port return self.__myCollect.getCoObjName('geometry')
class PartVectorFieldVis(PartModuleVis, PartColoredVis, PartTransform): """ VisItem to compute iso cropped polygons from polygons """ def __init__(self): PartModuleVis.__init__(self, VectorField, VIS_VECTORFIELD, self.__class__.__name__,['meshIn'],[],[],[],['vdataIn']) PartColoredVis.__init__(self) PartTransform.__init__(self, True) self.params = PartVectorFieldVisParams() self.__initBase() def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules here self.__myCollect = Collect() self.__myColors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) theNet().add(self.__myColors) def __init(self, negMsgHandler): """ __init is called from __update + start _module module if it does not already exist and connect output to COVER + set default parameters of module + set default boundingBox which is also used in the GUI to set borders of the float sliders + set color inport and corresponding module + send params to the gui """ if self.__firstTime == True: self.__firstTime = False PartModuleVis._init(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._init(self, negMsgHandler, self.__myColors, 'ColormapIn0') self.__register(negMsgHandler) # make my custom connections between further self created modules here theNet().connect(self._module, 'linesOut', self.__myCollect, 'GridIn0') theNet().connect(self.__myColors, 'DataOut0', self.__myCollect, 'DataIn0') theNet().connect(self._module, 'dataOut', self.__myColors, 'DataIn0') # adjust slider range from bounding box # done only once, range wont change anymore # maxSideLength = self.params.boundingBox.getMaxEdgeLength() # self.params.minScalingValue = -maxSideLength # self.params.maxScalingValue = maxSideLength # append variable name to real name if not fromRecreation if not self.fromRecreation: = + " (" + self.params.variable + ")" # send params to gui self.sendParams() def __getstate__(self): mycontent = PartModuleVis.__getstate__(self) del mycontent['_PartVectorFieldVis__myCollect'] del mycontent['_PartVectorFieldVis__myColors'] return mycontent def recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset): """ recreate is called after all classes of the session have been unpickled """ PartVectorFieldVisParams.mergeDefaultParams(self.params) # explicitly call mergeDefaultParams of this class self.__initBase() PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, VectorField, ['meshIn'],[],[],[],['vdataIn'] ) PartColoredVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) PartColoredVis.setColorMap(self,True) PartTransform.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: if hasattr(self, '_PartVectorFieldVis__myCollect') and self.__myCollect: theNet().remove(self.__myCollect) if hasattr(self, '_PartVectorFieldVis__myColors') and self.__myColors: theNet().remove(self.__myColors) PartModuleVis.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler) def __update(self, negMsgHandler): """ __update is called from the run method to update the module parameter before execution + do init of the IsoCutter module if necessary + update module parameters """ self.__init(negMsgHandler) PartModuleVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) # self._module.set_scale(self.params.minScalingValue, self.params.maxScalingValue, self.params.scalingValue) self._module.set_scale(self.params.scalingValue-1.0, self.params.scalingValue+1.0, self.params.scalingValue) self._module.set_length(self.params.scalingType + 1) # +1 because covise choices start from 1 self._module.set_arrow_head_factor(self.params.arrowHeadFactor) self._module.set_num_sectors(3) self._module.setTitle( ) def run(self, runmode, negMsgHandler): """ create a new visulisation + register for events from Covise if not done yet + runmode RUN_GEO and RUN_OCT are ignored + update module parameter + exec the module """ assert negMsgHandler if runmode==RUN_ALL: _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") if not hasattr(self, 'importModule'): return self.__update(negMsgHandler), runmode, negMsgHandler, self._module, self.fromRecreation ) # self._module is not used!, runmode, negMsgHandler) #self._sendMatrix() if self.params.coloringOption == RGB_COLOR: self.__sendColor() def __register(self, negMsgHandler): """ register to receive events from covise """ PartModuleVis.register( self, negMsgHandler, [] ) def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList def setParams( self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): """ set parameters from outside + init module if necessary + mainly receive parameter changes from Gui + send status messages to COVER if state has changed """ realChange = ParamsDiff( self.params, params ) PartModuleVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartColoredVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartTransform.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) if self.params.coloringOption == RGB_COLOR: self.__sendColor() def connectionPoint(self): """ return the connection (module/outport) to be connected to COVER called by the class VisItem """ #return PartModuleVis.connectionPoint(self, 'linesOut') return ConnectionPoint(self.__myCollect, 'GeometryOut0') def getCoObjName(self): """ return the generated covise object name called by the class VisItem to check if an object name registered by the COVER was created by the iso cutter """ # the returned string is independent of the given portname, but portname must match the name of an out port #return PartModuleVis.getCoObjName(self, 'linesOut') return self.__myCollect.getCoObjName('GeometryOut0') def __sendColor(self): """ send interactor geometry to cover """ if self.keyRegistered(): _infoer.function = str(self.__sendColor) _infoer.write("send") msg = coGRObjColorObjMsg( coGRMsg.COLOR_OBJECT, self.covise_key, self.params.r, self.params.g, self.params.b) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str())
class PartVectorFieldVis(PartModuleVis, PartColoredVis, PartTransform): """ VisItem to compute iso cropped polygons from polygons """ def __init__(self): PartModuleVis.__init__(self, VectorField, VIS_VECTORFIELD, self.__class__.__name__, ['meshIn'], [], [], [], ['vdataIn']) PartColoredVis.__init__(self) PartTransform.__init__(self, True) self.params = PartVectorFieldVisParams() self.__initBase() def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules here self.__myCollect = Collect() self.__myColors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) theNet().add(self.__myColors) def __init(self, negMsgHandler): """ __init is called from __update + start _module module if it does not already exist and connect output to COVER + set default parameters of module + set default boundingBox which is also used in the GUI to set borders of the float sliders + set color inport and corresponding module + send params to the gui """ if self.__firstTime == True: self.__firstTime = False PartModuleVis._init(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._init(self, negMsgHandler, self.__myColors, 'ColormapIn0') self.__register(negMsgHandler) # make my custom connections between further self created modules here theNet().connect(self._module, 'linesOut', self.__myCollect, 'GridIn0') theNet().connect(self.__myColors, 'DataOut0', self.__myCollect, 'DataIn0') theNet().connect(self._module, 'dataOut', self.__myColors, 'DataIn0') # adjust slider range from bounding box # done only once, range wont change anymore # maxSideLength = self.params.boundingBox.getMaxEdgeLength() # self.params.minScalingValue = -maxSideLength # self.params.maxScalingValue = maxSideLength # append variable name to real name if not fromRecreation if not self.fromRecreation: = + " (" + self.params.variable + ")" # send params to gui self.sendParams() def __getstate__(self): mycontent = PartModuleVis.__getstate__(self) del mycontent['_PartVectorFieldVis__myCollect'] del mycontent['_PartVectorFieldVis__myColors'] return mycontent def recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset): """ recreate is called after all classes of the session have been unpickled """ PartVectorFieldVisParams.mergeDefaultParams( self.params) # explicitly call mergeDefaultParams of this class self.__initBase() PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, VectorField, ['meshIn'], [], [], [], ['vdataIn']) PartColoredVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) PartColoredVis.setColorMap(self, True) PartTransform.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset) def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: if hasattr(self, '_PartVectorFieldVis__myCollect') and self.__myCollect: theNet().remove(self.__myCollect) if hasattr(self, '_PartVectorFieldVis__myColors') and self.__myColors: theNet().remove(self.__myColors) PartModuleVis.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler) def __update(self, negMsgHandler): """ __update is called from the run method to update the module parameter before execution + do init of the IsoCutter module if necessary + update module parameters """ self.__init(negMsgHandler) PartModuleVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) PartColoredVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) # self._module.set_scale(self.params.minScalingValue, self.params.maxScalingValue, self.params.scalingValue) self._module.set_scale(self.params.scalingValue - 1.0, self.params.scalingValue + 1.0, self.params.scalingValue) self._module.set_length(self.params.scalingType + 1) # +1 because covise choices start from 1 self._module.set_arrow_head_factor(self.params.arrowHeadFactor) self._module.set_num_sectors(3) self._module.setTitle( def run(self, runmode, negMsgHandler): """ create a new visulisation + register for events from Covise if not done yet + runmode RUN_GEO and RUN_OCT are ignored + update module parameter + exec the module """ assert negMsgHandler if runmode == RUN_ALL: _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") if not hasattr(self, 'importModule'): return self.__update(negMsgHandler) self, runmode, negMsgHandler, self._module, self.fromRecreation) # self._module is not used!, runmode, negMsgHandler) #self._sendMatrix() if self.params.coloringOption == RGB_COLOR: self.__sendColor() def __register(self, negMsgHandler): """ register to receive events from covise """ PartModuleVis.register(self, negMsgHandler, []) def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): """ set parameters from outside + init module if necessary + mainly receive parameter changes from Gui + send status messages to COVER if state has changed """ realChange = ParamsDiff(self.params, params) PartModuleVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartColoredVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) PartTransform.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) if self.params.coloringOption == RGB_COLOR: self.__sendColor() def connectionPoint(self): """ return the connection (module/outport) to be connected to COVER called by the class VisItem """ #return PartModuleVis.connectionPoint(self, 'linesOut') return ConnectionPoint(self.__myCollect, 'GeometryOut0') def getCoObjName(self): """ return the generated covise object name called by the class VisItem to check if an object name registered by the COVER was created by the iso cutter """ # the returned string is independent of the given portname, but portname must match the name of an out port #return PartModuleVis.getCoObjName(self, 'linesOut') return self.__myCollect.getCoObjName('GeometryOut0') def __sendColor(self): """ send interactor geometry to cover """ if self.keyRegistered(): _infoer.function = str(self.__sendColor) _infoer.write("send") msg = coGRObjColorObjMsg(coGRMsg.COLOR_OBJECT, self.covise_key, self.params.r, self.params.g, self.params.b) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str())
class PartDomainLinesVis(PartModuleVis): """ VisItem to compute iso cropped polygons from polygons """ def __init__(self): PartModuleVis.__init__(self, DomainSurface, VIS_DOMAINLINES, self.__class__.__name__,['GridIn0'],[],[],[],[],[],[],None,False,False) self.params = PartDomainLinesVisParams() self.__initBase() def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules here self.__myCollect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) def __init(self, negMsgHandler): """ __init is called from __update + start _module module if it does not already exist and connect output to COVER + set default parameters of module + set default boundingBox which is also used in the GUI to set borders of the float sliders + set color inport and corresponding module + send params to the gui """ if self.__firstTime == True: self.__firstTime = False PartModuleVis._init(self, negMsgHandler) # make my custom connections between further self created modules here theNet().connect(self._module, 'GridOut1', self.__myCollect, 'GridIn0') # send params to gui self.sendParams() def __getstate__(self): mycontent = PartModuleVis.__getstate__(self) del mycontent['_PartDomainLinesVis__myCollect'] return mycontent def recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset): """ recreate is called after all classes of the session have been unpickled """ PartDomainLinesVisParams.mergeDefaultParams(self.params) # explicitly call mergeDefaultParams of this class self.__initBase() PartModuleVis.recreate(self, negMsgHandler, parentKey, offset, DomainSurface, ['GridIn0'],[],[],[],[],[],[],None,False,False ) def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: if hasattr(self, '_PartDomainLinesVis__myCollect') and self.__myCollect: theNet().remove(self.__myCollect) PartModuleVis.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler) def __update(self, negMsgHandler): """ __update is called from the run method to update the module parameter before execution + do init of the IsoCutter module if necessary + update module parameters """ self.__init(negMsgHandler) PartModuleVis._update(self, negMsgHandler) def run(self, runmode, negMsgHandler): """ create a new visulisation + register for events from Covise if not done yet + runmode RUN_GEO and RUN_OCT are ignored + update module parameter + exec the module """ assert negMsgHandler if runmode==RUN_ALL: _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") if not hasattr(self, 'importModule'): return self.__update(negMsgHandler), runmode, negMsgHandler) def setParams( self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): """ set parameters from outside + init module if necessary + mainly receive parameter changes from Gui + send status messages to COVER if state has changed """ realChange = ParamsDiff( self.params, params ) PartModuleVis.setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler, sendToCover, realChange) def connectionPoint(self): """ return the connection (module/outport) to be connected to COVER called by the class VisItem """ return ConnectionPoint(self.__myCollect, 'GeometryOut0') #return PartModuleVis.connectionPoint(self, 'linesOut') def getCoObjName(self): """ return the generated covise object name called by the class VisItem to check if an object name registered by the COVER was created by the iso cutter """ # the returned string is independent of the given portname, but portname must match the name of an out port return self.__myCollect.getCoObjName('GeometryOut0')