class Part2DScalarColorVis(VisItem): """ VisItem to color an object with an rgba color """ def __init__(self): VisItem.__init__(self, VIS_2D_SCALAR_COLOR, self.__class__.__name__) self.params = Part2DScalarColorVisParams() self.__colors = None self.__collect = None # currently used input connection to colors module self.__lastDataConnection = None def __init(self): """ start COVISE modules and connect output to COVER """ if self.__colors==None and self.__collect==None: self.__colors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__colors) self.__colorsIn = ConnectionPoint(self.__colors, 'GridIn0') self.__collect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__collect) self.__collectOut = ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GeometryOut0') connect( self.importModule.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GridIn0') ) VisItem.connectToCover( self, self ) def __update(self): """ do init if necessary; update module parameters """ self.__init() # update input dataInConnect = self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint(self.params.variable) if not self.__lastDataConnection==None : disconnect( self.__lastDataConnection, self.__colorsIn ) else : theNet().connect(self.__colors, 'TextureOut0', self.__collect, 'TextureIn0') if dataInConnect: connect( self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint(self.params.variable), self.__colorsIn ) self.__lastDataConnection=self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint(self.params.variable) _infoer.function = str(self.__update) _infoer.write(": updating to variable " + self.params.variable ) # update colormap settings self.__colors.set_numSteps(self.params.numSteps) #self.__colros.set_colormap(self.params.colorTable) def connectionPoint(self): return self.__collectOut def run(self, runmode): _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") self.__update() self.importModule.executeGeo() if not self.importModule.executeData(self.params.variable): saveExecute(self.__colors)
def __init(self): """ start COVISE modules and connect output to COVER """ if self.__colors == None and self.__collect == None: self.__colors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__colors) self.__colorsIn = ConnectionPoint(self.__colors, 'GridIn0') self.__collect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__collect) self.__collectOut = ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GeometryOut0') connect(self.importModule.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GridIn0')) VisItem.connectToCover(self, self)
def testGroupData(gip): value = 'Temperature' c = Colors() theNet().add(c) connect( gip.dataConnectionPoint(value), ConnectionPoint( c, 'Data' ) ) gip.executeData(value) coll = Collect() theNet().add(coll) connect( gip.geoConnectionPoint(value), ConnectionPoint( coll, 'grid' ) ) theNet().connect( c, 'texture', coll, 'textures' ) r = Renderer() theNet().add(r) theNet().connect( coll, 'geometry', r, 'RenderData') c.execute()
def testTransientReduceSetData(self): moduleCount = theNet().moduleCount() gip_core = self._TransientGroup() gip = ImportGroupReduceSet(gip_core) gip.setReductionFactor(2) value = 'Pressure' c = Colors() theNet().add(c) connect(gip.dataConnectionPoint(value), ConnectionPoint(c, 'Data')) coll = Collect() theNet().add(coll) connect(gip.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(coll, 'grid')) theNet().connect(c, 'texture', coll, 'textures') theNet().connect(coll, 'geometry', globalRenderer()._module, 'RenderData') gip.executeGeo() gip.executeData(value) (a, b) = gip.getDataMinMax(value) self.assertEqual((a, b), (-0.018360999999999999, 2.0)) # delete theNet().remove(c) theNet().remove(coll) gip.delete() gip_core.delete() self._RemoveImportGroupModules() self.assertEqual(theNet().moduleCount(), moduleCount)
def getDataMinMax(self, variable): """ return min and max value of variable """ if variable==None: return if self._minMax==None: self._minMax = Colors() theNet().add(self._minMax) theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort( self._minMax, 'DataIn0' ) connect(self.dataConnectionPoint(variable), ConnectionPoint(self._minMax, 'DataIn0')) self.executeData( variable ) saveExecute(self._minMax) return ( float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[0]),\ float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[1]) )
def __initBase(self): """ + __initBase is called from the constructor and after the class was unpickled + add privately created modules here """ self.__firstTime = True # create custom modules self.__myCollect = Collect() self.__myColors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__myCollect) theNet().add(self.__myColors)
def __init(self): """ start COVISE modules and connect output to COVER """ if self.__colors==None and self.__collect==None: self.__colors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__colors) self.__colorsIn = ConnectionPoint(self.__colors, 'GridIn0') self.__collect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__collect) self.__collectOut = ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GeometryOut0') connect( self.importModule.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GridIn0') ) VisItem.connectToCover( self, self )
def getDataMinMax( self, variable): """ return min and max value of variable """ if variable==None: return if self._minMax==None: self._minMax = Colors() theNet().add(self._minMax) theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort( self._minMax, 'DataIn0' ) connect(self.dataConnectionPoint(variable), ConnectionPoint(self._minMax, 'DataIn0')) if not self.executeData( variable ): saveExecute(self._minMax) return ( float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[0]),\ float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[1]) )
def testGroupData(self): moduleCount = theNet().moduleCount() gip = self._LargeSimpleGroup() value = 'Temperature' c = Colors() theNet().add(c) connect(gip.dataConnectionPoint(value), ConnectionPoint(c, 'Data')) coll = Collect() theNet().add(coll) connect(gip.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(coll, 'grid')) theNet().connect(c, 'texture', coll, 'textures') theNet().connect(coll, 'geometry', globalRenderer()._module, 'RenderData') gip.executeGeo() gip.executeData(value) # delete theNet().remove(c) theNet().remove(coll) gip.delete() self._RemoveImportGroupModules() self.assertEqual(theNet().moduleCount(), moduleCount)
class ImportModule(object): def __init__(self, dimension, partcase): global testPath self._dim = dimension self._name = self._part = partcase # Module Classes holding geo, oct and data self._geo = None self._data = {} self._oct = None # list of loaded files self._files_loaded = [] self._oct_ready = False self._octTreeFileName = None self._octTreeFileExists = False self._octTreeWriter = None # RWCovise to write out octtree # mapping variable name to filename and filetype self._dataFileNames = {} self._dataVariableType = {} self.__dataConnectionPoints = {} # bounding box module and content self._bb = None self._boundingBox = None self._numTimeSteps = None # bounding box module and content from unfiltered geometry self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise = None # the module self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise = None # the AABB # colors module to calculate min/max self._minMax = None def readPartcase(self): varNotFound = [] for v in self._part.variables: if getExistingFilename(v.filename) == None: self._part.variables.remove(v) varNotFound.append(v.filename) else: self._dataFileNames[] = v.filename self._dataVariableType[] = v.variableDimension # check if file is transient self._isTransient = False filename = getExistingFilename(self._part.filename) if filename == None: raise CoviseFileNotFoundError(self._part.filename) in_file = open( filename, "rb" ) # open in binary mode (makes a difference on windows (read() may stop too early)) # first check if we have TIMESTEP at the end, os.SEEK_END) tail = if b"TIMESTEP" in tail: self._isTransient = True else: # if not already recognized as transient, check if we have SETELE at the beginning head = if b"SETELE" in head: # if we have, check the entire file since we might have nested sets, os.SEEK_BEGIN) line = in_file.readline() while line: if b"TIMESTEP" in line: self._isTransient = True break line = in_file.readline() in_file.close() return varNotFound """ ------------------------ """ """ init by starting modules """ """ ------------------------ """ def _initGeo(self): if self._geo == None: self._geo = RWCoviseModule(self._part.filename) self._part.filename = self._geo.gridPath() def _initData(self, name): if name in self._dataFileNames: if not name in self._data: self._data[name] = RWCoviseModule(self._dataFileNames[name]) self._dataFileNames[name] = self._data[name].gridPath() self.__dataConnectionPoints[name] = self._data[ name].connectionPoint() def _initOct(self): self._initGeo() if self._oct == None: # create or use disk-cached octtrees if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._dim == 3: basename, extension = os.path.splitext(self._part.filename) self._octTreeFileName = basename + ".octtree" + extension print("self._octTreeFileName = ", self._octTreeFileName) if os.path.isfile(self._octTreeFileName) == False: # create disk-cached octtree self._octTreeFileExists = False self._oct = MakeOctTree() theNet().add(self._oct) self._octIn = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'inGrid') self._octOut = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'outOctTree') connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn) # connect RWCovise to MakeOctTree self._octTreeWriter = RWCovise() # writable theNet().add(self._octTreeWriter) self._octTreeWriter.set_grid_path(self._octTreeFileName) connect(self._octOut, ConnectionPoint(self._octTreeWriter, 'mesh_in')) else: # use disk-cached octtree self._octTreeFileExists = True self._oct = RWCovise() theNet().add(self._oct) self._oct.set_grid_path(self._octTreeFileName) # cached octtrees must never get an input connection (RWCovise!) self._octIn = None # ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'mesh_in') self._octOut = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'mesh') else: self._oct = MakeOctTree() theNet().add(self._oct) self._octIn = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'inGrid') self._octOut = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'outOctTree') connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn) else: if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._octTreeFileExists == True: # no reconnect necessary, if using disk-cached octtree pass else: # reconnect OctTree theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort(self._oct, 'inGrid') connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn) """ ------------------------ """ """ connection points """ """ ------------------------ """ def geoConnectionPoint(self): # print("ImportModule::geoConnectionPoint() called") self._initGeo() return self._geo.connectionPoint() def dataConnectionPoint(self, name): if name in self._dataFileNames: self._initData(name) #return self._data[name].connectionPoint() return self.__dataConnectionPoints[name] return None def octTreeConnectionPoint(self): self._initOct() return self._octOut def boundingBoxConnectionPoint(self): self.getBox() return ConnectionPoint(self._bb, 'GridOut0') """ ------------------------ """ """ execution methods """ """ ------------------------ """ def execute(self): self.executeGeo() self.executeOct() for name in self._data: self.executeData(name) def executeGeo(self): self._initGeo() if not self._part.filename in self._files_loaded: _infoer.function = str(self.executeGeo) _infoer.write("Loading file " + self._part.filename) self._geo.execute() self._files_loaded.append(self._part.filename) return True return False def executeData(self, name): # print("ImportModule::executeData() called") _infoer.function = str(self.executeGeo) _infoer.write("Load request for " + name) if name in self._dataFileNames: self._initData(name) if not self._dataFileNames[name] in self._files_loaded: _infoer.write("Loading " + self._dataFileNames[name]) self._data[name].execute() self._files_loaded.append(self._dataFileNames[name]) return True else: # print("Import Module: no variable called %s in part %s " % ( name, self._name )) assert False _infoer.write("Returning False") return False def executeOct(self): self._initOct() if not self._oct_ready: if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._octTreeFileExists == True: # cached octtrees aren't connected to the geo-RWCovise saveExecute(self._oct) elif not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._oct) self._oct_ready = True return True return False def reloadGeo(self): if not self.executeGeo(): self._geo.execute() """ ------------------------ """ """ delete """ """ ------------------------ """ def delete(self): if hasattr(self, "_geo") and self._geo: self._geo.remove() if hasattr(self, "_data"): for module in self._data.values(): module.remove() if hasattr(self, "_oct") and self._oct: theNet().remove(self._oct) if hasattr(self, "_octTreeWriter") and self._octTreeWriter: theNet().remove(self._octTreeWriter) if hasattr(self, "_bb") and self._bb: theNet().remove(self._bb) if hasattr(self, "_ImportModule__bbFromGeoRWCovise" ) and self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise: theNet().remove(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) if hasattr(self, "_minMax") and self._minMax: theNet().remove(self._minMax) """ ------------------------ """ """ read private variables """ """ ------------------------ """ def getDimension(self): return self._dim def getName(self): return self._name def getParts(self): return [self._part] def getPartCase(self): return self._part def getBoxFromGeoRWCovise(self): """ return the bounding box from the originally unfiltered geometry """ if self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise == None: self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise = BoundingBox() theNet().add(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) connect(self._geo.connectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise, 'GridIn0')) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() saveExecute(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise = boxParser.getBox() return self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise def getBox(self, execute=False): """ return the bounding box """ if self._bb == None: self._bb = BoundingBox() theNet().add(self._bb) connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self._bb, 'GridIn0')) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() self._numTimeSteps = boxParser.getNumTimeSteps() elif execute: theNet().disconnectAllFromModule(self._bb) connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self._bb, 'GridIn0')) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) try: oldbb = self._boundingBox self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() #self._numTimeSteps = boxParser.getNumTimeSteps() except (ValueError): self._boundingBox = oldbb if self._bb != None: theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort(self._bb, 'GridIn0') connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self._bb, 'GridIn0')) return self._boundingBox def getNumTimeSteps(self): if not self._numTimeSteps: self.getBox() return self._numTimeSteps def getDataMinMax(self, variable): """ return min and max value of variable """ if variable == None: return if self._minMax == None: self._minMax = Colors() theNet().add(self._minMax) theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort(self._minMax, 'DataIn0') connect(self.dataConnectionPoint(variable), ConnectionPoint(self._minMax, 'DataIn0')) if not self.executeData(variable): saveExecute(self._minMax) return ( float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[0]),\ float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[1]) ) def getIsTransient(self): return self._isTransient """ ------------------------ """ """ return status string """ """ ------------------------ """ def __str__(self): string = 'Status of ' + self._name + '\n' for v in self._part.variables: string = string + + '\n' return string def getCoObjName(self): if not self._geo == None: return self._geo.getCoObjName()
class ImportModule(object): def __init__(self, dimension, partcase ): global testPath self._dim = dimension self._name = self._part = partcase # Module Classes holding geo, oct and data self._geo = None self._data = {} self._oct = None # list of loaded files self._files_loaded = [] self._oct_ready = False self._octTreeFileName = None self._octTreeFileExists = False self._octTreeWriter = None # RWCovise to write out octtree # mapping variable name to filename and filetype self._dataFileNames = {} self._dataVariableType = {} self.__dataConnectionPoints = {} # bounding box module and content self._bb = None self._boundingBox = None self._numTimeSteps = None # bounding box module and content from unfiltered geometry self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise = None # the module self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise = None # the AABB # colors module to calculate min/max self._minMax = None def readPartcase(self): varNotFound = [] for v in self._part.variables: if getExistingFilename(v.filename) == None: self._part.variables.remove(v) varNotFound.append( v.filename ) else: self._dataFileNames[ ] = v.filename self._dataVariableType[ ] = v.variableDimension # check if file is transient self._isTransient = False filename = getExistingFilename(self._part.filename) if filename == None: raise CoviseFileNotFoundError(self._part.filename) in_file = open(filename, "rb") # open in binary mode (makes a difference on windows (read() may stop too early)) # first check if we have TIMESTEP at the end, os.SEEK_END) tail = if b"TIMESTEP" in tail: self._isTransient = True else: # if not already recognized as transient, check if we have SETELE at the beginning head = if b"SETELE" in head: # if we have, check the entire file since we might have nested sets, os.SEEK_BEGIN) line = in_file.readline() while line: if b"TIMESTEP" in line: self._isTransient = True break line = in_file.readline() in_file.close() return varNotFound """ ------------------------ """ """ init by starting modules """ """ ------------------------ """ def _initGeo(self): if self._geo==None: self._geo = RWCoviseModule(self._part.filename) self._part.filename = self._geo.gridPath() def _initData(self, name): if name in self._dataFileNames: if not name in self._data: self._data[name] = RWCoviseModule( self._dataFileNames[name] ) self._dataFileNames[name] = self._data[name].gridPath() self.__dataConnectionPoints[name] = self._data[name].connectionPoint() def _initOct(self): self._initGeo() if self._oct==None: # create or use disk-cached octtrees if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._dim == 3: basename, extension = os.path.splitext(self._part.filename) self._octTreeFileName = basename + ".octtree" + extension print("self._octTreeFileName = ", self._octTreeFileName) if os.path.isfile(self._octTreeFileName) == False: # create disk-cached octtree self._octTreeFileExists = False self._oct = MakeOctTree() theNet().add(self._oct) self._octIn = ConnectionPoint( self._oct, 'inGrid' ) self._octOut = ConnectionPoint( self._oct, 'outOctTree' ) connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn ) # connect RWCovise to MakeOctTree self._octTreeWriter = RWCovise() # writable theNet().add(self._octTreeWriter) self._octTreeWriter.set_grid_path(self._octTreeFileName) connect(self._octOut, ConnectionPoint(self._octTreeWriter, 'mesh_in')) else: # use disk-cached octtree self._octTreeFileExists = True self._oct = RWCovise() theNet().add(self._oct) self._oct.set_grid_path(self._octTreeFileName) # cached octtrees must never get an input connection (RWCovise!) self._octIn = None # ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'mesh_in') self._octOut = ConnectionPoint(self._oct, 'mesh') else: self._oct = MakeOctTree() theNet().add(self._oct) self._octIn = ConnectionPoint( self._oct, 'inGrid' ) self._octOut = ConnectionPoint( self._oct, 'outOctTree' ) connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn ) else: if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._octTreeFileExists == True: # no reconnect necessary, if using disk-cached octtree pass else: # reconnect OctTree theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort(self._oct, 'inGrid') connect(self.geoConnectionPoint(), self._octIn) """ ------------------------ """ """ connection points """ """ ------------------------ """ def geoConnectionPoint(self): # print("ImportModule::geoConnectionPoint() called") self._initGeo() return self._geo.connectionPoint() def dataConnectionPoint(self, name ): if name in self._dataFileNames: self._initData(name) #return self._data[name].connectionPoint() return self.__dataConnectionPoints[name] return None def octTreeConnectionPoint(self): self._initOct() return self._octOut def boundingBoxConnectionPoint(self): self.getBox() return ConnectionPoint(self._bb, 'GridOut0' ) """ ------------------------ """ """ execution methods """ """ ------------------------ """ def execute(self): self.executeGeo() self.executeOct() for name in self._data: self.executeData(name) def executeGeo(self): self._initGeo() if not self._part.filename in self._files_loaded: _infoer.function = str(self.executeGeo) _infoer.write("Loading file " + self._part.filename) self._geo.execute() self._files_loaded.append(self._part.filename) return True return False def executeData( self, name ): # print("ImportModule::executeData() called") _infoer.function = str(self.executeGeo) _infoer.write("Load request for " + name) if name in self._dataFileNames: self._initData(name) if not self._dataFileNames[name] in self._files_loaded: _infoer.write("Loading " + self._dataFileNames[name]) self._data[name].execute() self._files_loaded.append(self._dataFileNames[name]) return True else : # print("Import Module: no variable called %s in part %s " % ( name, self._name )) assert False _infoer.write("Returning False") return False def executeOct(self): self._initOct() if not self._oct_ready: if enableCachedOctTrees == True and self._octTreeFileExists == True: # cached octtrees aren't connected to the geo-RWCovise saveExecute(self._oct) elif not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._oct) self._oct_ready = True return True return False def reloadGeo(self): if not self.executeGeo(): self._geo.execute() """ ------------------------ """ """ delete """ """ ------------------------ """ def delete(self): if hasattr(self, "_geo") and self._geo: self._geo.remove() if hasattr(self, "_data"): for module in self._data.values(): module.remove() if hasattr(self, "_oct") and self._oct: theNet().remove(self._oct) if hasattr(self, "_octTreeWriter") and self._octTreeWriter: theNet().remove(self._octTreeWriter) if hasattr(self, "_bb") and self._bb: theNet().remove(self._bb) if hasattr(self, "_ImportModule__bbFromGeoRWCovise") and self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise: theNet().remove(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) if hasattr(self, "_minMax") and self._minMax: theNet().remove(self._minMax) """ ------------------------ """ """ read private variables """ """ ------------------------ """ def getDimension(self): return self._dim def getName(self): return self._name def getParts(self): return [self._part] def getPartCase(self): return self._part def getBoxFromGeoRWCovise(self): """ return the bounding box from the originally unfiltered geometry """ if self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise == None: self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise = BoundingBox() theNet().add(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) connect( self._geo.connectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise, 'GridIn0')) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() saveExecute(self.__bbFromGeoRWCovise) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise = boxParser.getBox() return self.__boundingBoxFromGeoRWCovise def getBox(self, execute = False): """ return the bounding box """ if self._bb==None: self._bb = BoundingBox() theNet().add( self._bb) connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint( self._bb, 'GridIn0' ) ) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() self._numTimeSteps = boxParser.getNumTimeSteps() elif execute: theNet().disconnectAllFromModule(self._bb) connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint( self._bb, 'GridIn0' ) ) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue_) try: oldbb = self._boundingBox self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() #self._numTimeSteps = boxParser.getNumTimeSteps() except (ValueError): self._boundingBox = oldbb if self._bb != None: theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort(self._bb, 'GridIn0') connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint( self._bb, 'GridIn0' ) ) return self._boundingBox def getNumTimeSteps(self): if not self._numTimeSteps: self.getBox() return self._numTimeSteps def getDataMinMax( self, variable): """ return min and max value of variable """ if variable==None: return if self._minMax==None: self._minMax = Colors() theNet().add(self._minMax) theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort( self._minMax, 'DataIn0' ) connect(self.dataConnectionPoint(variable), ConnectionPoint(self._minMax, 'DataIn0')) if not self.executeData( variable ): saveExecute(self._minMax) return ( float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[0]),\ float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[1]) ) def getIsTransient(self): return self._isTransient """ ------------------------ """ """ return status string """ """ ------------------------ """ def __str__(self): string = 'Status of ' + self._name + '\n' for v in self._part.variables: string = string + + '\n' return string def getCoObjName(self): if not self._geo==None: return self._geo.getCoObjName()
class ImportGroupSimpleFilter(ImportGroupFilter): def __init__(self, iGroupModule, covModuleName): ImportGroupFilter.__init__(self,iGroupModule) self.__filterName = covModuleName # one filter per variable # series of filter modules. Referenced by variable name self._filterVar = {} self._filterGeo = None self.__needExecuteData = {} self.__needExecuteGeo = False self._bb = None self._minMax = None def __initFilterGeo(self): if self._filterGeo==None: self._filterGeo = self.__filterName() self.__needExecuteGeo = True def __initFilterVar(self, varname): if not varname in self._filterVar: self._filterVar[varname] = self.__filterName() self.__needExecuteData[varname] = True def __initFilter( self, varname=None): if varname==None: return self.__initFilterGeo() else: return self.__initFilterVar(varname) def _update(self, varname=None): # update parameter of filter. To be overwritten by child class return def delete(self): if hasattr(self, "_filterGeo") and self._filterGeo: self._filterGeo.remove() if hasattr(self, "_filterVar"): for module in self._filterVar.values(): module.remove() if hasattr(self, "_bb") and self._bb: theNet().remove(self._bb) if hasattr(self, "_minMax") and self._minMax: theNet().remove(self._minMax) def geoConnectionPoint(self): if self._filterGeo==None: self.__initFilter() connect( self._importGroupModule.geoConnectionPoint(), self._filterGeo.geoInConnectionPoint() ) return self._filterGeo.geoOutConnectionPoint() def dataConnectionPoint(self, varname): if not varname in self._filterVar: self.__initFilter(varname) connect( self._importGroupModule.geoConnectionPoint(), self._filterVar[varname].geoInConnectionPoint() ) connect( self._importGroupModule.dataConnectionPoint(varname), self._filterVar[varname].dataInConnectionPoint() ) return self._filterVar[varname].dataOutConnectionPoint() def executeGeo(self): self.geoConnectionPoint() self._update() # TODO make clean if ImportGroupFilter.executeGeo(self): return True if self.__needExecuteGeo: self._filterGeo.execute() self.__needExecuteGeo = False return True return False def executeData(self, varname): self.dataConnectionPoint(varname) self._update(varname) # TODO make clean #ImportGroupFilter.executeGeo(self) if ImportGroupFilter.executeData(self, varname): return True if self.__needExecuteData[varname]: self._filterVar[varname].execute() self.__needExecuteData[varname] = False return True return False def getBox(self, forceExecute = False): """ return the bounding box """ if self._bb==None: self._bb = BoundingBox() theNet().add( self._bb) connect( self.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint( self._bb, 'GridIn0' ) ) # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue) self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() elif forceExecute: # Clear info queue so we dont read a previous BB output. # (If something goes wrong with the queue, this could be the reason.) coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue.clear() if not self.executeGeo(): saveExecute(self._bb) boxParser = BoundingBoxParser() boxParser.parseQueue(coviseStartup.globalReceiverThread.infoQueue) try: oldbb = self._boundingBox self._boundingBox = boxParser.getBox() except (ValueError): self._boundingBox = oldbb return self._boundingBox def getDataMinMax(self, variable): """ return min and max value of variable """ if variable==None: return if self._minMax==None: self._minMax = Colors() theNet().add(self._minMax) theNet().disconnectAllFromModulePort( self._minMax, 'DataIn0' ) connect(self.dataConnectionPoint(variable), ConnectionPoint(self._minMax, 'DataIn0')) self.executeData( variable ) saveExecute(self._minMax) return ( float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[0]),\ float(self._minMax.getParamValue('MinMax')[1]) ) def setNeedExecute(self, b = True): self.__needExecuteGeo = b for key in self.__needExecuteData.keys(): self.__needExecuteData[key] = b
class Part2DScalarColorVis(VisItem): """ VisItem to color an object with an rgba color """ def __init__(self): VisItem.__init__(self, VIS_2D_SCALAR_COLOR, self.__class__.__name__) self.params = Part2DScalarColorVisParams() self.__colors = None self.__collect = None # currently used input connection to colors module self.__lastDataConnection = None def __init(self): """ start COVISE modules and connect output to COVER """ if self.__colors == None and self.__collect == None: self.__colors = Colors() theNet().add(self.__colors) self.__colorsIn = ConnectionPoint(self.__colors, 'GridIn0') self.__collect = Collect() theNet().add(self.__collect) self.__collectOut = ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GeometryOut0') connect(self.importModule.geoConnectionPoint(), ConnectionPoint(self.__collect, 'GridIn0')) VisItem.connectToCover(self, self) def __update(self): """ do init if necessary; update module parameters """ self.__init() # update input dataInConnect = self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint( self.params.variable) if not self.__lastDataConnection == None: disconnect(self.__lastDataConnection, self.__colorsIn) else: theNet().connect(self.__colors, 'TextureOut0', self.__collect, 'TextureIn0') if dataInConnect: connect( self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint(self.params.variable), self.__colorsIn) self.__lastDataConnection = self.importModule.dataConnectionPoint( self.params.variable) _infoer.function = str(self.__update) _infoer.write(": updating to variable " + self.params.variable) # update colormap settings self.__colors.set_numSteps(self.params.numSteps) #self.__colros.set_colormap(self.params.colorTable) def connectionPoint(self): return self.__collectOut def run(self, runmode): _infoer.function = str( _infoer.write("go") self.__update() self.importModule.executeGeo() if not self.importModule.executeData(self.params.variable): saveExecute(self.__colors)