Пример #1
    def test_wrong_ep(self):
        print("Endpoint name already exists")
        client = HelperClient(self.server_address)
        path = "rd?ep=node1&con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683&lt=60"
        ct = {'content_type': defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]}
        payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";anchor="coap://spurious.example.com:5683",' \
        client.post(path, payload, None, None, **ct)

        path = "rd?ep=node1&con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]
        req.payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";' \

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = 0
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #2
    def test_td_coap_core_07(self):
        print "TD_COAP_CORE_07"
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["NON"]
        o = Option()
        o.number = defines.inv_options["Content-Type"]
        o.value = defines.inv_content_types["application/xml"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "<value>test</value>"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["NON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.responses["CHANGED"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_plugtest(req, expected)
Пример #3
    def test_lookup_expired_ep(self):
        print("Expired endpoint lookup")
        client = HelperClient(self.server_address)
        path = "rd?ep=node1&con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683&lt=60"
        ct = {'content_type': defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]}
        payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";anchor="coap://spurious.example.com:5683",' \
        client.post(path, payload, None, None, **ct)

        path = "rd-lookup/ep?ep=node1&rt=temperature-c"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = 0
        req.payload = None

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        # After 61 seconds the resource will be expired
        self._test_check([(req, expected)], 61)
Пример #4
 def map(self, request):
     path = request.uri_path
     if request.uri_path == defines.DISCOVERY_URL:
         response = Response()
         response.destination = request.source
         response = self._resource_layer.discover(request, response)
         self.result_forward(response, request)
     server = self.root.find_complete(path)
     if server is not None:
         new_request = Request()
         segments = server.find_path().split("/")
         path = segments[2:]
         path = "/".join(path)
         segments = segments[1].split(":")
         host = segments[0]
         port = int(segments[1])
         # new_request.destination = (host, port)
         new_request.source = request.source
         new_request.type = request.type
         new_request._mid = (self._currentMID + 1) % (1 << 16)
         new_request.code = request.code
         new_request.proxy_uri = "coap://" + str(host) + ":" + str(port) + "/" + path
         new_request.payload = request.payload
         for option in request.options:
             if option.name == defines.inv_options["Uri-Path"]:
             if option.name == defines.inv_options["Uri-Query"]:
             if option.name == defines.inv_options["Uri-Host"]:
         return new_request
     return None
Пример #5
    def test_delete(self):
        client = HelperClient(self.server_address)
        path = "rd?ep=endpoint1&lt=500&con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683&et=oic.d.sensor"
        ct = {'content_type': defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]}
        payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";anchor="coap://spurious.example.com:5683",' \
        response = client.post(path, payload, None, None, **ct)
        loc_path = response.location_path

        path = loc_path
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.DELETE.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = 0
        req.payload = None

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.DELETED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = 0
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #6
    def test_post_and_get_storage(self):
        print "\nPOST /storage/data1 - GET /storage/data1\n"
        args = ("/storage/data1",)
        kwargs = {}
        path = args[0]
        req = Request()
        for key in kwargs:
            o = Option()
            o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
            o.value = kwargs[key]

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['POST']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.payload = "Created"
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CREATED"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        option = Option()
        option.number = defines.inv_options["Location-Path"]
        option.value = "/storage/data1"

        self.current_mid += 1

        self._test(req, expected)

        req = Request()
        for key in kwargs:
            o = Option()
            o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
            o.value = kwargs[key]

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTENT"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Created"

        self.current_mid += 1

        self._test(req, expected)
Пример #7
 def put(self, path, payload, callback=None):  # pragma: no cover
     request = Request()
     request.destination = self.server
     request.code = defines.Codes.PUT.number
     request.uri_path = path
     request.payload = payload
     if callback is not None:
         thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_body, args=(request, callback))
         response = self.queue.get(block=True)
         return response
Пример #8
    def _create_test_sequence(self, bValidResponse=True):
        exchange = list()
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = "/storage/new_res?id=1"
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "test"

        if bValidResponse:
            expected = Response()
            expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
            expected._mid = self.current_mid
            expected.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
            expected.token = None
            expected.payload = None
            expected.location_path = "storage/new_res"
            expected.location_query = "id=1"
            expected = None

        exchange.append((req, expected))
        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = "/storage/new_res"
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.if_match = ["test", "not"]

        if bValidResponse:
            expected = Response()
            expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
            expected._mid = self.current_mid
            expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
            expected.token = None
            expected.payload = "test"
            expected = None

        exchange.append((req, expected))
        self.current_mid += 1

        return exchange
Пример #9
 def put(self, client_callback, *args, **kwargs):
     path, payload = args
     req = Request()
     if "Token" in kwargs.keys():
         req.token = kwargs.get("Token")
         del kwargs["Token"]
     for key in kwargs:
         o = Option()
         o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
         o.value = kwargs[key]
     req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
     req.uri_path = path
     req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
     req.payload = payload
     self.send_callback(req, self.put_results, client_callback)
Пример #10
    def _handle_request(self, transaction, new_resource):
        Forward requests. Used by reverse proxies to also create new virtual resources on the proxy 
        in case of created resources
        :type new_resource: bool
        :type transaction: Transaction
        :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request
        :rtype : Transaction
        :param new_resource: if the request will generate a new resource 
        :return: the edited transaction
        client = HelperClient(transaction.resource.remote_server)
        request = Request()
        request.options = copy.deepcopy(transaction.request.options)
        del request.block2
        del request.block1
        del request.uri_path
        del request.proxy_uri
        del request.proxy_schema
        # TODO handle observing
        del request.observe
        # request.observe = transaction.request.observe

        request.uri_path = "/".join(transaction.request.uri_path.split("/")[1:])
        request.destination = transaction.resource.remote_server
        request.payload = transaction.request.payload
        request.code = transaction.request.code
        response = client.send_request(request)
        transaction.response.payload = response.payload
        transaction.response.code = response.code
        transaction.response.options = response.options
        if response.code == defines.Codes.CREATED.number:
            lp = transaction.response.location_path
            del transaction.response.location_path
            transaction.response.location_path = transaction.request.uri_path.split("/")[0] + "/" + lp
            # TODO handle observing
            if new_resource:
                resource = RemoteResource('server', transaction.resource.remote_server, lp, coap_server=self,
                self._server.add_resource(transaction.response.location_path, resource)
        if response.code == defines.Codes.DELETED.number:
            del self._server.root["/" + transaction.request.uri_path]
        return transaction
Пример #11
    def put(self, *args, **kwargs):

        :param args: request object
        :param kwargs: dictionary with parameters
        if len(args) > 0:
            request = args[0]
            assert isinstance(request, Request)
            endpoint = request.destination
            ip, port = endpoint
            payload = request.payload
            request = Request()
            path = kwargs["path"]
            payload = kwargs["payload"]
            assert isinstance(path, str)
            ip, port, path = self.parse_path(path)
            request.destination = (ip, port)
            request.uri_path = path
            endpoint = (ip, port)
        request.code = defines.inv_codes["PUT"]
        request.payload = payload
        self.send(request, endpoint)
        message = self._response
        key = hash(str(ip) + str(port) + str(message.mid))
        if (
            message.type == defines.inv_types["ACK"]
            and message.code == defines.inv_codes["EMPTY"]
            and key in self.sent.keys()
            # Separate Response
            self.send(request, endpoint)
            message = self._response
        return message
Пример #12
    def test_td_coap_core_07(self):
        print "TD_COAP_CORE_07"
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.PUT.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["NON"]
        req.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/xml"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "<value>test</value>"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["NON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_with_client([(req, expected)])
Пример #13
    def test_edit_resource(self):
        print "TEST_EDIT_RESOURCE"
        path = "/obs"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "<value>test</value>"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.location_path = "/obs"

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_with_client([(req, expected)])
Пример #14
    def test_delete_res_not_found(self):
        print("Resource not found on delete")
        path = "rd/4521"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.DELETE.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = 0
        req.payload = None

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = 0
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #15
    def test_uri_discovery(self):
        print("Uri discovery")
        path = ".well-known/core"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = 0
        req.payload = None

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]
        expected.payload = '</rd-lookup/res>;rt="core.rd-lookup-res";ct=40,</rd>;rt="core.rd";ct=40,' \

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #16
    def test_no_ep(self):
        print("Registration without endpoint name")
        path = "rd?con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]
        req.payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";' \

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.BAD_REQUEST.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = 0
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #17
    def _forward_request(transaction, destination, path):
        client = HelperClient(destination)
        request = Request()
        request.options = copy.deepcopy(transaction.request.options)
        del request.block2
        del request.block1
        del request.uri_path
        del request.proxy_uri
        del request.proxy_schema
        # TODO handle observing
        del request.observe
        # request.observe = transaction.request.observe

        request.uri_path = path
        request.destination = destination
        request.payload = transaction.request.payload
        request.code = transaction.request.code
        response = client.send_request(request)
        transaction.response.payload = response.payload
        transaction.response.code = response.code
        transaction.response.options = response.options
        return transaction
Пример #18
    def test_wildcard_ep(self):
        print("Use wildcard * to find endpoints")
        client = HelperClient(self.server_address)
        path = "rd?ep=node1&con=coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683"
        ct = {'content_type': defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]}
        payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";anchor="coap://spurious.example.com:5683",' \
        response = client.post(path, payload, None, None, **ct)
        loc_path1 = response.location_path
        path = "rd?ep=node2&con=coap://[2001:db8:3::123]:61616"
        payload = '</temp>;rt="temperature";anchor="coap://[2001:db8:3::123]:61616"'
        response = client.post(path, payload, None, None, **ct)
        loc_path2 = response.location_path

        path = "rd-lookup/ep?rt=temp*"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.content_type = 0
        req.payload = None

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]
        expected.payload = '</' + loc_path1 + '>;con="coap://local-proxy-old.example.com:5683";ep="node1";lt=500,' \
                                              '</' + loc_path2 + '>;con="coap://[2001:db8:3::123]:61616";' \

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_check([(req, expected)])
Пример #19
    def _forward_request(transaction, destination, path):
        Forward requests.

        :type transaction: Transaction
        :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request
        :param destination: the destination of the request (IP, port)
        :param path: the path of the request.
        :rtype : Transaction
        :return: the edited transaction
        client = HelperClient(destination)
        request = Request()
        request.options = copy.deepcopy(transaction.request.options)
        del request.block2
        del request.block1
        del request.uri_path
        del request.proxy_uri
        del request.proxy_schema
        # TODO handle observing
        del request.observe
        # request.observe = transaction.request.observe

        request.uri_path = path
        request.destination = destination
        request.payload = transaction.request.payload
        request.code = transaction.request.code
        response = client.send_request(request)
        if response is not None:
            transaction.response.payload = response.payload
            transaction.response.code = response.code
            transaction.response.options = response.options
            transaction.response.code = defines.Codes.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.number

        return transaction
Пример #20
    def _handle_request(self, transaction, new_resource):
        client = HelperClient(transaction.resource.remote_server)
        request = Request()
        request.options = copy.deepcopy(transaction.request.options)
        del request.block2
        del request.block1
        del request.uri_path
        del request.proxy_uri
        del request.proxy_schema
        # TODO handle observing
        del request.observe
        # request.observe = transaction.request.observe

        request.uri_path = "/".join(transaction.request.uri_path.split("/")[1:])
        request.destination = transaction.resource.remote_server
        request.payload = transaction.request.payload
        request.code = transaction.request.code
        response = client.send_request(request)
        transaction.response.payload = response.payload
        transaction.response.code = response.code
        transaction.response.options = response.options
        if response.code == defines.Codes.CREATED.number:
            lp = transaction.response.location_path
            del transaction.response.location_path
            transaction.response.location_path = transaction.request.uri_path.split("/")[0] + "/" + lp
            # TODO handle observing
            if new_resource:
                resource = RemoteResource('server', transaction.resource.remote_server, lp, coap_server=self,
                self._server.add_resource(transaction.response.location_path, resource)
        if response.code == defines.Codes.DELETED.number:
            del self._server.root["/" + transaction.request.uri_path]
        return transaction
Пример #21
    def test_separate(self):
        print "TEST_SEPARATE"
        path = "/separate"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None

        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "POST"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.options = None

        exchange2 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.PUT.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "PUT"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.options = None

        exchange3 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.DELETE.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        expected._mid = None
        expected.code = defines.Codes.DELETED.number
        expected.token = None

        exchange4 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_with_client([exchange1, exchange2, exchange3, exchange4])
Пример #22
    def test_get_delete(self):
        print "TEST_GET_DELETE"
        path = "/basic"

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange0 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.proxy_uri = "coap://"
        req.payload = "Hello"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Hello"

        exchange2 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req3 = Request()
        req3.code = defines.Codes.DELETE.number
        req3.uri_path = path
        req3.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req3._mid = self.current_mid
        req3.destination = self.server_address
        req3.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.DELETED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange3 = (req3, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req4 = Request()
        req4.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req4.uri_path = path
        req4.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req4._mid = self.current_mid
        req4.destination = self.server_address
        req4.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number
        expected.token = None

        exchange4 = (req4, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        self._test_with_client_delayed([exchange0, exchange1, exchange2, exchange3, exchange4])
Пример #23
    def test_get_etag(self):
        print "TEST_GET_ETAG"
        path = "/etag"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.etag = str(0)

        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.etag = str(0)
        expected.max_age = 1

        exchange2 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req3 = Request()
        req3.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req3.uri_path = path
        req3.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req3._mid = self.current_mid
        req3.destination = self.server_address
        req3.proxy_uri = "coap://"
        req3.payload = "Hello"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.etag = str(1)
        expected.location_path = "etag"

        exchange3 = (req3, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req4 = Request()
        req4.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req4.uri_path = path
        req4.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req4._mid = self.current_mid
        req4.destination = self.server_address
        req4.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Hello"
        expected.etag = str(1)

        exchange4 = (req4, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        self._test_with_client_delayed([exchange1, exchange2, exchange3, exchange4])
Пример #24
    def test_td_coap_block_03(self):
        print "TD_COAP_BLOCK_03"
        path = "/large-update"

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = """"Me sabbee plenty"—grunted Queequeg, puffing away at his pipe """
        req.block1 = (1, 1, 64)

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTINUE"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.block1 = (1, 1, 64)

        exchange1 = (req, expected)
        self.current_mid += 1
        self.server_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = """and sitting up in bed. "You gettee in," he added, motioning"""
        req.block1 = (2, 0, 64)

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CHANGED"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange2 = (req, expected)
        self.current_mid += 1
        self.server_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTENT"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = """"Me sabbee plenty"—grunted Queequeg, puffing away at his pipe and sitting up in bed. "You gettee in," he added, motioning"""

        exchange3 = (req, expected)
        self.current_mid += 1

        self._test_plugtest([exchange1, exchange2, exchange3])
Пример #25
    def test_td_coap_core_03(self):
        print "TD_COAP_CORE_03"
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        o = Option()
        o.number = defines.inv_options["Content-Type"]
        o.value = defines.inv_content_types["application/xml"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "<value>test</value>"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CHANGED"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTENT"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "<value>test</value>"
        option = Option()
        option.number = defines.inv_options["Content-Type"]
        option.value = defines.inv_content_types["application/xml"]

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange2 = (req, expected)

        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        option = Option()
        option.number = defines.inv_options["Accept"]
        option.value = defines.inv_content_types["application/xml"]

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTENT"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "<value>test</value>"
        option = Option()
        option.number = defines.inv_options["Content-Type"]
        option.value = defines.inv_content_types["application/xml"]

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange3 = (req, expected)
        self._test_plugtest([exchange1, exchange2, exchange3])
Пример #26
    def test_get_etag(self):
        print "TEST_GET_ETAG"
        path = "/etag"
        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.etag = str(0)

        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.etag = str(0)
        expected.max_age = 1

        exchange2 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req3 = Request()
        req3.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req3.uri_path = path
        req3.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req3._mid = self.current_mid
        req3.destination = self.server_address
        req3.proxy_uri = "coap://"
        req3.payload = "Hello"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None
        expected.etag = str(1)
        expected.location_path = "etag"

        exchange3 = (req3, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req4 = Request()
        req4.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req4.uri_path = path
        req4.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req4._mid = self.current_mid
        req4.destination = self.server_address
        req4.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Hello"
        expected.etag = str(1)

        exchange4 = (req4, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

            [exchange1, exchange2, exchange3, exchange4])
Пример #27
    def test_get_delete(self):
        path = "/basic"

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange0 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req = Request()
        req.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.proxy_uri = "coap://"
        req.payload = "Hello"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req2 = Request()
        req2.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req2.uri_path = path
        req2.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req2._mid = self.current_mid
        req2.destination = self.server_address
        req2.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Hello"

        exchange2 = (req2, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req3 = Request()
        req3.code = defines.Codes.DELETE.number
        req3.uri_path = path
        req3.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req3._mid = self.current_mid
        req3.destination = self.server_address
        req3.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.DELETED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        exchange3 = (req3, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

        req4 = Request()
        req4.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req4.uri_path = path
        req4.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req4._mid = self.current_mid
        req4.destination = self.server_address
        req4.proxy_uri = "coap://"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number
        expected.token = None

        exchange4 = (req4, expected)

        self.current_mid += 1

            [exchange0, exchange1, exchange2, exchange3, exchange4])
Пример #28
    def test_td_coap_core_03(self):
        print "TD_COAP_CORE_03"
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.PUT.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/xml"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.payload = "<value>test</value>"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = None

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange1 = (req, expected)

        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "<value>test</value>"
        expected.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/xml"]

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange2 = (req, expected)

        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.accept = defines.Content_types["application/xml"]

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "<value>test</value>"
        expected.content_type = defines.Content_types["application/xml"]

        self.current_mid += 1
        exchange3 = (req, expected)
        self._test_with_client([exchange1, exchange2, exchange3])
Пример #29
    def forward_request(self, request):
        Forward an incoming request to the specified server.

        :param request: the request to be forwarded
        :return: None if success, send an error otherwise
        # print "FORWARD REQUEST\n"
        uri = request.proxy_uri
        response = Response()
        response.destination = request.source
        token = self.generate_token()
        if uri is None:
            return self.send_error(request, response, "BAD_REQUEST")
        host, port, path = self.parse_path(uri)

        request.uri_path = path
        self._currentMID += 1
        method = defines.codes[request.code]
        if method == 'GET':
            function = self.client.protocol.get
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'POST':
            function = self.client.protocol.post
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.payload = request.payload
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['POST']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'PUT':
            function = self.client.protocol.put
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.payload = request.payload
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'DELETE':
            function = self.client.protocol.delete
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['DELETE']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
            return self.send_error(request, response, "BAD_REQUEST")
        for option in request.options:
            if option.safe:
                kwargs[option.name] = option.value
        operations = [(function, args, kwargs, (callback, err_callback))]
        key = hash(str(host) + str(port) + str(token))
        self._forward[key] = request
        key = hash(str(host) + str(port) + str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16)))
        self._forward_mid[key] = request
        # print "************"
        # print str(host),  str(port), str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16))
        # print req
        # print "************"
        key = req.mid
        self.sent[key] = (req, time.time())
        # self.sent[str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16))] = (req, time.time())
        # Render_GET
        # key_timer = hash(str(request.source[0]) + str(request.source[1]) + str(request.mid))
        # self.timer[key_timer] = reactor.callLater(defines.SEPARATE_TIMEOUT, self.send_ack, [request])
        return None