Пример #1
        :param str username: Username to lookup (may be non-unique)

        Usernames are not guaranteed to be unique within a service. An example is with Google,
        where the userid is a directed OpenID URL, unique but subject to change if the Lastuser
        site URL changes. The username is the email address, which will be the same despite
        different userids.
        param, value = require_one_of(True, userid=userid, username=username)
        return cls.query.filter_by(**{
            param: value,
            'service': service

    def permissions(self, user, inherited=None):
        perms = super(UserExternalId, self).permissions(user, inherited)
        if user and user == self.user:
        return perms

user_email_primary_table = add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_email',
                                                    UserEmail, 'user',
user_phone_primary_table = add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_phone',
                                                    UserPhone, 'user',

# Tail imports
from .profile import Profile  # isort:skip
from .organization_membership import OrganizationMembership  # isort:skip
Пример #2
        :param str service: Service to lookup
        :param str userid: Userid to lookup
        :param str username: Username to lookup (may be non-unique)

        Usernames are not guaranteed to be unique within a service. An example is with Google,
        where the userid is a directed OpenID URL, unique but subject to change if the Lastuser
        site URL changes. The username is the email address, which will be the same despite
        different userids.
        param, value = require_one_of(True, userid=userid, username=username)
        return cls.query.filter_by(**{
            param: value,
            'service': service

add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_email', UserEmail, 'user', 'user_id')
add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_phone', UserPhone, 'user', 'user_id')

create_userexternalid_index = DDL(
    'CREATE INDEX ix_userexternalid_username_lower ON userexternalid (lower(username) varchar_pattern_ops);'
event.listen(UserExternalId.__table__, 'after_create',

    UserExternalId.__table__, 'before_drop',
    DDL('DROP INDEX ix_userexternalid_username_lower;').execute_if(
Пример #3
    parent = db.synonym('venue')
    description = MarkdownColumn('description', default=u'', nullable=False)
    bgcolor = db.Column(db.Unicode(6), nullable=False, default=u'229922')

    seq = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)

    scheduled_sessions = db.relationship("Session",
        primaryjoin='and_(Session.venue_room_id == VenueRoom.id, Session.scheduled)')

    __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('venue_id', 'name'),)

    __roles__ = {
        'all': {
            'read': {
                'id', 'name', 'title', 'description', 'bgcolor', 'seq', 'venue_details',
                'scoped_name', 'suuid'

    def venue_details(self):
        return {'name': self.venue.name, 'title': self.venue.title, 'suuid': self.venue.suuid}

    def scoped_name(self):
        return u'{parent}/{name}'.format(parent=self.parent.name, name=self.name)

add_primary_relationship(Project, 'primary_venue', Venue, 'project', 'project_id')
Пример #4
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<UserExternalId {service}:{username} of {user}>'.format(
            service=self.service, username=self.username, user=repr(self.user)[1:-1])

    def get(cls, service, userid=None, username=None):
        Return a UserExternalId with the given service and userid or username.

        :param str service: Service to lookup
        :param str userid: Userid to lookup
        :param str username: Username to lookup (may be non-unique)

        Usernames are not guaranteed to be unique within a service. An example is with Google,
        where the userid is a directed OpenID URL, unique but subject to change if the Lastuser
        site URL changes. The username is the email address, which will be the same despite
        different userids.
        param, value = require_one_of(True, userid=userid, username=username)
        return cls.query.filter_by(**{param: value, 'service': service}).one_or_none()

    def permissions(self, user, inherited=None):
        perms = super(UserExternalId, self).permissions(user, inherited)
        if user and user == self.user:
        return perms

add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_email', UserEmail, 'user', 'user_id')
add_primary_relationship(User, 'primary_phone', UserPhone, 'user', 'user_id')
Пример #5
    __tablename__ = 'uuid_mixin_key'
    __uuid_primary_key__ = True

class ParentForPrimary(BaseMixin, db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'parent_for_primary'

class ChildForPrimary(BaseMixin, db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'child_for_primary'
    parent_for_primary_id = Column(None, ForeignKey('parent_for_primary.id'), nullable=False)
    parent_for_primary = db.relationship(ParentForPrimary)
    parent = db.synonym('parent_for_primary')

add_primary_relationship(ParentForPrimary, 'primary_child',
    ChildForPrimary, 'parent', 'parent_for_primary_id')

# Used for the tests below
parent_child_primary = db.Model.metadata.tables['parent_for_primary_child_for_primary_primary']

class DefaultValue(BaseMixin, db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'default_value'
    value = db.Column(db.Unicode(100), default='default')


# --- Tests -------------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #6
        'related': {
            'id'  # TODO: Used in SessionForm.venue_room_id; needs to be .venue_room

    def scoped_name(self):
        return '{parent}/{name}'.format(parent=self.parent.name,

add_primary_relationship(Project, 'primary_venue', Venue, 'project',
           datasets={'primary', 'without_parent'})

class Project:
    def rooms(self):
        return [room for venue in self.venues for room in venue.rooms]