def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0), amplitude=40, grid=(16, 16), duration=5))
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) Waves3D( waves=8, amplitude=40, grid=(16,16), duration=5) ) (main_scene)
def main(): pyglet.resource.path.append('data') pyglet.resource.reindex() font.add_directory('data') director.init() director.set_depth_test(True) s = get_menu_scene() (s)
def __init__(self): director.init(resizable=False, width=800, height=600) director.set_depth_test() self.hello = 'Hello' self.menu_scene = Scene(menu.BGLayer(), MultiplexLayer(menu.MainMenu(self), menu.OptionMenu(), menu.WaitLayer(self))) self.player_id = None self.ready = False self.max_players = 2 self.sock = None
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render JumpTiles3D( jumps=2, amplitude=100, grid=(16,12), duration=4) ) (main_scene)
def start(): director.set_depth_test() background = Background("halloween.jpg") background.position = (director.get_window_size()[0] / 2, director.get_window_size()[1] / 2) firelayer = FireManager(director.get_window_size()[0], 250) menulayer = MultiplexLayer(MenuPrincipal(), OptionMenu(), CreditsLayer()) scene = Scene(background, menulayer, firelayer) return scene
def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render JumpTiles3D(jumps=2, amplitude=100, grid=(16, 12), duration=4))
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) action1 = ac.WavesTiles3D( waves=2, amplitude=70, grid=(16,16), duration=3) action1 = ac.Reverse(action1) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render action1 ) (main_scene)
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) rot = OrbitCamera( delta_z=60, duration=2 ) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render rot * 3 ) (main_scene)
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) # important: maintain the aspect ratio in the grid e = Ripple3D( radius=240, grid=(32,24), duration=20, waves=20, amplitude=60 ) e ) (main_scene)
def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) rot = OrbitCamera(delta_z=60, duration=2) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render * 3)
def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) action1 = ac.WavesTiles3D(waves=2, amplitude=70, grid=(16, 16), duration=3) action1 = ac.Reverse(action1) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render
def main(): pyglet.resource.path.append('data') pyglet.resource.reindex() font.add_directory('data') font.add_directory('data/fonts') director.init( width=800, height=600) director.set_depth_test(True) # s = get_menu_scene() s = get_intro_scene() # s = get_game_scene() (s)
def main(): print(description) director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) # important: maintain the aspect ratio in the grid e = Lens3D(center=(320, 200), lens_effect=0.9, radius=240, grid=(64, 48), duration=5) # StopGrid returns to the normal view + e + StopGrid())
def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) action1 = ac.WavesTiles3D(waves=2, amplitude=70, grid=(16, 16), duration=3) action2 = (ac.Delay(0.5) + ac.CallFunc(toggle_fullscreen) + ac.Delay(2.0) + ac.CallFunc(toggle_fullscreen)) combo_action = action1 | action2 # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render
def main(): print(description) director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) # important: maintain the aspect ratio in the grid e = Lens3D( center=(320,200), lens_effect=0.9, radius=240, grid=(64,48), duration=5 ) # StopGrid returns to the normal view Delay(1) + e + StopGrid() ) (main_scene)
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) action1 = ac.WavesTiles3D( waves=2, amplitude=70, grid=(16,16), duration=3) action2 = ( ac.Delay(0.5) + ac.CallFunc(toggle_fullscreen) + ac.Delay(2.0) + ac.CallFunc(toggle_fullscreen)) combo_action = action1 | action2 # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render combo_action ) (main_scene)
def main(): director.init(resizable=True) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add(BackgroundLayer(), z=0) # set a 3d grid with a grid3d action e = WavesTiles3D(amplitude=60, waves=4, grid=(32, 24), duration=4) # use the remaining grid and move it's camera rot = OrbitCamera(angle_x=45, angle_z=0, delta_z=360, duration=4) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render + Reverse(rot))
def main(): director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) # set a 3d grid with a grid3d action e = WavesTiles3D( amplitude=60, waves=4, grid=(32,24), duration=4) # use the remaining grid and move it's camera rot = OrbitCamera( angle_x=45, angle_z=0, delta_z=360, duration=4 ) e ) # In real code after a sequence of grid actions the StopGrid() action # should be called. Omited here to stay in the last grid action render rot + Reverse(rot) ) (main_scene)
def __init__(self): name = "None" # COCOS INIT director.init() # enable depth test director.set_depth_test() # Box2D Initialization self.worldAABB=box2d.b2AABB() self.worldAABB.lowerBound = (-200.0, -100.0) self.worldAABB.upperBound = ( 200.0, 200.0) gravity = (0.0, -10.0) doSleep = True = box2d.b2World(self.worldAABB, gravity, doSleep) # self.debugDraw = CairoDebugDraw() # settings = fwSettings self.settings = settings self.flag_info = [ ('draw_shapes', settings.drawShapes, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit), ('draw_joints', settings.drawJoints, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit), ('draw_controlers', settings.drawControllers, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_controllerBit), ('draw_core_shapes', settings.drawCoreShapes, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit), ('draw_aabbs', settings.drawAABBs, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_aabbBit), ('draw_obbs', settings.drawOBBs, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_obbBit), ('draw_pairs', settings.drawPairs, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit), ('draw_center_of_masses', settings.drawCOMs, box2d.b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit),]
# load the image form file self.image = pyglet.resource.image('flag.png') def draw(self): # blit the image on every frame self.image.blit(0, 0) if __name__ == "__main__": # initialize the director, # enabling to resize the main window director.init(resizable=True) # enable opengl depth test # since we are using z-values director.set_depth_test() # create an Scene with 1 layer: BackgroundLayer scene = Scene(BackgroundLayer()) # create a Lens effect action # radius: 150 pixels # lens_effect: 0.7, a strong "lens". 0 means no effect at all. 1 means very strong # center: center of the lens # grid=(20,16): create a grid of 20 tiles x 16 tiles. More tiles will # look better but the performance will decraese # duration=10: 10 seconds lens = Lens3D(radius=150, lens_effect=0.7, center=(150, 150), grid=(20, 16),
def main(): director.init(width=900, height=498) director.set_depth_test() desktopScene = Scene(BackGroundLayer())
import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) # import cocos from cocos.director import director from cocos.actions import * from cocos.layer import * import pyglet class BackgroundLayer( cocos.layer.Layer ): def __init__(self): super( BackgroundLayer, self ).__init__() self.img = pyglet.resource.image('background_image.png') def draw( self ): self.img.blit(0,0) if __name__ == "__main__": director.init( resizable=True ) director.set_depth_test() main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene() main_scene.add( BackgroundLayer(), z=0 ) WavesTiles3D( waves=8, amplitude=70, grid=(16,16), duration=10) ) (main_scene)