Пример #1
def test_backwards_compatibility():
    Test backwards-compatibility wrappers for BinaryValue

    # bits is deprecated in favor of n_bits
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        vec = BinaryValue(value=0, bits=16)
    assert vec.n_bits == 16

    vec = BinaryValue(0, 16)
    assert vec.n_bits == 16

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        BinaryValue(value=0, bits=16, n_bits=17)
Пример #2
    def wrxact(self, addr, data, addr_delay=0, data_delay=0, resp_delay=0):
        addr = BinaryValue(addr, bits=self._bits, bigEndian=False)
        data = BinaryValue(data, bits=self._bits, bigEndian=False)

        addr_phase = cocotb.fork(self._wrxact_addr_phase(addr, addr_delay))
        data_phase = cocotb.fork(self._wrxact_data_phase(data, data_delay))
        resp_phase = cocotb.fork(self._wrxact_resp_phase(addr, resp_delay))

        yield addr_phase.join()
        yield data_phase.join()
        yield resp_phase.join()

        resp = self._entity.bresp
        if int(resp):
            raise AxiError("axi4 lite master", false, int(addr), resp)
Пример #3
def test_init_little_endian_signed():
    bin1 = BinaryValue(value=3, n_bits=3, bigEndian=False, binaryRepresentation=BinaryRepresentation.SIGNED_MAGNITUDE)
    assert bin1._str == "011"
    assert bin1.binstr == "011"
    assert bin1.integer == 3

    bin2 = BinaryValue(value=-1, n_bits=2, bigEndian=False, binaryRepresentation=BinaryRepresentation.SIGNED_MAGNITUDE)
    assert bin2._str == "11"
    assert bin2.binstr == "11"
    assert bin2.integer == -1

    bin3 = BinaryValue(value="1001011", bigEndian=False, binaryRepresentation=BinaryRepresentation.SIGNED_MAGNITUDE)
    assert bin3._str == "1001011"
    assert bin3.binstr == "1001011"
    assert bin3.integer == -11
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, entity):
        BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, "", entity.BUS_CLK)

        # Create an appropriately sized high-impedance value
        self._high_impedance = BinaryValue(n_bits=len(self.bus.BUS_DATA_IN))
        self._high_impedance.binstr = "Z" * len(self.bus.BUS_DATA_IN)

        # Create an appropriately sized high-impedance value
        self._x = BinaryValue(n_bits=len(self.bus.BUS_ADD))
        self._x.binstr = "x" * len(self.bus.BUS_ADD)

        self._has_byte_acces = False

        # Kick off a clock generator
        cocotb.fork(Clock(self.clock, 5000).start())
Пример #5
async def test_cdbus(dut):
    dut._log.info('test_cdbus start.')

    sys_clk = 40000000
    clk_period = 1000000000000 / sys_clk

    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk0, clk_period).start())
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk1, clk_period).start())
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk2, clk_period).start())
    await reset(dut, 0)
    await reset(dut, 1)
    await reset(dut, 2)
    await check_version(dut, 0)
    await check_version(dut, 1)
    await check_version(dut, 2)

    val = await csr_read(dut, 0, REG_SETTING)
    dut._log.info(f'idx0 REG_SETTING: 0x{int(val):02x}')

    await csr_write(dut, 0, REG_SETTING, BinaryValue('00010001'))
    await csr_write(dut, 1, REG_SETTING, BinaryValue('00010001'))
    await csr_write(dut, 1, REG_INT_MASK, BinaryValue('11011110'))

    await set_div(dut, 0, 39, 2)  # 1Mbps, 13.333Mbps
    await set_div(dut, 1, 39, 2)

    await csr_write(dut, 0, REG_FILTER, 0x01)  # set local filter to 0x01
    await csr_write(dut, 1, REG_FILTER, 0x02)  # set local filter to 0x02

    await write_tx(dut, 0, b'\x01\x02\x01\xcd')  # node 0x01 send to 0x02
    await csr_write(dut, 0, REG_TX_CTRL, BIT_TX_START | BIT_TX_RST_POINTER)

    await RisingEdge(dut.irq1)
    val = await csr_read(dut, 1, REG_INT_FLAG)
    dut._log.info(f'REG_INT_FLAG: 0x{int(val):02x}')

    str_ = (await read_rx(dut, 1, 6)).hex()  # read 6 bytes (include crc)
    dut._log.info(f'idx1: received: {str_}')
    if str_ != '010201cd601d':
        dut._log.error(f'idx1: receive mismatch')
        await exit_err()

    await csr_write(dut, 1, REG_RX_CTRL,
                    BIT_RX_CLR_PENDING | BIT_RX_RST_POINTER)
    await FallingEdge(dut.irq1)

    dut._log.info('test_cdbus done.')
    await exit_ok()
Пример #6
    def _set_value(self, value, call_sim):
        """Set the value of the underlying simulation object to *value*.

        This operation will fail unless the handle refers to a modifiable
        object, e.g. net, signal or variable.

        We determine the library call to make based on the type of the value
        because assigning integers less than 32 bits is faster.

            value (ctypes.Structure, cocotb.binary.BinaryValue, int, double):
                The value to drive onto the simulator object.

            TypeError: If target is not wide enough or has an unsupported type
                 for value assignment.
        value, set_action = self._check_for_set_action(value)

        if isinstance(value, int) and value < 0x7fffffff and len(self) <= 32:
            call_sim(self._handle.set_signal_val_long, set_action, value)
        if isinstance(value, ctypes.Structure):
            value = BinaryValue(value=cocotb.utils.pack(value),
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            value = BinaryValue(value=value, n_bits=len(self), bigEndian=False)
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            # We're given a dictionary with a list of values and a bit size...
            num = 0
            vallist = list(value["values"])
            if len(vallist) * value["bits"] != len(self):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Unable to set with array length %d of %d bit entries = %d total, target is only %d bits long"
                    % (len(value["values"]), value["bits"],
                       len(value["values"]) * value["bits"], len(self)))

            for val in vallist:
                num = (num << value["bits"]) + val
            value = BinaryValue(value=num, n_bits=len(self), bigEndian=False)

        elif not isinstance(value, BinaryValue):
            raise TypeError(
                "Unsupported type for value assignment: {} ({!r})".format(
                    type(value), value))

        call_sim(self._handle.set_signal_val_binstr, set_action, value.binstr)
Пример #7
async def random_wires(dut):
    """ Test simple wires logic with random bits """

    for i in range(10000):

        # Create random values to send to model and dut
        # Random int value with max 16 bits. unsigned.
        random_dec_value = random.randint(0, 65536)

        # Convert random decimal to a string to represnt binary.
        a_binary = f'{random_dec_value:016b}'

        # Convert to cocotb structure BinaryValue, 16 bits long.
        a_bin_cocotb = BinaryValue(n_bits=16)
        a_bin_cocotb.binstr = a_binary

        # Set high and low values to compare with the DUT
        a_bin_cocotb_hi = str(a_bin_cocotb[0:7])
        a_bin_cocotb_lo = str(a_bin_cocotb[8:15])

        # Send random values to dut
        dut.vec <= int(random_dec_value)

        # Wait for dut to do its thing
        await Timer(1, units='ns')

        # Get values from DUT
        dut_out_hi = BinaryValue(n_bits=16)
        dut_out_hi = dut.out_hi.value
        dut_out_lo = BinaryValue(n_bits=16)
        dut_out_lo = dut.out_lo.value

        print("Test                             ", i)
        print("Input value                      ", a_binary)
        print("DUT Output      dut.out_hi.value ", dut.out_hi.value)
        print("DUT Output      dut.out_lo.value         ", dut.out_lo.value)

        # Compare results
        if str(dut.out_hi.value) != a_bin_cocotb_hi:
            raise cocotb.result.TestFailure(
                "DUT recorded %d value but model recorded %d" %
                (int(dut.out_hi.value), a_bin_cocotb_hi))
        if str(dut.out_lo.value) != a_bin_cocotb_lo:
            raise cocotb.result.TestFailure(
                "DUT recorded %d value but model recorded %d" %
                (int(dut.out_lo.value), a_bin_cocotb_lo))
    async def _monitor_recv(self):
        #Wait for reset
        while True:
            await RisingEdge(self.clock)
            await ReadOnly()
            if self.bus.reset.value:
        self.dut._log.info(f'Sha Type in Monitor = {self.bus.sha.value}')
        H_out_next = self.hash_init(self.bus.sha.value)
        # self.dut._log.info(f'Initialized H_out_next = {hex(H_out_next[0])}')
        while True:
            await RisingEdge(self.clock)
            await ReadOnly()

            H_out = H_out_next
            H_out_next = self.bus.H_out.value

            if self.bus.update.value:
                sha = self.bus.sha.value
                update = self.bus.update.value
                H_in = self.bus.H_in.value

                H_out_next = [
                        self.sum(H_in[i], H_out_next[i], sha&0x2)
                    ) for i in range(N_WORDS)

            if self.bus.reset.value:
                H_out_next = self.hash_init(self.bus.sha.value)
Пример #9
def issue_142_overflow_error(dut):
    """Tranparently convert ints too long to pass
       through the GPI interface natively into BinaryValues"""
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, 2500).start())

    def _compare(value):
        if int(dut.stream_in_data_wide.value) != int(value):
            raise TestFailure("Expecting 0x%x but got 0x%x on %s" %
                              (int(value), int(dut.stream_in_data_wide.value),

    # Wider values are transparently converted to BinaryValues
    for value in [
            0, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF,

        dut.stream_in_data_wide <= value
        yield RisingEdge(dut.clk)
        dut.stream_in_data_wide = value
        yield RisingEdge(dut.clk)
Пример #10
def run_file(dut, filepath):
    """Load and run Dat file in processor."""
    clkedge = RisingEdge(dut.clk)

    dut.reset <= 1
    dut.loadedAdr <= 0

    yield clkedge

    file = open(filepath, "r")
    data = file.read().strip()

    # print(data)

    for i, line in enumerate(data.split("\n")):
        dut.reset <= 0
        vec = BinaryValue()
        vec.integer = int(line, 16)
        if line == "0000":

    cycles = 0
    last_pc = 0
    pcs_in_row = 0
    while pcs_in_row < 10:  # and (cycles < 5000):
        yield clkedge

        pc = dut.proc.dp.progcount.count.value.integer
        if last_pc == pc:
            pcs_in_row += 1
            pcs_in_row = 0
            last_pc = pc
            # print("RA", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[0])
            # print("T0", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[1])
            # print("T1", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[2])
            # print("SP", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[15])
            # print("BP", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[14])
            # print("PP", dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[13])
            # print("RAM <sp>", dut.memory.ram[57344])
            # print("RAM <sp-1>", dut.memory.ram[57343])
            # print("RAM <sp-2>", dut.memory.ram[57342])
            # print("RAM <sp-3>", dut.memory.ram[57341])
            # print("RAM <pp>", dut.memory.ram[49152])
            # print("RAM <pp-1>", dut.memory.ram[49151])
            # print("RAM <ffff>", dut.memory.ram[65535])
            # print("RAM <fffd>", dut.memory.ram[65533])
            # print("RAM <fffb>", dut.memory.ram[65531])
            # print("---> pc", pc, ":", data.split("\n")[pc])

        cycles += 1
    # print("prog over ----------")

    cycles -= 10  # remove cycles from in loop
    print("took {} / 1 = {} cycles to complete...".format(cycles-346, (cycles-346)/1))

    return dut.proc.dp.regFile.RAM[0].value.integer
Пример #11
 def __dout(self):
     while True:
         yield RisingEdge(self.clk)
         if any((c in self.address.value.binstr) for c in 'UX'):
             self.dout <= BinaryValue('U', len(self.address.value))
             self.dout <= self.array[self.address.value.integer]
Пример #12
def run_dut(dut, in_data, out_count):  # pragma: no cover
    # dut.enable = 1
    # dut.in0 = 0
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, 5000).start())
    yield reset(dut)

    ret = []
    # print('Input data: {}'.format(in_data))
    count = 0
    for x in tqdm(in_data, file=sys.stderr):
        # print(count)
        count += 1
        # put input
        # print('Processing slice: {}'.format(x))
        for i, xi in enumerate(x):
            # print('Set {} to {}'.format('in' + str(i), str(xi)))
            v = getattr(dut, 'in' + str(i))
            bval = BinaryValue(str(xi), len(xi))

        yield RisingEdge(dut.clk)

        # collect output
        tmp = []
        for i in range(out_count):
            var = 'out' + str(i)
            # val = getattr(dut, var).value.signed_integer
            val = str(getattr(dut, var).value)
            # print(val)

    # print('Finish, ret: {}'.format(ret))
    raise ReturnValue(ret)
Пример #13
 def __init__(self,
     """For expected transactions, value 'None' means don't care. tb must be an instance of the Testbench class."""
     if cacheLineOut is not None and isinstance(cacheLineOut, int):
         cacheLineOut = BinaryValue(cacheLineOut, tb.data_bits, False)
     if cacheHit is not None and isinstance(cacheHit, int):
         cacheHit = BinaryValue(cacheHit, 1)
     if cacheMiss is not None and isinstance(cacheMiss, int):
         cacheMiss = BinaryValue(cacheMiss, 1)
     if oldAddress is not None and isinstance(oldAddress, int):
         oldAddress = BinaryValue(oldAddress, tb.address_bits, False)
     self.value = (cacheLineOut, cacheHit, cacheMiss, oldAddress)
Пример #14
async def issue_142_overflow_error(dut):
    """Tranparently convert ints too long to pass
    through the GPI interface natively into BinaryValues"""
    cocotb.start_soon(Clock(dut.clk, 10, "ns").start())

    def _compare(value):
        assert int(dut.stream_in_data_wide.value) == int(
            value), "Expecting 0x{:x} but got 0x{:x} on {}".format(
                int(value), int(dut.stream_in_data_wide.value),

    # Wider values are transparently converted to BinaryValues
    for value in [

        dut.stream_in_data_wide.value = value
        await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
        dut.stream_in_data_wide.value = value
        await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
Пример #15
async def check_fft(dut, y, test_num):
    # threshold = 10  # maximum difference between expected and actual
    threshold = 100  # maximum difference between expected and actual
    full_sig = np.zeros((N_FRAMES, RFFT_LEN), dtype=np.cdouble)
    for i in range(N_FRAMES):
        while (dut.aco_inst.fft_valid_o != 1):  # wait until output is valid
            await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
        sig = np.zeros(RFFT_LEN, dtype=np.cdouble)
        for j in range(RFFT_LEN):
            await Timer(1, units='us')
            binstr = dut.aco_inst.fft_data_o.value.get_binstr()
            split_binstr = [binstr[:21], binstr[21:]]
            output_arr = [BinaryValue(x).signed_integer for x in split_binstr]
            sig[j] = output_arr[0] + output_arr[1] * 1j
            if j == RFFT_LEN - 1:
                assert dut.aco_inst.fft_last_o == 1
                assert dut.aco_inst.power_spectrum_last_o == 0
            await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
        absmax = np.abs(y[i, :] - sig).max()
        assert absmax <= threshold, (
            'FFT: deviation of {} exceeds threshold'.format(absmax))
        full_sig[i, :] = sig
        print('\r{}/50'.format(i + 1), end='')
    percent_err = np.abs(full_sig - y) / np.abs(y).max() * 100
    print('FFT: max percent error: {:.03f}%'.format(percent_err.max()))
    print('FFT: received expected output.')
    plot_features((y, full_sig), test_num, '1FFT')
    return full_sig
 def hash_init(self, sha_type):
     sha_type = sha_type.integer
     # shift = int(WIDTH_WORDS/2) if (~sha_type & 0x2) else 0
     shift = 0
     H_out_next = [BinaryValue(h_init[sha_type][i] << (shift)) for i in range(N_WORDS)]
     return H_out_next
Пример #17
def test_backpressure(dut):
    Perform a backpressure test.

    TOTAL_WORDS = 1024

    # Create and start the test environment, however configure the read interfaces
    # such that back pressure occurs.
    te = TestEnvironment(dut,
    yield te.start()

    # Write the words
    for each_word in range(TOTAL_WORDS):
            BinaryValue(value=randint(0, (1 << te.W) - 1),

    # Wait some time before enabling read interfaces.
    yield Timer(TOTAL_TIME_NS // 2, "ns")

    yield Timer(TOTAL_TIME_NS // 2, "ns")
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, entity):
        BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, "", entity.CLK_BX)

        self.cmd = BinaryValue(bits=len(self.bus.CMD))
        self.cmd <= 0
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, dut):
		Setup testbench.

        # Some internal state
        self.dut = dut
        self.stopped = False

        # Create input driver and output monitor
        self.input_drv = BitDriver(dut.enable, dut.clk, input_gen())
        dut.enable <= 0
        self.output_mon = BitMonitor("output", dut.impulse, dut.clk)

        # Create a scoreboard on the outputs
        self.expected_output = [BinaryValue(0, 1)]
        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(dut)
        self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.output_mon, self.expected_output)

        # Reconstruct the input transactions from the pins
        # and send them to our 'model'
        self.input_mon = BitMonitor("input",

        # Model variables
        self.triggered = False
        self.counter = 0
Пример #20
async def run_test(dut, data_in=None, codec='sha256', backpressure_inserter=None):
    # dut._log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    dut.m_axis_tready <= 0;

    """ Setup testbench and run a test. """
    clock = Clock(dut.axis_aclk, 10, units="ns")  # Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
    cocotb.fork(clock.start())  # Start the clock
    tb = WtUnitTB(dut, codec, True)

    await tb.reset()

    dut.m_axis_tready <= 1;
    if backpressure_inserter is not None:

    # Send in the packets
    for transaction in data_in(Sha.blocks512(codec)):
        tb.s_axis.bus.tuser <= BinaryValue(80*'0'+little_endian_codec(codec)+32*'0')
        await tb.s_axis.send(transaction)

    # Wait for last transmission
    while not ( dut.m_axis_tlast.value and dut.m_axis_tvalid.value and dut.m_axis_tready.value):
        await RisingEdge(dut.axis_aclk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.axis_aclk)
    dut._log.info("DUT testbench finished!")

    raise tb.scoreboard.result
Пример #21
 def value(self) -> BinaryValue:
     binstr = self._handle.get_signal_val_binstr()
     # Skip BinaryValue.assign() as we know we are using a binstr
     result = BinaryValue(n_bits=len(binstr))
     # Skip the permitted characters check as we trust the simulator
     return result
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, nbytes, interleaved=True):
            nbytes (int):       The number of bytes transferred per clock cycle
                                (usually 8 for SDR, 4 for DDR)

            interleaved (bool): The arrangement of control bits on the bus.

                                If interleaved we have a bus with 9-bits per
                                byte, the control bit being the 9th bit of each

                                If not interleaved then we have a byte per data
                                byte plus a control bit per byte in the MSBs.

        self._value = BinaryValue(bits=nbytes * 9, bigEndian=False)
        self._integer = long(0)
        self._interleaved = interleaved
        self._nbytes = nbytes

        # Default to idle
        for i in range(nbytes):
            self[i] = (0x07, True)
Пример #23
async def run_test(dut, codec=0x12, data_in=None, backpressure_inserter=None):
    dut._log.info(f"Init testbench with codec={codec}")

    dut.m_axis_tready <= 0
    """ Setup testbench and run a test. """
    clock = Clock(dut.axis_aclk, 10, units="ns")  # Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
    cocotb.fork(clock.start())  # Start the clock
    tb = HcuTb(dut, codec)

    await tb.reset()

    dut.m_axis_tready <= 1
    if backpressure_inserter is not None:

    dut._log.info('Send Wt parsed from message')
    # Send in the packets
    for transaction in format_wt(codec):
        tb.s_axis.bus.tuser <= BinaryValue(80*'0'+little_endian_codec(codec)+32*'0')
        #transaction = format_wt_message(transaction, sha_type=sha_type)
        await tb.s_axis.send(transaction)

    dut._log.info('Wait for last outgoing transaction to be monitored')
    # Wait for last transmission
    while not (dut.m_axis_tlast.value and dut.m_axis_tvalid.value and dut.m_axis_tready.value):
        await RisingEdge(dut.axis_aclk)
    for _ in range(3):
        await RisingEdge(dut.axis_aclk)
    dut._log.info("DUT testbench finished!")

    raise tb.scoreboard.result
Пример #24
    async def write(
        self, address: int, value: int, byte_enable: Optional[int] = None,
        address_latency: int = 0, data_latency: int = 0, sync: bool = True
    ) -> BinaryValue:
        """Write a value to an address.

            address: The address to write to.
            value: The data value to write.
            byte_enable: Which bytes in value to actually write. Defaults to
                None (write all bytes).
            address_latency: Delay before setting the address (in clock
                cycles). Default is no delay.
            data_latency: Delay before setting the data value (in clock
                cycles). Default is no delay.
            sync: Wait for rising edge on clock initially. Defaults to True.

                The write response value.

                ValueError: If any of the input parameters is invalid.
                AXIProtocolError: If write response from AXI is not ``OKAY``.

        if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence):
            raise ValueError("AXI4-Lite does not support burst transfers")

        await super().write(
            address=address, value=value, size=None, burst=AXIBurst.INCR,
            byte_enable=byte_enable, address_latency=address_latency,
            data_latency=data_latency, sync=sync)

        # Needed for backwards compatibility
        return BinaryValue(value=AXIxRESP.OKAY.value, n_bits=2)
Пример #25
def send_bytes(dut, bytes, factor, is_z=True):
    yield Timer(1000)
    factor += 1
    for byte in bytes:
        dut.bus_a = 0
        yield Timer(factor * CLK_PERIOD)
        for i in range(0, 8):
            if byte & 0x01 == 0:
                dut.bus_a = 0
                dut.bus_a = BinaryValue("z") if is_z else 1
            yield Timer(factor * CLK_PERIOD)
            byte = byte >> 1
        dut.bus_a = BinaryValue("z") if is_z else 1
        yield Timer(factor * CLK_PERIOD)
        dut.bus_a = BinaryValue("z")
Пример #26
    async def _drive(self, we, adr, datwr, sel, idle):
        Drive the Wishbone Master Out Lines

        clkedge = RisingEdge(self.clock)
        if self.busy:
            # insert requested idle cycles
            if idle is not None:
                idlecnt = idle
                while idlecnt > 0:
                    idlecnt -= 1
                    await clkedge
            # drive outputs
            self.bus.stb.value = 1
            self.bus.adr.value = adr
            if hasattr(self.bus, "sel"):
                self.bus.sel.value = sel if sel is not None else BinaryValue(
                    "1" * len(self.bus.sel))
            self.bus.datwr.value = datwr
            self.bus.we.value = we
            await clkedge
            #deal with flow control (pipelined wishbone)
            stalled = await self._wait_stall()
            #append operation and meta info to auxiliary buffer
                WBAux(sel, adr, datwr, stalled, idle, self._clk_cycle_count))
            await self._wait_ack()
            self.bus.we.value = 0
            self.log.error("Cannot drive the Wishbone bus outside a cycle!")
Пример #27
    async def drive_transaction(self, rw):
        if rw.read is False:
            wdata = BinaryValue(value=rw.data,n_bits=self.n_bits)
            await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            await Timer(0)
            self.dut.we <= 1
            self.dut.data_in <= wdata
            self.dut.addr_in <= rw.addr

            for i in range(2):
                await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            await Timer(0)
            self.dut.we <= 0
            uvm_info("REG_DRIVER WRITE", "Wrote value to DUT: " + str(rw.data) +
                ' addr:' + str(rw.addr), UVM_LOW)
            await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            self.dut.addr_in <= rw.addr
            self.dut.read <= 0x1
            await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            rw.data = self.dut.data_out.value.integer
            await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
            self.dut.read <= 0x0
            uvm_info("REG_DRIVER READ", "Read value from DUT: " + str(rw.data) +
                ' addr:' + str(rw.addr), UVM_LOW)
Пример #28
def test_binary_value(dut):
    Test out the cocotb supplied BinaryValue class for manipulating
    values in a style familiar to rtl coders.

    vec = BinaryValue(value=0, n_bits=16)

    dut._log.info("Checking read access to the n_bits property")
    if vec.n_bits != 16:
        raise TestFailure("n_bits is not set correctly - expected %d, got %d" % (16, vec.n_bits))

    dut._log.info("Checking default endianness is Big Endian.")
    if not vec.big_endian:
        raise TestFailure("The default endianness is Little Endian - was expecting Big Endian.")
    if vec.integer != 0:
        raise TestFailure("Expecting our BinaryValue object to have the value 0.")

    dut._log.info("Checking single index assignment works as expected on a Little Endian BinaryValue.")
    vec = BinaryValue(value=0, bits=16, bigEndian=False)
    if vec.big_endian:
        raise TestFailure("Our BinaryValue object is reporting it is Big Endian - was expecting Little Endian.")
    for x in range(vec.n_bits):
        vec[x] = '1'
        dut._log.info("Trying vec[%s] = 1" % x)
        expected_value = 2**(x+1) - 1
        if vec.integer != expected_value:
            raise TestFailure("Failed on assignment to vec[%s] - expecting %s - got %s" % (x, expected_value, vec.integer))
        if vec[x] != 1:
            raise TestFailure("Failed on index compare on vec[%s] - expecting 1 - got %s" % (x, vec[x]))
        dut._log.info("vec = 'b%s" % vec.binstr)

    dut._log.info("Checking slice assignment works as expected on a Little Endian BinaryValue.")
    if vec.integer != 65535:
        raise TestFailure("Expecting our BinaryValue object to be 65535 after the end of the previous test.")
    vec[7:0] = '00110101'
    if vec.binstr != '1111111100110101':
        raise TestFailure("Set lower 8-bits to 00110101 but read back %s" % vec.binstr)
    if vec[7:0].binstr != '00110101':
        raise TestFailure("Set lower 8-bits to 00110101 but read back %s from vec[7:0]" % vec[7:0].binstr)

    dut._log.info("vec[7:0] = 'b%s" % vec[7:0].binstr)
    dut._log.info("vec[15:8] = 'b%s" % vec[15:8].binstr)
    dut._log.info("vec = 'b%s" % vec.binstr)

    yield Timer(100)  # Make it do something with time
Пример #29
async def test_cb(dut):
	clock = Clock(dut.scan_clk, 10000, units="ps")

	width = dut.CHANNEL_ONEWAY_WIDTH.value
	dut._log.info("Found CB with channel oneway width %d" % (width))

	# random config generation
	out_config = [random.randint(0, 3) for i in range(2)]
	out_config_binary = int_list_to_bitstream(out_config, 2)

	# random input generation
	tracks_0 = random.randint(0, 2 ** width - 1)
	tracks_1 = random.randint(0, 2 ** width - 1)

	bitstream = out_config_binary
	total_scan_size = len(bitstream)


	# scan in config
	dut.scan_en <= 1
	for i in range(total_scan_size):
		# push the last value into the scan chain
		# scan in MSB first
		dut.scan_in <= bitstream.pop(-1)
		await RisingEdge(dut.scan_clk)
	dut.scan_en <= 0
	dut.tracks_0 <= tracks_0
	dut.tracks_1 <= tracks_1

	await Timer(100, units='ps')

	out_0 = dut.out_0.value
	out_1 = dut.out_1.value	

	# convert int to cocotb BinaryValue for easy bit select
	tracks_0 = BinaryValue(tracks_0, n_bits=4, bigEndian=False)
	tracks_1 = BinaryValue(tracks_1, n_bits=4, bigEndian=False)

	golden_out_0 = {0: tracks_0[0], 1: tracks_1[0], 2: tracks_0[2], 3: tracks_1[2]}
	golden_out_1 = {0: tracks_0[1], 1: tracks_1[1], 2: tracks_0[3], 3: tracks_1[3]}

	assert out_0 == golden_out_0[out_config[0]], "out_0 expecting %d, getting %d" % (golden_out_0[out_config[0]], out_0)
	assert out_1 == golden_out_1[out_config[1]], "out_1 expecting %d, getting %d" % (golden_out_1[out_config[1]], out_1)
Пример #30
def make_meta(pkts_in):
    meta_in = []
    for p in pkts_in:
        meta = Metadata(pkt_len=len(p), dst_port=1)
        tuser = BinaryValue(bits=len(meta) * 8, bigEndian=False)
    return meta_in