Пример #1
class Trigger(object):
    """Base class to derive from."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.log = SimLog("cocotb.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__), id(self))
        self.signal = None
        self.primed = False

    def prime(self, *args):
        """FIXME: document"""
        self.primed = True

    def unprime(self):
        """Remove any pending callbacks if necessary."""
        self.primed = False

    def __del__(self):
        """Ensure if a trigger drops out of scope we remove any pending

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _outcome(self):
        return outcomes.Value(self)

    # Once 2.7 is dropped, this can be run unconditionally
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
        def __await__(self):
            # hand the trigger back to the scheduler trampoline
            return (yield self)
Пример #2
class Trigger(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    """Base class to derive from."""
    __slots__ = ('primed', '__weakref__')

    def __init__(self):
        self.primed = False

    def log(self):
        return SimLog("cocotb.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__), id(self))

    def prime(self, callback):
        """Set a callback to be invoked when the trigger fires.

        The callback will be invoked with a single argumement, `self`.

        Subclasses must override this, but should end by calling the base class

        Do not call this directly within coroutines, it is intended to be used
        only by the scheduler.
        self.primed = True

    def unprime(self):
        """Remove the callback, and perform cleanup if necessary.

        After being unprimed, a Trigger may be reprimed again in future.
        Calling `unprime` multiple times is allowed, subsequent calls should be
        a no-op.

        Subclasses may override this, but should end by calling the base class

        Do not call this directly within coroutines, it is intended to be used
        only by the scheduler.
        self.primed = False

    def __del__(self):
        # Ensure if a trigger drops out of scope we remove any pending callbacks

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _outcome(self):
        """The result that `yield this_trigger` produces in a coroutine.

        The default is to produce the trigger itself, which is done for
        ease of use with :class:`~cocotb.triggers.First`.
        return outcomes.Value(self)

    # Once 2.7 is dropped, this can be run unconditionally
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
        def __await__(self):
            # hand the trigger back to the scheduler trampoline
            return (yield self)
Пример #3
class RunningCoroutine(object):
    """Per instance wrapper around an function to turn it into a coroutine.

    Provides the following:

        coro.join() creates a Trigger that will fire when this coroutine

        coro.kill() will destroy a coroutine instance (and cause any Join
        triggers to fire.
    def __init__(self, inst, parent):
        if hasattr(inst, "__name__"):
            self.__name__ = "%s" % inst.__name__
            self.log = SimLog("cocotb.coroutine.%s" % self.__name__, id(self))
            self.log = SimLog("cocotb.coroutine.fail")

        if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) and inspect.iscoroutine(inst):
            self._natively_awaitable = True
            self._coro = inst.__await__()
            self._natively_awaitable = False
            self._coro = inst
        self._started = False
        self._callbacks = []
        self._parent = parent
        self.__doc__ = parent._func.__doc__
        self.module = parent._func.__module__
        self.funcname = parent._func.__name__
        self._outcome = None

        if not hasattr(self._coro, "send"):
            self.log.error("%s isn't a valid coroutine! Did you use the yield "
                           "keyword?" % self.funcname)
            raise CoroutineComplete()

    def retval(self):
        if self._outcome is None:
            raise RuntimeError("coroutine is not complete")
        return self._outcome.get()

    def _finished(self):
        return self._outcome is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.__name__)

    def _advance(self, outcome):
        Advance to the next yield in this coroutine

        :param outcome: The `outcomes.Outcome` object to resume with.
        :returns: The object yielded from the coroutine

        If the coroutine returns or throws an error, self._outcome is set, and
        this throws `CoroutineComplete`.
            self._started = True
            return outcome.send(self._coro)
        except ReturnValue as e:
            self._outcome = outcomes.Value(e.retval)
            raise CoroutineComplete()
        except StopIteration as e:
            retval = getattr(e, 'value', None)  # for python >=3.3
            self._outcome = outcomes.Value(retval)
            raise CoroutineComplete()
        except BaseException as e:
            self._outcome = outcomes.Error(e)
            raise CoroutineComplete()

    def send(self, value):
        return self._coro.send(value)

    def throw(self, exc):
        return self._coro.throw(exc)

    def close(self):
        return self._coro.close()

    def kill(self):
        """Kill a coroutine."""
        if self._outcome is not None:
            # already finished, nothing to kill

        self.log.debug("kill() called on coroutine")
        # todo: probably better to throw an exception for anyone waiting on the coroutine
        self._outcome = outcomes.Value(None)

    def join(self):
        """Return a trigger that will fire when the wrapped coroutine exits."""
        return cocotb.triggers.Join(self)

    def has_started(self):
        return self._started

    def __nonzero__(self):
        """Provide boolean testing
            if the coroutine has finished return false
            otherwise return true"""
        return not self._finished

    # Once 2.7 is dropped, this can be run unconditionally
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
        def __await__(self):
            # It's tempting to use `return (yield from self._coro)` here,
            # which bypasses the scheduler. Unfortunately, this means that
            # we can't keep track of the result or state of the coroutine,
            # things which we expose in our public API. If you want the
            # efficiency of bypassing the scheduler, remove the `@coroutine`
            # decorator from your `async` functions.

            # Hand the coroutine back to the scheduler trampoline.
            return (yield self)

    __bool__ = __nonzero__

    def sort_name(self):
        if self.stage is None:
            return "%s.%s" % (self.module, self.funcname)
            return "%s.%d.%s" % (self.module, self.stage, self.funcname)
Пример #4
class Trigger(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    """Base class to derive from."""

    # __dict__ is needed here for the `.log` lazy_property below to work.
    # The implementation of `_PyObject_GenericGetAttrWithDict` suggests that
    # despite its inclusion, __slots__ will overall give speed and memory
    # improvements:
    #  - the `__dict__` is not actually constructed until it's needed, and that
    #    only happens if the `.log` attribute is used, where performance
    #    concerns no longer matter.
    #  - Attribute setting and getting will still go through the slot machinery
    #    first, as "data descriptors" take priority over dict access
    __slots__ = ('primed', '__weakref__', '__dict__')

    def __init__(self):
        self.primed = False

    def log(self):
        return SimLog("cocotb.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__), id(self))

    def prime(self, callback):
        """Set a callback to be invoked when the trigger fires.

        The callback will be invoked with a single argumement, `self`.

        Subclasses must override this, but should end by calling the base class

        Do not call this directly within coroutines, it is intended to be used
        only by the scheduler.
        self.primed = True

    def unprime(self):
        """Remove the callback, and perform cleanup if necessary.

        After being unprimed, a Trigger may be reprimed again in future.
        Calling `unprime` multiple times is allowed, subsequent calls should be
        a no-op.

        Subclasses may override this, but should end by calling the base class

        Do not call this directly within coroutines, it is intended to be used
        only by the scheduler.
        self.primed = False

    def __del__(self):
        # Ensure if a trigger drops out of scope we remove any pending callbacks

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _outcome(self):
        """The result that `yield this_trigger` produces in a coroutine.

        The default is to produce the trigger itself, which is done for
        ease of use with :class:`~cocotb.triggers.First`.
        return outcomes.Value(self)

    # Once 2.7 is dropped, this can be run unconditionally
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
        def __await__(self):
            # hand the trigger back to the scheduler trampoline
            return (yield self)