def _construct_run_message(self, shared_file_system, bundle,
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(
            self._model, bundle)
        if shared_file_system:
            bundle_link_url = getattr(bundle.metadata, "link_url", None)
                'location'] = bundle_link_url or self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(
            parent_bundle_link_urls = self._model.get_bundle_metadata([
                dep['parent_uuid'] for dep in message['bundle']['dependencies']
            ], "link_url")
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                parent_bundle_link_url = parent_bundle_link_urls.get(
                dependency['location'] = (
                    or self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        message['resources'] = bundle_resources.as_dict
        return message
Пример #2
    def _construct_run_message(self, worker, bundle):
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(self._model, bundle)
        if self._worker_model.shared_file_system and worker['user_id'] == self._model.root_user_id:
            message['bundle']['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                dependency['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(dependency['parent_uuid'])

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        resources = message['resources'] = {}

        resources['request_cpus'] = self._compute_request_cpus(bundle)
        resources['request_gpus'] = self._compute_request_gpus(bundle)

        resources['docker_image'] = bundle.metadata.request_docker_image
        resources['request_time'] = self._compute_request_time(bundle)
        resources['request_memory'] = self._compute_request_memory(bundle)
        resources['request_disk'] = self._compute_request_disk(bundle)
        resources['request_network'] = bundle.metadata.request_network

        return message
Пример #3
    def _construct_run_message(self, worker, bundle):
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(self._model, bundle)
        if self._worker_model.shared_file_system and worker['user_id'] == self._model.root_user_id:
            message['bundle']['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                dependency['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        resources = message['resources'] = {}

        resources['request_cpus'] = self._compute_request_cpus(bundle)
        resources['request_gpus'] = self._compute_request_gpus(bundle)

        resources['docker_image'] = self._get_docker_image(bundle)
        resources['request_time'] = self._compute_request_time(bundle)
        resources['request_memory'] = self._compute_request_memory(bundle)
        resources['request_disk'] = self._compute_request_disk(bundle)
        resources['request_network'] = bundle.metadata.request_network

        return message
Пример #4
    def _construct_run_message(self, worker, bundle):
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(self._model, bundle)
        if self._worker_model.shared_file_system and worker['user_id'] == self._model.root_user_id:
            message['bundle']['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                dependency['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(dependency['parent_uuid'])

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        resources = message['resources'] = {}

        resources['docker_image'] = (bundle.metadata.request_docker_image or

        # Parse |request_string| using |to_value|, but don't exceed |max_value|.
        def parse_and_min(to_value, request_string, default_value, max_value):
            # On user-owned workers, ignore the maximum value. Users are free to
            # use as many resources as they wish on their own machines.
            if worker['user_id'] != self._model.root_user_id:
                max_value = None
            # Use default if request value doesn't exist
            if request_string:
                request_value = to_value(request_string)
                request_value = default_value
            if request_value and max_value:
                return int(min(request_value, max_value))
            elif request_value:
                return int(request_value)
            elif max_value:
                return int(max_value)
                return None

        # These limits are used for killing runs that use too many resources.
        resources['request_time'] = parse_and_min(formatting.parse_duration,
        resources['request_memory'] = parse_and_min(formatting.parse_size,
        resources['request_disk'] = parse_and_min(formatting.parse_size,

        resources['request_network'] = (bundle.metadata.request_network or

        return message
    def _construct_run_message(self, worker, bundle, bundle_resources):
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(self._model, bundle)
        if worker['shared_file_system']:
            message['bundle']['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                dependency['location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        message['resources'] = bundle_resources.as_dict
        return message
Пример #6
def get_bundle_infos(
    Return a map from bundle uuid to info.

    :param Collection[str] uuids: uuids of bundles to fetch
    :param bool get_children: include children
    :param bool get_host_worksheets: include host worksheets
    :param bool get_permissions: include group permissions
    :param bool ignore_not_found: abort with 404 NOT FOUND when False and bundle doesn't exist
    :rtype: dict[str, dict]
    if len(uuids) == 0:
        return {}
    bundles = local.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=uuids)
    bundle_infos = {
        bundle.uuid: bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(local.model, bundle)
        for bundle in bundles

    # Implement permissions policies
    perms = _get_user_bundle_permissions(uuids)
    readable = {
        for u, perm in perms.items() if perm >= GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ
    anonymous = {
        for u, perm in perms.items()
        if u in bundle_infos and (perm < GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ
                                  or bundle_infos[u]['is_anonymous'])
    for uuid in uuids:
        bundle = bundle_infos.get(uuid)
        # Bundle doesn't exist; abort or skip
        if bundle is None:
            if ignore_not_found:
                abort(http.client.NOT_FOUND, "Bundle %s not found" % uuid)
        # Replace bundles that the user does not have read access to
        elif uuid not in readable:
            bundle_infos[uuid] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(
                local.model, PrivateBundle.construct(uuid))
        # Mask owners of anonymous bundles that user does not have all acccess to
        elif uuid in anonymous:
            bundle['owner_id'] = None

        # Set permission
        bundle['permission'] = perms[uuid]

    if get_children:
        parent2children = local.model.get_children_uuids(readable)

        # Gather all children bundle uuids and fetch permissions
        child_uuids = [uuid for l in parent2children.values() for uuid in l]
        child_perms = _get_user_bundle_permissions(child_uuids)

        # Lookup bundle names
        child_names = local.model.get_bundle_names(child_uuids)

        # Set children infos
        for parent_uuid, children in parent2children.items():
            bundle_infos[parent_uuid]['children'] = [
                    'uuid': child_uuid,
                    'metadata': {
                        'name': child_names[child_uuid]
                } for child_uuid in children
                if child_perms[child_uuid] >= GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ

    if get_host_worksheets:
        # bundle_uuids -> list of worksheet_uuids
        host_worksheets = local.model.get_host_worksheet_uuids(readable)
        # Gather all worksheet uuids
        worksheet_uuids = [
            uuid for l in host_worksheets.values() for uuid in l
        wpermissions = local.model.get_user_worksheet_permissions(
        readable_worksheet_uuids = set(
            uuid for uuid, permission in wpermissions.items()
            if permission >= GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ)
        # Lookup names
        worksheets = dict(
            (worksheet.uuid, worksheet)
            for worksheet in local.model.batch_get_worksheets(
                fetch_items=False, uuid=readable_worksheet_uuids))
        # Fill the info
        for bundle_uuid, host_uuids in host_worksheets.items():
            bundle_infos[bundle_uuid]['host_worksheets'] = [
                    'uuid': host_uuid,
                    'name': worksheets[host_uuid].name
                } for host_uuid in host_uuids
                if host_uuid in readable_worksheet_uuids

    if get_permissions:
        # Fill the permissions info
        bundle2group_perms = local.model.batch_get_group_bundle_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, readable)
        for uuid, group_perms in bundle2group_perms.items():
            # Only show group permissions to the user is they have
            # at least read permission on this bundle.
            if uuid in anonymous:
                bundle_infos[uuid]['group_permissions'] = []
                bundle_infos[uuid]['group_permissions'] = group_perms

    return bundle_infos
Пример #7
def get_bundle_infos(
    Return a map from bundle uuid to info.

    :param Collection[str] uuids: uuids of bundles to fetch
    :param bool get_children: include children
    :param bool get_single_host_worksheet: include one host_worksheet per bundle uuid
    :param bool get_host_worksheets: include all host worksheets
    :param bool get_permissions: include group permissions
    :param bool ignore_not_found: abort with 404 NOT FOUND when False and bundle doesn't exist
    :param BundleModel model: model used to make database queries
    :rtype: dict[str, dict]
    if model is None:
        model = local.model
    if len(uuids) == 0:
        return {}
    bundles = model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=uuids)
    bundle_infos = {
        bundle.uuid: bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(model, bundle)
        for bundle in bundles

    # Implement permissions policies
    perms = _get_user_bundle_permissions(model, uuids)
    readable = {
        for u, perm in perms.items() if perm >= GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ
    anonymous = {
        for u, perm in perms.items()
        if u in bundle_infos and (perm < GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ
                                  or bundle_infos[u]['is_anonymous'])
    for uuid in uuids:
        bundle = bundle_infos.get(uuid)
        # Bundle doesn't exist; abort or skip
        if bundle is None:
            if ignore_not_found:
                abort(http.client.NOT_FOUND, "Bundle %s not found" % uuid)
        # Replace bundles that the user does not have read access to
        elif uuid not in readable:
            bundle_infos[uuid] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(
                model, PrivateBundle.construct(uuid))
        # Mask owners of anonymous bundles that user does not have all access to
        elif uuid in anonymous:
            bundle['owner_id'] = None

        # Set permission
        bundle['permission'] = perms[uuid]

    if get_children:
        parent2children = model.get_children_uuids(readable)

        # Gather all children bundle uuids and fetch permissions
        child_uuids = [uuid for l in parent2children.values() for uuid in l]
        child_perms = _get_user_bundle_permissions(model, child_uuids)

        # Lookup bundle names
        child_names = model.get_bundle_names(child_uuids)

        # Set children infos
        for parent_uuid, children in parent2children.items():
            bundle_infos[parent_uuid]['children'] = [
                    'uuid': child_uuid,
                    'metadata': {
                        'name': child_names[child_uuid]
                } for child_uuid in children
                if child_perms[child_uuid] >= GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ

    if get_single_host_worksheet:
        # Query for 5 worksheet uuids per bundle to check the read permissions for, since we
        # just need a single host worksheet per bundle uuid. This is much faster than fetching all
        # worksheet uuid's per bundle.
        host_worksheets = model.get_host_worksheet_uuids(readable, 5)
        worksheet_uuids = [
            uuid for l in host_worksheets.values() for uuid in l
        worksheet_names = _get_readable_worksheet_names(model, worksheet_uuids)

        for bundle_uuid, host_uuids in host_worksheets.items():
            if bundle_uuid not in bundle_infos:
            for host_uuid in host_uuids:
                if host_uuid in worksheet_names:
                    bundle_infos[bundle_uuid]['host_worksheet'] = {
                        'uuid': host_uuid,
                        'name': worksheet_names[host_uuid],
                    # Just set a single host worksheet per bundle uuid

    if get_host_worksheets:
        host_worksheets = model.get_all_host_worksheet_uuids(readable)
        # Gather all worksheet uuids
        worksheet_uuids = [
            uuid for l in host_worksheets.values() for uuid in l
        worksheet_names = _get_readable_worksheet_names(model, worksheet_uuids)

        # Fill the info
        for bundle_uuid, host_uuids in host_worksheets.items():
            if bundle_uuid not in bundle_infos:
            bundle_infos[bundle_uuid]['host_worksheets'] = [{
            } for host_uuid in host_uuids if host_uuid in worksheet_names]

    if get_permissions:
        # Fill the permissions info
        bundle2group_perms = model.batch_get_group_bundle_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, readable)
        for uuid, group_perms in bundle2group_perms.items():
            # Only show group permissions to the user is they have
            # at least read permission on this bundle.
            if uuid in anonymous:
                bundle_infos[uuid]['group_permissions'] = []
                bundle_infos[uuid]['group_permissions'] = group_perms

    return bundle_infos
Пример #8
    def _construct_run_message(self, worker, bundle):
        Constructs the run message that is sent to the given worker to tell it
        to run the given bundle.
        message = {}
        message['type'] = 'run'
        message['bundle'] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(
            self._model, bundle)
        if self._worker_model.shared_file_system and worker[
                'user_id'] == self._model.root_user_id:
                'location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(
            for dependency in message['bundle']['dependencies']:
                    'location'] = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(

        # Figure out the resource requirements.
        resources = message['resources'] = {}

        resources['docker_image'] = (bundle.metadata.request_docker_image
                                     or self._default_docker_image)

        # Parse |request_string| using |to_value|, but don't exceed |max_value|.
        def parse_and_min(to_value, request_string, default_value, max_value):
            # On user-owned workers, ignore the maximum value. Users are free to
            # use as many resources as they wish on their own machines.
            if worker['user_id'] != self._model.root_user_id:
                max_value = None

            # Use default if request value doesn't exist
            if request_string:
                request_value = to_value(request_string)
                request_value = default_value
            if request_value and max_value:
                return int(min(request_value, max_value))
            elif request_value:
                return int(request_value)
            elif max_value:
                return int(max_value)
                return None

        # These limits are used for killing runs that use too many resources.
        resources['request_time'] = parse_and_min(formatting.parse_duration,
        resources['request_memory'] = parse_and_min(
            formatting.parse_size, bundle.metadata.request_memory,
            self._default_request_memory, self._max_request_memory)
        resources['request_disk'] = parse_and_min(formatting.parse_size,

        resources['request_network'] = (bundle.metadata.request_network
                                        or self._default_request_network)

        return message
Пример #9
def get_bundle_infos(uuids,
    get_children, get_host_worksheets, get_permissions:
        whether we want to return more detailed information.
    Return map from bundle uuid to info.
    if len(uuids) == 0:
        return {}
    bundles = local.model.batch_get_bundles(uuid=uuids)
    bundle_dict = {
        bundle.uuid: bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(local.model, bundle)
        for bundle in bundles

    # Filter out bundles that we don't have read permission on
    def select_unreadable_bundles(uuids):
        permissions = local.model.get_user_bundle_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, uuids,
        return [
            uuid for uuid, permission in permissions.items()
            if permission < GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ

    def select_unreadable_worksheets(uuids):
        permissions = local.model.get_user_worksheet_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, uuids,
        return [
            uuid for uuid, permission in permissions.items()
            if permission < GROUP_OBJECT_PERMISSION_READ

    # Lookup the user names of all the owners
    user_ids = [info['owner_id'] for info in bundle_dict.values()]
    users = local.model.get_users(
        user_ids=user_ids) if len(user_ids) > 0 else []
    users = {u.user_id: u for u in users}
    if users:
        for info in bundle_dict.values():
            user = users[info['owner_id']]
            info['owner_name'] = user.user_name if user else None
            info['owner'] = '%s(%s)' % (info['owner_name'], info['owner_id'])

    # Mask bundles that we can't access
    for uuid in select_unreadable_bundles(uuids):
        if uuid in bundle_dict:
            bundle_dict[uuid] = bundle_util.bundle_to_bundle_info(
                local.model, PrivateBundle.construct(uuid))

    if get_children:
        result = local.model.get_children_uuids(uuids)
        # Gather all children bundle uuids
        children_uuids = [uuid for l in result.values() for uuid in l]
        unreadable = set(select_unreadable_bundles(children_uuids))
        # Lookup bundle names
        names = local.model.get_bundle_names(children_uuids)
        # Fill in info
        for uuid, info in bundle_dict.items():
            info['children'] = [{
                'uuid': child_uuid,
                'metadata': {
                    'name': names[child_uuid]
            } for child_uuid in result[uuid] if child_uuid not in unreadable]

    if get_host_worksheets:
        # bundle_uuids -> list of worksheet_uuids
        result = local.model.get_host_worksheet_uuids(uuids)
        # Gather all worksheet uuids
        worksheet_uuids = [uuid for l in result.values() for uuid in l]
        unreadable = set(select_unreadable_worksheets(worksheet_uuids))
        worksheet_uuids = [
            uuid for uuid in worksheet_uuids if uuid not in unreadable
        # Lookup names
        worksheets = dict((worksheet.uuid, worksheet)
                          for worksheet in local.model.batch_get_worksheets(
                              fetch_items=False, uuid=worksheet_uuids))
        # Fill the info
        for uuid, info in bundle_dict.items():
            info['host_worksheets'] = [{
                'uuid': worksheet_uuid,
                'name': worksheets[worksheet_uuid].name
            } for worksheet_uuid in result[uuid]
                                       if worksheet_uuid not in unreadable]

    if get_permissions:
        # Fill the info
        group_result = local.model.batch_get_group_bundle_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, uuids)
        result = local.model.get_user_bundle_permissions(
            request.user.user_id, uuids,
        for uuid, info in bundle_dict.items():
            info['group_permissions'] = group_result[uuid]
            info['permission'] = result[uuid]

    return bundle_dict