def search_and_replace(path, dark_mode): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as file: content = file.readlines() out = [] for line in content: if line.strip().startswith('<header></header>'): space = whitespace(line) out.append(space + '<header>\n') for h in header: out.append(space + ' ' + h) out.append(space + '</header>\n') elif line.strip().startswith('<footer></footer>'): space = whitespace(line) out.append(space + '<footer>\n') for f in footer: out.append(space + ' ' + f) out.append(space + '</footer>\n') elif line.strip().startswith('<pre>'): space = whitespace(line) out.append(space + '<div class="code"><pre><code>') source = line.strip().replace('<pre>', '').replace('</pre>', '') out.append(code.highlight(source) + '</code></pre></div>\n') else: out.append(line) content = "".join(out) content = content.replace('(This)', path.replace('\\', '/')) if dark_mode: content = dark.dark_search_and_replace(content) with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file: file.write(content)
def showfile(root, fpath): ext = '.' + fpath.rsplit('.', 1)[1] if '.' in fpath else '' # attempt to load corresponding .yml file if .html if ext == '.html': yml, d = fpath.replace('.html', '.yml'), {} if os.path.isfile(yml): buf = unicode(open(yml).read(), encoding='utf-8') d = yaml.load(buf) return render_ext(fpath, root, **d) # attempt to render requested template in .yml file if ext == '.yml': d = yaml.load(unicode(open(fpath).read(), encoding='utf-8')) if 'template' in d: return render_ext(d['template'], root, **d) # check if file contains template tags (for templating non-html files) buf = open(fpath).read(1024) if '{%' in buf or '{{' in buf: return render_ext(fpath, root) # render file based on file ext if ext in EXT_MAP: title, body = EXT_MAP[ext](fpath) h1 = title if title else '' title = title if title else fpath return render_sys('page.html', root, title=title, body=body, h1=h1) try: lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(fpath) except: lexer = None if lexer and ext != '.txt': body = highlight(lexer, fpath) return render_sys('page.html', root, title=fpath, body=body) else: # just try for text as <pre> block buf = unicode(open(fpath).read(), encoding='utf-8') body = u'<pre>%s</pre>' % cgi.escape(buf) return render_sys('page.html', root, title=fpath, body=body)
def test_code(): fpath = 'files/' lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(fpath) body = highlight(lexer, fpath) open('files/last.html', 'w').write(body.encode('utf-8')) assert body == unicode(open('files/code.html').read(), encoding='utf-8')