Пример #1
def test_publication_failures(mock_coverity_issues, mock_revision,
                              mock_backend, mock_hgmo):
    Test publication of issues on the backend with some bad urls
    # Nothing in backend at first
    revisions, diffs, issues = mock_backend
    assert not revisions and not diffs and not issues

    # Hardcode revision & repo
    mock_revision.repository = "http://hgmo/test-try"
    mock_revision.target_repository = "https://hgmo/test"
    mock_revision.mercurial_revision = "deadbeef1234"

    assert mock_revision.bugzilla_id == 1234567

    r = BackendAPI()
    assert r.enabled is True

    # Use a bad relative path in last issue
    mock_coverity_issues[-1].path = "../../../bad/path.cpp"
    assert mock_coverity_issues[0].path == "some/file/path"

    # Only one issue should be published as the bad one is ignored
    mock_revision.issues_url = "http://code-review-backend.test/v1/diff/42/issues/"
    published = r.publish_issues(mock_coverity_issues, mock_revision)
    assert published == 1

    # Check the issues in the backend
    assert len(issues) == 1
    assert 42 in issues
    assert len(issues[42]) == 1
    assert issues[42] == [{
        "analyzer": "mock-coverity",
        "check": "flag",
        "column": None,
        "hash": "3731a6559c9a72d09f4bad85db3f0416",
        "id": "9f6aa76a-623d-5096-82ed-876b01f9fbce",
        "in_patch": False,
        "level": "warning",
        "line": None,
        "message": "Unidentified symbol",
        "nb_lines": 1,
        "path": "some/file/path",
        "publishable": False,
        "validates": False,
        "fix": None,
Пример #2
class Workflow(object):
    Full static analysis workflow
    - setup remote analysis workflow
    - find issues from remote tasks
    - publish issues

    def __init__(
        assert settings.try_task_id is not None, "Cannot run without Try task id"
        assert settings.try_group_id is not None, "Cannot run without Try task id"
        self.zero_coverage_enabled = zero_coverage_enabled

        # Use share phabricator API client
        assert isinstance(phabricator_api, PhabricatorAPI)
        self.phabricator = phabricator_api

        # Load reporters to use
        self.reporters = reporters
        if not self.reporters:
            logger.warn("No reporters configured, this analysis will not be published")

        # Always add debug reporter and Diff reporter
        self.reporters["debug"] = DebugReporter(

        # Use TC services client
        self.index_service = index_service
        self.queue_service = queue_service

        # Setup Backend API client
        self.backend_api = BackendAPI()

    def run(self, revision):
        Find all issues on remote tasks and publish them
        # Index ASAP Taskcluster task for this revision
        self.index(revision, state="started")

        # Set the Phabricator build as running

        # Analyze revision patch to get files/lines data

        # Find issues on remote tasks
        issues, task_failures = self.find_issues(revision)
        if not issues and not task_failures:
            logger.info("No issues, stopping there.")
            self.index(revision, state="done", issues=0)
            return []

        # Publish issues on backend to retrieve their comparison state
        self.backend_api.publish_issues(issues, revision)

        # Publish all issues
        self.publish(revision, issues, task_failures)

        return issues

    def publish(self, revision, issues, task_failures):
        Publish issues on selected reporters
        # Publish patches on Taskcluster
        # or write locally for local development
        for patch in revision.improvement_patches:
            if settings.taskcluster.local:

        # Report issues publication stats
        nb_issues = len(issues)
        nb_publishable = len([i for i in issues if i.is_publishable()])
        stats.add_metric("analysis.issues.publishable", nb_publishable)

        # Publish reports about these issues
        with stats.timer("runtime.reports"):
            for reporter in self.reporters.values():
                reporter.publish(issues, revision, task_failures)

            revision, state="done", issues=nb_issues, issues_publishable=nb_publishable

        # Publish final HarborMaster state
            nb_publishable > 0 and BuildState.Fail or BuildState.Pass

    def index(self, revision, **kwargs):
        Index current task on Taskcluster index
        assert isinstance(revision, Revision)

        if settings.taskcluster.local or self.index_service is None:
            logger.info("Skipping taskcluster indexing", rev=str(revision), **kwargs)

        # Build payload
        payload = revision.as_dict()

        # Always add the indexing
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        payload["indexed"] = now.strftime(TASKCLUSTER_DATE_FORMAT)

        # Always add the source and try config
        payload["source"] = "try"
        payload["try_task_id"] = settings.try_task_id
        payload["try_group_id"] = settings.try_group_id

        # Always add the repository we are working on
        # This is mainly used by the frontend to list & filter diffs
        payload["repository"] = revision.target_repository

        # Add restartable flag for monitoring
        payload["monitoring_restart"] = payload["state"] == "error" and payload.get(
        ) in ("watchdog", "mercurial")

        # Add a sub namespace with the task id to be able to list
        # tasks from the parent namespace
        namespaces = revision.namespaces + [
            "{}.{}".format(namespace, settings.taskcluster.task_id)
            for namespace in revision.namespaces

        # Build complete namespaces list, with monitoring update
        full_namespaces = [
            TASKCLUSTER_NAMESPACE.format(channel=settings.app_channel, name=name)
            for name in namespaces

        # Index for all required namespaces
        for namespace in full_namespaces:
                    "taskId": settings.taskcluster.task_id,
                    "rank": 0,
                    "data": payload,
                    "expires": (now + timedelta(days=TASKCLUSTER_INDEX_TTL)).strftime(

    def find_issues(self, revision):
        Find all issues on remote Taskcluster task group
        # Load all tasks in task group
        tasks = self.queue_service.listTaskGroup(settings.try_group_id)
        assert "tasks" in tasks
        tasks = {task["status"]["taskId"]: task for task in tasks["tasks"]}
        assert len(tasks) > 0
            "Loaded Taskcluster group", id=settings.try_group_id, tasks=len(tasks)

        # Update the local revision with tasks

        # Store the revision in the backend
        # It needs to be after setup_try to have a repository value

        # Load task description
        task = tasks.get(settings.try_task_id)
        assert task is not None, "Missing task {}".format(settings.try_task_id)
        dependencies = task["task"]["dependencies"]
        assert len(dependencies) > 0, "No task dependencies to analyze"

        # Skip dependencies not in group
        # But log all skipped tasks
        def _in_group(dep_id):
            if dep_id not in tasks:
                # Used for docker images produced in tree
                # and other artifacts
                logger.info("Skip dependency not in group", task_id=dep_id)
                return False
            return True

        dependencies = [dep_id for dep_id in dependencies if _in_group(dep_id)]

        # Do not run parsers when we only have a gecko decision task
        # That means no analyzer were triggered by the taskgraph decision task
        # This can happen if the patch only touches file types for which we have no analyzer defined
        # See issue https://github.com/mozilla/release-services/issues/2055
        if len(dependencies) == 1:
            task = tasks[dependencies[0]]
            if task["task"]["metadata"]["name"] == "Gecko Decision Task":
                logger.warn("Only dependency is a Decision Task, skipping analysis")
                return [], []

        # Add zero-coverage task
        if self.zero_coverage_enabled:

        # Find issues and patches in dependencies
        issues = []
        task_failures = []
        for dep in dependencies:
                if isinstance(dep, type) and issubclass(dep, AnalysisTask):
                    # Build a class instance from its definition and route
                    task = dep.build_from_route(self.index_service, self.queue_service)
                    # Use a task from its id & description
                    task = self.build_task(dep, tasks[dep])
                if task is None:
                artifacts = task.load_artifacts(self.queue_service)
                if artifacts is not None:
                    task_issues = task.parse_issues(artifacts, revision)
                        "Found {} issues".format(len(task_issues)),
                    stats.report_task(task, task_issues)
                    issues += task_issues

                    task_patches = task.build_patches(artifacts)
                    for patch in task_patches:
                        revision.add_improvement_patch(task.name, patch)

                    # Report a problem when tasks in erroneous state are found
                    # but no issue or patch has been processed by the bot
                    if task.state == "failed" and not task_issues and not task_patches:
                            "An erroneous task processed some artifacts and found no issues or patches",
            except Exception as e:
                    "Failure during task analysis",

        return issues, task_failures

    def build_task(self, task_id, task_status):
        Create a specific implementation of AnalysisTask according to the task name
            name = task_status["task"]["metadata"]["name"]
        except KeyError:
            raise Exception("Cannot read task name {}".format(task_id))

        # Default format is used first when the correct artifact is available
        if DefaultTask.matches(task_id):
            return DefaultTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name.startswith("source-test-mozlint-"):
            return MozLintTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name == "source-test-clang-tidy":
            return ClangTidyTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name == "source-test-clang-format":
            return ClangFormatTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name in ("source-test-coverity-coverity", "coverity"):
            return CoverityTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name == "source-test-infer-infer":
            return InferTask(task_id, task_status)
        elif name.startswith("source-test-"):
            logger.error(f"Unsupported {name} task: will need a local implementation")
            raise Exception("Unsupported task {}".format(name))
Пример #3
def test_publication(mock_coverity_issues, mock_revision, mock_backend,
    Test publication of issues on the backend
    # Nothing in backend at first
    revisions, diffs, issues = mock_backend
    assert not revisions and not diffs and not issues

    # Hardcode revision & repo
    mock_revision.repository = "http://hgmo/test-try"
    mock_revision.target_repository = "https://hgmo/test"
    mock_revision.mercurial_revision = "deadbeef1234"

    assert mock_revision.bugzilla_id == 1234567

    r = BackendAPI()
    assert r.enabled is True

    # Check the revision in the backend
    assert len(revisions) == 1
    assert 51 in revisions
    assert revisions[51] == {
        "bugzilla_id": 1234567,
        "id": 51,
        "phid": "PHID-DREV-zzzzz",
        "repository": "https://hgmo/test",
        "title": "Static Analysis tests",
        "diffs_url": "http://code-review-backend.test/v1/revision/51/diffs/",

    # Check the diff in the backend
    assert len(diffs) == 1
    assert 42 in diffs
    assert diffs[42] == {
        "id": 42,
        "issues_url": "http://code-review-backend.test/v1/diff/42/issues/",
        "mercurial_hash": "deadbeef1234",
        "phid": "PHID-DIFF-test",
        "review_task_id": "local instance",
        "repository": "http://hgmo/test-try",

    # No issues at that point
    assert len(issues) == 0

    # Let's publish them
    published = r.publish_issues(mock_coverity_issues, mock_revision)
    assert published == len(mock_coverity_issues) == 2

    # Check the issues in the backend
    assert len(issues) == 1
    assert 42 in issues
    assert len(issues[42]) == 2
    assert issues[42] == [
            "analyzer": "mock-coverity",
            "check": "flag",
            "column": None,
            "hash": "3731a6559c9a72d09f4bad85db3f0416",
            "id": "9f6aa76a-623d-5096-82ed-876b01f9fbce",
            "in_patch": False,
            "level": "warning",
            "line": None,
            "message": "Unidentified symbol",
            "nb_lines": 1,
            "path": "some/file/path",
            "publishable": False,
            "validates": False,
            "fix": None,
            "analyzer": "mock-coverity",
            "check": "flag",
            "column": None,
            "hash": "172f015fbc43268d712c2fc7acbf1023",
            "id": "98d7e3b0-e903-57e3-9973-d11d3a9849f4",
            "in_patch": False,
            "level": "error",
            "line": 1,
            "message": "Unidentified symbol",
            "nb_lines": 1,
            "path": "some/file/path",
            "publishable": False,
            "validates": False,
            "fix": None,