Пример #1
    def test_utf_16_be_decode(self):
        string, num_processed = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(b'\0a\0b\0c')
        self.assertEqual(string, "abc")
        self.assertEqual(num_processed, 3 * 2)

        string, num_processed = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + b'\0a\0b\0c')
        self.assertEqual(string, "\uFEFFabc")
        self.assertEqual(num_processed, 4 * 2)
Пример #2
    def test_utf_16_be_decode_incremental(self):
        b = b"\xff\xfe\x00\x41\xd9\x00\xdd\x00\xdc\x00\xd8\x00\xdc\x00"
        expected = [
            ('', 0),
            ('', 0),
            ('\ufffe', 2),
            ('\ufffe', 2),
            ('\ufffeA', 4),
            ('\ufffeA', 4),
            ('\ufffeA', 4),
            ('\ufffeA', 4),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100', 8),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100', 8),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100\ufffd', 10),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100\ufffd', 10),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100\ufffd', 10),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100\ufffd', 10),
            ('\ufffeA\U00050100\ufffd\U00010000', 14)
        if not is_cli:
            # CPython's strings are UTF-32 so an invalid surrogate pair results in one replacement char.
            # Therefore CPython cannot report error on a dangling low surrogate until it verifies
            # that the next char is not an invalid surrogate as well.
            expected[10] = expected[11] = ('\ufffeA\U00050100', 8)

        for i in range(len(b) + 1):
            res = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(b[:i], 'replace')
            self.assertEqual(res, expected[i])
def GetMCStatus(hostname, port=25565, timeout=0.5):
  """Query a minecraft beta server.

     hostname: (String) hostname of the server to connect to
     port: (integer) port number to connect to
     timeout: (float) timeout in seconds for making a TCP connection

     list: If successful, something like:
           [True, 'MOTD here', 5, 20] # Online, MOTD, cur_players, max_players
           If unsuccessful, returns [False]
  logging.debug('Trying to establish connection to %s:%d with timeout %f',
                hostname, port, timeout)
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
    s.connect((ip, port))
    data, _ = s.recvfrom(2048)
    if data[0] == chr(255):
      data, _ = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(data[1:])
      data = data[1:]
      p = data.split(u'\xa7')
      return [True] + p
  except socket.error:
    logging.exception('Socket error when querying from %s', hostname)
  return [False]
Пример #4
    def get_server_info(self):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.host)
            s.connect((ip, self.port))
            s.send(bytearray([0xFE, 0x01]))
            data_raw = s.recv(1024)

            # 两种解码方式(cp437)(utf-16),切换释放注释并注释掉另一种

            # (cp437)
            # data = data_raw.decode('cp437').split('\x00\x00\x00')

            # (utf-16)这个可以看到MOTD和其他信息
            data = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(data_raw[1:])[0].split('\x00')
            data[3] = re.sub(r'§\w', "", data[3]).replace("  ", "").replace('\n', ",")

            server_info = {
                '0': data[0].replace("\x00", ""),
                '1': data[1].replace("\x00", ""),
                'version': data[2].replace("\x00", ""),
                'MOTD': data[3].replace("\x00", ""),
                'online_players': data[4].replace("\x00", ""),
                'max_players': data[5].replace("\x00", "")
            # print(server_info)
            return server_info, "%s:%s" % (self.host, self.port)
        except socket.error:
            return False, "%s:%s" % (self.host, self.port)
Пример #5
    def decode(input: bytes, errors: str = "strict") -> typing.Tuple[str, int]:
        return a string decoded from the given bytes and its length.

            input: the bytes to decode
            errors:	same meaning as the errors argument to pythons' `encode <https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#codecs.encode>`_ method
        return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors)
Пример #6
def unpack_string(data):
    Extracts a string from a data stream.

    Like in the pack method, UCS-2 isn't handled correctly. Since usernames
    and hosts can't contain special characters this isn't an issue.
    (l,) = unpack(">h", data[:2])
    assert len(data) >= 2 + 2 * l
    return utf_16_be_decode(data[2:l * 2])[0]
Пример #7
def GetMCStatus(hostname, port=25565, timeout=8):
  logging.debug('Trying to establish connection to %s:%d with timeout %f',
                hostname, port, timeout)
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
    s.connect((ip, port))
    data, _ = s.recvfrom(2048)
    if data[0] == chr(255):
      data, _ = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(data[1:])
      data = data[1:]
      p = data.split(u'\xa7')
      return [True] + p
  except socket.error:
  return [False]
Пример #8
    def test_codecs_builtins(self):
        s = "abc"

        encoded = codecs.utf_8_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_8_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_7_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_7_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_16_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_16_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_16_le_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_16_le_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_16_be_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_16_be_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_32_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_32_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_32_le_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_32_le_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_32_be_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_32_be_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.utf_32_be_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.utf_32_be_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.raw_unicode_escape_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.raw_unicode_escape_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.unicode_escape_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.unicode_escape_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.latin_1_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.latin_1_decode(encoded[0])[0])

        encoded = codecs.ascii_encode(s)
        self.assertEqual(s, codecs.ascii_decode(encoded[0])[0])
Пример #9
    def parse(self, input):
        """parses the given file or file source string"""
        if hasattr(input, 'name'):
            self.filename = input.name
        elif not getattr(self, 'filename', ''):
            self.filename = ''
        if hasattr(input, "read"):
            qmsrc = input.read()
            input = qmsrc
        if len(input) < 16:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: file empty or too small")
        magic = struct.unpack(">4L", input[:16])
        if magic != QM_MAGIC_NUMBER:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: invalid magic number")
        startsection = 16
        sectionheader = 5

        def section_debug(name, section_type, startsection, length):
            print "Section: %s (type: %#x, offset: %#x, length: %d)" % (
                name, section_type, startsection, length)

        while startsection < len(input):
            section_type, length = struct.unpack(
                ">BL", input[startsection:startsection + sectionheader])
            if section_type == 0x42:
                #section_debug("Hash", section_type, startsection, length)
                hashash = True
                hash_start = startsection + sectionheader
                hash_data = struct.unpack(
                    ">%db" % length,
                    input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection +
                          sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x69:
                #section_debug("Messages", section_type, startsection, length)
                hasmessages = True
                messages_start = startsection + sectionheader
                messages_data = struct.unpack(
                    ">%db" % length,
                    input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection +
                          sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x2f:
                #section_debug("Contexts", section_type, startsection, length)
                hascontexts = True
                contexts_start = startsection + sectionheader
                contexts_data = struct.unpack(
                    ">%db" % length,
                    input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection +
                          sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x88:
                #section_debug("NumerusRules", section_type, startsection, length)
                hasnumerusrules = True
                numerusrules_start = startsection + sectionheader
                numerusrules_data = struct.unpack(
                    ">%db" % length,
                    input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection +
                          sectionheader + length])
                section_debug("Unkown", section_type, startsection, length)
            startsection = startsection + sectionheader + length
        pos = messages_start
        source = target = None
        while pos < messages_start + len(messages_data):
            subsection, = struct.unpack(">B", input[pos:pos + 1])
            if subsection == 0x01:  # End
                #print "End"
                pos = pos + 1
                if not source is None and not target is None:
                    newunit = self.addsourceunit(source)
                    newunit.target = target
                    source = target = None
                    raise ValueError("Old .qm format with no source defined")
            #print pos, subsection
            pos = pos + 1
            length, = struct.unpack(">l", input[pos:pos + 4])
            if subsection == 0x03:  # Translation
                if length != -1:
                    raw, = struct.unpack(">%ds" % length,
                                         input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length])
                    string, templen = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(raw)
                    if target:
                        target = multistring(string)
                    pos = pos + 4 + length
                    target = ""
                    pos = pos + 4
                #print "Translation: %s" % target.encode('utf-8')
            elif subsection == 0x06:  # SourceText
                source = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode('iso-8859-1')
                #print "SourceText: %s" % source
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x07:  # Context
                context = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode('iso-8859-1')
                #print "Context: %s" % context
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x08:  # Disambiguating-comment
                comment = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length]
                #print "Disambiguating-comment: %s" % comment
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x05:  # hash
                hash = input[pos:pos + 4]
                #print "Hash: %s" % hash
                pos = pos + 4
                if subsection == 0x02:  # SourceText16
                    subsection_name = "SourceText16"
                elif subsection == 0x04:  # Context16
                    subsection_name = "Context16"
                    subsection_name = "Unkown"
                print >> sys.stderr, "Unimplemented: %s %s" % \
                                     (subsection, subsection_name)
Пример #10
def decode(input, errors = 'strict'):
    return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors, True)
Пример #11
    def parse(self, input):
        """Parses the given file or file source string."""
        if hasattr(input, 'name'):
            self.filename = input.name
        elif not getattr(self, 'filename', ''):
            self.filename = ''
        if hasattr(input, "read"):
            qmsrc = input.read()
            input = qmsrc
        if len(input) < 16:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: file empty or too small")
        magic = struct.unpack(">4L", input[:16])
        if magic != QM_MAGIC_NUMBER:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: invalid magic number")
        startsection = 16
        sectionheader = 5

        def section_debug(name, section_type, startsection, length):
            print("Section: %s (type: %#x, offset: %#x, length: %d)" % (name, section_type, startsection, length))

        while startsection < len(input):
            section_type, length = struct.unpack(">BL", input[startsection:startsection + sectionheader])
            if section_type == 0x42:
                #section_debug("Hash", section_type, startsection, length)
                hashash = True
                hash_start = startsection + sectionheader
                hash_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x69:
                #section_debug("Messages", section_type, startsection, length)
                hasmessages = True
                messages_start = startsection + sectionheader
                messages_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x2f:
                #section_debug("Contexts", section_type, startsection, length)
                hascontexts = True
                contexts_start = startsection + sectionheader
                contexts_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x88:
                #section_debug("NumerusRules", section_type, startsection, length)
                hasnumerusrules = True
                numerusrules_start = startsection + sectionheader
                numerusrules_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
                section_debug("Unkown", section_type, startsection, length)
            startsection = startsection + sectionheader + length
        pos = messages_start
        source = target = None
        while pos < messages_start + len(messages_data):
            subsection, = struct.unpack(">B", input[pos:pos + 1])
            if subsection == 0x01:  # End
                pos = pos + 1
                if source is not None and target is not None:
                    newunit = self.addsourceunit(source)
                    newunit.target = target
                    source = target = None
                    raise ValueError("Old .qm format with no source defined")
            pos = pos + 1
            length, = struct.unpack(">l", input[pos:pos + 4])
            if subsection == 0x03:  # Translation
                if length != -1:
                    raw, = struct.unpack(">%ds" % length,
                                         input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length])
                    string, templen = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(raw)
                    if target:
                        target = multistring(string)
                    pos = pos + 4 + length
                    target = u""
                    pos = pos + 4
            elif subsection == 0x06:  # SourceText
                source = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode('iso-8859-1')
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x07:  # Context
                context = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode('iso-8859-1')
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x08:  # Disambiguating-comment
                comment = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length]
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x05:  # hash
                hash = input[pos:pos + 4]
                pos = pos + 4
                if subsection == 0x02:  # SourceText16
                    subsection_name = "SourceText16"
                elif subsection == 0x04:  # Context16
                    subsection_name = "Context16"
                    subsection_name = "Unknown"
                logger.warning("Unimplemented: 0x%x %s",
                               subsection, subsection_name)
Пример #12
 def decode(self, input, errors="strict"):
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors)  # pytype: disable=module-attr
Пример #13
 def utf_16_be_decode(data, errors, finish=False):
     if not finish and len(data) % 2 == 1:
         data = data[:-1]
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(data, errors)
Пример #14
 def test_utf_16_be_decode(self):
     new_str, size = codecs.utf_16_be_decode("abc")
     self.assertEqual(new_str, u'\u6162')
     self.assertEqual(size, 2)
 def render_GET(self, request):
     if not self.is_authorized(request):
         return ""
     if request.path == "/whitelist":
         return self.render_whitelist(request)
     if request.path != "/banhammer":
         return "wrong url path"
     sqlstatement = (''
         'select users.profileid,enabled,data,users.gameid,console,users.userid '
         'from nas_logins '
         'inner join users '
         'on users.userid = nas_logins.userid '
         'inner join ( '
         '    select max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname '
         '    from users '
         '    group by userid,gameid) '
         'ij on ij.userid = users.userid and '
         'users.profileid = ij.newestpid '
         'order by users.gameid '
     dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
     responsedata = ("<html><meta charset='utf-8'>\r\n"
         "<title>altwfc admin page</title>"
         '<a href="http://%20:%20@'+request.getHeader('host')+'">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>'
         '<a href="http://'+request.getHeader('host')+'/whitelist">WhiteList</a>'
         "<table border='1'>" 
         "<tr><td>ingamesn or devname</td><td>gameid</td>"
         "<td>Enabled</td><td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
         dwc_pid = str(row[0])
         enabled = str(row[1])
         nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
         gameid = str(row[3])
         is_console = int(str(row[4]))
         userid = str(row[5])
         gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
         ingamesn = ''
         if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
         elif 'devname' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
         if ingamesn:
             ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
             if is_console:
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
             ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
         responsedata += "<tr>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+ingamesn+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+gameid+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+enabled+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+dwc_pid+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+gsbrcd+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+userid+"</td>"
         if enabled == "1":
             responsedata += ("<td><form action='disableuser' method='POST'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='"+userid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='"+gameid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='ingamesn' value='"+ingamesn+"'>"
             "<input type='submit' value='Ban'></form></td></tr>")
             responsedata += ("<td><form action='enableuser' method='POST'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='"+userid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='"+gameid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='ingamesn' value='"+ingamesn+"'>"
             "<input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'></form></td></tr>")
     responsedata += "</table></html>" 
     request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
     return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
Пример #16
def unpack_ucs2_bytes(s):
    return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(s.decode('hex'))[0]
    def render_blacklist(self, request):
        sqlstatement = """
        SELECT users.profileid, enabled, data, users.gameid, console,
        FROM nas_logins
        INNER JOIN users
        ON users.userid = nas_logins.userid
        INNER JOIN (
            SELECT max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname
            FROM users
            GROUP BY userid, gameid
        ) ij
        ON ij.userid = users.userid
        AND users.profileid = ij.newestpid
        ORDER BY users.gameid"""
        dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
        banned_list = []
        for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM BANNED"):
        responsedata = """
        <a href="http://%%20:%%20@%s">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>
        <table border='1'>"
            <td>ingamesn or devname</td>
            <td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
        </tr>""" % request.getHeader('host')

        for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
            dwc_pid = str(row[0])
            enabled = str(row[1])
            nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
            gameid = str(row[3])
            is_console = int(str(row[4]))
            userid = str(row[5])
            gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
            ipaddr = str(nasdata['ipaddr'])
            ingamesn = ''
            if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
                ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
            elif 'devname' in nasdata:
                ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
            if ingamesn:
                ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
                if is_console:
                    ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                    ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
            responsedata += """
            """ % (ingamesn,
            if gameid[:-1] + ":" + ipaddr in banned_list:
                responsedata += """
                    <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>
                        <input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'>
                </tr>""" % (gameid, ipaddr)
                responsedata += """
                    <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='ban'>
                        <input type='submit' value='Ban'>
                """ % (gameid, ipaddr)

        responsedata += "</table>"
        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
        return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
Пример #18
 def test_utf_16_be_decode(self):
     new_str, size = codecs.utf_16_be_decode("abc")
     self.assertEqual(new_str, u'\u6162')
     self.assertEqual(size, 2)
Пример #19
def unpack_ucs2_bytes(s):
    return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(s.decode('hex'))[0]
Пример #20
 def decode(self, input, errors='strict'):
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors)
Пример #21
 def utf_16_be_decode(data, errors, finish = False):
     if not finish and len(data) % 2 == 1:
         data = data[:-1]
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(data, errors)
 def render_blacklist(self, request):
     sqlstatement = (
         'select users.profileid,enabled,data,users.gameid,console,users.userid '
         'from nas_logins '
         'inner join users '
         'on users.userid = nas_logins.userid '
         'inner join ( '
         '    select max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname '
         '    from users '
         '    group by userid,gameid) '
         'ij on ij.userid = users.userid and '
         'users.profileid = ij.newestpid '
         'order by users.gameid '
     dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
     banned_list = []
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM BANNED"):
         banned_list.append(str(row[0]) + ":" + str(row[1]))
     responsedata = (
         '<a href="http://%20:%20@' + request.getHeader('host') +
         '">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>'
         "<table border='1'>"
         "<tr><td>ingamesn or devname</td><td>gameid</td>"
         "<td>Enabled</td><td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
         dwc_pid = str(row[0])
         enabled = str(row[1])
         nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
         gameid = str(row[3])
         is_console = int(str(row[4]))
         userid = str(row[5])
         gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
         ipaddr = str(nasdata['ipaddr'])
         ingamesn = ''
         if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
         elif 'devname' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
         if ingamesn:
             ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
             if is_console:
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
             ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
         responsedata += "<tr>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + ingamesn + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + gameid + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + enabled + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + dwc_pid + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + gsbrcd + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + userid + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + ipaddr + "</td>"
         if gameid[:-1] + ":" + ipaddr in banned_list:
             responsedata += (
                 "<td><form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>"
                 "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='" + gameid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='" + ipaddr +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>"
                 "<input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'></form></td></tr>"
             responsedata += (
                 "<td><form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>"
                 "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='" + gameid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='" + ipaddr +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='ban'>"
                 "<input type='submit' value='Ban'></form></td></tr>")
     responsedata += "</table>"
     request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
     return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
 def render_GET(self, request):
     if not self.is_authorized(request):
         return ""
     if request.path == "/whitelist":
         return self.render_whitelist(request)
     if request.path != "/banhammer":
         return "wrong url path"
     sqlstatement = (
         'select users.profileid,enabled,data,users.gameid,console,users.userid '
         'from nas_logins '
         'inner join users '
         'on users.userid = nas_logins.userid '
         'inner join ( '
         '    select max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname '
         '    from users '
         '    group by userid,gameid) '
         'ij on ij.userid = users.userid and '
         'users.profileid = ij.newestpid '
         'order by users.gameid '
     dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
     responsedata = ("<html><meta charset='utf-8'>\r\n"
                     "<title>altwfc admin page</title>"
                     '<a href="http://%20:%20@' +
                     request.getHeader('host') +
                     '">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>'
                     '<a href="http://' + request.getHeader('host') +
                     "<table border='1'>"
                     "<tr><td>ingamesn or devname</td><td>gameid</td>"
                     "<td>Enabled</td><td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
         dwc_pid = str(row[0])
         enabled = str(row[1])
         nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
         gameid = str(row[3])
         is_console = int(str(row[4]))
         userid = str(row[5])
         gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
         ingamesn = ''
         if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
         elif 'devname' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
         if ingamesn:
             ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
             if is_console:
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
             ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
         responsedata += "<tr>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + ingamesn + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + gameid + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + enabled + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + dwc_pid + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + gsbrcd + "</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>" + userid + "</td>"
         if enabled == "1":
             responsedata += (
                 "<td><form action='disableuser' method='POST'>"
                 "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" + userid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='" + gameid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='ingamesn' value='" + ingamesn +
                 "<input type='submit' value='Ban'></form></td></tr>")
             responsedata += (
                 "<td><form action='enableuser' method='POST'>"
                 "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" + userid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='" + gameid +
                 "<input type='hidden' name='ingamesn' value='" + ingamesn +
                 "<input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'></form></td></tr>"
     responsedata += "</table></html>"
     request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
     return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
Пример #24
 def decode(self, input, errors='strict'):
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors)
def decode(input, errors='strict'):
    return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(input, errors, True)
 def render_blacklist(self, request):
     sqlstatement = (''
         'select users.profileid,enabled,data,users.gameid,console,users.userid '
         'from nas_logins '
         'inner join users '
         'on users.userid = nas_logins.userid '
         'inner join ( '
         '    select max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname '
         '    from users '
         '    group by userid,gameid) '
         'ij on ij.userid = users.userid and '
         'users.profileid = ij.newestpid '
         'order by users.gameid '
     dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
     banned_list = []
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM IP_BANNED"):
     responsedata = (""
         '<a href="http://%20:%20@'+request.getHeader('host')+'">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>'
         "<table border='1'>" 
         "<tr><td>ingamesn or devname</td><td>gameid</td>"
         "<td>Enabled</td><td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
         "<td>gsbrcd</td><td>userid</td><td>ipAddr</td><td>macadr</td><td>cfc</td><td>csnum</td><td>Ban/Unban IP</td></tr>\r\n")
     for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
         dwc_pid = str(row[0])
         enabled = str(row[1])
         nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
         gameid = str(row[3])
         is_console = int(str(row[4]))
         userid = str(row[5])
         gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
         ipaddr = str(nasdata['ipaddr'])
         macadr = str(nasdata['macadr'])
         cfc = str(nasdata['cfc'])
         csnum = str(nasdata['csnum'])
         ingamesn = ''
         if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
         elif 'devname' in nasdata:
             ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
         if ingamesn:
             ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
             if is_console:
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                 ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
             ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
         responsedata += "<tr>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+ingamesn+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+gameid+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+enabled+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+dwc_pid+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+gsbrcd+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+userid+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+ipaddr+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+macadr+"</td>"
         responsedata += "<td>"+cfc+"</td>"
         responsedata +="<td>"+csnum+"</td>"
         if ipaddr in banned_list:
             responsedata += ("<td><form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='"+gameid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='"+ipaddr+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>"
             "<input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'></form></td></tr>")
             responsedata += ("<td><form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='"+gameid+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='"+ipaddr+"'>"
             "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='ban'>"
             "<input type='submit' value='Ban'></form></td></tr>")
     responsedata += "</table>" 
     request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
     return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
Пример #27
 def readstring():
     chars= unpack("!I")
     print mapToDict.offset, chars
     s = unpack("%ds"%chars)
     return codecs.utf_16_be_decode(s)[0]
Пример #28
    def render_blacklist(self, request):
        sqlstatement = """
        SELECT users.profileid, enabled, data, users.gameid, console,
        FROM nas_logins
        INNER JOIN users
        ON users.userid = nas_logins.userid
        INNER JOIN (
            SELECT max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname
            FROM users
            GROUP BY userid, gameid
        ) ij
        ON ij.userid = users.userid
        AND users.profileid = ij.newestpid
        ORDER BY users.gameid"""
        dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
        banned_list = []
        for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM BANNED"):
            banned_list.append(str(row[0]) + ":" + str(row[1]))
        responsedata = """
        <a href="http://%%20:%%20@%s">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>
        <table border='1'>"
            <td>ingamesn or devname</td>
            <td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
        </tr>""" % request.getHeader('host')

        for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
            dwc_pid = str(row[0])
            enabled = str(row[1])
            nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
            gameid = str(row[3])
            is_console = int(str(row[4]))
            userid = str(row[5])
            gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
            ipaddr = str(nasdata['ipaddr'])
            ingamesn = ''
            if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
                ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
            elif 'devname' in nasdata:
                ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
            if ingamesn:
                ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
                if is_console:
                    ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                    ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
                ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
            responsedata += """
                <td id="game">%s</td>
            """ % (ingamesn, gameid, enabled, dwc_pid, gsbrcd, userid, ipaddr)
            if gameid[:-1] + ":" + ipaddr in banned_list:
                responsedata += """
                    <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>
                        <input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'>
                </tr>""" % (gameid, ipaddr)
                responsedata += """
                    <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
                        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='ban'>
                        <input type='submit' value='Ban'>
                """ % (gameid, ipaddr)

        responsedata += "</table>"
        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
        return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
Пример #29
    def parse(self, input):
        """Parses the given file or file source string."""
        if hasattr(input, "name"):
            self.filename = input.name
        elif not getattr(self, "filename", ""):
            self.filename = ""
        if hasattr(input, "read"):
            qmsrc = input.read()
            input = qmsrc
        if len(input) < 16:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: file empty or too small")
        magic = struct.unpack(">4L", input[:16])
        if magic != QM_MAGIC_NUMBER:
            raise ValueError("This is not a .qm file: invalid magic number")
        startsection = 16
        sectionheader = 5

        def section_debug(name, section_type, startsection, length):
            print("Section: %s (type: %#x, offset: %#x, length: %d)" %
                  (name, section_type, startsection, length))

        while startsection < len(input):
            section_type, length = struct.unpack(
                ">BL", input[startsection:startsection + sectionheader])
            if section_type == 0x42:
                # section_debug("Hash", section_type, startsection, length)
                # hash_start = startsection + sectionheader
                # hash_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x69:
                # section_debug("Messages", section_type, startsection, length)
                messages_start = startsection + sectionheader
                messages_data = struct.unpack(
                    ">%db" % length,
                    input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection +
                          sectionheader + length],
            elif section_type == 0x2F:
                # section_debug("Contexts", section_type, startsection, length)
                # contexts_start = startsection + sectionheader
                # contexts_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
            elif section_type == 0x88:
                # section_debug("NumerusRules", section_type, startsection, length)
                # numerusrules_start = startsection + sectionheader
                # numerusrules_data = struct.unpack(">%db" % length, input[startsection + sectionheader:startsection + sectionheader + length])
                section_debug("Unkown", section_type, startsection, length)
            startsection = startsection + sectionheader + length
        pos = messages_start
        source = target = None
        while pos < messages_start + len(messages_data):
            (subsection, ) = struct.unpack(">B", input[pos:pos + 1])
            if subsection == 0x01:  # End
                pos = pos + 1
                if source is not None and target is not None:
                    newunit = self.addsourceunit(source)
                    newunit.target = target
                    source = target = None
                    raise ValueError("Old .qm format with no source defined")
            pos = pos + 1
            (length, ) = struct.unpack(">l", input[pos:pos + 4])
            if subsection == 0x03:  # Translation
                if length != -1:
                    (raw, ) = struct.unpack(">%ds" % length,
                                            input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length])
                    string, templen = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(raw)
                    if target:
                        target = multistring(string)
                    pos = pos + 4 + length
                    target = ""
                    pos = pos + 4
            elif subsection == 0x06:  # SourceText
                source = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode("iso-8859-1")
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x07:  # Context
                # context = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length].decode('iso-8859-1')
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x08:  # Disambiguating-comment
                # comment = input[pos + 4:pos + 4 + length]
                pos = pos + 4 + length
            elif subsection == 0x05:  # hash
                # hash = input[pos:pos + 4]
                pos = pos + 4
                if subsection == 0x02:  # SourceText16
                    subsection_name = "SourceText16"
                elif subsection == 0x04:  # Context16
                    subsection_name = "Context16"
                    subsection_name = "Unknown"
                logger.warning("Unimplemented: 0x%x %s", subsection,
Пример #30
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
         codecs.utf_16_be_decode(self.input(0), self.input(1),