Пример #1
def inspect_content(request, project_id):
    current_project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)

    # Check if the user is a manager for the current project
    # if False, return HTTPResponseForbidden()
    if not is_manager_of(request.user, project_id):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

    # Check if there are reported messages and redirect to the settings page
    # if there are none
    reported = current_project.message_set.filter(reported=True)
    if not reported.exists():
        redirect('project_settings', project_id=project_id)

    # Check the action (if any) and either delete or ignore a message
    if 'action' in request.POST:
        message = reported.first()
        if request.POST['action'] == 'Delete':
        if request.POST['action'] == 'Ignore':
            message.reported = False

        reported = current_project.message_set.filter(reported=True)
        if not reported.exists():
            return redirect('project_settings', project_id=project_id)

    return render(request,
                  'codegui/inspect_content.html', {'project': current_project,
                                                   'message': reported.first(),
Пример #2
def manage_questionnaire(request, project_id):
    current_project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)

    # Check if the user is a manager for the current project
    # if False, return HTTPResponseForbidden()
    if not is_manager_of(request.user, project_id):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

    questions = current_project.question_set.all()

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'action' in request.POST:
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Discard changes':
                return redirect(project_settings, project_id=project_id)

            if request.POST['action'] == 'Save changes':
                # Dis gon' be fun yall
                save_question_changes_from_post(project_id, request.POST)

    return render(request,
                  'codegui/manage_questionnaire.html', {'project': current_project,
                                                        'questions': questions,
Пример #3
def project_settings(request, project_id):
    current_project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)

    # Check if the user is a manager for the current project
    # if False, return HTTPResponseForbidden()
    if not is_manager_of(request.user, project_id):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

    # If a form was submitted, check for validity and save changes.
    # Otherwise, return form based on current project settings.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ProjectSettingsForm(request.POST)

        if 'action' in request.POST:

            # If the delete button was pressed delete the project and crawler and send the user back to the dashboard
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Delete project':

                if current_project.crawler is not None:
                    # TODO Shut down the crawler properly before deleting

                return redirect('dashboard')

            # Generate a list of separate values per row in the csv. Use the Echo object as a dummy to write to
            # the stream. Using generators the page will perform better due to live evaluation in stead of pre-loading
            # the csv, possibly causing a timeout error.
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Download data':

                headers = [['id', 'message_content', 'coder', 'question', 'value']]
                rows = (header for header in headers)

                # For each code in the project, convert its values to a list and add it to rows
                rows2 = (["{}".format(code.id), str(code.message.content), str(code.coder),
                          str(code.answer.value)] for code in Code.objects.filter(message__in=
                pseudo_buffer = Echo()
                writer = csv.writer(pseudo_buffer)
                response = StreamingHttpResponse((writer.writerow(row) for row in chain(rows, rows2)),
                response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + current_project.title + '_' \
                                                  + timezone.now().date().__str__() + '.csv"'
                return response

            # Open the page for the interface in which the manager can see and deal with reported messages
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Inspect content':
                return redirect('inspect_content', project_id=current_project.id)

            # Open the page for the interface in which the manager can manage questions and answers
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Manage questionnaire':
                return redirect('manage_questionnaire', project_id=current_project.id)

            # Clear all the data in the project
            if request.POST['action'] == 'Wipe project data':

        # If the form is valid save the data in the current_project
        if form.is_valid():
            current_project.title = form.cleaned_data['title']
            current_project.description = form.cleaned_data['description']

        form = ProjectSettingsForm(initial={
                                   'title': current_project.title,
                                   'description': current_project.description,

    x_reported = current_project.message_set.filter(reported=True).count()

    return render(request,
                  'codegui/project_settings.html', {'project_id': project_id,
                                                    'form': form,
                                                    'x_reported': x_reported,