Пример #1
class Coffesploit(object):
    """Main Class"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.target = TargetManager()
        self.tool = None
        self.pluginmanager = PluginManager()
        self.helper = HelpManager()
        self.plugin_list = self.get_plugin_list()
        self.updatemanager = UpdateManager()

    def version():
        return __Version__

    def config_from(self, basedir, db_uri):
        self.basedir = basedir
        self.db_uri = db_uri

    def set_target(self, rhost):

    def set(self, arg1, arg2):
        self.pluginmanager.set_args(arg1, arg2)

    def show(self, arg):
        if arg == "target":
            if self.target.get_rhost() is not None:
                print "ip:", self.target.get_rhost()
                print dbmanager.query_target(self.target.get_rhost())
        if arg == "status":
            if self.pluginmanager.current_plugin is not None:
                status = self.pluginmanager.plugin_status()
                for arg in status:
                    print arg, ":", status[arg]
        if arg == "version":
            print "Currnt Version:", self.version()
        if arg == "plugins":
            for plugin in self.plugin_list:
                print self.plugin_list[plugin][0], " : ", plugin

    def use(self, arg):
        if arg in self.plugin_list:
            print "plugin is not existed"

    def run(self):

    def get_result(self):
        result = ""
        while (not logmanager.log.empty()):
            result += '\n'+ str(logmanager.getlog())
        return result

    def get_plugin_list(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.importer.get_plugins_list()

    def current_plugin_name(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.current_plugin_name

    def current_plugin_type(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.current_plugin_type

    def help(self, arg=None):
        """show help info of arg"""

    def update(self):
        print 'get update list', self.updatemanager.get_update_list()
        if self.updatemanager.get_update_list() != []:
            print 'update failed'
            logmanager.puttolog('update failed')

    def exit(self):
Пример #2
class Coffesploit(object):
    """Main Class"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.pluginmanager = PluginManager()
        self.helper = HelpManager()
        self.plugin_list = self.get_plugin_list()
        self.cmd_list = {'use': self.use, 'set': self.set, 'run': self.run,
        				 'tools': self.tools, 'help': self.help, 'version': self.version,
        				 'update': self.update

    def version(self):
        return(__Version__ + '\n')

    #def config_from(self, basedir, db_uri):
    #    self.basedir = basedir
    #    self.db_uri = db_uri

    def exec_cmd(self, cmd=['help']):
    	if cmd[0] in self.cmd_list:
    		return self.cmd_list[cmd[0]](*cmd[1:])
    def set(self, arg1, arg2):
        self.pluginmanager.set_args(arg1, arg2)
        return ''
    def tools(self, tool=None, help='help'):
    	if tool in self.plugin_list and help=='help':
    		return self.pluginmanager.plugin_help()
    	elif not tool:
    		intermediateInfo = "All available tools are as follows:\n"
    		for plugin in self.plugin_list:
    			intermediateInfo += plugin + '\n'
    		return intermediateInfo
    		raise TypeError
    def use(self, arg):
        if arg in self.plugin_list:
            return self.pluginmanager.load_plugin(arg)
            return("tool %s is not existed\n" %arg)	
    def help(self, arg='help'):
        """show help info of arg"""
        return self.helper.gethelp(arg)
    def run(self, method='text'):
        result = self.pluginmanager.plugin_run()
        if method == 'text':
            return(self.get_result_for_text() if result is True else result)
        elif method == 'visual':					# Visualization works only in web.
            return(self.get_result_for_visual() if result is True else result)
    def update(self):
		from config import UPDATE_URL
		import os
			with open(UPDATE_URL + "config.ini", 'w', 1) as plugin_config_file:
				for item in os.listdir(UPDATE_URL):
					if os.path.isdir(UPDATE_URL + item):
						for obj in os.listdir(UPDATE_URL + item):
							if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(UPDATE_URL + item, obj)) and obj[-3:] == ".py":
								if obj != "__init__.py":
									plugin_info = "%s,%s,%s,%s%s" %(item, obj[:-3].lower(), obj, obj[:-3], os.linesep)
							elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(UPDATE_URL + item, obj)):		# indicate it is a package
								plugin_info = "%s,%s,%s,%s%s" %(item, obj.lower(), obj + '.' + obj + '.py', obj, os.linesep)
				return("Update succeed, restart the program to load them.\n")
			return self.helper.gethelp('update')
    def get_result_for_text(self):
        result = ("*"*40 + " Run results of %s " + "*"*40 +"\n") % self.current_plugin_name()
        result += run_result.get_result_for_text(self.get_run_result())
        #while (not logmanager.log.empty()):
        #    result += '\n'+ str(logmanager.getlog())
        return result
    def get_result_for_visual(self):
    	result = run_result.get_result_for_visual(self.get_run_result(), self.current_plugin_name())
    	#f = open('test.txt', 'w')
    	return result
    def get_run_result(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.plugin_result()
    def get_plugin_list(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.get_plugins_list()

    def get_tool_categories(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.get_tool_categories()
    def get_tools_by_category(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.get_tools_by_category()
    def current_plugin_name(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.current_plugin_name

    def current_plugin_status(self):
        return self.pluginmanager.plugin_status()