Пример #1
    async def join(self, ctx, *, args: str = ''):
        """Adds the current active character to combat. A character must be loaded through the SheetManager module first.
        Args: adv/dis
              -b [conditional bonus]
              -phrase [flavor text]
              -p [init value]
              -h (same as !init add)
              --group (same as !init add)"""
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        embed.colour = char.get_color()

        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        b = args.join('b', '+') or None
        p = args.last('p', type_=int)
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n') or None
        group = args.last('group')

        if p is None:
            roll_str = char.skills.initiative.d20(base_adv=adv)
            if b:
                roll_str = f"{roll_str}+{b}"
            check_roll = roll(roll_str, inline=True)

            embed.title = '{} makes an Initiative check!'.format(char.name)
            embed.description = check_roll.skeleton + ('\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            init = check_roll.total
            init = p
            embed.title = "{} already rolled initiative!".format(char.name)
            embed.description = "Placed at initiative `{}`.".format(init)

        controller = str(ctx.author.id)
        private = args.last('h', type_=bool)
        bonus = char.skills.initiative.value

        combat = await Combat.from_ctx(ctx)

        me = await PlayerCombatant.from_character(char.name, controller, init, bonus, char.ac, private,
                                                  char.get_resists(), ctx, combat, char.upstream, str(ctx.author.id),

        if combat.get_combatant(char.name) is not None:
            await ctx.send("Combatant already exists.")

        if group is None:
            embed.set_footer(text="Added to combat!")
            grp = combat.get_group(group, create=init)
            embed.set_footer(text=f"Joined group {grp.name}!")

        await combat.final()
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await char.commit(ctx)
Пример #2
    async def join(self, ctx, *, args: str = ''):
        """Adds the current active character to combat. A character must be loaded through the SheetManager module first.
        Args: adv/dis
              -b [conditional bonus]
              -phrase [flavor text]
              -p [init value]
              -h (same as !init add)
              --group (same as !init add)"""
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        character = char.character

        # if char.get_combat_id():
        #     return await ctx.send(f"This character is already in a combat. "
        #                               f"Please leave combat in <#{char.get_combat_id()}> first.\n"
        #                               f"If this seems like an error, please `!update` your character sheet.")
        # we just ignore this for now.
        # I'll figure out a better solution when I actually need it

        skills = character.get('skills')
        if skills is None:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
        skill = 'initiative'

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        embed.colour = char.get_color()

        skill_effects = character.get('skill_effects', {})
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(skill, '')  # dicecloud v7 - autoadv

        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+') or None
        p = args.last('p', type_=int)
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n') or None

        if p is None:
            if b:
                bonus = '{:+}'.format(skills[skill]) + '+' + b
                check_roll = roll('1d20' + bonus, adv=adv, inline=True)
                bonus = '{:+}'.format(skills[skill])
                check_roll = roll('1d20' + bonus, adv=adv, inline=True)

            embed.title = '{} makes an Initiative check!'.format(char.get_name())
            embed.description = check_roll.skeleton + ('\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            init = check_roll.total
            init = p
            bonus = 0
            embed.title = "{} already rolled initiative!".format(char.get_name())
            embed.description = "Placed at initiative `{}`.".format(init)

        group = args.last('group')
        controller = str(ctx.author.id)
        private = args.last('h', type_=bool)
        bonus = roll(bonus).total

        combat = await Combat.from_ctx(ctx)

        me = await PlayerCombatant.from_character(char.get_name(), controller, init, bonus, char.get_ac(), private,
                                                  char.get_resists(), ctx, combat, char.id, str(ctx.author.id), char)

        if combat.get_combatant(char.get_name()) is not None:
            await ctx.send("Combatant already exists.")

        if group is None:
            embed.set_footer(text="Added to combat!")
            grp = combat.get_group(group, create=init)
            embed.set_footer(text=f"Joined group {grp.name}!")

        await combat.final()
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await char.commit(ctx)