Пример #1
class QueueManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test the QueueManager class. """
    def setUp(self):
        self.store = MemoryQueue()
        self.qm = QueueManager(self.store)
        self.conn = MockConnection()

    def test_subscribe(self):
        """ Test subscribing a connection to the queue. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'

        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')

        print self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f

    def test_unsubscribe(self):
        """ Test unsubscribing a connection from the queue. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'

        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')

        print self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f

        self.qm.unsubscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')

        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert len(self.store.frames(dest)) == 1

    def send_simple(self):
        """ Test a basic send command. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'

        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')

        assert len(self.store.frames(dest)) == 1

        # Assert some side-effects
        assert 'message-id' in f.headers
        assert f.cmd == 'MESSAGE'

    def test_send_err(self):
        """ Test sending a message when delivery results in error. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = True

            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")

        dest = '/queue/dest'

        # This reliable subscriber will be chosen first
        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
        self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)

        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
            self.fail("Expected failure when there was an error sending.")
        except RuntimeError:

    def test_send_backlog_err_reliable(self):
        """ Test errors when sending backlog to reliable subscriber. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = True

            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")

        dest = '/queue/dest'

        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')

        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
            self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)
            self.fail("Expected error when sending backlog.")
        except RuntimeError:

        # The message will have been requeued at this point, so add a valid
        # subscriber

        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)

        print "Frames: %r" % self.conn.frames

        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1, "Expected frame to be delivered"
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f

    def test_send_backlog_err_unreliable(self):
        """ Test errors when sending backlog to reliable subscriber. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = False

            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")

        dest = '/queue/dest'

        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='123')

        f2 = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='12345')

        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
            self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)
            self.fail("Expected error when sending backlog.")
        except RuntimeError:

        # The message will have been requeued at this point, so add a valid
        # subscriber

        print "Queue state: %r" % (self.store._messages, )

        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)

        print "Frames: %r" % self.conn.frames

        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 2, "Expected frame to be delivered"
        assert self.conn.frames == [f2, f]

    def test_send_reliableFirst(self):
        Test that messages are prioritized to reliable subscribers.
        This is actually a test of the underlying scheduler more than it is a test
        of the send message, per se.

        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True

        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)

        conn2 = MockConnection()
        conn2.reliable_subscriber = False
        self.qm.subscribe(conn2, dest)

        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE',
                           'destination': dest,
                           'message-id': uuid.uuid4()

        print conn1.frames
        print conn2.frames
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 1
        assert len(conn2.frames) == 0

    def test_ack_basic(self):
        """ Test reliable client (ACK) behavior. """

        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True

        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)

        m1 = StompFrame('MESSAGE',
                        headers={'destination': dest},
                        body='Message body (1)')

        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1

        m2 = StompFrame('MESSAGE',
                        headers={'destination': dest},
                        body='Message body (2)')

        assert len(conn1.frames
                   ) == 1, "Expected connection to still only have 1 frame."
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1

        ack = StompFrame('ACK',
                             'destination': dest,
                             'message-id': m1.message_id
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack)

        print conn1.frames
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 2, "Expected 2 frames now, after ACK."
        assert conn1.frames[1] == m2

    def test_ack_transaction(self):
        """ Test the reliable client (ACK) behavior with transactions. """

        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True

        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)

        m1 = StompFrame('MESSAGE',
                            'destination': dest,
                        body='Message body (1)')

        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1

        m2 = StompFrame('MESSAGE',
                        headers={'destination': dest},
                        body='Message body (2)')

        assert len(conn1.frames
                   ) == 1, "Expected connection to still only have 1 frame."
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1

        ack = StompFrame('ACK',
                             'destination': dest,
                             'transaction': 'abc',
                             'message-id': m1.message_id
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack, transaction='abc')

        ack = StompFrame('ACK',
                             'destination': dest,
                             'transaction': 'abc',
                             'message-id': m2.message_id
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack, transaction='abc')

        assert len(conn1.frames) == 2, "Expected 2 frames now, after ACK."
        assert conn1.frames[1] == m2

        self.qm.resend_transaction_frames(conn1, transaction='abc')

        assert len(conn1.frames) == 3, "Expected 3 frames after re-transmit."
        assert bool(self.qm._pending[conn1]
                    ) == True, "Expected 1 pending (waiting on ACK) frame." ""
Пример #2
class QueueManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test the QueueManager class. """
    def setUp(self):
        self.store = MemoryQueue() 
        self.qm = QueueManager(self.store)
        self.conn = MockConnection()
    def test_subscribe(self):
        """ Test subscribing a connection to the queue. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
        print self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f
    def test_unsubscribe(self):
        """ Test unsubscribing a connection from the queue. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
        print self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f
        self.qm.unsubscribe(self.conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1
        assert len(self.store.frames(dest)) == 1
    def send_simple(self):
        """ Test a basic send command. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
        assert len(self.store.frames(dest)) == 1
        # Assert some side-effects
        assert 'message-id' in f.headers
        assert f.cmd == 'MESSAGE'
    def test_send_err(self):
        """ Test sending a message when delivery results in error. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = True
            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        # This reliable subscriber will be chosen first
        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
        self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)
        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
            self.fail("Expected failure when there was an error sending.")
        except RuntimeError:
    def test_send_backlog_err_reliable(self):
        """ Test errors when sending backlog to reliable subscriber. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = True
            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Empty')
        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
            self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)
            self.fail("Expected error when sending backlog.")
        except RuntimeError:
        # The message will have been requeued at this point, so add a valid
        # subscriber
        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        print "Frames: %r" % self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 1, "Expected frame to be delivered"
        assert self.conn.frames[0] == f
    def test_send_backlog_err_unreliable(self):
        """ Test errors when sending backlog to reliable subscriber. """
        class ExcThrowingConn(object):
            reliable_subscriber = False
            def send_frame(self, frame):
                raise RuntimeError("Error sending data.")
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        f = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='123')
        f2 = StompFrame('SEND', headers={'destination': dest}, body='12345')
        conn = ExcThrowingConn()
            self.qm.subscribe(conn, dest)
            self.fail("Expected error when sending backlog.")
        except RuntimeError:
        # The message will have been requeued at this point, so add a valid
        # subscriber
        print "Queue state: %r" % (self.store._messages,)
        self.qm.subscribe(self.conn, dest)
        print "Frames: %r" % self.conn.frames
        assert len(self.conn.frames) == 2, "Expected frame to be delivered"
        assert self.conn.frames == [f2,f]  
    def test_send_reliableFirst(self):
        Test that messages are prioritized to reliable subscribers.
        This is actually a test of the underlying scheduler more than it is a test
        of the send message, per se.
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True
        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)
        conn2 = MockConnection()
        conn2.reliable_subscriber = False
        self.qm.subscribe(conn2, dest)
        f = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest, 'message-id': uuid.uuid4()}, body='Empty')
        print conn1.frames
        print conn2.frames
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 1
        assert len(conn2.frames) == 0
    def test_ack_basic(self):
        """ Test reliable client (ACK) behavior. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True
        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)
        m1 = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Message body (1)')
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1
        m2 = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Message body (2)')
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 1, "Expected connection to still only have 1 frame."
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1
        ack = StompFrame('ACK', headers={'destination': dest, 'message-id': m1.message_id})
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack)
        print conn1.frames
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 2, "Expected 2 frames now, after ACK."
        assert conn1.frames[1] == m2
    def test_ack_transaction(self):
        """ Test the reliable client (ACK) behavior with transactions. """
        dest = '/queue/dest'
        conn1 = MockConnection()
        conn1.reliable_subscriber = True
        self.qm.subscribe(conn1, dest)
        m1 = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest, }, body='Message body (1)')
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1
        m2 = StompFrame('MESSAGE', headers={'destination': dest}, body='Message body (2)')
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 1, "Expected connection to still only have 1 frame."
        assert conn1.frames[0] == m1
        ack = StompFrame('ACK', headers={'destination': dest, 'transaction': 'abc', 'message-id': m1.message_id})
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack, transaction='abc')
        ack = StompFrame('ACK', headers={'destination': dest, 'transaction': 'abc', 'message-id': m2.message_id})
        self.qm.ack(conn1, ack, transaction='abc')
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 2, "Expected 2 frames now, after ACK."
        assert conn1.frames[1] == m2
        self.qm.resend_transaction_frames(conn1, transaction='abc')
        assert len(conn1.frames) == 3, "Expected 3 frames after re-transmit."
        assert bool(self.qm._pending[conn1]) == True, "Expected 1 pending (waiting on ACK) frame."""