Пример #1
    def InputRPI():

        usePiCam = None
        useRPI   = None
        while useRPI == None:

            inspectThisRPI = input(inputRPI)

            if   isblank(inspectThisRPI)    : useRPI = True
            elif not stb(inspectThisRPI)    : useRPI = False
            elif     stb(inspectThisRPI)    : useRPI = True
            else                            : useRPI = None

            # If user stated that they will use Raspbery PI
            # ask them again if they are using PiCamera or
            # USB camera.
            if useRPI:

                while usePiCam == None:

                    inspectThisPiCam = input(inputPiCam)

                    if   isblank(inspectThisPiCam)  : usePiCam = True
                    elif not stb(inspectThisPiCam)  : usePiCam = False
                    elif     stb(inspectThisPiCam)  : usePiCam = True
                    else                            : usePiCam = None

            else: usePiCam = False

        return [useRPI, usePiCam]
Пример #2
    def InputSave(_docArgs):

        doYouWantToSave = None
        while doYouWantToSave == None:

            inspectThis = input("\n" + inputSave)

            if   isblank(inspectThis)   : doYouWantToSave = True
            elif not stb(inspectThis)   : doYouWantToSave = False
            elif     stb(inspectThis)   : doYouWantToSave = True
            else                        : doYouWantToSave = None

        if doYouWantToSave: assignallconfigrtv(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
Пример #3
    def InputBoolReverse(_input, _confVar):

        legal = False
        while not legal:

            inspectThis = input(_input)

            if   isblank(inspectThis): _confVar[2] = True
            elif not stb(inspectThis): _confVar[2] = False
            elif     stb(inspectThis): _confVar[2] = True
            else: _confVar[2] = None

            if _confVar[2] != None: legal = True
Пример #4
def Set(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath):
    def SaveValueMod0(_configEntryName, _value):
        sv(_config, _configAbsPath, _docArgs, 0, _configEntryName, _value)

    def SaveValueMod2(_configEntryName, _value):
        sv(_config, _configAbsPath, _docArgs, 2, _configEntryName, _value)

    inputFailed = False

    if _docArgs.get("--cname"):
        value = _docArgs.get("--cname")[0]
        if isanum(value): SaveValueMod0(_config.clientName[0], value)
        else: inputFailed = True
    if _docArgs.get("--dba"):
        value = _docArgs.get("--dba")[0]
        if isanumdot(value): SaveValueMod0(_config.dbAddress[0], value)
        else: inputFailed = True
    if _docArgs.get("--dbn"):
        value = _docArgs.get("--dbn")[0]
        if isanumuscore(value):
            SaveValueMod0(_config.dbName[0], str(value).lower())
            inputFailed = True
    if _docArgs.get("--dbp"):
        value = _docArgs.get("--dbp")[0]
        if isnum(value): SaveValueMod0(_config.dbPort[0], value)
        else: inputFailed = True
    if _docArgs.get("--irc"):
        value = _docArgs.get("--irc")[0]
        if isanumuscore(value):
            SaveValueMod0(_config.irCode[0], str(value).upper())
            inputFailed = True

    if _docArgs.get("--cvgui"):
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutOCVGUI[0], changedValue)
    if _docArgs.get("--db"):
        # I need to get the value first.
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        # After I get the boolean value then I need
        # to invert the value.
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        # After I invert the value I need to write the value
        # back into `config.ini` file.
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutDB[0], changedValue)
    if _docArgs.get("--faced"):
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutFaceD[0], changedValue)
    if _docArgs.get("--ird"):
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutIRD[0], changedValue)
    if _docArgs.get("--log"):
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutLog[0], changedValue)
    if _docArgs.get("--pvd"):
        currentValueInConfigFile = stb(
            getvaluefromconfig(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[2],
        changedValue = not currentValueInConfigFile
        SaveValueMod2(_config.withoutPVD[0], changedValue)

    if inputFailed: print("\ninput failed\n")
Пример #5
    def DocoptControl(self, _docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath,

        # This variable need to be here so that `show --config`
        # will not return twice `showcf(_config, _configAbsPath)`.
        configFileShown = False
        # This variable is to indicate if this application will
        # continued into main infinite loop after Docopt CLI.
        continueProgramToMainLoop = False
        # If `config.ini` is deleted or not.
        deletedConfig = False
        # Check if user choose to start with Raspberry PI Raspbian.
        raspberryPI = [False, False]

        # Get `first_run` value from `config.ini`.
        firstRun = stb(
            gvfc(_configAbsPath, _config.iniSections[1], _config.firstRun[0]))

        if _docArgs.get("reset"):
            # For reset we need to get connection to database to delete all table
            # and also to delete the config.ini file in the root of this project
            # directory.
            if _docArgs.get("--dbl"):
                ddl(_config, _configAbsPath, _logFolderAbsPath)
            # Delete the `config.ini` and then give `True` into the `deletedConfig`.
            deletedConfig = dc(_configAbsPath)
        if _docArgs.get("set"):
            # Set to all default variables.
            if _docArgs.get("all-default"):
                assignallconfigdefault(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
                # Set everything manually.
                ss(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
            # If user ever once set something than prevent
            # wizard from appearing when `start` command
            # inputted
            sv(_config, _configAbsPath, _docArgs, 1, _config.firstRun[0],
            _config.firstRun[2] = False
        if _docArgs.get("show") and _docArgs.get("--config"):
            configFileShown = True
            showcf(_config, _configAbsPath)
        if _docArgs.get("start"):
            if firstRun:
                # Start the wizard.
                sWI = swi(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
                raspberryPI = [sWI[0], sWI[1]]
                sv(_config, _configAbsPath, _docArgs, 1, _config.firstRun[0],
                _config.firstRun[2] = False
                # `start all-default` let user to
                # use default components (using all
                # inputs and detections). And as well
                # as database setting variables.
                if _docArgs.get("all-default"):
                    raspberryPI = sad(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
                    # `start without` command let user specify
                    # which components to use and which ones not
                    # to use. The rest is taken from the `config.ini`.
                elif _docArgs.get("without"):
                    raspberryPI = sw(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
                    # If this is first run then every time
                    # this application launches go to here.
                elif _docArgs.get("wizard"):
                    sWI = swi(_docArgs, _config, _configAbsPath)
                    raspberryPI = [sWI[0], sWI[1]]
                    sv(_config, _configAbsPath, _docArgs, 1,
                       _config.firstRun[0], False)
                    _config.firstRun[2] = False
                # If there is no other parameters support the `start` command
                # check if user want to start this in Raspberry PI or normal
                # operating system.
                    raspberryPI = srpi(_docArgs)

            # If `start` is used this application will go into main loop.
            continueProgramToMainLoop = True

        return [
            configFileShown, continueProgramToMainLoop, deletedConfig,
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, _docArgs):

        # Codes to clear the terminal screen before launching this application.
        if platform == "darwin" or platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
            subp.call(["reset"], shell=True)
        elif platform == "cygwin" or platform == "win32":
            subp.call(["cls"], shell=True)

        print("sociometric client\n")


        docArgs = _docArgs  # Arguments supplied from Docopt.

        CASCADE_FRONT_FACE_DEF_NAME = "cascade_face_front_default.xml"  # Cascade file name.
        CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "config.ini"  # File name for the configuration file.
        LOG_FOLDER_NAME = "log"

        cascAbsPath = os.path.join("./", CASCADE_FRONT_FACE_DEF_NAME)
        config = conf()  # Configuration variable.
        configAbsPath = os.path.join(
            "./", CONFIG_FILE_NAME
        )  # Absolute path to the configuration file exist or not.
        conn = None  # For holding information about the connection between this application and the database.
        connDB = None  # Return value from `cdb()`.
        db = None  # For holding information about the database.
        docoptControl = None  # For holding CLI Docopt control.
        logAbsPath = None  # Absolute path into current `log.txt`.
        logFolderAbsPath = os.path.join(
            "./", LOG_FOLDER_NAME)  # Absolute path into the `log` folder.
        threads = []  # An empty array to hold all threading.Thread object.

        # Threads variables. You may ask on why I am not putting this directly
        # into the `threads` variable. The answer is because not every thread
        # will be put into `threads`. In case `config.withoutPVD[2]`
        # is True then `mPVD` will not be in the `threads`.
        cFD = None
        iDB = None
        iRD = None
        iRS = None
        mPVD = None

        # Generate the cascade .xml for front face detection.
        if not os.path.exists(cascAbsPath):
            io.FileIO(cascAbsPath, "w")
            with open(cascAbsPath, "a") as cascXML:
            print("cascade file created")

        # I want to know the `type()` of `docArgs`.
        # `docArgs` is apparently a native Python dictionary type data.
        # `docArgs.get("start")` will return either True or False depending
        # whether `start` sub - command is used or not when starting this
        # application.
        # Check if there is a configuration file. If not then create one.
        if not os.path.exists(configAbsPath): cc(config, configAbsPath)

        # Assign all value into run - time variables.
        # Use `try` and except. If there is an error
        # delete the current config.ini and make a new
        # one.
            assignallrtvconfig(config, configAbsPath)
        except cfgp.NoOptionError as error:
                "there is missing parameter(s) in current configuration file")
            print("deleting config.ini")
            print("creating new config.ini")
            cc(config, configAbsPath)

        # Docopt arguments handlers.
        docoptControl = self.DocoptControl(docArgs, config, configAbsPath,
        if not docoptControl[0] and not docoptControl[2]:
            showcf(config, configAbsPath)

        # Terminate the program right here if there is no start command
        # issued in CLI.
        if docoptControl[1]:

            # Show run time variables.

            # Create log folder here. Check if there something
            # in the `logFolderAbsPath`.
            if os.path.exists(logFolderAbsPath):

                # If there is something exists then check if the
                # thing is a folder or not. If the thing is not
                # a folder then create new folder in `logFolderAbsPath`
                if not os.path.isdir(logFolderAbsPath):
                    print("log folder created")


                print("log folder created")

            # Create log file for this session.
            gDT = gdt()
            logName = (config.clientName[2] + "-" + gDT[0] + gDT[1] + gDT[2] +
                       "-" + gDT[3] + gDT[4] + gDT[5] + "-" +
                       gDT[6].replace("/", "-") + ".txt")
            logAbsPath = os.path.join(logFolderAbsPath, logName)
            if os.path.exists(logAbsPath):

                if os.path.isdir(logAbsPath):
                    io.FileIO(logAbsPath, "w")
                    print(logName + " log created")


                io.FileIO(logAbsPath, "w")
                print(logName + " log created")

            # First I need to check if database will be used or not.
            if not config.withoutDB[2]: connDB = cdb(config, False, True)
            # `connDB[0]` returns `True` if database connection is successful.
            if connDB != None:


                if connDB[0]:
                    db = connDB[1]
                    conn = connDB[2]

            # In any case `iDB` will still be instantiated.
            # Only the database connection will not be used
            # in case of `config.withoutDB[2]` is `True.`
            iDB = idb("IDB_1", threads, config, config.withoutDB[2], db, conn,

            # `docoptControl[3]` is a variable that states if user choose to run this
            # application in Raspberry PI's Raspbian Jessie environment.
            # The cam face detection only care if the user uses PiCamera or normal USB
            # web cam. Hence, `docoptControl[3][1]` will return `True` if Docopt argument
            # `--picam` is used.
            # While the pitch and volume detection need to know the operating system it
            # runs because it need to detect default sound card. Hence, `docoptControl[3][0]`
            # refer to Docopt argument `--rpi`. User need to choose this if this application
            # runs in Raspberry PI' Raspbian Jessie. I do not make any programming for other
            # Raspberry compatible OS but Raspbian Jessie.
            if not stb(config.withoutFaceD[2]):
                cFD = cfd("CFD_1", threads, iDB, docoptControl[3][1],
                          config)  # Camera face detection.
            if not stb(config.withoutPVD[2]):
                mPVD = mpvd("MPVD_1", threads, iDB, docoptControl[3]
                            [0])  # Microphone pitch and volume detection.
            if not stb(config.withoutIRD[2]):
                iRD = ird("IRD_1", threads, iDB)
                iRS = irs("IRS_1", threads, config)

            # Then run all available threads.
            for t in threads:

            #Infinite loop.
            while True:
