def __call__(self, context):
        context = getattr(context, 'context', context)
        portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        items = [
                'auto', 'auto', context.translate(_(
                    default=u'Default configuration (Content Type Registry).'))

        flt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in
            _listTypesForInterface(portal, 'file')
        ilt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in
            _listTypesForInterface(portal, 'image')
                t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info']
            for t in flt
        file_types = [t['portal_type'] for t in flt]
                t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info']
            for t in ilt if t['portal_type'] not in file_types

        return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, context):
        context = getattr(context, 'context', context)
        portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        items = [
                'auto', 'auto',
                      default=u'Default configuration (Content Type Registry).'

        flt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe)
            for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, 'file')
        ilt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe)
            for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, 'image')
            SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
            for t in flt
        file_types = [t['portal_type'] for t in flt]
            SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
            for t in ilt if t['portal_type'] not in file_types

        return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, context):
        context = getattr(context, 'context', context)
        portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        items = [SimpleTerm('auto', 'auto', context.translate(_('label_default_portaltype_configuration',
                                                      default=u'Default configuration (Content Type Registry).')))]
        archetype_tool = getToolByName(context, 'archetype_tool', None)
        if archetype_tool:
            flt = [_infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IFileContent)]
            ilt = [_infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IImageContent)]
            items.extend([SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
                      for t in flt])
            file_types = [t['portal_type'] for t in flt]
            items.extend([SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
                      for t in ilt if t['portal_type'] not in file_types])

        for fti in portal.portal_types.objectValues():
            if HAS_DEXTERITY and IDexterityFTI.providedBy(fti):
                    schema = fti.lookupSchema()
                except ImportError:
                    # this dexterity type was changed/removed in an improper way
                    # no need to punish, just fail gracefully
                fields = getFieldsInOrder(schema)
                for fieldname, field in fields:
                    if INamedFileField.providedBy(field) or INamedImageField.providedBy(field):
                        items.append(SimpleTerm(fti.getId(), fti.getId(), fti.Title()))

        return SimpleVocabulary(items)
    def __call__(self, context):
        context = getattr(context, 'context', context)
        portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        flt = [_infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IFileContent)]
        ilt = [_infoDictForType(portal, tipe) for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IImageContent)]

        items = [SimpleTerm('auto', 'auto', context.translate('label_default_portaltype_configuration',
                                                      default=u'Default configuration (Content Type Registry).',
        all_portal_types = []
        for t in flt+ilt:
            portal_type = t['portal_type']
            if portal_type not in all_portal_types:
                items.append(SimpleTerm(portal_type, portal_type, t['type_ui_info']))
        for fti in portal.portal_types.objectValues():
            if HAS_DEXTERITY and IDexterityFTI.providedBy(fti):
                fields = getFieldsInOrder(fti.lookupSchema())
                for fieldname, field in fields:
                    if INamedFileField.providedBy(field) or INamedImageField.providedBy(field):
                        items.append(SimpleTerm(fti.getId(), fti.getId(), fti.Title()))

        return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, context):
        context = getattr(context, 'context', context)
        portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        flt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe)
            for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IFileContent)
        ilt = [
            _infoDictForType(portal, tipe)
            for tipe in _listTypesForInterface(portal, IImageContent)
        items = [
                'auto', 'auto',
                      default=u'Default configuration (Content Type Registry).'
            SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
            for t in flt
        file_types = [t['portal_type'] for t in flt]
            SimpleTerm(t['portal_type'], t['portal_type'], t['type_ui_info'])
            for t in ilt if t['portal_type'] not in file_types

        for fti in portal.portal_types.objectValues():
            if HAS_DEXTERITY and IDexterityFTI.providedBy(fti):
                fields = getFieldsInOrder(fti.lookupSchema())
                for fieldname, field in fields:
                    if INamedFileField.providedBy(
                            field) or INamedImageField.providedBy(field):
                            SimpleTerm(fti.getId(), fti.getId(), fti.Title()))

        return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Пример #6
    def upload_settings(self):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        request = self.request
            session = request.get('SESSION', {})
            mediaupload = session.get('mediaupload',
                    request.get('mediaupload', ''))
            typeupload = session.get('typeupload',
                    request.get('typeupload', ''))
        except SessionDataManagerErr:
            logger.debug('Error occurred getting session data. Falling back to '
            mediaupload = request.get('mediaupload', '')
            typeupload = request.get('typeupload', '')
        portal_url = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url')()

        settings = dict(
            portal_url             = portal_url,
            typeupload             = '',
            context_url            = context.absolute_url(),
            physical_path          = "/".join(context.getPhysicalPath()),
            ul_id                  = self.uploader_id,
            ul_fill_titles         = self.qup_prefs.fill_titles and 'true' or 'false',
            ul_fill_descriptions   = self.qup_prefs.fill_descriptions and 'true' or 'false',
            ul_auto_upload         = self.qup_prefs.auto_upload and 'true' or 'false',
            ul_size_limit          = self.qup_prefs.size_limit and str(self.qup_prefs.size_limit*1024) or '',
            ul_xhr_size_limit      = self.qup_prefs.size_limit and str(self.qup_prefs.size_limit*1024) or '0',
            ul_sim_upload_limit    = str(self.qup_prefs.sim_upload_limit),
            ul_button_text         = self._translate(_(u'Browse')),
            ul_draganddrop_text    = self._translate(_(u'Drag and drop files to upload')),
            ul_msg_all_sucess      = self._translate(_(u'All files uploaded with success.')),
            ul_msg_some_sucess     = self._translate(_(u' files uploaded with success, ')),
            ul_msg_some_errors     = self._translate(_(u" uploads return an error.")),
            ul_msg_failed          = self._translate(_(u"Failed")),
            ul_error_try_again_wo  = self._translate(_(u"please select files again without it.")),
            ul_error_try_again     = self._translate(_(u"please try again.")),
            ul_error_empty_file    = self._translate(_(u"Selected elements contain an empty file or a folder:")),
            ul_error_empty_extension = self._translate(_(u"This file has no extension:")),
            ul_error_file_large    = self._translate(_(u"This file is too large:")),
            ul_error_maxsize_is    = self._translate(_(u"maximum file size is:")),
            ul_error_bad_ext       = self._translate(_(u"This file has invalid extension:")),
            ul_error_onlyallowed   = self._translate(_(u"Only allowed:")),
            ul_error_no_permission = self._translate(_(u"You don't have permission to add this content in this place.")),
            ul_error_disallowed_type = self._translate(_(u"This type of element is not allowed in this folder.",)),
            ul_error_already_exists = self._translate(_(u"This file already exists with the same name on server:")),
            ul_error_zodb_conflict = self._translate(_(u"A data base conflict error happened when uploading this file:")),
            ul_error_server        = self._translate(_(u"Server error, please contact support and/or try again.")),
            ul_browse_files        = self._translate(_('Browse files')),

        settings['typeupload'] = typeupload
        if typeupload :
            imageTypes = _listTypesForInterface(context, IImageContent)
            if typeupload in imageTypes :
                ul_content_types_infos = self.ul_content_types_infos('image')
            else :
                ul_content_types_infos = self.ul_content_types_infos(mediaupload)
        else :
            ul_content_types_infos = self.ul_content_types_infos(mediaupload)

        settings['ul_file_extensions'] = ul_content_types_infos[0]
        settings['ul_file_extensions_list'] = str(ul_content_types_infos[1])
        settings['ul_file_description'] = ul_content_types_infos[2]

        return settings