def getConnection(self, core=None): """ returns an existing connection or opens one """ if not isActive(): return None if core is None: connection_key = 'connection' else: connection_key = 'connection_{0}'.format(core) conn = getLocal(connection_key) if conn is not None: return conn zcmlconfig = queryUtility(IZCMLSolrConnectionConfig) registry = getUtility(IRegistry) config_host = registry[''] if zcmlconfig is not None: # use connection parameters defined in zcml... logger.debug('opening connection to %s', conn = SolrConnection(, solrBase=zcmlconfig.base, persistent=True) setLocal(connection_key, conn) elif config_host is not None: # otherwise use connection parameters defined in control panel... config_port = registry['collective.solr.port'] config_base = registry['collective.solr.base'] if core is not None: config_base = '/'.join([config_base, core]) config_base = config_base.rstrip('/') host = '%s:%d' % (config_host, config_port) logger.debug('opening connection to %s', host) conn = SolrConnection(host=host, solrBase=config_base, persistent=True) setLocal(connection_key, conn) return conn
def getConnection(self): """ returns an existing connection or opens one """ if not isActive(): return None conn = getLocal('connection') if conn is not None: return conn zcmlconfig = queryUtility(IZCMLSolrConnectionConfig) registry = getUtility(IRegistry) config_host = registry[''] if zcmlconfig is not None: # use connection parameters defined in zcml... logger.debug('opening connection to %s', conn = SolrConnection(, solrBase=zcmlconfig.base, persistent=True) setLocal('connection', conn) elif config_host is not None: # otherwise use connection parameters defined in control panel... config_port = registry['collective.solr.port'] config_base = registry['collective.solr.base'] host = '%s:%d' % (config_host, config_port) logger.debug('opening connection to %s', host) conn = SolrConnection(host=host, solrBase=config_base, persistent=True) setLocal('connection', conn) return conn
def __call__(self, request, **keywords): """ decide on a search backend and perform the given query """ if isActive(): try: return solrSearchResults(request, **keywords) except FallBackException: pass if getattr(aq_base(self.context), '_cs_old_searchResults', None): return self.context._cs_old_searchResults(request, **keywords) return ZCatalog.searchResults(self.context, request, **keywords)