def process_gc_collector(self, bean, kept): context = bean['name'].split("java.lang:type=")[1].split(",name=") for key, value in bean.iteritems(): if key in EXCLUDED_KEYS: continue if value is None: continue if key == 'LastGcInfo': context.append(key) for lastgc_key, lastgc_val in bean[key].iteritems(): if lastgc_key == 'memoryUsageAfterGc' or lastgc_key == 'memoryUsageBeforeGc': context.append(lastgc_key) for memusage in lastgc_val: # lastgc_val is a list context.append(memusage["key"]) for final_key, final_val in memusage[ "value"].iteritems(): safe_context, safe_final_key = self.safe_replace( context, final_key) kept.append( (safe_context, safe_final_key, final_val)) context.pop() context.pop() elif is_numeric(lastgc_val): safe_context, safe_lastgc_key = self.safe_replace( context, lastgc_key) kept.append( (safe_context, safe_lastgc_key, lastgc_val)) context.pop() elif is_numeric(value): safe_context, safe_key = self.safe_replace(context, key) kept.append((safe_context, safe_key, value))
def poll(self): """ Get metrics from the http server's /jmx page, and transform them into normalized tupes @return: array of tuples ([u'Context', u'Array'], u'metricName', value) """ json_arr = self.request().get('beans', []) kept = [] for bean in json_arr: if (not bean['name']) or (not "name=" in bean['name']): continue #split the name string bean_name = bean['name'].split("name=")[1] context = re.split(",sub=|,q[0-9]+=", bean_name) # Create a set that keeps the first occurrence context = OrderedDict.fromkeys(context).keys() # lower case and replace spaces. context = [c.lower().replace(" ", "_") for c in context] # don't want to include the service or daemon twice context = [c for c in context if c != self.service and c != self.daemon] for key, value in bean.iteritems(): if key in EXCLUDED_KEYS: continue value = value if is_numeric(value) else self.to_numeric(context, key, value) if not is_numeric(value): continue kept.append((context, key, value)) return kept
def poll(self): """ Get metrics from the http server's /jmx page, and transform them into normalized tupes @return: array of tuples ([u'Context', u'Array'], u'metricName', value) """ json_arr = self.request().get('beans', []) kept = [] for bean in json_arr: if (not bean['name']) or (not "name=" in bean['name']): continue #split the name string context = bean['name'].split("name=")[1].split(",sub=") # Create a set that keeps the first occurrence context = OrderedDict.fromkeys(context).keys() # lower case and replace spaces. context = [c.lower().replace(" ", "_") for c in context] # don't want to include the service or daemon twice context = [ c for c in context if c != self.service and c != self.daemon ] for key, value in bean.iteritems(): if key in EXCLUDED_KEYS: continue if not is_numeric(value): continue kept.append((context, key, value)) return kept
def print_metrics(self, d, metric_prefix, timestamp, tags, not_tags=[]): """ Take a dict of attributes and print out numerical metric strings Recurse if necessary """ for k, v in d.items(): # Tack on the name of the attribute attribute, more_tags = self.parse_attribute(k.lower(), not_tags) metric_name = '.'.join([metric_prefix, attribute]) my_tags = tags + more_tags # If numerical if utils.is_numeric(v): print("%s %d %s %s" % (metric_name, timestamp, str(v), ' '.join(my_tags))) # If a bool, True=1, False=0 elif type(v) is bool: print("%s %d %s %s" % (metric_name, timestamp, str(int(v)), ' '.join(my_tags))) # Or a dict of more attributes, call ourselves again elif type(v) is dict: self.print_metrics(v, metric_name, timestamp, my_tags, not_tags) else: #lists, strings, etc #print '# ', type(v), metric_name, str(v) pass
def process_java_lang_metrics(self, bean, kept): context = bean['name'].split("java.lang:type=")[1].split(",name=") for key, value in bean.iteritems(): if key in EXCLUDED_KEYS: continue if value is None: continue if is_numeric(value): safe_context, safe_key = self.safe_replace(context, key) kept.append((safe_context, safe_key, value)) elif isinstance( value, dict ): # only go one level deep since there is no other level empirically for subkey, subvalue in value.iteritems(): if is_numeric(subvalue): safe_context, final_key = self.safe_replace( context, key + "." + subkey) kept.append((safe_context, final_key, subvalue))
def poll(self): """ Get metrics from the http server's /jmx page, and transform them into normalized tupes @return: array of tuples ([u'Context', u'Array'], u'metricName', value) """ json_arr = self.request().get('beans', []) kept = [] for bean in json_arr: try: if (bean['name']) and (bean['name'].startswith( 'java.lang:type=GarbageCollector')): self.process_gc_collector(bean, kept) elif (bean['name']) and ( bean['name'].startswith('java.lang:type=')): self.process_java_lang_metrics(bean, kept) elif (bean['name']) and ("name=" in bean['name']): # split the name string context = bean['name'].split("name=")[1].split(",sub=") # Create a set that keeps the first occurrence context = OrderedDict.fromkeys(context).keys() # lower case and replace spaces. context = [c.lower().replace(" ", "_") for c in context] # don't want to include the service or daemon twice context = [ c for c in context if c != self.service and c != self.daemon ] for key, value in bean.iteritems(): if key in EXCLUDED_KEYS: continue if not is_numeric(value): continue kept.append((context, key, value)) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( "exception in HadoopHttp when collecting %s", bean['name']) return kept
def _traverse(metric, stats, ts, tags): """ Recursively traverse the json tree and print out leaf numeric values Please make sure you call this inside a lock and don't add locking inside this function """ #print metric,stats,ts,tags if isinstance(stats, dict): if "timestamp" in stats: ts = stats["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s for key in stats.keys(): if key != "timestamp": _traverse(metric + "." + key, stats[key], ts, tags) if isinstance(stats, (list, set, tuple)): count = 0 for value in stats: _traverse(metric + "." + str(count), value, ts, tags) count += 1 if utils.is_numeric(stats) and not isinstance(stats, bool): if isinstance(stats, int): stats = int(stats) printmetric(metric, ts, stats, tags) return
def _traverse(metric, stats, ts, tags): """ Recursively traverse the json tree and print out leaf numeric values Please make sure you call this inside a lock and don't add locking inside this function """ #print metric,stats,ts,tags if isinstance(stats,dict): if "timestamp" in stats: ts = stats["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s for key in stats.keys(): if key != "timestamp": _traverse(metric + "." + key, stats[key], ts, tags) if isinstance(stats, (list, set, tuple)): count = 0 for value in stats: _traverse(metric + "." + str(count), value, ts, tags) count += 1 if utils.is_numeric(stats) and not isinstance(stats, bool): if isinstance(stats, int): stats = int(stats) printmetric(metric, ts, stats, tags) return
def print_metrics(self, d, metric_prefix, timestamp, tags, not_tags=[]): """ Take a dict of attributes and print out numerical metric strings Recurse if necessary """ for k, v in d.iteritems(): # Tack on the name of the attribute attribute, more_tags = self.parse_attribute(k.lower(), not_tags) metric_name = '.'.join([metric_prefix, attribute]) my_tags = tags + more_tags # If numerical if utils.is_numeric(v): print "%s %d %s %s" % (metric_name, timestamp, str(v), ' '.join(my_tags)) # If a bool, True=1, False=0 elif type(v) is bool: print "%s %d %s %s" % (metric_name, timestamp, str(int(v)), ' '.join(my_tags)) # Or a dict of more attributes, call ourselves again elif type(v) is dict: self.print_metrics(v, metric_name, timestamp, my_tags, not_tags) else: #lists, strings, etc #print '# ', type(v), metric_name, str(v) pass
% (cluster_name, nstats["cluster_name"])) return 1 this_nodeid, nstats = nstats["nodes"].popitem() if this_nodeid != nodeid: err("node ID changed from %r to %r" % (nodeid, this_nodeid)) return 1 is_master = nodeid == cluster_state(server)["master_node"] printmetric("is_master", int(is_master)) if is_master: ts = int(time.time()) # In case last call took a while. cstats = cluster_health(server) for stat, value in cstats.iteritems(): if stat == "status": value = STATUS_MAP.get(value, -1) elif not utils.is_numeric(value): continue printmetric("cluster." + stat, value) if "os" in nstats: ts = nstats["os"]["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "timestamp" in nstats: ts = nstats["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "indices" in nstats: indices = nstats["indices"] if "docs" in indices: printmetric("num_docs", indices["docs"]["count"]) if "store" in indices: printmetric("indices.size", indices["store"]["size_in_bytes"]) if "indexing" in indices:
def _collect_server(server, version): ts = int(time.time()) nstats = node_stats(server, version) cluster_name = nstats["cluster_name"] nodeid, nstats = nstats["nodes"].popitem() node_name = nstats["name"] is_master = nodeid == cluster_state(server)["master_node"] printmetric("is_master", ts, int(is_master), node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) if is_master: ts = int(time.time()) # In case last call took a while. cstats = cluster_health(server) for stat, value in cstats.iteritems(): if stat == "status": value = STATUS_MAP.get(value, -1) elif not utils.is_numeric(value): continue printmetric("cluster." + stat, ts, value, cluster=cluster_name) if "os" in nstats: ts = nstats["os"]["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "timestamp" in nstats: ts = nstats["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "indices" in nstats: indices = nstats["indices"] if "docs" in indices: printmetric("num_docs", ts, indices["docs"]["count"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) if "store" in indices: printmetric("indices.size", ts, indices["store"]["size_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) if "indexing" in indices: d = indices["indexing"] printmetric("indexing.index_total", ts, d["index_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("indexing.index_time", ts, d["index_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("indexing.index_current", ts, d["index_current"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("indexing.delete_total", ts, d["delete_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("indexing.delete_time_in_millis", ts, d["delete_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("indexing.delete_current", ts, d["delete_current"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "get" in indices: d = indices["get"] printmetric("", ts, d["total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("get.time", ts, d["time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("get.exists_total", ts, d["exists_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("get.exists_time", ts, d["exists_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("get.missing_total", ts, d["missing_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("get.missing_time", ts, d["missing_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "search" in indices: d = indices["search"] printmetric("search.query_total", ts, d["query_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("search.query_time", ts, d["query_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("search.query_current", ts, d["query_current"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("search.fetch_total", ts, d["fetch_total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("search.fetch_time", ts, d["fetch_time_in_millis"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("search.fetch_current", ts, d["fetch_current"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "cache" in indices: d = indices["cache"] printmetric("cache.field.evictions", ts, d["field_evictions"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("cache.field.size", ts, d["field_size_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("cache.filter.count", ts, d["filter_count"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("cache.filter.evictions", ts, d["filter_evictions"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("cache.filter.size", ts, d["filter_size_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "merges" in indices: d = indices["merges"] printmetric("merges.current", ts, d["current"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("", ts, d["total"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("merges.total_time", ts, d["total_time_in_millis"] / 1000., node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d del indices if "process" in nstats: process = nstats["process"] ts = process["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s open_fds = process.get("open_file_descriptors") # ES 0.17 if open_fds is None: open_fds = process.get("fd") # ES 0.16 if open_fds is not None: open_fds = open_fds["total"] if open_fds is not None: printmetric("process.open_file_descriptors", ts, open_fds, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) if "cpu" in process: d = process["cpu"] printmetric("process.cpu.percent", ts, d["percent"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("process.cpu.sys", ts, d["sys_in_millis"] / 1000., node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("process.cpu.user", ts, d["user_in_millis"] / 1000., node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "mem" in process: d = process["mem"] printmetric("process.mem.resident", ts, d["resident_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("process.mem.shared", ts, d["share_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("process.mem.total_virtual", ts, d["total_virtual_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d del process if "jvm" in nstats: jvm = nstats["jvm"] ts = jvm["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "mem" in jvm: d = jvm["mem"] printmetric("jvm.mem.heap_used", ts, d["heap_used_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("jvm.mem.heap_committed", ts, d["heap_committed_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("jvm.mem.non_heap_used", ts, d["non_heap_used_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("jvm.mem.non_heap_committed", ts, d["non_heap_committed_in_bytes"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d if "threads" in jvm: d = jvm["threads"] printmetric("jvm.threads.count", ts, d["count"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("jvm.threads.peak_count", ts, d["peak_count"], node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del d for gc, d in jvm["gc"]["collectors"].iteritems(): printmetric("jvm.gc.collection_count", ts, d["collection_count"], gc=gc, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) printmetric("jvm.gc.collection_time", ts, d["collection_time_in_millis"] / 1000., gc=gc, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del jvm del d if "network" in nstats: for stat, value in nstats["network"]["tcp"].iteritems(): if utils.is_numeric(value): printmetric("network.tcp." + stat, ts, value, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) for stat, value in nstats["transport"].iteritems(): if utils.is_numeric(value): printmetric("transport." + stat, ts, value, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) # New in ES 0.17: for stat, value in nstats.get("http", {}).iteritems(): if utils.is_numeric(value): printmetric("http." + stat, ts, value, node=node_name, cluster=cluster_name) del nstats
(cluster_name, nstats["cluster_name"])) return 1 this_nodeid, nstats = nstats["nodes"].popitem() if this_nodeid != nodeid: utils.err("node ID changed from %r to %r" % (nodeid, this_nodeid)) return 1 is_master = nodeid == cluster_state(server)["master_node"] printmetric("is_master", int(is_master)) if is_master: ts = int(time.time()) # In case last call took a while. cstats = cluster_health(server) for stat, value in cstats.iteritems(): if stat == "status": value = STATUS_MAP.get(value, -1) elif not utils.is_numeric(value): continue printmetric("cluster." + stat, value) if "os" in nstats: ts = nstats["os"]["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "timestamp" in nstats: ts = nstats["timestamp"] / 1000 # ms -> s if "indices" in nstats: indices = nstats["indices"] if "docs" in indices: printmetric("num_docs", indices["docs"]["count"]) if "store" in indices: printmetric("indices.size", indices["store"]["size_in_bytes"]) if "indexing" in indices: