Пример #1
    def next(self, color_in):
        # Calculate both wallclock time since start, as well as time since last call of next()
        t = time.time() - self.t_start
        dt = t - self.last_t
        self.last_t = t

        if t < 6:
            # Val fades us in from black at the beginning, we use sin_ease to bring us in
            # We clamp to 1.0 since we're going to be running this well past the end time of .5
            # We're kind of abusing this function, it's meant to only be called from within ease()
            # but don't worry, we "Know What We're Doing" (TM)
            val = sin_ease(0, 1, 2.0, min(t, 2.0))

            # Color cycle continually accelerates
            self.hue_cycle = .7 * exp(-.45 * t)

            # Calculate new hue, modulo 1.0
            self.hue = (self.hue + dt / self.hue_cycle) % 1.0

            # Have it saturate out to white from 3 seconds onward:
            sat = sin_ease(1, 0, 3.0, min(max(t - 3.0, 0.0), 3.0))

            # Calculate final color out
            color_out = Color()
            color_out.setHSV(self.hue, sat, val)
            return color_out

        # Once we're done with startup, ease from the ending white to our color:
        mix_amnt = self.anim_queue.animate(default_value=0)
        return mix_amnt * self.white + (1 - mix_amnt) * color_in
Пример #2
def get_paragraph_color():
    Get the preference corresponding to paragraph background
    color, and turn it into an hex string
    pref_string = GPS.Preference("Src-Editor-Reference-Style").get()
    c = Color(pref_string.split("@")[2])
    return c.to_hex(), c.shade_or_lighten(0.1).to_hex()
Пример #3
def get_paragraph_color():
    Get the preference corresponding to paragraph background
    color, and turn it into an hex string
    pref_string = GPS.Preference("Src-Editor-Reference-Style").get()
    c = Color(
    return c.to_hex(), c.shade_or_lighten(0.1).to_hex()
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.t_start = time.time()
        self.last_t = self.t_start
        self.hue = 0

        # Setup an animation to ease from a mixing value of 1 to 0 over 2.0 seconds
        self.anim_queue = AnimationQueue()
        self.anim_queue.push(ease(1, 0, 5.0, sin_ease))
        self.white = Color(1, 1, 1)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, listen_port=7331, timeout=4, timeout_fade_duration=4):
        # create an OSC server and bind it to listen on port 7331
        self.server = OSCServer(("", listen_port))
        self.server.timeout = 0
        self.server.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(
            lambda x: self.handle_timeout(), self.server)

        # Create handlers for "/rgb" and "/hsv".  This causes a packet to "/rgb" to call self.set_rgb()
        # and a packet to "/hsv" to call self.set_hsv(), with the arguments path, tags, args, source
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_rgbw(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_rgb(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_r(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_g(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_b(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_w(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_hsv(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_h(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_s(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_v(p, t, a, s))

        # Initialize variables
        self.color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        self.opacity = 0.0
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.timeout_fade_duration = timeout_fade_duration

        # Setup our animation queue
        self.anim_queue = AnimationQueue()

        # The last time we got a message on our socket
        self.last_msg_time = time.time()
Пример #6
	def next(self, color_in):
		# Get current time, divide into cycle length and take modulus
		time_idx = time.time()%self.cycle

		# Trying to get some late night dimming going, so I can leave this running in my room all day.  Really not sure this belongs here vs another function, but it seems to work.
		time_day = time.time()%6 		# Get the number of seconds since midnight
		rise_time = 9*60*60 - (8*60*60) 	# Set the offset for sunrise. In this case, I want the light to get brighter at 9am, (and dim at 9pm). The second term accounts for the time zone
		min_amp = 0 						# Set Min, 
		max_amp = 1 						# Max brightness

		# Using first three terms of the fourier expansion of a square wave because I can.(Edit: Used a fourth term)
		# If you want to see what this looks like, I built it with wolfram alpha:
		# "graph 0.45*(sin((x-32400)*2pi/86400)+1/3sin(3(x-32400)*2pi/86400)+1/5sin(5(x-32400)*2pi/86400))+0.55 from 0 to 86400"
		night_dim_amp = (max_amp-min_amp)/2*(math.sin((time_day-rise_time)*2*math.pi/(6))+(max_amp-(max_amp-min_amp)/2))
		# Move through the color circle, setting hue to our position in the cycle,
		# locking saturation to 1, and value varying with time.
		color_out = Color()
		color_out.setHSV(time_idx/self.cycle, 1, 0.1)

		# Return the color we generate.  We ignore input color_in
		return color_out
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, cycle=1, off_color=Color(0, 0, 0, 0)):
     self.cycle = cycle / 2.0
     self.off_color = off_color
Пример #8
class Osc(object):
    def __init__(self, listen_port=7331, timeout=4, timeout_fade_duration=4):
        # create an OSC server and bind it to listen on port 7331
        self.server = OSCServer(("", listen_port))
        self.server.timeout = 0
        self.server.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(
            lambda x: self.handle_timeout(), self.server)

        # Create handlers for "/rgb" and "/hsv".  This causes a packet to "/rgb" to call self.set_rgb()
        # and a packet to "/hsv" to call self.set_hsv(), with the arguments path, tags, args, source
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_rgbw(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_rgb(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_r(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_g(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_b(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_w(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_hsv(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_h(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_s(p, t, a, s))
                                  lambda p, t, a, s: self.set_v(p, t, a, s))

        # Initialize variables
        self.color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        self.opacity = 0.0
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.timeout_fade_duration = timeout_fade_duration

        # Setup our animation queue
        self.anim_queue = AnimationQueue()

        # The last time we got a message on our socket
        self.last_msg_time = time.time()

    # Close the socket on exit
    def cleanup(self):

    def got_a_packet(self):
        self.opacity = 1.0
        self.last_msg_time = time.time()

    # Set the current color in either RGB or HSV colorspace
    def set_rgbw(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_rgb(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_r(self, path, tags, args, source):
        print path, tags, args, source

    def set_g(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_b(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_w(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_hsv(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_h(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_s(self, path, tags, args, source):

    def set_v(self, path, tags, args, source):

    # This gets called when we have no more packets waiting to be processed
    def handle_timeout(self):
        self.timed_out = True

    # This function retrieves the next color from the Audio object
    def next(self, color_in):
        # process any messages we might have waiting for us.  We do this by calling handle_request() until
        # handle_timeout() gets called, at which point we stop:
        self.timed_out = False
        while not self.timed_out:

        # If we've not received a message for `timeout` seconds, slowly ease back to 1.0 power
        if self.last_msg_time + self.timeout < time.time(
        ) and self.opacity != 0.0:
            # Ease slowly from the current value of self.opacity to 0.0
                ease(self.opacity, 0.0, self.timeout_fade_duration, sin_ease))

            # This ensures that once the animation is done, we stay at 0.0, and also that we
            # don't keep on animating over and over again (e.g. the if statement directly above
            # doesn't keep on activating over and over again)
            self.opacity = 0.0

        # If we're easing back to 0.0 after a client disconnect, then this animation does something.
        # If we're receiving packets like normal, this animation does nothing, it just returns self.opacity
        animated_opacity = self.anim_queue.animate(default_value=self.opacity)

        # Mix between color_in and our stored self.color
        return color_in * (1.0 -
                           animated_opacity) + animated_opacity * self.color
Пример #9
    #Read markov names_model
    logging.info("Reading markov language model...\n")
    with open(markovFilename, 'rb') as f:
        names_model = pickle.load(f)

    #Create color tagger
    basic_colors = [color.name for color in basicColorTerms]
    colorTagger = ColorTagger(basic_colors)

    while True:
        root = tk.Tk()
        style = ttk.Style(root)

        rgb = askcolor((255, 255, 0), root)
        testColor = Color(rgb[1], rgb[0][0], rgb[0][1], rgb[0][2])

        closeColors = closestNColors(testColor, basicColorTerms, 1)

        logging.debug(":".join([c.name for c in closeColors]) + "\n")

        #Choose pattern according to distro
        total = sum(patternCounts.values())
        patternString = random.choices(
            [c for c in patternCounts.keys()],
            [count / total for count in patternCounts.values()])[0]
        pattern = patternString.split(",")

        #Generate some names
            "Generating candidate names using pattern {} for color ({}, {}, {})...\n"