Пример #1
def convert(text, background, foreground):
        Converts regular text text to banner3D text

    # only uppercase text is accepted
    text = text.upper()

    # loop through letter rows
    for row in range(8):
        # loop through the charecters on the text
        for _, letter in enumerate(text):
                # get the correct ASCII row and letter
                string = LETTERS[letter][row]
            except Exception:
                raise Exception(f'\n\n\nSorry, the character \'{letter}\' is not currently avalible.')
            # initalize `new_string`
            new_string = ""
            # append colored charecters to final string
            for char in string:
                if char == "#":
                    new_string += bold(foreground, char)
                    new_string += bold(background, char)
            # print each letters correct row
            print(new_string, end="")
        # newline at end of ASCII row
Пример #2
from colorize import bold
print(bold('red', 'Colorizin!'))
Пример #3
def main():
    Fire up the rest of the script and initalize the 'final_summary' faces.

    # Define the hair for all the figures.
    hair = "\n\tX*X*X*X*X*X*X\n"

    # Define the sad face.
    sad_no = """\t#############
        #           #
        #   0   0   #
        #     v     #
        #    ___    #
        #   /   \\   #
        #           #

    # Add the hair to the sad face.
    sad = bold("yellow", hair)
    sad += bold("white", sad_no)

    # Define the happy face.
    happy_no = """\t#############
        #           #
        #   0   0   #
        #     v     #
        #           #
        #   \\___/   #
        #           #

    # Add hair to the happy face.
    happy = bold("yellow", hair)
    happy += bold("white", happy_no)

    # Define the crying face.
    not_happy_no = """\t#############
        #           #
        #   0   0   #
        #  '  v     #
        #    ___    #
        #   /   \\   #
        #           #

    # Add hair to the crying face.
    not_happy = bold("yellow", hair)
    not_happy += bold("white", not_happy_no)

    while True:
        # Get the data.
        info = get_info()

        # Choose the the appropriate face(smiley/frownie/crying).
        final_summary = ''
        if ("Cloud" in info["summary"]) or ("Overcast" in info["summary"]):
            final_summary = sad
        if ("Sun" in info["summary"]) or ("Clear" in info["summary"]):
            final_summary = happy
        if (info["precipProbability"] > 0.5) or ("Snow" in info["summary"]):
            final_summary = not_happy
        if "Rain" in info["summary"]:
            final_summary = not_happy
        # Print the info.
        pprint(info, final_summary)
        # Sleep before beginning again.
Пример #4
def pprint(data, final_summary):
    Print out all the data in a user-friendly way.
    # Clear the screen

    # Test for what color the 'temperature' tag should be.
    temp_color = ""
    if data["temperature"] > 50:
        temp_color = "red"
        temp_color = "blue"

    # Test for what color the 'feels like' tag should be.
    feels_color = ""
    if data["apparentTemperature"] > 50:
        feels_color = "red"
        feels_color = "blue"

    # Test for what color the 'humidity' tag should be.
    humid_color = ""
    if data["humidity"] < 0.50:
        humid_color = "yellow"
        humid_color = "blue"

    # Test for what unicode symbol for the 'Summary' tag should be.
    weather_icon = ""
    if ("Cloud" in data["summary"]) or ("Overcast" in data["summary"]):
        weather_icon = u"\u2601"
    elif ("Sun" in data["summary"]) or ("Clear" in data["summary"]):
        weather_icon = u"\u2600"
    elif data["precipProbability"] > 0.5:
        weather_icon = u"\u26C6"
    elif "Snow" in data["summary"]:
        weather_icon = u"\u2603"

    # Banner_3d title.
    convert("Weather status:", "blue", "green")

    # Print the temperature in the specified color.
    print(bold(temp_color, ("\n\nTemperature: " + str(data["temperature"]))))
    # Print the feels like temperature in the specified color.
        bold(feels_color, ("Feels like: " + str(data["apparentTemperature"]))))
    # Print the humidity in the specified color.
        bold(humid_color, ("Humidity:  " + str(data["humidity"] * 100) + "%")))
    # Print the probibility of precipitation in green.
        bold("green", ("Probibility of precipitation: " +
    # Print the intensity of precipitation in green.
             ("Intensity of precipitation: " + str(data["precipIntensity"]))))
    # Print the dew point in green.
    print(bold("green", ("Dew point: " + str(data["dewPoint"]))))
    # Print the summary in green, along with white unicode symbols describing the weather.
    print(bold("green", ("Summary: " + data["summary"])), " ",
          weather_icon * 5)
    # Print the wind gust speed in green.
            ("Wind gust speed: " + str(data["windGust"]) + " miles per hour")))
    # Print the wind speed in green.
             ("Wind speed: " + str(data["windSpeed"]) + " miles per hour")))
    # Print the miles of visibility in green.
    print(bold("green", ("Visibility: " + str(data["visibility"]) + " miles")))
    # Print the appropriate face(smiley/frownie/crying).
    print(bold("green", "\nMy summary: "), end="")
Пример #5
def main():
    main process that converts image and prints ascii art
    # initalise images
    # initalize color numpy arrays
    red = np.array((255, 0, 0))
    black = np.array((0, 0, 0))
    green = np.array((0, 255, 0))
    yellow = np.array((255, 255, 0))
    blue = np.array((0, 0, 255))
    purple = np.array((255, 0, 255))
    cyan = np.array((0, 255, 255))
    white = np.array((255, 255, 255))

    # initalize list of numpy array colors
    colors = [red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, purple, white, black]
    # initalize list of color strings
    str_clrs = [
        'red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'purple', 'white', 'black'

    images = {
        "python": Image.open("python.jpg"),
    # enter choice
    choice = input("enter name of character: ")
    image = images[choice]
    # Define the ASCII characters
    asci = ['\u1D77', '\u25AE', u'\u213B']
    # initialize
    text = ''
    len_chars = len(asci)
    step = 255 / len_chars
    value, value2 = 0, step
    x_pos, y_pos, z_pos = 0, 0, 0
    # open and resize the image
    scale = image.height / 350
    image = image.resize((int(image.width / scale), int(image.height / scale)))
    image = image.resize((int(image.width / 1), int(image.height / 2.3)))

    # For every pixel in the image...
    while y_pos < image.height:
        # Find its brightness
        brightness = sum(image.getpixel((x_pos, y_pos))) / len_chars
        # find its color
        color = image.getpixel((x_pos, y_pos))
        # make value1 numpy array out of the color rgb
        color_array = np.array(color)
        # initalise the subtracted arrays list
        subtracted_arrays = []

        # find the color the current pixel is closest to
        for item in colors:
            difference = np.abs(item - color_array)
            difference = sum(difference)

        minpos = subtracted_arrays.index(min(subtracted_arrays))
        color = str_clrs[minpos]

        # Depending on its brightness, assign it an ASCII character
        while z_pos < len_chars:
            #print(value1, brightness, value2)
            if value <= brightness <= value2:
                text += bold(color, asci[z_pos])
            # increment variables
            value += step
            value2 += step
            z_pos += 1
        # reset window and idx
        z_pos = 0
        value = 0
        value2 = step
        # next pixel same line
        x_pos += 1
        # new line
        if x_pos == image.width - 1:
            text += '\n'
            y_pos += 1
            x_pos = 0
    # finally print the output