def twapi_search(query, count, *, sleep_time=0, **kwargs): with open(DEBUG_FILENAME, 'w'): pass last_id = None num_fetched = 0 while count > 0: next_count = min(count, MAX_COUNT_PER_REQ) next_id = last_id - 1 if last_id is not None else None data = list( twapi_search_page(query, next_count, next_id, sleep_time=sleep_time, **kwargs)) if not data: cl.warning('No more data can be retrieved, terminating...') return for item in data: last_id = int(item['id']) yield item num_fetched += len(data) count -= len(data)'Current number of records fetched: %d' % num_fetched)
def export_csv(data, outfilename, encoding='utf-8'): cl.progress('Exporting data to csv file: %s' % outfilename) it = iter(data) num_records = 0 try: first_item = next(it) except StopIteration: cl.warning('Empty data. Export aborted.') return else: num_records += 1 with open(outfilename, 'w', newline='', encoding=encoding) as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=first_item.keys()) writer.writeheader() writer.writerow(first_item) try: for item in it: num_records += 1 writer.writerow(item) except KeyboardInterrupt: cl.warning('User hit Ctrl-C, flushing data...') cl.success('%d record(s) saved to csv file.' % num_records)
def recover_from_csv(csvfilename): progress = 0 for row in csv_reader(csvfilename): progress += 1 if progress % 1000 == 0: cl.progress('%d record(s) have been recovered' % progress) yield row if int(row['retweets']): try: retweets = twapi.GetRetweets(int(row['id']), count=100) except Exception: cl.warning('Error: %s' % get_exc_line()) else: for tweet in retweets: yield { 'id': tweet.id_str, 'text': row['text'], 'timestamp': tweet.created_at, 'likes': tweet.favorite_count, 'retweets': tweet.retweet_count, 'replies': None, 'url': None, 'html': None, 'user': merge_whitespaces(tweet.user.screen_name), 'fullname': merge_whitespaces( }
def retry_until_success(func, *args, **kwargs): MAX_RETRY = 2 retry = 0 ret = None while True: try: try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if retry >= MAX_RETRY: cl.error('Error: %sMax retries exceeded, terminating.' % traceback.format_exc()) raise cl.error('Error: %sRetrying...' % traceback.format_exc()) retry += 1 else: return ret except KeyboardInterrupt: cl.warning('User hit Ctrl-C, terminating function %r' % func.__name__) raise
def demo2(): cl.section('Demo 2') username = '' while not username: username = cl.input('Username: '******'' while not password: password = cl.password('Password: '******'Successfully logged in.') with cl.progress('Checking for update...', mode=cl.PROGRESS_SPIN): time.sleep(3) choice = '' while choice.lower() not in {'y', 'n'}: choice = cl.question( 'A new version is present, would you like to update? (Y/N)').strip( ) if choice.lower() == 'y': with cl.progress('Downloading ', mode=cl.PROGRESS_DETERMINATE) as p: time.sleep(1) p.update(0.2, ' 20% (1MB/5MB) ETA 4s') time.sleep(2) p.update(0.4, ' 40% (2MB/5MB) ETA 3s') cl.error('Failed to download package. SSL handshake error.') else: cl.warning('Update delayed!')
def overview(): cl.section('Overview of Labels') cl.success('Good job! All test cases passed!') cl.warning('Warning! Security update delayed!') cl.error('Error! Failed to write file!')'Server listening on port 8888.') cl.progress('Downloading package, please wait...') cl.plain('Nothing interesting.') cl.question('A new version is present, would you like to update? (Y/N)')
def iterator_aggregate_list(data): if hasattr(data, '__next__'): result = [] try: result.extend(data) except Exception: cl.warning('Exception happened while collecting data: %s' % get_exc_line()) except KeyboardInterrupt: cl.warning('User hit Ctrl-C. Will not collect more data.') return result elif isinstance(data, list): return data else: return list(data)
def main(): try: while True: welcome() option = get_menu_option() if option != 5: cl.newline() if option == 1: overview() elif option == 2: animations() elif option == 3: demo1() elif option == 4: demo2() else: cl.plain('Bye!') break cl.newline() cl.input('Press Enter to continue...') cl.newline() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): cl.newline() cl.warning('Ctrl-C or EOF received, quitting.')
def bye(): cl.newline() cl.warning('Bye~', mark='~') sys.exit(0)
import itertools import colorlabels as cl from decouple import config from github import Github from util import merge_whitespaces try: gh = Github(config('GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN')) except Exception: cl.warning('GitHub access token is not correctly configured, ' 'cannot retrieve GitHub data.') gh = None def get_labels(issue): for label in issue.labels: yield def github_issue_repo_fetch(repo, since): if isinstance(repo, str): repo = gh.get_repo(repo) cl.plain('Fetching issues from repo: %s' % repo.full_name) for issue in repo.get_issues(state='all', since=since): yield { 'id': 'issue-%d' % issue.number, 'text': merge_whitespaces('%s %s' % (issue.title, issue.body)),
DEBUG_FILENAME = log_file('twdebug.log') MAX_COUNT_PER_REQ = 100 credentials = { 'consumer_key': config('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'), 'consumer_secret': config('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'), 'access_token_key': config('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY'), 'access_token_secret': config('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET') } try: twapi = twitter.Api(**credentials, application_only_auth=True, sleep_on_rate_limit=True) except Exception: cl.warning('Twitter access token is not correctly configured, ' 'cannot retrieve Twitter data in the official way.') twapi = None def get_full_text(tweet): if tweet.retweeted_status: return tweet.retweeted_status.full_text else: return tweet.full_text def get_hashtags(tweet): for hashtag in tweet.hashtags: if hashtag.text: yield hashtag.text
import sys import colorlabels as cl from service.auth import register from util import validate_password, validate_username if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: cl.warning('Usage: %s username password' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) username = sys.argv[1] password = sys.argv[2] r = validate_username(username) if not r: cl.error(str(r)) sys.exit(-1) r = validate_password(password) if not r: cl.error(str(r)) sys.exit(-1) if register(username, password): cl.success('Successfully registered user %r.' % username) else: cl.error('User %r already exists!' % username)