def bin_dataframe(self, radius):
    This function looks at the Set's dataframe and checks whether there are
    columns that are closer together than _radius_ in colorspace. Such columns
    are then merged. 
    The algorithm is similar to the DCB algorithm itself, which is heavily commented
    in the ColorList class.
    cols = list(self.dataframe)
    # Perform checking
    for col in cols:
      colbgr = literal_eval(col)
      color = sRGBColor(colbgr[0], colbgr[1], colbgr[2], is_upscaled=True)
      color_lab = convert_color(color, LabColor)
      for compcol in cols[cols.index(col)+1:]:
        compcolbgr = literal_eval(compcol)
        compcolor = sRGBColor(compcolbgr[0], compcolbgr[1], compcolbgr[2], is_upscaled=True)
        compcolor_lab = convert_color(compcolor, LabColor)
        delta = delta_e_cie2000(color_lab, compcolor_lab)
        if ( delta < radius ):
          self.dataframe[col].fillna(self.dataframe[compcol], inplace=True)
          del self.dataframe[compcol]

    # Clean up dataframe (sorting columns, setting NaN to 0)
    self.dataframe.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    self.dataframe = self.dataframe.reindex_axis(sorted(self.dataframe.columns, key=lambda x: self.dataframe[x].sum(), reverse=True), axis=1)
Пример #2
def colorCloseEnough(color1, color2):
    rgb1 = sRGBColor(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2])
    rgb2 = sRGBColor(color2[0], color2[1], color2[2])
    lab1 = convert_color(rgb1, LabColor)
    lab2 = convert_color(rgb2, LabColor)

    return delta_e_cie1976(lab1, lab2) < 5000
def output_html():
    f = open('delta-e-cie2000.html', 'w')

    # header
    line = '<thead><tr><th></th>'
    for c in colors:
        rgb = sRGBColor(c['rgb'][0], c['rgb'][1], c['rgb'][2], True)
        line += '<th style="background-color:' + rgb.get_rgb_hex() + ';">' + str(c['id']) + '</th>'
    f.write(line + '</tr></thead>')

    # boody
    for c1 in colors:
        rgb = sRGBColor(c1['rgb'][0], c1['rgb'][1], c1['rgb'][2], True)
        line = '<tr><th style="background-color:' + rgb.get_rgb_hex() + ';">' + str(c1['id']) + '</th>'
        lab1 = LabColor(c1['lab'][0], c1['lab'][1], c1['lab'][2])
        for c2 in colors:
            if c1['id'] == c2['id']:
                line += '<td>--</td>'
                lab2 = LabColor(c2['lab'][0], c2['lab'][1], c2['lab'][2])
                line += '<td>' + str(round(delta_e_cie2000(lab1, lab2), 2)) + '</td>'
        f.write(line + '</td>')
Пример #4
def distance(c1, c2):
    Calculate the visual distance between the two colors.
    return delta_e_cmc(
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1, is_upscaled=True), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2, is_upscaled=True), LabColor)
Пример #5
def colordiff_lab(pixel1,pixel2):

	#convert rgb values to L*ab values
	lab_1= convert_color(rgb_pixel_1, LabColor)

	lab_2= convert_color(rgb_pixel_2, LabColor)

	#calculate delta e
	delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(lab_1, lab_2)
	return delta_e
Пример #6
def colordiff_lab(source_pixel,palette_pixel):

	#convert rgb values to L*ab values
	lab_source= convert_color(rgb_pixel_source, LabColor)

	lab_palette= convert_color(rgb_pixel_palette, LabColor)

	#calculate delta e
	delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(lab_source, lab_palette)
	return delta_e
 def dynamic_binning(self, radius):
   This function applies the dynamic color binning algorithm to the
   ColorList. This algorithm sorts the colors by pixel count. Selecting
   the most prominent color, it searches the rest of the list for similar
   (i.e. within a distance <radius> in Lab color space) colors and adds
   the pixel counts of those colors to that of the prominent color, thus
   binning together similar colors. In this way it goes down the list
   until all colors present have been binned.
   The function returns a new ColorList object, as well as a dictionary
   that tells the user which colors have been binned together. This
   dictionary is of the form {major_color: [list, of, minor, colors]}.
   colorlist = self.colorlist
   clustered_colorlist = []
   synonymous_colors = {}
   for color in colorlist:
     color_copy = color
     synonymous_colors[tuple(color[0:2])] = []
     # Store color as Lab-color
     color_rgb = sRGBColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], is_upscaled=True)
     color_lab = convert_color(color_rgb, LabColor)
     # Loop through all the colors that are less prominent than the current color
     for color_compare in colorlist[colorlist.index(color)+1:]:
       # Store color as Lab-color
       color_compare_rgb = sRGBColor(color_compare[0], color_compare[1], color_compare[2], is_upscaled=True)
       color_compare_lab = convert_color(color_compare_rgb, LabColor)
       # Calculate the distance in color space
       delta = delta_e_cie2000(color_lab, color_compare_lab)
       # If distance is smaller than threshold, label as similar
       if ( delta < radius ):
         # Add up pixel counts
         color_copy[3] += color_compare[3]
         # Remove color from the list we are looping over
     # Add color with updated pixel count to new list
   clustered_colorlist.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[3], reverse=True)
   BinnedColorList = ColorList.from_list(clustered_colorlist)
   return BinnedColorList, synonymous_colors
Пример #8
def colordiff_lab(pixel1,pixel2):

	#convert rgb values to L*ab values
	lab_source= convert_color(rgb_pixel_source, LabColor)

	lab_palette= convert_color(rgb_pixel_palette, LabColor)

	#calculate delta e
	delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(lab_source, lab_palette)
	return delta_e
Пример #9
def difference(a, b): # HLS
	print(a, b)
	#c1 = HSLColor(hsl_h = a[0], hsl_s = a[2]/100.0, hsl_l = a[1]/100.0)
	#c2 = HSLColor(hsl_h = b[0], hsl_s = a[2]/100.0, hsl_l = a[1]/100.0)
	c1RGB = sRGBColor(a[0], a[1], a[2])
	c2RGB = sRGBColor(b[0], b[1], b[2])
	c1Lab = convert_color(c1RGB, LabColor)
	c2Lab = convert_color(c2RGB, LabColor)
	print(delta_e_cie2000(c1Lab, c2Lab))
	return delta_e_cie2000(c1Lab, c2Lab)
def color_diff(color_1, color_2):
    # Red Color 6
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(color_1[0], color_1[1], color_1[2])
    #  Blue Color 9
    color2_rgb = sRGBColor(color_2[0], color_2[1], color_2[2])
    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space 12
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)
    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space 15
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)
    # Find the color difference 18
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
    return delta_e
def calculate_color_distance(color1, color2):
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2])
    color2_rgb = sRGBColor(color2[0], color2[1], color2[2])

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)

    # Find the color difference
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
    return delta_e
def color_match(rgb_dress,rgb_color):
	color1_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb_dress[0], rgb_dress[1], rgb_dress[2]);
	color2_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb_color[0], rgb_color[1], rgb_color[2]);

	color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor);

	color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor);

	delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab);

	print ("The difference between the 2 color = ", delta_e)
	return delta_e
Пример #13
def ColorDistance(rgb1, rgb2):
    #print("ColorDistance of " + str(rgb1) + " and " + str(rgb2))
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb1[0], rgb1[1], rgb1[2])
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color2_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb2[0], rgb2[1], rgb2[2])
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)

    # Find the color difference
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
    #print("ColorDistance of " + str(color1_rgb) + " and " + str(color2_lab) + " = " + str(delta_e))
    return delta_e
Пример #14
def calculate_colour_distance(c1: Color, c2: Color) -> float:
    """Users Delta E Cie 2000 to calculate colour distance

        c1 (Color): First Colour
        c2 (Color): Second Colour

        float: Float distance between the two colours, 0 being the same colour, 100 being the furthest away, rounded to 3 decimal places
    c1_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1.rgb), LabColor)
    c2_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2.rgb), LabColor)
    return round(delta_e_cie2000(c1_lab, c2_lab), 3)
Пример #15
def fmtHex(str):
    black = convert_color(sRGBColor(0, 0, 0), LabColor)
    white = convert_color(sRGBColor(1, 1, 1), LabColor)
    color = sRGBColor.new_from_rgb_hex(str)
    lcolor = convert_color(color, LabColor)
    if delta_e_cie2000(lcolor, white) > delta_e_cie2000(lcolor, black):
        return "\033[48;2;{};{};{};38;2;255;255;255m{}\033[0m".format(
            int(255 * color.rgb_r), int(255 * color.rgb_g),
            int(255 * color.rgb_b), color.get_rgb_hex())
        return "\033[48;2;{};{};{};38;2;0;0;0m{}\033[0m".format(
            int(255 * color.rgb_r), int(255 * color.rgb_g),
            int(255 * color.rgb_b), color.get_rgb_hex())
Пример #16
def combinecolors(c1, c2, firstweight):
    firstweight = random.uniform(0.25, 0.75)
    # extra chance to make it lopsided
    if random.random() < 0.5:
        firstweight = firstweight / random.uniform(2, 4)
    secondweight = 1-firstweight

    c = sRGBColor(c1[0], c1[1], c1[2], is_upscaled = True)
    c2 = sRGBColor(c2[0], c2[1], c2[2], is_upscaled = True)
    hsl1 = color_conversions.convert_color(c, HSLColor)
    hsl2 = color_conversions.convert_color(c2, HSLColor)
    hue1 = hsl1.hsl_h
    hue2 = hsl2.hsl_h

    # jank recombination of hue
    # make hue2 the greater one
    if hue2 > hue1:
        temp = hue1
        hue1 = hue2
        hue2 = temp

    # shrink green region to make recombination work- green is from 75 to 150
    recombinecount = 0
    if hue1 > 75:
        subtract = min((hue1-75), 25)
        hue1 = hue1 - subtract
        recombinecount += 1
    if hue2 > 75:
        subtract = min((hue2-75), 25)
        hue2 = hue2 - subtract
        recombinecount += 1
    new_hue = circle_ave(hue1, hue2, circlerange = 360-25)
    # add both if it was found on the greater side of the circle
    if new_hue > hue2 and recombinecount > 0:
        recombinecount = 2
    # convert back with green
    if new_hue > 75:
        new_hue = new_hue + (min(new_hue-75, 25)/2) * recombinecount
    new_hsl = HSLColor(new_hue,
    rgb = color_conversions.convert_color(new_hsl, sRGBColor)
    pygame_rgb = (int(rgb.rgb_r * 255), int(rgb.rgb_g * 255), int(rgb.rgb_b * 255))
    return pygame_rgb
Пример #17
def get_delta_e(rgba, rgbb):
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2])
    color2_rgb = sRGBColor(rgbb[0], rgbb[1], rgbb[2])

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)

    # Find the color difference
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)

    return delta_e
def get_cie2000_difference(color_arr):
    color1 = color_arr[0]
    color2 = color_arr[1]
    # Normalize RGB values
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], is_upscaled=True)
    color2_rgb = sRGBColor(color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], is_upscaled=True)

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)

    #Find the difference
    diff = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
    return diff
Пример #19
def distinguishable_colors(n_colors):
	import numpy as np
	from colormath.color_objects import sRGBColor, LabColor
	from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
	from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
	bg = [1,1,1]	#Assumes background is white

	#Generate 30^3 RGB triples to choose from.

	n_grid = 30	
	x = np.linspace(0,1,n_grid)
	R = np.array([x]*900).flatten()
	G = np.array([[i]*30 for i in x]*30).flatten()
	B = np.array([[i]*900 for i in x]).flatten()

	rgb = np.array([R,G,B]).T			#27000 by 3 matrix 

	if n_colors > len(rgb)/3:	#>27000
		print "You can't distinguish that many colors, dingus"
		return None

	#Convert to Lab colorspace
	lab = np.array([list(convert_color(sRGBColor(i[0], i[1], i[2]), LabColor).get_value_tuple()) for i in rgb])
	bglab = list(convert_color(sRGBColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]), LabColor).get_value_tuple())

	#Compute the distance from background to candicate colors
	arr_length = len(rgb)
	mindist2 = np.empty(arr_length)
	dX = lab - bglab
	dist2 = np.sum(np.square(dX), axis=1)
	mindist2 = np.minimum(dist2, mindist2)	

	#Pick the colors
	colors = np.zeros((n_colors, 3))
	lastlab = bglab
	for i in range(n_colors):
		dX = lab - lastlab	#subtract last from all colors in the list
		dist2 = np.sum(np.square(dX), axis=1)
		mindist2 = np.minimum(dist2, mindist2)
		index = np.argmax(mindist2)
		colors[i] = rgb[index]
		lastlab = lab[index]

	hex_colors =  [rgb2hex(item) for item in colors]

	return hex_colors
Пример #20
def too_revealing(image, gender="M"):
    image =

    w, h = image.size
    # image = image.crop((w / 4, h / 5, w * 3 / 4, h * 4 / 5))
    # w, h = image.size

    pixelSize = (w * h) / 10000

    image = image.resize(
        (round(image.size[0] / pixelSize), round(image.size[1] / pixelSize)),
    w, h = image.size"output.png")

    all_colours = list(image.getdata())

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    white_skin = [
        convert_color(sRGBColor(255, 224, 189), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(255, 205, 148), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(239, 175, 139), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(142, 81, 62), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(126, 76, 62), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(174, 127, 109), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(60, 27, 12), LabColor)

    total_skin = 0

    for colour in all_colours:
        # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
        color2_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]),

        min_dist = 200

        # Find the color difference
        for tone in white_skin:
            min_dist = min(delta_e_cie2000(tone, color2_lab), min_dist)

        # print(min_dist)

        if min_dist < 30:
            total_skin += 1

    total_skin = total_skin / (w * h)

    # debug

    # male
    if total_skin > .12 and gender == "M":
        return True

    # female
    if total_skin > .20 and gender != "M":
        return True

    return False
Пример #21
    def convertPostMsg(self, postmsg):
        msgToDevice = {}
        datacontainsRGB = False
        if 'color' in postmsg.keys():
            datacontainsRGB = True

        for k, v in postmsg.items():
            if k == 'status':
                if postmsg.get('status') == "ON":
                    msgToDevice['on'] = True
                elif postmsg.get('status') == "OFF":
                    msgToDevice['on'] = False
            elif k == 'brightness':
                msgToDevice['bri'] = int(
                    round(float(postmsg.get('brightness')) * 255.0 / 100.0, 0))
            elif k == 'color':
                if type(postmsg['color']) == tuple:
                    _red, _green, _blue = postmsg['color']  # colors
                    rgb = sRGBColor(_red, _green, _blue,
                                    True)  # True for Digital 8-bit per channel
                    _xyY = convert_color(rgb,
                    msgToDevice['xy'] = [_xyY.xyy_x, _xyY.xyy_y]
                    msgToDevice['bri'] = int(_xyY.xyy_Y * 255)
                elif type(postmsg['color']) == list:
                    _red = postmsg['color'][0]
                    _green = postmsg['color'][1]
                    _blue = postmsg['color'][2]
                    rgb = sRGBColor(_red, _green, _blue,
                                    True)  # True for Digital 8-bit per channel
                    _xyY = convert_color(rgb,
                    msgToDevice['xy'] = [_xyY.xyy_x, _xyY.xyy_y]
                    msgToDevice['bri'] = int(round(_xyY.xyy_Y * 255, 0))
            elif k == 'hue':
                if datacontainsRGB == False:
                    msgToDevice['hue'] = postmsg.get('hue')
                # msgToDevice['hue'] = 50000
            elif k == 'saturation':
                if datacontainsRGB == False:
                    msgToDevice['sat'] = int(
                            float(postmsg.get('saturation')) * 255.0 / 100.0,
                msgToDevice[k] = v
        return msgToDevice
Пример #22
    def recolor(self):
        from_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.from_color), LabColor)
        from_hsv = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.from_color), HSVColor)
        self._to_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.to_color), LabColor)
        range_ = self.range
        from_r, from_g, from_b = self.from_color
        to_r, to_g, to_b = self.to_color

        width, height = self.image.width, self.image.height
        pixel_count = width * height
        source_pixels = numpy.asarray(self.image)

        result_image ='RGB', (width, height), "black")
        target_pixels = result_image.load()

        pixels_done = 0
        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                r, g, b = source_pixels[j, i]
                hsv_pixel = convert_color(sRGBColor(r, g, b), HSVColor)
                distance = barkovsky_distance_3000(hsv_pixel, from_hsv)

                #distance = delta_e_cie2000(lab_pixel, from_lab)

                # distance = math.sqrt(
                #     (r - from_r) ** 2 +
                #     (g - from_g) ** 2 +
                #     (b - from_b) ** 2
                # )

                pixels_done += 1
                if pixels_done % 10000 == 0:
                    print('%d%%' % (pixels_done / pixel_count * 100))

                if distance > range_:
                    target_pixels[i, j] = (r, g, b)

                r_diff = r - from_r
                g_diff = g - from_g
                b_diff = b - from_b

                r_new = cap_number(to_r + r_diff, 0, 255)
                g_new = cap_number(to_g + g_diff, 0, 255)
                b_new = cap_number(to_b + b_diff, 0, 255)
                target_pixels[i, j] = (
                    int(r_new), int(g_new), int(b_new)

Пример #23
def color_distance(rgb1, rgb2):
    c = tuple(rgb1)+tuple(rgb2)
    if c in color_map:
        return color_map[c]
        color1_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb1[0], rgb1[1], rgb1[2]);
        color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor);

        color2_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb2[0], rgb2[1], rgb2[2]);
        color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor);

        d = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
        color_map[c] = d
        return d
Пример #24
def distance_DELTAECIE2000(p1, p2):
    """Restituisce un valore indicante la differenza tra 2 pixel in formato RGB.
    La differenza viene calcolata con l'algoritmi DELTA E CIE2000."""
    # converto i colori in formato LAB
    p1 = convert_color(
        sRGBColor(p1.item(0) / 255.0,
                  p1.item(1) / 255.0,
                  p1.item(2) / 255.0), LabColor)
    p2 = convert_color(
        sRGBColor(p2.item(0) / 255.0,
                  p2.item(1) / 255.0,
                  p2.item(2) / 255.0), LabColor)
    # e calcolo la differenza
    return delta_e_cie2000(p1, p2)
Пример #25
def rgb2is(red, green, blue, colorsdb, nbest):
    colors = json.loads(open(colorsdb, 'r').read())
    color1_rgb = sRGBColor(red, green, blue, is_upscaled=True);
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor);
    result = []

    for name, value in colors.items():
        color2_rgb = sRGBColor(*value, is_upscaled=True);
        color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor);
        delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab);
        result.append((delta_e, name))

    for res in sorted(result)[:nbest]:
        print('{1}, delta = {0}'.format(*res))
Пример #26
def colordiff_lab(source_pixel, palette_pixel):

    #convert rgb values to L*ab values
    rgb_pixel_source = sRGBColor(source_pixel[0], source_pixel[1],
                                 source_pixel[2], True)
    lab_source = convert_color(rgb_pixel_source, LabColor)

    rgb_pixel_palette = sRGBColor(palette_pixels[0], palette_pixels[1],
                                  palette_pixels[2], True)
    lab_palette = convert_color(rgb_pixel_palette, LabColor)

    #calculate delta e
    delta_e = delta_e_cie1976(lab_source, lab_palette)
    return delta_e
Пример #27
def compare_color(img1, img2):
    a = get_color(img1)
    b = get_color(img2)
    a1 = sRGBColor(a[0], a[1], a[2])
    b1 = sRGBColor(b[0], b[1], b[2])
    color1 = convert_color(a1, LabColor)
    color2 = convert_color(b1, LabColor)
    delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
    print("delta_e:", delta_e)

    if delta_e < delta_e_param:
        return True
        return False
Пример #28
def chromakey(source, bg):
    for x in range(source.width):
        for y in range(source.height):

            cur_pixel = source.getpixel((x, y))
            green = sRGBColor(0, 190, 60)
            cur_pixel_rgb = sRGBColor(cur_pixel[0], cur_pixel[1], cur_pixel[2])
            cur_pixel_lab = convert_color(cur_pixel_rgb, LabColor)
            green_lab = convert_color(green, LabColor)

            if delta_e_cie2000(cur_pixel_lab, green_lab) < 10:
                source.putpixel((x, y), bg.getpixel((x, y)))"chromakeyed.png")
Пример #29
def preview(hex, end='\n'):
    black = convert_color(sRGBColor(0, 0, 0), LabColor)
    white = convert_color(sRGBColor(1, 1, 1), LabColor)
    color = convert_color(hex, sRGBColor)
    lcolor = convert_color(color, LabColor)
    if delta_e_cie2000(lcolor, white) > delta_e_cie2000(lcolor, black):
            int(255 * color.rgb_r), int(255 * color.rgb_g),
            int(255 * color.rgb_b), color.get_rgb_hex()),
            int(255 * color.rgb_r), int(255 * color.rgb_g),
            int(255 * color.rgb_b), color.get_rgb_hex()),
Пример #30
def validate_lighting(predicted, current, threshold):
    c1_rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(current['h'] / 360, current['s'],

    c1 = sRGBColor(c1_rgb[0], c1_rgb[1], c1_rgb[2])
    c2 = sRGBColor(predicted['r'] / 255.0, predicted['g'] / 255.0,
                   predicted['b'] / 255.0)

    print("c1 is " + str(c1) + " and c2 is " + str(c2))

    de = delta_e_cie2000(convert_color(c1, LabColor),
                         convert_color(c2, LabColor))"delta_e: {} is within valid range: {}".format(
        de, de < threshold))
    return de < threshold
Пример #31
def avg_delta_e_2000(main1, tail1, main2, tail2):
    rgb_main1 = sRGBColor(main1[0], main1[1], main1[2])
    rgb_main2 = sRGBColor(main2[0], main2[1], main2[2])
    rgb_tail1 = sRGBColor(tail1[0], tail1[1], tail1[2])
    rgb_tail2 = sRGBColor(tail2[0], tail2[1], tail2[2])

    lab_main1 = convert_color(rgb_main1, LabColor)
    lab_main2 = convert_color(rgb_main2, LabColor)
    lab_tail1 = convert_color(rgb_tail1, LabColor)
    lab_tail2 = convert_color(rgb_tail2, LabColor)

    main_deltae = delta_e_cie2000(lab_main1, lab_main2)
    tail_deltae = delta_e_cie2000(lab_tail1, lab_tail2)
    pair_deltae = numpy.array([main_deltae,  tail_deltae])
    return numpy.average(pair_deltae, weights=[main_weight, tail_weight])
Пример #32
 def color_difference(coll1, coll2):
     # First color
     col1 = hex2color(coll1)
     color1_rgb = sRGBColor(col1[0], col1[1], col1[2])
     # Second color
     col2 = hex2color(coll2)
     color2_rgb = sRGBColor(col2[0], col2[1], col2[2])
     # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
     color1_lab = convert_color(color1_rgb, LabColor)
     # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
     color2_lab = convert_color(color2_rgb, LabColor)
     # Find the color difference
     delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
     #print "The difference between the 2 color = ", delta_e
     return delta_e
Пример #33
def find_closest_color(color, colors_to_check):
    # create Color object from site color and convert to lab color for comparison
    r, g, b = (x / 255.0 for x in color)
    site_color_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(r, g, b), LabColor)
    last_delta_e = 999
    match_color = None
    for c, val in colors_to_check.items():
        r, g, b = (x / 255.0 for x in val)
        check_color_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(
            r, g, b), LabColor)  # convert to lab color for comparison
        delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(site_color_lab, check_color_lab)
        if delta_e < last_delta_e:  # use this check to find the closest match
            match_color = c
            last_delta_e = delta_e
    return match_color, last_delta_e
Пример #34
def color_similarity(cl1, cl2):
    cl1 = np.array(cl1)
    cl2 = np.array(cl2)
    cl1 = cl1 / 255.
    cl2 = cl2 / 255.
    color1 = sRGBColor(cl1[0], cl1[1], cl1[2])
    color2 = sRGBColor(cl2[0], cl2[1], cl2[2])

    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color1_lab = convert_color(color1, LabColor)
    # Convert from RGB to Lab Color Space
    color2_lab = convert_color(color2, LabColor)

    # Find the color difference
    return delta_e_cie2000(color1_lab, color2_lab)
Пример #35
    def recolor(self):
        from_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.from_color), LabColor)
        from_hsv = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.from_color), HSVColor)
        self._to_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.to_color), LabColor)
        range_ = self.range
        from_r, from_g, from_b = self.from_color
        to_r, to_g, to_b = self.to_color

        width, height = self.image.width, self.image.height
        pixel_count = width * height
        source_pixels = numpy.asarray(self.image)

        result_image ='RGB', (width, height), "black")
        target_pixels = result_image.load()

        pixels_done = 0
        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                r, g, b = source_pixels[j, i]
                hsv_pixel = convert_color(sRGBColor(r, g, b), HSVColor)
                distance = barkovsky_distance_3000(hsv_pixel, from_hsv)

                #distance = delta_e_cie2000(lab_pixel, from_lab)

                # distance = math.sqrt(
                #     (r - from_r) ** 2 +
                #     (g - from_g) ** 2 +
                #     (b - from_b) ** 2
                # )

                pixels_done += 1
                if pixels_done % 10000 == 0:
                    print('%d%%' % (pixels_done / pixel_count * 100))

                if distance > range_:
                    target_pixels[i, j] = (r, g, b)

                r_diff = r - from_r
                g_diff = g - from_g
                b_diff = b - from_b

                r_new = cap_number(to_r + r_diff, 0, 255)
                g_new = cap_number(to_g + g_diff, 0, 255)
                b_new = cap_number(to_b + b_diff, 0, 255)
                target_pixels[i, j] = (int(r_new), int(g_new), int(b_new))

Пример #36
def color_func(x, y, main_colors):
    #convert colors the Lab Color, x rectangle, y color
    c1 = (convert_color(sRGBColor(x.r / 255.0, x.g / 255.0, x.b / 255.0), LabColor))
    c2 = (convert_color(sRGBColor(y.r / 255.0, y.g / 255.0, y.b / 255.0), LabColor))

    #find the main color category of the rectangle
    color_cat = y.category
    rect_cat = find_color_cat(x, main_colors)

    diff = (abs(delta_e_cie2000(c1, c2)))
    if( !=

        #based on the different color categories, set different rules for each color
        # increase difference if color categories are blue and purple or gold and limegreen
        if(( == "purple" and == "blue") or
               ( == "blue" and == "purple")):
            diff *= 100
        if(( == "gold" and == "limegreen") or
               ( == "limegreen" and == "gold")):
            diff = 1000

        #these colors should never be grouped together
        if(( == "gold" and == "blue") or
               ( == "blue" and == "gold")):
            diff = 1000
        if(( == "purple" and == "brown") or
               ( == "brown" and == "purple")):
            diff = 1000
        if(( == "green" and == "red") or
               ( == "red" and == "green")):
            diff = 1000
        if(( == "green" and == "brown") or
               ( == "brown" and == "green")):
            diff *= 80

    #decrease the difference if one category is hotpink and the other is purple
    if(( == "purple" and == "hotpink") or
               ( == "hotpink" and == "purple")):
            diff = diff/15

    #decrease the difference if the two colors are in the same color category or share a border color
    if(y.border_col[0] == or y.border_col[1] ==
        if( ==
            diff = diff/40
            diff = (diff)/(40)
    return diff
Пример #37
    def tint_key(self,
                 key_img):  #a image of the key, and a hex color code string
        alpha = key_img.split()[3]
        key_img = ImageCms.applyTransform(key_img, rgb2lab_transform)
        l, a, b = key_img.split()
        rgb_color = sRGBColor(*ImageColor.getrgb(self.color), is_upscaled=True)
        lab_color = convert_color(rgb_color, LabColor)

        l1, a1, b1 = lab_color.get_value_tuple()
        l1 = int(l1 * 256 / 100)
        a1 = int(
            a1 + 128
        )  #a1 should be scaled by 128/100, but desaturation looks more natural
        b1 = int(b1 + 128)
        l = ImageMath.eval('l + l1 - l2', l=l, l2=self.base_color,
        a = ImageMath.eval('a - a + a1', a=a, a1=a1).convert('L')
        b = ImageMath.eval('b - b + b1', b=b, b1=b1).convert('L')

        key_img = Image.merge('LAB', (l, a, b))
        key_img = ImageCms.applyTransform(key_img, lab2rgb_transform)
        elements = key_img.split()
        temp = (elements[0], elements[1], elements[2], alpha)
        key_img = Image.merge('RGBA', temp)
        return key_img
Пример #38
 def hex_colors(start, amount, saturation, luminosity):
     k = 360/amount
     ans = ((luminosity, saturation, start + i*k) for i in range(amount))
     ans = (cspace_convert(color, cie_string, "sRGB1") for color in ans)
     ans = (color.tolist() for color in ans)
     ans = (sRGBColor(*color) for color in ans)
     return to_hex_rgb(ans)
Пример #39
def randomize(rgb, labDistance):
    rgbColor = sRGBColor(rgb[0] / 255.0, rgb[1] / 255.0, rgb[2] / 255.0)
    randomDistance = random.random() * (labDistance * 2) - labDistance

    labColor = convert_color(rgbColor, LabColor)
    labColor2 = copy.deepcopy(labColor)
    signum = (random.choice([-1.0, 1.0]), random.choice([-1.0, 1.0]),
              random.choice([-1.0, 1.0]))
    while (delta_e_cie2000(labColor, labColor2) < randomDistance):
        current = random.randint(0, 2)
        if current == 0:
            labColor2.lab_l = labColor2.lab_l + signum[
                current] * labColor2.lab_l / 100.0 * 5.0
        elif current == 2:
            labColor2.lab_a = labColor2.lab_a + signum[
                current] * labColor2.lab_a / 100.0 * 5.0
        elif current == 2:
            labColor2.lab_b = labColor2.lab_b + signum[
                current] * labColor2.lab_b / 100.0 * 5.0
    rgbModified = convert_color(labColor2, sRGBColor)
    return tuple(
        map(int, [
            rgbModified.rgb_r * 255, rgbModified.rgb_g * 255,
            rgbModified.rgb_b * 255
Пример #40
def optimize_colormap(name):
    # optimize lightness to the desired value
    import as cm
    from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
    from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor
    from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
    cmap = cm.get_cmap(name)
    values = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 256))[:, :3]
    lab_colors = []
    for rgb in values:
        lab_colors.append(convert_color(sRGBColor(*rgb), target_cs=LabColor))

    target_lightness = np.ones(256) * np.mean([_i.lab_l for _i in lab_colors])
    for color, lightness in zip(lab_colors, target_lightness):
        color.lab_l = lightness

    # Go back to rbg.
    rgb_colors = [convert_color(_i, target_cs=sRGBColor) for _i in lab_colors]
    # Clamp values as colorspace of LAB is larger then sRGB.
    rgb_colors = [(_i.clamped_rgb_r,
                   _i.clamped_rgb_b) for _i in rgb_colors]
    cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name=name + "_optimized",
    return cmap
Пример #41
def get_lab(name, rgb):
	rgb = sRGBColor(
		int(rgb[:2], 16), int(rgb[2:4], 16), int(rgb[4:6], 16),
	lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
	return name, lab
Пример #42
def cluster_multiple_images(images, k_clusters=10):
    Clusters an image into k cluster points. Then, converts each
    color point from RGB to LAB color format.

        images: An array of open PIL image
        k_clusters: Number of clusters to produce. Defaulted to 10.
        cluster_list: A list containing elements in the following format:
                        [(name), (array of colors)]
    Replaced vq with sklearn
    fullarr = scipy.misc.fromimage(images[0])
    shape = fullarr.shape
    fullarr = fullarr.reshape(scipy.product(shape[:2]), shape[2])
    # print('fullarr', fullarr.shape)
    for im in images[1:]:
        arr = scipy.misc.fromimage(im)
        shape = arr.shape
        if len(shape) > 2:
            arr = arr.reshape(scipy.product(shape[:2]), shape[2])
            # print(arr.shape)
            fullarr = numpy.concatenate((fullarr, arr), axis=0)
            # print('fullarr',fullarr.shape)
            print('Invalid image')
    rgblist = [sRGBColor(z[0] / 255, z[1] / 255, z[2] / 255) for z in fullarr]
    lablist = [convert_color(x, LabColor) for x in rgblist]
    lablist = numpy.array([[x.lab_l, x.lab_a, x.lab_b] for x in lablist])
    k_means_ex = KMeans(n_clusters=k_clusters)
    x = k_means_ex.fit_predict(lablist)
    codes = k_means_ex.cluster_centers_
    labels = k_means_ex.labels_
    return codes, labels
Пример #43
def _rgb_to_lab(rgb):
    orgb = sRGBColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
    orgb.is_upscaled = False
    r = convert_color(orgb, LabColor).get_value_tuple()
    if not np.all(np.isfinite(r)):
        raise ValueError('Found non finite values in input rgb tuple {} '.format(rgb))
    return r
Пример #44
def open_base_img(full_profile, res, base_color, color):
    # get base image according to profile and perceptual gray of key color
    base_num = str([0xE0, 0xB0, 0x80, 0x50, 0x20].index(base_color) + 1)

    # open image and convert to Lab
                                                   base_num)) as img:
        key_img = img.resize((int(s * res / 200) for s in img.size),
    if full_profile[1] in ('ISO', 'BIGENTER'): alpha = key_img.split()[-1]
    l, a, b = ImageCms.applyTransform(key_img, rgb2lab_transform).split()

    # convert key color to Lab
    # a and b should be scaled by 128/100, but desaturation looks more natural
    rgb_color = color_objects.sRGBColor(*ImageColor.getrgb(color),
    lab_color = color_conversions.convert_color(rgb_color,
    l1, a1, b1 = lab_color.get_value_tuple()
    l1, a1, b1 = int(l1 * 256 / 100), int(a1 + 128), int(b1 + 128)

    # change Lab of base image to match that of key color
    l = ImageMath.eval('convert(l + l1 - l_avg, "L")',
    a = ImageMath.eval('convert(a + a1 - a, "L")', a=a, a1=a1)
    b = ImageMath.eval('convert(b + b1 - b, "L")', b=b, b1=b1)

    key_img = ImageCms.applyTransform(Image.merge('LAB', (l, a, b)),
    if full_profile[1] in ('ISO', 'BIGENTER'): key_img.putalpha(alpha)
    return key_img
Пример #45
def cluster_image(image, k_clusters=5):
    Clusters an image into k cluster points. Then, converts each
    color point from RGB to LAB color format.

        image: An open PIL image
        k_clusters: Number of clusters to produce. Defaulted to 10.
        cluster_list: A list containing elements in the following format:
                        [(name), (array of colors)]
    Replaced vq with sklearn
    arr = scipy.misc.fromimage(image)
    shape = arr.shape
    if len(shape) > 2:
        arr = arr.reshape(scipy.product(shape[:2]), shape[2])
        rgblist = [sRGBColor(z[0] / 255, z[1] / 255, z[2] / 255) for z in arr]
        lablist = [convert_color(x, LabColor) for x in rgblist]
        lablist = numpy.array([[x.lab_l, x.lab_a, x.lab_b] for x in lablist])

        # codes, dist = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(lablist, k_clusters, iter=20)
        # print('LEN clusters', len(codes))
        return cluster_array(k_clusters, lablist)
        print('Invalid image')
        return [], []
Пример #46
def createcolors(min_colors, max_colors):
    """Creates some random colors and saves them to the DB."""

    from colorsearchtest.database import db
    from colorsearchtest.models import Color

    from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
    from colormath.color_objects import sRGBColor, LabColor

    # Based on:

    import randomcolor
    import random

    rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor()

    rand = random.Random()
    rand_int = lambda: rand.randint(min_colors, max_colors)

    i = rand_int()
    colors = rand_color.generate(count=i, format_='rgbArray')

    for x in colors:
        c_rgb = sRGBColor(rgb_r=x[0], rgb_g=x[1], rgb_b=x[2],
        c_lab = convert_color(c_rgb, LabColor)

        c = Color(rgb_r=x[0], rgb_g=x[1], rgb_b=x[2],
                  lab_l=c_lab.lab_l, lab_a=c_lab.lab_a, lab_b=c_lab.lab_b)


    return i
Пример #47
def srgbc(rgbv):
    # New Color object with Standard RGB format
    rgbv = rgbv.replace('#', '')
    return sRGBColor(float(int(rgbv[0:2], 16)),
                     float(int(rgbv[2:4], 16)),
                     float(int(rgbv[4:6], 16)),
Пример #48
def ipt_jch(start, amount, saturation, luminosity):
    # Generate colors
    k = 360/amount
    colors = [(luminosity, saturation, start + i*k) for i in range(amount)]

    # From lch to IPT
    ans = ((l/100, c/100*cos(radians(h)), c/100*sin(radians(h)))
           for l, c, h in colors)

    # From IPT to XYZ1
    ans = (convert_color(IPTColor(i, p, t), XYZColor, target_illuminant="d65")
           for i, p, t in ans)
    ipt_colors = (color.get_value_tuple() for color in ans)

    # From JCh to XYZ1
    ans = (cspace_convert(color, "JCh", "XYZ1") for color in colors)
    jch_colors = (color.tolist() for color in ans)

    # Compute average
    ans = (((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2 , (z1 + z2)/2)
           for (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)
           in zip(ipt_colors, jch_colors))

    # From XYZ1 to sRGB1
    ans = (cspace_convert(color, "XYZ1", "sRGB1") for color in ans)
    ans = ((color.tolist() for color in ans))
    ans = (sRGBColor(*color) for color in ans)

    return to_hex_rgb(ans)
Пример #49
    def __init__(self, palette: str="palette.bin", distinguishing: float=5.0):
        """ Constructor.

        :param palette:
        :param distinguishing:
        self.distinguish = distinguishing
        self.colorList = []
        self.labColorList = []
        self.lBound, self.uBound = 0.0, 0.0

        persistence =
        _colorList = persistence['data']

        for colorTuple in _colorList:
            color = sRGBColor(colorTuple[0], colorTuple[1], colorTuple[2])
            self.labColorList.append(convert_color(color, LabColor))


        self.colorsCount = len(self.colorList)

        for i in range(self.colorsCount):
            for j in range(i, self.colorsCount):
                distance = delta_e_cmc(self.labColorList[i], self.labColorList[j])
                self.lBound = min(self.lBound, distance)
                self.uBound = max(self.uBound, distance)
Пример #50
 def to_Lab(color):
     from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor
     from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
     return convert_color(
         sRGBColor(*color, is_upscaled=True),
Пример #51
def worker(gridwork):
    ret = []

    predefinedcolors = False
    if len(gridwork.beadlist):
        predefinedcolors = True

    ravg, gavg, bavg = 0, 0, 0
    blockpixels = gridwork.xgrid*gridwork.ygrid
    for y in range(0,gridwork.ygrid):
        for x in range(0,gridwork.xgrid):
            travg, tgavg, tbavg = gridwork.region[offset]

    nr, ng, nb = (ravg/blockpixels), (gavg/blockpixels), (bavg/blockpixels)
    if predefinedcolors:
        index = gridwork.beadlist.keys()[0]
        if gridwork.fastcolor:
            closest = colordistance((nr, ng, nb), (gridwork.beadlist[index][0], gridwork.beadlist[index][1], gridwork.beadlist[index][2]))
            rgblab = convert_color(sRGBColor( nr, ng, nb), LabColor)
            closest = delta_e_cie2000(rgblab, convert_color(sRGBColor( gridwork.beadlist[index][0], gridwork.beadlist[index][1], gridwork.beadlist[index][2] ), LabColor))

        for key in gridwork.beadlist:
            hr = gridwork.beadlist[key][0]
            hg = gridwork.beadlist[key][1]
            hb = gridwork.beadlist[key][2]

            if fastcolor:
                delta = colordistance((nr, ng, nb), (hr, hg, hb))
                beadlab = convert_color(sRGBColor( hr, hg, hb ), LabColor)
                delta = delta_e_cie2000(rgblab, beadlab)

            if delta < closest:
                index = key
                closest = delta

        nr, ng, nb = gridwork.beadlist[index][0], gridwork.beadlist[index][1], gridwork.beadlist[index][2]

    gridwork.color = (nr, ng, nb)
    return ret
Пример #52
	def __init__(self, data = None, color1 = None, color2 = None):
		self.color1, self.color2 = color1, color2
		if data is None or color1 == color2:
			self.__data = [0 for _ in xrange(0, 64)]

		assert len(data) == 64
		self.__data = []
		lab1 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*color1[1], is_upscaled = True), LabColor)
		lab2 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*color2[1], is_upscaled = True), LabColor)
		for rgb in data:
			rgb = sRGBColor(*rgb, is_upscaled = True)
			lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
			d1 = delta_e_cmc(lab, lab1, 1, 1)
			d2 = delta_e_cmc(lab, lab2, 1, 1)
			self.__data.append(d1 / (d1 + d2))
		assert len(self.__data) == 64
def add_lab_field():
    global colors
    for c in colors:
        rgb = sRGBColor(c['rgb'][0], c['rgb'][1], c['rgb'][2], True)
        lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
        c['lab'] = lab.get_value_tuple();
def getClosestColorNameByRGB(red, green, blue, colorDictionary):

    minDistance = sys.maxint
    closestColor = ''
    color = sRGBColor(red, green, blue)
    lab1 = convert_color(color, LabColor)

    for colorName in colorDictionary:

        dictionaryColor = sRGBColor(colorDictionary[colorName][0], colorDictionary[colorName][1], colorDictionary[colorName][2])
        lab2 = convert_color(dictionaryColor, LabColor)
        distance = delta_e_cie2000(lab1, lab2)
        if distance < minDistance:
            minDistance = distance
            closestColor = colorName

    print minDistance
    return closestColor
    def test_conversion_to_rgb_zero_div(self):
        The formula I grabbed for LCHuv to XYZ had a zero division error in it
        if the L coord was 0. Also check against LCHab in case.

        lchab = LCHabColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        rgb = convert_color(lchab, sRGBColor)
        self.assertColorMatch(rgb, sRGBColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Пример #56
def getColorsFromImg(infile, outfile="tmp.jpg", numcolors=8, swatchsize=20, resize=150):
        image =
        return []
    image = image.resize((resize, resize))
    result = image.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=numcolors)
    colors = result.getcolors(resize*resize)
    xyColorList = []
    totalCount = 0
    for c in colors:
        totalCount = totalCount + c[0]
    print "total count %d" % (totalCount)
    for c in colors:
        print c
        r = c[1][0]
        g = c[1][1]
        b = c[1][2]
        occPercent = (float(c[0])/float(totalCount))*100
        if occPercent > 20:
            occPercent = 12
        s = "R = %d G = %d B = %d occ = %d" % (r, g, b, occPercent)
        print s
        rgbColor = sRGBColor(r, g, b, is_upscaled=True)
#        print rgbColor
        xyzColor = convert_color(rgbColor, XYZColor)
#        print xyzColor
        totalXYZ = (xyzColor.get_value_tuple()[0] + xyzColor.get_value_tuple()[1] + 

        if totalXYZ == 0:

        x = xyzColor.get_value_tuple()[0] / totalXYZ
        y = xyzColor.get_value_tuple()[1] / totalXYZ
        xyColor_string="[%1.3f, %1.3f]" % (x, y)

        for i in range(0, int(occPercent)):
    # pal ='RGB', (swatchsize*numcolors, swatchsize))
    # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pal)
    # posx = 0
    # for count, col in colors:
    #     draw.rectangle([posx, 0, posx+swatchsize, swatchsize], fill=col)
    #     posx = posx + swatchsize
    # del draw
    #, "PNG")
    return xyColorList
Пример #57
def build_color_map(tile_dir):
    color_map = {}
    for filename in os.listdir(tile_dir):
        _file = tile_dir + '/' + filename
        primary = colorz(_file, n=1)
        for m in primary:
            c = sRGBColor(*m[0], is_upscaled=True)
            lab_c = convert_color(c, LabColor)
            color_map[_file] = lab_c
    return color_map
Пример #58
    def refresh(self):
        full_data = self.request('GET',
        tds = full_data.find_all('td', attrs={"bgcolor": re.compile(r".*")})

        raw_data = {}
        known_names = []
        for td in tds:
            table = td.find_parent('table')
            name = table.find("font").text
            color = self.hex_to_rgb(td['bgcolor'])

            # remove excess whitespace
            name = re.sub(re.compile(r"\s+"), " ", name.strip())
            if 'PMS' not in name and 'Pantone' not in name:
                name = 'Pantone ' + name
            raw_data[name] = color

            if not name.startswith('PMS'):
        # Add white
        raw_data['White'] = (255, 255, 255)

        # Find distance between colors and find better names for unnamed
        # colors in the table.
        data = {}
        for name, color in raw_data.items():
            rgb = sRGBColor(*color)
            lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor, target_illuminant='D65')
            min_diff = float("inf")
            min_name = ""
            for known_name in known_names:
                known_color = raw_data[known_name]
                known_rgb = sRGBColor(*known_color)
                known_lab = convert_color(known_rgb, LabColor,
                diff = delta_e_cie2000(lab, known_lab)
                if min_diff > diff:
                    min_diff = diff
                    min_name = known_name
            data['{0} ({1})'.format(name, min_name)] = color
        return data
Пример #59
def RgbToLab(rgb_color):
    """Returns a tuple of LabColor pairs for a given RGB color.

  The provided RGB color should either be a tuple (red, green, blue) or a hex
  string of 3 or 6 characters (with optional preceeding octothorpe)
    if isinstance(rgb_color, basestring):
        rgb_color = HexToRgb(rgb_color)
    rgb_color = color_objects.sRGBColor(*rgb_color)
    return convert_color(rgb_color, color_objects.LabColor).get_value_tuple()
Пример #60
def compare_colors(centroids):
    from colormath.color_objects import sRGBColor, LabColor
    from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
    from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie2000

    global n_colors
    colors = list()

    for i in range(len(centroids)):
        [r, g, b] = centroids[i]
        print int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255), convert_color(sRGBColor(r, g, b), LabColor)
        colors.append(convert_color(sRGBColor(r, g, b), LabColor))

    for i in range(len(colors)):
        for j in range(len(colors)):
            deltaE = delta_e_cie2000(colors[i], colors[j])
            output = '%.4f\t' % deltaE