Пример #1
def error_message(description, summary):
	""" Print a pretty error message. """
	from colorplus import coutput, bright
		lpad('$label $description', count=1),
		lpad_lines(break_up_lines(summary,81), count=1),
		label=bright('Error:', 'red'),
		description=bright(description, 'white'),
Пример #2
def extract_header(filepath):
	""" Called from our call to walk_files. It extract just the preprocessor crap and saves it into a file in
	    our project's include folder. """
	incfile = os.path.basename(filepath)
	log(bright('    Processing', 'white'), incfile + '..')
	content = extract_preprocessor(read_text(filepath))
	outpath = env.root_file('include', incfile)
	write_lines(env.root_file('include', 'python', incfile), remove_blanks(split_lines_rtrim(content)))
	return outpath
Пример #3
def extract_typedecls(source):
		Extract type definitions from the remaining source.

		NOTE: This function will be written into the existing state machine that
		handles extracting the preprocessor crap.
	typedecls = ['typedef', 'union', 'struct']
	src_template = """
#pragma once

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

# if defined (_WIN64)
	typedef __int64 ssize_t;
#elif defined (_WIN32)
	typedef int ssize_t;


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _DYNPYTHON_TYPES_H_ */
	# Our filter function.
	def is_typedecl(line):
		for t in typedecls:
			if line.startswith(t):
				return True
		return False
	log(bright('Build:', 'green'), bright('Processing type declarations..\n','white'))
	lines = src_template % { 'decls' : '\n'.join(filter(is_typedecl, split_lines_clean(source))) }
	write_text(env.root_file('include', 'dynpython_types.h'), lines)
Пример #4
def extract_exports(tabbase, source, arch):
	""" Extract our exported items from our preprocessed source code.
	    The tabbase argument specifies the resulting filename to write
	    our generated code to. (src/tabbase.c and include/tabbase.h)
	    Afterwards, we'll return the source code, with all the export
	    declarations removed. """
	# A collection of indexes to remove from the source
	removal_queue = []

	# Get our python DLL exports.
	dllname = 'python27.%s.dll' % arch
	log(bright('Build:', 'green'), bright('Processing','white'), dllname, bright('exports..\n', 'white'))
	exports = get_dllexports(dllname)

	# Generate the appropriate prototypes. We'll only keep stuff found exported from
	# our DLL
	log(bright('Build:', 'green'), bright('Processing export declarations..\n','white'))
	protos = filter(lambda p: p.name in exports, parse_declarations(source))

	# Generate our source files.
	macros = []
	entries = []
	for proto in protos:
		macro, entry = generate_tab(proto)
		if proto.valid_indexes: removal_queue.insert(0, [proto.start_index, proto.end_index])
	# Write the files.
	write_lines(env.root_file('src', tabbase+'.c'), entries)
	write_lines(env.root_file('include', tabbase+'.h'), macros)

	# Remove our declarations from the initial source code.
	buffer = filter(lambda c: ord(c) != 13, list(source))
	for removal in removal_queue:
		del buffer[removal[0]:removal[1]]
	return ''.join(buffer)
Пример #5
def main(tabbase):
	preprocessed = preprocess_sources('python.c')
	preprocessed = extract_exports(tabbase, preprocessed, 'x86')
	log(bright('Build:', 'green'), bright('Processing header files..','white'))
	walk_files(env.inc_dir, extract_header, lambda p: p.endswith('.h'))