Пример #1
    def test_XYZ_to_OSA_UCS(self):
        """Test :func:`colour.models.osa_ucs.XYZ_to_OSA_UCS` definition."""

                np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) * 100),
            np.array([-3.00499790, 2.99713697, -9.66784231]),

                np.array([0.14222010, 0.23042768, 0.10495772]) * 100),
            np.array([-1.64657491, 4.59201565, 5.31738757]),

                np.array([0.07818780, 0.06157201, 0.28099326]) * 100),
            np.array([-5.08589672, -7.91062749, 0.98107575]),
Пример #2
def XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, illuminant, model, **kwargs):
    Converts from *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to given colourspace model.

    XYZ : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values.
    illuminant : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values *illuminant* *xy* chromaticity
    model : unicode
        **{'CIE XYZ', 'CIE xyY', 'CIE xy', 'CIE Lab', 'CIE LCHab', 'CIE Luv',
        'CIE Luv uv', 'CIE LCHuv', 'CIE UCS', 'CIE UCS uv', 'CIE UVW',
        'DIN 99', 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab', 'IPT', 'JzAzBz, 'OSA UCS',
        'hdr-CIELAB', 'hdr-IPT'}**,
        Colourspace model to convert the *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to.

    Other Parameters
    \\**kwargs : dict, optional
        Keywords arguments.

        Colourspace model values.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
    >>> W = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE XYZ')
    array([ 0.2065400...,  0.1219722...,  0.0513695...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE xyY')
    array([ 0.5436955...,  0.3210794...,  0.1219722...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE xy')
    array([ 0.5436955...,  0.3210794...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Lab')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.5263858...,  0.2692317...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE LCHab')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.5912425...,  0.0752458...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Luv')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.9683626...,  0.1775210...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Luv uv')
    array([ 0.3772021...,  0.5012026...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE LCHuv')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.9844997...,  0.0288560...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE UCS uv')
    array([ 0.3772021...,  0.3341350...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE UVW')
    array([ 0.9455035...,  0.1155536...,  0.4054757...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'DIN 99')
    array([ 0.5322822...,  0.2841634...,  0.0389839...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'Hunter Lab')
    array([ 0.3492452...,  0.4703302...,  0.1439330...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'Hunter Rdab')
    array([ 0.1219722...,  0.5709032...,  0.1747109...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'IPT')
    array([ 0.3842619...,  0.3848730...,  0.1888683...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'JzAzBz')
    array([ 0.0053504...,  0.0092430...,  0.0052600...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'OSA UCS')
    array([-0.0300499...,  0.0299713..., -0.0966784...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'hdr-CIELAB')
    array([ 0.5187002...,  0.6047633...,  0.3214551...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'hdr-IPT')
    array([ 0.4839376...,  0.4244990...,  0.2201954...])

    with domain_range_scale(1):
        values = None
        if model == 'CIE XYZ':
            values = XYZ
        elif model == 'CIE xyY':
            values = XYZ_to_xyY(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE xy':
            values = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE Lab':
            values = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE LCHab':
            values = Lab_to_LCHab(XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'CIE Luv':
            values = XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE Luv uv':
            values = Luv_to_uv(XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant), illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE LCHuv':
            values = Luv_to_LCHuv(XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'CIE UCS':
            values = XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ)
        elif model == 'CIE UCS uv':
            values = UCS_to_uv(XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ))
        elif model == 'CIE UVW':
            values = XYZ_to_UVW(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'DIN 99':
            values = Lab_to_DIN99(XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'Hunter Lab':
            values = XYZ_to_Hunter_Lab(XYZ, xy_to_XYZ(illuminant))
        elif model == 'Hunter Rdab':
            values = XYZ_to_Hunter_Rdab(XYZ, xy_to_XYZ(illuminant))
        elif model == 'IPT':
            values = XYZ_to_IPT(XYZ)
        elif model == 'JzAzBz':
            values = XYZ_to_JzAzBz(XYZ)
        elif model == 'OSA UCS':
            values = XYZ_to_OSA_UCS(XYZ)
        elif model == 'hdr-CIELAB':
            values = XYZ_to_hdr_CIELab(XYZ, illuminant, **kwargs)
        elif model == 'hdr-IPT':
            values = XYZ_to_hdr_IPT(XYZ, **kwargs)

        if values is None:
            raise ValueError(
                '"{0}" not found in colourspace models: "{1}".'.format(
                    model, ', '.join(COLOURSPACE_MODELS)))

        return values
Пример #3
def XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, illuminant, model, **kwargs):
    Converts from *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to given colourspace model.

    XYZ : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values.
    illuminant : array_like
        Reference *illuminant* *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates or *CIE xyY*
        colourspace array.
    model : unicode
        **{'CIE XYZ', 'CIE xyY', 'CIE xy', 'CIE Lab', 'CIE LCHab', 'CIE Luv',
        'CIE Luv uv', 'CIE LCHuv', 'CIE UCS', 'CIE UCS uv', 'CIE UVW',
        'DIN 99', 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab', 'IPT', 'JzAzBz, 'OSA UCS',
        'hdr-CIELAB', 'hdr-IPT'}**,
        Colourspace model to convert the *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to.

    Other Parameters
    \\**kwargs : dict, optional
        Keywords arguments.

        Colourspace model values.

    This definition is is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    :func:`colour.convert` definition should be used instead.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
    >>> W = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE XYZ')
    array([ 0.2065400...,  0.1219722...,  0.0513695...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE xyY')
    array([ 0.5436955...,  0.3210794...,  0.1219722...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE xy')
    array([ 0.5436955...,  0.3210794...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Lab')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.5263858...,  0.2692317...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE LCHab')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.5912425...,  0.0752458...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Luv')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.9683626...,  0.1775210...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE Luv uv')
    array([ 0.3772021...,  0.5012026...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE LCHuv')
    array([ 0.4152787...,  0.9844997...,  0.0288560...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE UCS')
    array([ 0.1376933...,  0.1219722...,  0.1053731...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE UCS uv')
    array([ 0.3772021...,  0.3341350...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'CIE UVW')
    array([ 0.9455035...,  0.1155536...,  0.4054757...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'DIN 99')
    array([ 0.5322822...,  0.2841634...,  0.0389839...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'Hunter Lab')
    array([ 0.3492452...,  0.4703302...,  0.1439330...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'Hunter Rdab')
    array([ 0.1219722...,  0.5709032...,  0.1747109...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'IPT')
    array([ 0.3842619...,  0.3848730...,  0.1888683...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'JzAzBz')
    array([ 0.0053504...,  0.0092430...,  0.0052600...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'OSA UCS')
    array([-0.0300499...,  0.0299713..., -0.0966784...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'hdr-CIELAB')
    array([ 0.5187002...,  0.6047633...,  0.3214551...])
    >>> XYZ_to_colourspace_model(  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ... XYZ, W, 'hdr-IPT')
    array([ 0.4839376...,  0.4244990...,  0.2201954...])
    >>> try:
    ...     XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, W, 'Undefined')
    ... except ValueError as error:
    ...     print(error)
    "Undefined" not found in colourspace models: "CIE XYZ, CIE xyY, CIE Lab, \
DIN 99, Hunter Lab, Hunter Rdab, IPT, JzAzBz, OSA UCS, hdr-CIELAB, hdr-IPT".

    from colour.models import (
        Lab_to_DIN99, Lab_to_LCHab, Luv_to_LCHuv, Luv_to_uv, UCS_to_uv,
        XYZ_to_IPT, XYZ_to_Hunter_Lab, XYZ_to_Hunter_Rdab, XYZ_to_Lab,
        XYZ_to_Luv, XYZ_to_OSA_UCS, XYZ_to_UCS, XYZ_to_UVW, XYZ_to_hdr_CIELab,
        XYZ_to_hdr_IPT, XYZ_to_JzAzBz, XYZ_to_xy, XYZ_to_xyY, xy_to_XYZ)

    with domain_range_scale(1):
        values = None
        if model == 'CIE XYZ':
            values = XYZ
        elif model == 'CIE xyY':
            values = XYZ_to_xyY(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE xy':
            values = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE Lab':
            values = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE LCHab':
            values = Lab_to_LCHab(XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'CIE Luv':
            values = XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE Luv uv':
            values = Luv_to_uv(XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant), illuminant)
        elif model == 'CIE LCHuv':
            values = Luv_to_LCHuv(XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'CIE UCS':
            values = XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ)
        elif model == 'CIE UCS uv':
            values = UCS_to_uv(XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ))
        elif model == 'CIE UVW':
            values = XYZ_to_UVW(XYZ, illuminant)
        elif model == 'DIN 99':
            values = Lab_to_DIN99(XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, illuminant))
        elif model == 'Hunter Lab':
            values = XYZ_to_Hunter_Lab(XYZ, xy_to_XYZ(illuminant))
        elif model == 'Hunter Rdab':
            values = XYZ_to_Hunter_Rdab(XYZ, xy_to_XYZ(illuminant))
        elif model == 'IPT':
            values = XYZ_to_IPT(XYZ)
        elif model == 'JzAzBz':
            values = XYZ_to_JzAzBz(XYZ)
        elif model == 'OSA UCS':
            values = XYZ_to_OSA_UCS(XYZ)
        elif model == 'hdr-CIELAB':
            values = XYZ_to_hdr_CIELab(XYZ, illuminant, **kwargs)
        elif model == 'hdr-IPT':
            values = XYZ_to_hdr_IPT(XYZ, **kwargs)

        if values is None:
            raise ValueError(
                '"{0}" not found in colourspace models: "{1}".'.format(
                    model, ', '.join(COLOURSPACE_MODELS)))

        return values